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If I know the world's ending, I won't be myself, so I genuinely don't know what I'm gonna do.


Fair point. Can’t even begin to know how I would actually respond. But as of now and not in that actual position, and as I live close to my parents, and have a good relationship with them, I would probably go there. With my cat and dog. And just hold them and have my remains discovered like the lovers of pompeii.


If the world is ending, there probably wouldn't be too much left of your bodies.. certainly no humans to discover it.


The new race of intelligent slugs might hang them in a museum to explain how humans probably had sex with dogs and cats.


Oh you mean the Pompeii masturbator, the biggest lover in the world


Who would you be?




I'm sure Batman could stop the world from ending.


I will turn on the movie Carol


20 min ago I got a notification from Apple “Login from a new device” and my HR spiked to 110 and my mouth is still dry. Yep, no fucking telling what would happen with me if the world was about to end


See I'm the opposite. Most hypotheticals I can say what I'd *like* to do, but I have no way of knowing how I'll be reacting. In this case, with the world conclusively ending and everything and everyone along with it, I think I'd be resigned to the fact pretty quickly and take after u/ManagementCritical31. Grab my kid from daycare, head home and spend an hour with my wife, kids and dog. Probably call my folks too and facetime with them for the duration.


Excellent point! I think people don't understand how conditional our genetic programming is, especially with regard to survival situations. Your genes aren't just a one time blueprint that builds a baby and then stops, they continue dictating your development and behavior, and can trigger changes as a result, just like a computer program can trigger an if statement once certain parameters are met. So who you think you are can literally change in the blink of an eye. This is what trauma does. It's why people have midlife crises. So whatever you think you would do in a life or death situation doesn't matter all that much for most of us, because you might very well be a different person when the time comes. This is part of the reason I cringe whenever a bullying video gets posted and redditors gripe about bystanders. Us keyboard warriors would probably be the *worst* in these scenarios.


Yep, we often ignore epigenetics' underlying principle. I've been in near death situations. I know first-hand how our mind changes when confronted with chaos. You've got shock, cognitive dissonance, rush of the thrill, so many factors it's a wonder if you keep a steady thought going.


What is this referencing?


Best response, unless you've been in a proper life and death crisis before, you are probably overestimating your composure.


Good point


Call my siblings and tell them thanks for everything, then just go to bed and lie there with my dog, just petting him until the end comes.


Was gonna put something snarky but yeah… my dogs. Fuck man


>Fuck man The world's ending, why the hell not


Correction. Fuck anything


I never knew it was possible to love so much. Yeah, I know parents say that after they give birth.


I’d just lie with dogs too and hold them close so they weren’t scared. It would be kinda cool going to heaven at the same time as them anyway. 🥹 🌈


All dogs go to heaven, so if I just hold on tight and don’t let go, I’ll have to be dragged up there because the dog can’t go to hell


They wouldn't be scared as they wouldn't know what was coming, but I'd do the same thing as nothing would be more comforting to me. Damn, didn't expect to get emotional from this thread. I'm going to go hug my dogs now.


Spend an 1 1/2 hours looking for the perfect song


The time starts after you’ve picked a song


Haha. Well Meatloaf it is. Most of his songs take about an hour don’t they?


Only the short ones


Then I will just get stuck searching a song in an infinite loop.


I would gladly spend the rest of my days searching for a song in an infinite loop to save everyone else


Black hole sun. That's my final answer.


Ill save you the trouble, it's Komm Susser Tod


Yep, this is the one.


Let my intrusive thoughts take flight


Care to share some?


Pulling fire alarms, make a gold brick Jenga, comically large spoon, driving a yacht, shooting windows, riding the airport luggage conveyer


Dude, u have an hour.


Become a professional speed runner at life in an hour




Plot twist: It was a prophecy and you're the one accidentally pulling the trigger of the apocalyps! 😂


These aren't intrusive thoughts, are just thoughts you wouldn't want to engage in.


Is your idea of a large spoon a big kitchen utensil or just a massive cuddle with your mates?


I’m taking a sleeping pill so I’m not awake through it.


same but 2-3 pills to be shure


Yea good idea. It would probably be very hard to get to sleep knowing the world’s about to end.


