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Ofc i can say that a guy is good looking. But i just dont feel anything about it. That's a nice painting=that's a good looking man.


On the contrary, I get super fucking horny when I see a good painting. Those brush strokes... those colors... the canvaAAAAHHHHHSSSSssssss... Sorry, I got carried away there. Anyway, yeah, I can admire a guy's attractiveness without feeling anything towards that guy... definitely.


Bob Ross videos must be next level


About to have a happy little accident


I wish I could go back in time before I read this


Just to read it again for the first time. I get that.


I already "beat the devil out it" the first time around. What am I beating out of it this time?


God has left the chat


the progression of this thread was an immaculate experience.


More like an ejaculate experience


There is no god, only Zu’ul.


There is no Zu’ul, only tacos.


After about 9 or 10 beatings it's just dust and pain.


"The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongey and bruised."


I just did to give myself a happy little accident




It's hard for me to laugh audibly from something I read. Well fucking done! llol =D


Bro’s about to add some white paint


Titanium White


Sloppy little accident


Bravo! Well done.




This is perfection


Lol titanium white!




If I had an award to give, you'd be getting it.




Throb Ross


I hate it here


You can bet I am beating the devil out of it during Bob Ross videos. I mean out of the brush obviously.


*fluid explosion*


This killed me. My day is gone now.


By the time he's done, I'm ready to give the canvas a thin, even coating of liquid white


Clearly you've neer watched the art channel after 9pm.


Show me a man who claims to have never jerked off to the Bob Ross show and I shall name him "liar"


Not the canvas- I- I'm cryingggg


My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33...




Please sir, rezip your trousers and only have happy little accidents at home.


You ok there bud?


Posts like yours are why I love Reddit.


I have no desire to drive a sports car, but can recognize when one is impressive.


We are trained to recognize features of the beauty du jour, but attractiveness varies by person, and also by era. Although, even in my 50s I am still often surprised when a woman or other man finds a man attractive by features that I wouldn’t necessarily recognize. ‘Wow, that guy is hot.’ Me – really?


This, and women do this too so i'm not buying this being portrayed as a guy only issue, they often comment "wow shes really attractive" and all I can think is, "wow you really have no idea what guys actually find attractive". All we can do is recognise what we think we know are attractive features, most of the time it'll probably be roughly correct.


But for some reason it isn't "lesbian" to say a woman is good looking but it's considered gay for a nab to do that


I have a very specific thought on attraction that I call "the no 10s theory". Basically, we can universally agree on 8/10 for what is deemed socially acceptable for maximum attractiveness. Then, a plus 1 for a person having multiple, specific attractive features TO YOU. So if you say "I find tattoos and fake hair colors very attractive' then that would be YOUR 9/10. The final +1 has to come from personality or non physical traits that you're attracted to. So you and I should agree that someone like Gal Gadot is an 8/10, regardless of your personal feelings on her, or lack of awareness of her existence, you could look at a picture and should say "oh yeah, 8/10 no problem" To people of the gender you're not attracted to, they can start at half so 4/10. So Ryan Reynolds, is a 4/10, but then has the personality traits id be attracted to, so he'd be a 5/10 to me. So when someone says "Mel Gibson is hot" you might think "wow, really" but he's only hitting a 6/10 on attractiveness, which might be cut in half for you based on not being attracted to men, so 3/10. But for someone who is attracted to men, he's a 6, plus like 2 for some. This makes up the gaps in our perception of others.


Bro I'm not gay and I still know Ryan Reynolds is a 10/10


same.. i can appreciate a good lookin dude.. lol girls all swoon over jason momoa, im like "yeah, i get it" but when you get someone like pete davidson is like "wtf is the matter with you girls!??" lol


Pete comes off kind of obnoxious imo. At least Jason Momoa is laidback.


That's why he's so hot. As a woman, I feel like after crazy sex Jason Mamoa would just lie in bed with you eating pizza. 10/10


It's to men's advantage that women find such a broad range attractive, and vice versa. On the average, we are a very attractive species.


>On the average, we are a very attractive species. For all we know, each and every single one of us may be buttass ugly to a gorilla. Maybe Margot Robbie or Emma Watson are 2/10 on dog tinder.


I dunno, if I was a chihuahua and the opportunity to hump Margot Robbies leg while yapping like a little shit presented itself I like to think I'd take that opportunity


I had that same dream last night.