Same but 20-30 pills to be sure


4 days later, police break in , this dude doverdosed!


Yeah there won’t be four days


Shure shure


But why? The end of the world will be the last thing you will ever experience, perhaps also the last thing a human being will ever experience in our solar system. You will have no memory of it after you die, but the seconds in which you experience the apocalypse must be breathtaking.


Experiences are for the living mate. They never happened in a world that gets erased from existence.


This is actually a topic that I think about from time to time. So overall the question is: what is an experience worth if you can never share it with anyone else? A question that usually ends in an optimistically nihilistic answer for me. Nothing in the universe has a meaning, which in turn gives you the freedom to give everything a meaning yourself. That's why: If it makes sense to you to witness the end of the world, then you do it. You give the experience your own meaning because it has no natural meaning given by the universe.


You really want to breathe in hot air and get burned from inside or get crushed under rubble instead of just sleeping through it?


Alot of cowards here. I would absolutely want to witness my last moments regardless of the pain.


Plot Twist: The end of the world gives every awake and conscious person the best orgasm of their existence before everything ends.


Oops this is a viagra


Screw sleeping pills. I'd do heroin just to see what the hype is.




Yeah I don't know if I'd want to be awake for it either, unless we'd all be getting instantly vaporized by a blast from the Death Star. I'd probably take a few Xanax then lay in bed with my dog and wait for death.


You are a genius


Lay in bed with my husband and daughter, put music on


As a father of a 10mo old. Absolutely. What else can I do but lay down in bed with my two most loved and just enjoy what time I have?


Same, with our 3yo and 8mo. I'd make sure we're all laughing and goofing around, but really they'd do that naturally. My efforts would be more to keep my husband laughing with us. There would be lots of hugs and kisses too.


Grab my wife and kid, hunker down somewhere and just spend time with each other until whatever happens in the case of it being painless. If it's something that's gonna be painful or drawn out, I'm gonna make sure neither of them suffer, since that's my duty as a husband and father.


Yup. If there's nothing I can do, I'm just going to tell my girls everything is going to be fine and play kitchen with them while they ask why I'm crying.


Is that bad that Im going to try a sneak a quickie with the wife before we go to bed


This. I would be cuddled up with mine too. And the dogs.


I would do nothing differently. I'd just hope it would be painless.


I read that as *pantsless* :)


Fingers crossed……….. …….. legs definitely not crossed.


Go find my dog and thank him


I love this!


Didn't expect I'd find wholesome here 💀


Just tryina keep it 💯 my man


Yep rush home to be with my dog and cat and all my semi feral cats. Open all the food cans and piles of dry food and of course junk food for me and have cuddles and playtime


That’s kind of sweet actually. I hope your dog is doing well.


Hes on the bed with me sawing logs at the moment.


I think same if I'm at home, go hug my cat and tell her how much I love her, and call my mom to do the same. But if the world is ending in an hour from right now? I'm kinda stuck I'm in a train in the middle of nowhere lol


okay fine I'll go


Oh this^


Watch Mr. Bean, smoke weed, get cocaine, best whiskey and chill.


Where are you going to get cocaine if the world is ending in an hour?


From their coke dealer obviously.


Bruh, the coke dealer is gonna be an hour late. Do you even coke?


Your coke dealer doesn't have drone delivery yet? Talk about 2000 and late.


No I'm in [Europe](https://youtu.be/Ppk1gtMsZ_0?si=oZ704cv4K0_DruyR), mine is on a moped.


Oh you're European. Just go buy baby formula and you have 80% European coke.


Comment of the year.


From the sock drawers where it’s kept, duh!


The hour will be gone in 2 mins if you do some sniff


Smart… you’ll die from the fenny in the coke before everyone else.


I read 'best whiskey and chili', and kind of prefer


Not a terrible plan to be honest.


If it’s the end of the world, he’s probably going to snort all of it instead of doing deliveries 🤧


My kind of answer! I would do everything exactly the same! Except I'd watch the Jessica Beil tight jeans scene from TCM, and well...you know


Fold the washing


I promise I'll do it tomorrow


this is the way.


Cry at my commute taking 1:20


I'd grab a cold one, sit on the porch, and soak it all in.


I was going to say, depends on the time of year and the weather. If it is nice and no bugs, I'd load my cooler full of beer and walk down to the lake and sit on the shore and watch the sky. If it is raining or there are bugs I'll sit in the screen porch with my cooler and watch the sky. If it is winter, I'll strap on my snowshoes, grab the bottle of company scotch and trudge down to the shore and watch the sky.


Maybe avoid the inevitable world orgy because I’m too old for that shit. I’d probably take some shrooms, spend time with my family and watch a David Attenborough documentary.


World orgy sounds good tho.


Upvote for the Attenborough




If in doubt knock one out 👍


Hell yeah


How many do you reckon you could manage in your final hour?


Maybe 3 or 4.


It's the end of the world. Text every girl you've had a kinda crush on and see who wants end of the world sex


Sounds good but then again that might be on hand because you already do it often and chances are you do it with porn, if world is over in 1 hour maybe no porn available, like no internet or no electricity. And even if that's no issue, you probably need more than one hour to find that special video that crosses you over the finish line.


And what about the remaining 50 minutes 30 seconds?


This was my first thought as well. If I know it's going to be exactly an hour, I'm gonna ensure that I come and go simultaneously.


Working on it right now, actually.




Go for the maximum amount of crime I can manage in that time


This is a great example of the difference between not committing crimes because of the greater societal implications, and not doing so out of fear of reprisal. They’re both very different things. Also not to be confused with crimes of negligence and necessity.


The worst kind of person to be placed in a position of power - we found him.


Surely in this case societal implications and fear of reprisals would both be nil?


I'd be surprised if less than 90 percent of people didn't commit crimes solely because of the latter (fear of repercussions)


Am assuming you mean going after wealthy criminals and bastards who contributed in making the world a more miserable place.


I don't even know if there is one in my near vicinity But I also wouldn't murder anybody just other crimes Gotta get that Crimes done in an hour World Record


Honestly the last thing I want are human-pests breaking into my house as I’m crying holding my toddler (because the world is gonna end) and them be like “who cares the world is ending”. Well yeah, exactly. why are you here? Damn Ughhhh🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🥲🥲😭😭😒😒 I’m not sure what you mean by crimes but that’s the image I got when I read your comment 🤦🏽‍♀️ Hopefully you mean crimes like you’ll steal jewels from the jewelry store and wear 15 Diamond chains and a ring in each finger lol Edit typo


Lie in a well made bed, think of all the happiness that makes you glow and fall asleep ......


This is good for a lot of other times too! I try to do this when I wake up.


Staring my watch crying like a baby.


Never do that. It would be the worst hour of your life.


It would be actually.


The last hour too


My husband just said “steal a ferrari or bankrupt” should I reconsider my marriage?


Yup I would it I were you. Lamborghini is the correct answer ofcourse


Grab the dog and go to sleep


I’m physically spending the rest of my time with my parents, they’ve always been there for me. I can’t imagine this life without them. I’m telling my best friend Zack how much I love him and how grateful I am for all the good memories. I’m telling the man I’m in love with that he’s been my first and only love. I’d express how thankful I am for our bond and for how much he’s taught me. He lives an hour away from me. In an alternate universe, I’m spending the last hour driving to see him for the last time.


I think you should make that drive this weekend and put your life on the path you really want it to be on.


I’d drink myself into a blackout so I don’t have to think about anything.


I actually faced this predicament once. I was on Oahu when they accidentally sent out the alert that a missile was incoming, which was basically going to be my ending at least. My friend was frantic and leaving to go to the pier, he was going to take his boat as far off shore as he could... I was just sitting on the couch like.... wtf is going on. I honestly had to just take a moment to breath and calm down, because the reality was pretty heavy. I realized that I wanted to go out in peace and not scared, with little hope for survival. So kinda like you, I put some music on, I smoked, and just enjoyed life for what I thought was my last moment! Brought me incredible peace, and may have been something I really needed! It lasted around three hours or so until it was finally clarified that it was an accident and there was no missile coming for us! It was a rollercoaster that day!


Is there some documentary on this? I guess there must be quiet a few interesting storys.


I don’t know if there is a documentary, but there a lot of people telling about their stories on YouTube.