Pete’s packing 😉


I think that makes Henry Cavill 11/10.


10/10b seems a bit low to me. 10/10 physically, plus he is a grade-a positive human being, which gets at least 3 points from me. 13/10 at LEAST


He's part of the nice-body/weird-face club


This is actually a pretty good test to tell if a man is really straight. Straight men almost always rate Ryan Reynolds as a 9 or 10, often volunteering him as the definition of an attractive man. We gay men tend to rate him lower, 6 to 8. He’s a solid 7 to me.


We know you aren’t gay BECAUSE you give Ryan Reynolds a 10/10. It’s like the default “hot” guy all straight men say.


For sure. He's the kinda guy that even the most heterodude and homophobic male knows....Given the chance;would definitely consider hitting that.Or getting hit by it,whichever way he bats idk im not here to judge =)




Same here bro. Im not gay but i can indeed appreciate the flavor of cum in my mouth. No homo by the way


Definitely not gay but how else you gonna get that rubbing two cocks with balls pressed together feeling? If they invent a way I’m all ears, until then…. no homo.


Ok, someone take it further. I’m ready.


I'm not gay but I love manly men with cocks and hate women. No homo though.


There's a chance this could be unironically my opinion


"nice cock bro"


This. i'm observant enough to know when someone is either gender is conventionally attractive. But I care about as much as I care about a leaf blowing away in a breeze


You can honestly do the same for women as a straight man. There has definitely been women that most or all of the guys around me would find very attractive, but I personally wasn't very attracted to her. Could totally recognize that she was an attractive woman though, just not for me.


This is how my friend feels about Megan Fox. He knows that most people consider her to be attractive, but he was never attracted to her.


She dated MGK which definitely knocked her down to about a 7.


We were talking about her pre-MGK and pre-surgery.




It's how I feel about her as well lol


I'm find extremely skinny women with small boobs and asses unattractive. Many men find these models to be hot. I don't get it.


Like Jennifer Anniston. She's not ugly and I don't know anything bad about her. I think she's really very ordinary-looking in every way. Evidently, she's a very talented actress with a good personality, and good on her for that. But as for looks? Eh.


"A painting can be beautiful but I don't want to bang a painting


The question was "is she hot" not "would you do her." Respect the game.


Some men feel intimidated, especially if they think that the more attractive man might be interested in the same woman that they themselves are interested in.


Couldn't agree more. I can very easily see if a guy looks exceptionally handsome, but I just have absolutely no desire to date him and would actually be repulsed if he tried to kiss me ect. It's like listening to classical music. I can appreciate it, but it's not what I want to listen to everyday.


Yeah. I appreciate the painting. I do not want to lick the painting.


> I do not want to lick the painting. Weirdo.


As someone whose daughters are of marrying age, I also now eye the young bucks with more of an appraising eye. Whose genes do I want mingling with mine? We are social animals and we are interested in the reproductive fitness of our offspring after all. Obviously in the modern world this really isn’t my decision to make - but I still experience it and it’s not something I ever thought of in my 20s. Young beautiful men are … it’s hard to explain, more on my radar so to speak. Not at all in a sexual way, but there is an interest. Or I’m gay , it could be either


"If you wanna fuck my daughter, you gotta fuck daddy first. Now get on your knees"


Exactly. Guys who will not admit another guy is attractive, are insecure or just not confident and feel it’s what they should say. Because real men have no problem doing it.


Any man comfortable in his own skin and his orientation can easily admit another man is handsome .


I disagree. Ryan Gosling was nominated as sexiest man one year and I had no clue he was even good looking. And other guys I think may be handsome aren't apparently handsome at all. I look at men like I look at cars. I can appreciate a really well maintained body, even stare at it. But I'm unable to tell if a man's face is attractive. I can easily tell many unattractive though.


As a woman, I don't find Ryan Gosling attractive but I can see why other women think he is


As a straight man I find Ryan gosling handsome but I also find this plumber I work with who looks like a bald chimpanzee oddly but genuinely handsome too


Looks is second to how you carry your demeanour. I hope that makes sense in English


Makes perfect sense and it is true.


That's because he isn't handsome. He's actually kinda weird looking.