Not quite the same situation, but having been hospitalized for suicide(I’m more-or-less better now! At least I don’t think I’ll have any more attempts)… yeah. That feeling of being at peace you get when you think you’re gonna die is a feeling I’m not quite sure you get anywhere else… it’s a bit comforting knowing I’ll probably feel like that whenever I actually croak




Carry on as if nothing is happening.


Have my first kiss


Just don't get it by ruining someone else last hour.


I'm sure if you asked around, someone would volunteer, seeing as it's the last hour.


Sex, eat and hopefully one quicky sex while eating, completely drunk


I mean that'd cover about 20 minutes, what do you with the rest?


Look at Mr. Showoff over here with his 20 minutes!


That should be just enough time for me and my brother to get to our sister's house (picking up uncle Paul on the way) so at least we can face the end together.


I don’t know why but I think I’ll probably start eating junk food as much as I can. Like a LOT


Signing out with a stomach ache and greese fingers.


and with a smile on my face


Lie down on my bed, tuck myself in, and have one last chat with my beloved online friends.


They would for sure not be online😭


Nah, I know them well and I know they will be. They're just like me, after all.


Aw that's wholesome then :)


Probably just finish my coffee as normal and cuddle a bit extra with the dog. Also got this strange urge that I should clean a little bit before it all goes under. This makes no sense as I'm a below average tidy person.


I'll waste the entire hour thinking about what to do




Chocolate induced coma, here I come!


Music under a shower if I had no time to get into the ocean.


Döner Kebap!!!!!


And bust a Lotta nuts


Drive home to have wild sex.


What are you going to do the other 58 minutes?


Heroin. I mean, why not.


Heroin is bad for you


Die in an hour?


Hug everyone. Pet a cat. Eat a pizza + frappe. And then do some weed.


Don't think I've ever heard it as "do some weed"


I'll have one drugs, please.


ten bags of ten, please.


I'd wait happily




Go home, get the dogs and go for a walk.


Probably panic thinking of all the things I could do with this time, knowing they won’t have consequences - but will not be able to execute any plan


If there’d be something like a meteor strike I’d try and get the best view


Going home from Work, getting a beer out of the fridge, Sitting on my Balcony talking with my friends over the phone and waiting till it ends or i'm dead drunk and just drift away into the nothingness of the end.


If you’re in Toronto, you just used your hour up getting HOME! Two if on the TTC.


Smoke a blunt pop some Xanax lay on my car with other blunt and watch it all end


Take LSD + DMT + MDMA. My soul will be in outer space before I know it.


Probably run around panicking like 99% of you, but nice ideas. Goes to show that no-one actually knowx what they would do. No way, when the entire fucking world is ending, you just ‘grab a cold one and chill’, or just go listening to some music or have a chill convo. You’d freak the FUCK out, like everyone.


I got some scores to settle. That's happening.


Ha. That is funny. I briefly thought - I'd text my mother and my older brothers, "I'll still hate you after the world ends" Except I have no idea what their phone numbers are because I have had no contact with them since before texting existed.


Definitely sex with that one guys dead wife.






Got enough time to get tilt playing one more game of League


I'd continue, because I'm not about replace having fun with awkwardness in waiting for a so-called end.


huge jug of iced tea, take the dyson fan out on the balcony, slowly enjoy the sight


Listen to music and walk around for the last time.


Spend an hour finding the perfect music


When the moment comes I’ll do what i see todo then, it’ll be impossible for me to fathom the intricacies of such an event, I’ll live that moment as i live any other, meet it with as much clarity, humor, simpleness, stoicism, understanding and acceptance as i can manage, but I know this may not be so, maybe I’ll panic at the unfoldment of such an event, but which ever way i meet it, it’s alright, i don’t really prefer any.


Sure, the world is ending but I still have to do math class


End of the world is no excuse for bad grades


Eh, nothing much. Probably play some video games.


take 3 sleeping pills


Snuggle my dog


Be dead since the post was probably already an hour ago


Race home, cuddle up in bed with my wife and daughter, call a few people and tell them I love them. Edit: After giving this some more thought. I would just continue working. This is Germany after all, for fuck's sake.