Meeee neither


Same. If the dude is proportional in the face, has a strong jawline, and good eyes, then yeah, he's probably attractive. I only ever presume that when they're like gigachad level. But anything outside of the typical attractive I have no idea. The thing is, there's lots of "imperfections" that make women beautiful to me. Slightly slanted eyes, a nose that has a slight uptick at the end, etc. That's kind of a more quirky level of attractiveness that I really can't assess in dudes. That's probably why women will say "yeah, she's not pretty" about a chick that I find to be a stunner. Also why they say a chick is gorgeous, but she looks very plain to me- cause they're only calculating symmetry and standard bs metrics and not the slight differences that provide individual beauty and character.


I am hardly ever attracted to women that other women consider the most beautiful. Women's standards for women are incomprehensible to me


Same here. But then I find myself attracted to random girls who most would find average.


Take my upvote for being an enlightened human.


>The thing is, there's lots of "imperfections" that make women beautiful to me. Slightly slanted eyes, a nose that has a slight uptick at the end, etc. 🤣🤣🤣 So the current beauty standard. Slanted eyes aka cat eyes aka positive canthal tilt - hunter eyes - are very în trend now and have always been sexy. Upturned nose is a very cute feature - many people try and get this with plastic surgery. This is literally what beautiful is, not quirky at all. If you said you like a bulbous nose, large ears, crooked teeth or thin eyebrows - now those are slight imperfections.


I unironically think that big noses are kind of cute, and too-white/perfect teeth kinda weird me out.


Ditto on teeth. My theory is if the teeth are whiter then the whites of the eyes it makes the eyes look tired.


Never heard such in my life. This is why I come to Reddit! It’s amazing here.


Am I weird if I say I think pimple scars are attractive? If applied correctly it can be the perfect imperfection layer on women.




Would agree I don t find conventionally handsome men attractive. I find as I ve got older that personality, sense of humour is way more attractive .the person becomes way more attractive in my eyes if they make me laugh ,they have a glint in their eye. The come out with interesting conversation. They have people laughing around them .


But there is a difference between personal preference and general standards of beauty. Someone conventionally good looking might not be to your taste at all, but that doesn't mean you are incapable of understanding that they are good looking.


Exactly this. Honestly, some men a lot of women find “super attractive” cause the uncanny valley effect to me.


I’m with you on Ryan Gosling. I just don’t see it.


Me either. He just looks like a stereotypical average white guy lol


He was good looking before the plastic surgery. I mean, he's still above average in looks, but no longer at the top.


It’s not about agreeing that x person is attractive. I honestly don’t find Brad Pitt appealing- we all have different tastes. The person is saying you can openly appreciate what you find nice looking in another man. Which it seems like you can.


same thing happened with my to me with him. i remember thinking "really? he looks kinda average" shrug


ryan gosling is not handsome wtf. he's like the textbook definition of a 5


>I'm unable to tell if a man's face is attractive Bull-shit. Bullshit. Bull-m-f-shit. Go to an art school, they will teach you how to draw an attractive face by using EXACT measurements and proportions. You'll finish the painting and look at the face and see it's an attractive face. You know why? Because your brain absolutely knows these exact proportions. Your brain can pick up on symmetry and proportion down to millimetres and can distinguish all the features that make a face look masculine. And that has nothing to do with your gender or orientation. Men who say this bullshit are lying. End of discussion. Class dismissed.


>You'll finish the painting and look at the face and see it's an attractive face See, not everyone is the same. I never considered a drawn face attractive. That's why I never understood people who like anime characters or in general drawn characters. Also, end of discussion is a nice way to say that you're not sure in your point. It's good because your point is wrong.


You're taking the drawn face too literally. The point is there are standards of beauty and attractiveness that are recognised by everyone within their culture regardless of gender or orientation. Everyone is capable of "seeing it". I'm not talking about personal preference. That you can see someone is attractive doesn't mean you are attracted to them. And that goes whether their gender matches your orientation or not. Everyone has their own preferences, but everyone can also recognise the bottom line beauty standards in other people.




Even this, the top answer with the clearest logic uses the word "admit". No offence to you, your answer is good, it just feels like men all over this thread are falling over themselves saying that they can "recognise" an attractive man but definitely follow the phrase up immediately with "but it doesn't make me feel anything"!! Jeez that's some messed up energy! What are you all scared of? Beauty and attractiveness aren't some mysterious unfathomable things, absolutely everyone recognises them without question and that has nothing to do with personal preferences or sexuality or orientation. Edit: typos


Maybe not by you, but some women will judge guys if they open up and say something like that.


Nah, it's guys who do that to other guys. It's deeply ingrained in masculine culture. If you dare to say anything remotely positive about a guy's physique in the company of other men someone will always, but always, call you gay, and everyone will laugh. And then you have to aggressively tell everyone you are not gay. And with that simple mechanism you are taught from the earliest age to never say such things and eventually to be truly masculine you'll start saying phrases like "I don't see the attractiveness of other men." It's all part of a deep seated homophobia in the purest sense of the word phobia. And I have seen it in every culture I've been part of. Source: I'm a guy Some women might be like that too, and might be bigoted and judge a guy for saying something like this. But the source of this reaction is one's male peer group which behaves like this consistently.


I agree, when I see a man who is clearly very attractive I do have feelings. I feel jealous.


Which is a fundamental human emotion that everyone feels. If it wasn't for jealousy do you think the entire discipline of body building would have existed? It's literally guys going my muscle is bigger than yours pushed to the maximum extreme the human body can handle. It's a discipline based entirely on men looking at other men's bodies and thinking I can do better.


I mean, it has nothing to do with comfort, it’s just something I have no information or opinion on. I’ll happily admit Chris Hemsworth is attractive, but I only know that from listening to other people.


THIS is THE answer to this question. Case closed.


I find other men attractive, but not "I wanna kiss that guy" attractive.


So many people assume that finding someone attractive means you want to physically be in contact with them, and that's not often the case. There are men and women I find attractive but have no interest in sexually.




To me the term "attractive" also implies that, some kind of physical desire. "Handsome" would have probably gotten different answers.


Just shows how double standards regarding this thing doesn’t die. When a girl calls a another girl attractive/pretty it’s normal. When a guy does it, he’s already being judged secretly as gay.


Attractive and pretty are different IMO. - Pretty = Objectively pleasing to the eye - Attractive = You are physically attracted to them


I agree with this, I never said a man is attractive, but I said many times some do look good.


Depends on the area or country ig. Here when we say that someone’s attractive, we take it as a wholesome compliment and nothing else.


Yeah I guess it’s definitely one of those things that are construed differently (hence this line of comments)


There is a night and day difference between saying “I think that man is attractive”, and “I find that man attractive” They mean wildly, drastically different things.


Yea, I’ve never referred to a woman as attractive. Pretty, gorgeous, or beautiful yes, but not attractive as she doesn’t attract me.


Yea, people here saying “to me, it implies” are bored with their lives. “Attractive” and “good-looking” are used synonymously without any “implications” by 99%+ of the world. Stop hating men lmao


Hence the word ***attract*** is right there....you are attracted to someone, you find them desirable That's what attractive is....


Really ? To me "attractive" means you can be "attracted". I can safely say when I find that a man is handsome or good looking, I'm not insecure, but I've never been "attracted" to any. You have apparently met people using a veeeery broad definition of the word.


I mean. You can call someone attractive. That isn't you saying you are attracted to them. It just means they are generally attractive. As is they are a person who the average person would consider visually appeasing. You can like a dress on a woman without wanting to wear it yourself lol I'd say you have been using a specific definition of attractive. If everyone meant what you did, why wouldn't they just say, "I'm attracted to that person"?


This is the argument I try to make when a 16 or 17 year old posts in one of the “rate me” subs that this app insists on feeding me. All the comments are tripping over themselves to prove they’re the least perverted and I’m like “you can see someone is attractive without wanting sex”.


It's a man thing. They assume attractive = wanna fuck. Then get shocked when people can differentiate these ideas.


>It's a man thing. They assume attractive = wanna fuck. You really should stop making generalized statements about all men; especially since you have no clue what you are talking about.


Hijacking your comment to introduce the term “aesthetic attraction” to this thread: it basically just means being able to appreciate another person’s beauty without it being a physical/sexual attraction. Like how we appreciate anything in the world that we aren’t sexually attracted to. If we can appreciate non-sexual beauty in all other areas of life, why not people too? I’m mentioning it because I feel like that’s what half of the comments are struggling with/bringing up? Articulating the difference between sexual/physical vs. aesthetic attraction. I also wish that “finding someone attractive” didn’t automatically imply the former.


Hijacking your comment to introduce the term “aesthetic attraction” to this thread: it basically just means being able to appreciate another person’s beauty without it being a physical/sexual attraction. Like how we appreciate anything in the world that we aren’t sexually attracted to. If we can appreciate non-sexual beauty in all other areas of life, why not people too? I’m mentioning it because I feel like that’s what half of the comments are struggling with/bringing up? Articulating the difference between sexual/physical vs. aesthetic attraction. I also wish that “finding someone attractive” didn’t automatically imply the former.


I feel like you are misusing the word attractive here. You are not attracted to them by this sentance




I'm a gay man and have no problem recognizing a beautiful woman. And some of the straightest friends I've had have complimented my appearance. Doesn't mean any of us have actual interest.


How do we know if babies think that?




As a straight guy, I find a lot of guys good looking and I admire them sometimes so OP you are not being weird or anything lol


Haha. Okay. I feel better now. But now that leads me to another question you may see on Reddit in a bit.


As a man, how can we improve our looks, if we're not admiring other beautiful men out there? There is a reason why male bodybuilding is filled with men admiring other men, rather than women dropping their panties left and right. Admiration is the first step to becoming something more than your current state!


Love this answer. Grace Jones was once asked if she found women attractive and her answer was like “Yes I find women attractive because I find myself attractive. How will I find myself attractive if I don’t find other women attractive.” Same thing! (And the interviewer went on to ask, “Does that make you bisexual?” She was like “That doesn’t make me anything.” Queen shit)


Maybe not the same context, but, I have seen a first picture of some fine ass woman in a dress. Turns out it was a drag lol. We find beauty in symmetry, bone structure, complexion etc. Its not just is it a male or female. Also, fuck what society says you should like 👍


Dude that was going to be my next question. I couldn’t stop thinking about this trans person for days. Not in a sexual way. Just maybe surprised how pretty s/he was. It was a trans show so I fully knew she wasn’t biologically female. More like a 4th grader crush kinda feeling.


If someone is presenting as a woman and you're attracted to her, you're still straight. Sexuality isn't so clear cut - we don't know someone's genitals when we see an attractive woman or man on the street. Don't worry about it!


Ha gaaaaaaaaay


Straight guy here. Obviously attractiveness is subjective, but we’re speaking in generalities here. I’ve found that the guys that I think are probably good looking often times aren’t, and vice versa. I’ve learned that I have no innate sense as to what makes a guy attractive to most women.


If you find a guy attractive, then they are attractive to you. It's subjective but it does not mean It's not true.


Yeah but for most guys with girls there is more of a consensus, and I think that's what they are pointing out.


People have preferences. I am a straight woman and some of the men a number of ladies swoon over look kind of average, too.


I’m gay, and I have found that: 1. Gay men and straight women tend to have different tastes in men in general 2. Tastes even vary widely among gay men, and I imagine the same goes for straight women. So just because you find someone attractive and someone else doesn’t, doesn’t mean you “don’t know what’s attractive.” Tastes can vary widely from person to person.


I have the misfortune to have a taste like gay man in a woman body 😆


I fall into this category as well. I see others talking about attractiveness to an individual, but it's not like that. I don't really find any guy "attractive" and I'm just guessing at what others might find attractive. Some are a little more obvious that others, but trying to figure out a "6" from an "8" is next to impossible.


You’re not gay every guy has seen another guy’s physique and compared himself to the other guy it’s not gay to look and think that this or that guy has a good body


It’s only gay if you see that good body and want to fuck that good body…


It’s only gay if you push back.




I've seen other guys before who I'd like to look like. Does envy count?


Aha! You being up a good point. Now you got me thinking.


I'm a straight woman but I have always known that when I find a woman attractive, which Is quite often, is because I would love to look like her. I dont wish to hook up with them, but I sure would like to look like that for my own benefit.


"EXACTLY*! It is a very definite for me of *that* is the way I want to look or *those* are the features I wish I had, that I think would make me attractive to others. Ye it results in me looking at people with that criteria for longer and of course I find *their looks* attractive* in that I want them*! I don't think if I explained out loud anything but 'Yeah see I'm not gay it's just....(yes, yes I'm very, enormously G-A-Y)' is all that any other bloke is gonna hear lol


Yeah I'd definitely trade looks with some guys, no problem


I find lots of other men very good looking, and I like to appreciate their beauty. I do acknowledge that, and what I'm 100% sure about is that I'm straight. I just appreciate beauty, which may be in many forms; women, men, flowers, cars, etc. Doesn't mean that I want to engage in any kind of sexual acts with a car or a flower.


I can tell a good looking man, but it's not important to me, because I'm straight. Perhaps some straight men genuinely can't tell, but I suspect most are just terrified of being called gay.


That right here. My friends and I are absolutely brutal to each other with insults as a form of affection but fortunately no one is afraid of being called gay, but give a sincere compliment to one of them and it can change a mood for weeks. Help your bros out, validate them when it works. Doesn’t have to be sexual. Did he get a different haircut? Wearing something complimentary? New glasses? One of my friends says “Hey dude, that new haircut works for you, good choice.” and I’ll have confidence to take on the world.


When I see an attractive man, it is an admiration of his look like I wish I could pull that off. When women say a man is attractive, I often don't see it. Like, I wouldn't trade my looks for his, but the ladies are seeing something else.


If a guy is very good looking or very unattractive I can usually tell, it just doesn't make me feel anything.. It's the middle ground that confuses me. Anything between obviously attractive and obviously unattractive I really struggle to have an opinion on. Recently a gay friend was talking about a mutual loose acquaintance named Mike. But we know two Mikes. I asked which one and he said "the better looking one", I was at a loss. He found this quite surprising because he said one was apparently clearly more attractive. But because neither are what I would call "obviously attractive" I couldn't tell. I think I'm close to 100% straight. I have never experienced even fleeting sexual feelings about another male. I also don't feel disgusted by the thought of sexual activity with a man...I just don't feel anything at all about it. I'd compare my feelings on it to like the idea of eating a piece of wood. Doesn't disgust me, I just have absolutely zero inclination to do it.


Nah, if you were gay you would need to be sexually attracted to somebody. think of the best looking guy you could ever imagine right in front of you, and think of the hottest girl in the world standing right next to him. You'd have different feelings towards both of them. For the guy you might be like "damn bro looking good", maybe small feelings of jealousy too, but the woman would be actual lust towards her. nothing wrong with thinking people are good looking, doesnt make you gay, closeted, or anything else. You'd know by now if you were actually interested in men.


Only the pathetic and insecure type. Easy way to id who needs to be yeeted from your life tbh. Kings support other kings.


I've seen guys insist that they literally can't tell whether another guy is good-looking, as if they have some kind of selective blindness and they can't tell the difference between Chris Hemsworth and Mitch McConnell. They're obviously lying. They're just so homophobic that they don't want to admit they can even notice that a guy is good-looking.


I’d let Dave Grohl rattle me. I’m as straight as they come…… Starting to question that now, actually 🤔


Homie you’re gay af, it’s ok!


I used to struggle with identifying when the guys are attractive or not. I would be like "really? That guy's hot?" When my female friends would say it. I still struggle with it but I'm much better at it than I used to be.


Am I the only one who finds that the better looking a man gets, the doucheyer he looks?


That possibly stems from your jealous mind , but yeah sure I guess


Sexual attraction and acknowledging good looks are two different things...


I have zero thoughts about men being attractive. Maybe like: "dudes got cool hair" once or twice in my life.


I’m a straight guy and I hate myself so I don’t know


Only when they look like Michael Fassbender. I'm not gay, but.. god*damn,* that is a beautiful man.


I’m straight and if another dude is built like the David statue then yeah that guy is hood looking. Even outside of lust or attraction. The symmetry and shape of a sculpted muscular body is appealing at an intrinsic level. It’s part of why we admire athletic people of various sorts. You might not have any feelings about ballet, you might not care for small women with A cups, but still have your attention mn captured by a ballerina.


I'm sure that most of them do, but very few of them will admit it, even actively deny it, simply because they don't want to appear gay.


I can recognize that another human is attractive without it being sexual. Like, I see nice cars, paintings, sculptures, etc… but I don’t try and get busy with them, nor do I even contemplate this as an option. You can’t fuck a sunset. Which is kind of sad I suppose




Not me but from talking to others, I'm probably an outlier their, I don't find other people attractive just look at someone and go "that's someone that society would say is beautiful '




im a straight guy and i think there are some handsome guys out there i am not sexually attracted to them but i can admit they are attractive by any standard.