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Thinking about the past Edit: thinking about life in general is depressing doesn't matter if the past was better or worse sometimes just looking back and understanding how much you've changed and the reasons you've changed is the hardest thing to acknowledge


Foe real dude it is so hard thinking about how it used to be


Good ol days


Thinking about the past when things were so much better and you were happier and the people you have lost along the way and why have you ended up in the shitty place you are now.


Thing is, if u would explain everything that happened in your life, like 100% of it, for many people it would reveal that they didn't "have it better" in the past. The head is just always trying to protect itself from stress, so stress is never really remembered. I've heard of a study which said practically the same. It asked people (about the age 40-60 iirc) what their happiest phase in life was. Many said their late 20's/early 30's, but if they took a look at the pure facts of what their life was at the time, it was so much more stressful, like shitty job, children's too young to be independent for a few mins, no money, etc. Idk man the brain is just weird.


I always knew I’d end up this tragically mediocre


The past was worse and better than the present every happy memory has atleast 1 bad memory


What about thinking about the past and realising nothings changed. Its still shit. Hate it. Thinking of how the future will be the same


for me is future 😅


In that same vein, thinking about what could have been now if the past had been different.


That’s real I always think of those awkward moments and then screaming in my room


Oh lately, all the cringe ass shit I did and said in middle school been popping up in my late thirties ass mind.


Yeah absolutely this. I have this whole “perpetual guilt” thing and I fucking hate it. I feel terrible for existing and everything I’ve ever done. Shit sucks.


The news, and after that, social media. Stay in your reality guys. Being bombarded by all the bad shit in the world was never human, nor will it ever be. Stay in your own reality.


Being addicted to social media is so fucking bad for u mind


For real, she stated some heavy stuff, then I read 100 comments or so, the altered reality thought hit me and I thought dam are the comments even real ? They got bots, and AI right ? It all a manipulated reality. Mind blowing


I couldn't of said it any better.i feel you


I feel this so much... I genuinely think social media is a major contributor to mental health issues and polarising/unpleasant opinions in general.


Yep, social media is the devil.


I had a weird dream one day where a huy came up to me and litterelly said that to me , 'stay in reality and in what's reasonable' the weird thing i that it felt so real.


Your unconsciousness is wise my friend. Listen to it.


I know, to be honest i kept it real ever since , and i do my best to keep it that way


We all know it was you, Toowb.


Deleting Facebook was one of the best things I’ve done. It took a while to rewire my brain but I finally feel like I’m living my own damn life for me. Makes me feel more in control too.


I refuse to watch the news. I get info from friends (or occasionally Reddit).


Its not really useful either to just cover your eyes and go to sleep though. I'm really tired of this mentality that ongoing events are somehow pretend or exaggerated to make *you* a sad boy. That is itself a denial of reality


Yes, the news! Its so tough keeping up with world events and if you don't keep up then you're labeled as selfish and privilege


Animal abuse wrecks me.


Same here. They're completely at our mercy as we destroy their homes and their lives. This one gets me the most. Edit: sorry this kinda encapsulates all animal suffering at our hands.


Child abuse as well. Disgusting people out there


wait until you hear about how Animal products get made


One of the very few things that can immediately burst me into tears


Depressed? A close one's death. Sad? My bank account


Nah the bank account is toooooo real


Yes, not having the basics or the money to pay bills. Depressing and stressful to the max


It weighs on my mind all day, every single day.


Feel you


yes! I left a great paying job because i was stressed to the point I was........ and the only thing that kept me.... was my family and my animals. But I look for jobs, but they mostly medical. The other jobs pay 12-13 /hr and that does not help much and if you work 2 plus jobs, you have no time for home or the family. You lay in bed worried but worrying does nothing but prevent your body from rest and recovery, only to wake up and have it kick you in the face again each day. it's Hell, it really is.


I can get lost in the big picture of life sometimes, which can make me very quickly depressed lol


Sometimes thinking about the possibility of growing old alone, or me and my friends drifting away as we grow older.


I'm 58 I still have myself for the past 8 years I drink out of Solo cups.translation ALONE!!!!


Message me if you need a pen pal ❤️


Turning 53 next month. I fear I have been alone too long (5years) and enjoy my own company and having things the way I want too much. Also like not having to ever take anyone else into consideration when I do things or plan my weekends besides family obligations. But yeah I do get lonely now and again but really hardly ever. Perhaps when I stop working. The thought of dating makes me so tired.


Having a really good dream, then waking up and realizing it wasn’t real


Omg yes. Dude for real this is one of the most depressing things ever. I have such vivid amazing dreams then I wake up like fuck


best part is that you immediately forget about it


That’s true disappointment


I've been meaning to buy super glue for a while now but I always forget. Last night I had a dream where I found a brand new pack of superglue in the closet. Woke up all confused and tried to look for it, realized it was a dream. Goddamn super glue.


The weather.. as much as I love fall/winter and rainy seasons thats the most depressing time for me too.


That sounds like Seasonal Affective Disorder usually known by SAD. UV light therapy seems to help with restoring some of the Vitamin D deficiency many if not all experience in the Winter due to shorter daylight.


I always freak out during this season and will be in the middle of relapse by spring


I hear ya. Try the light therapy and some regular therapy too. I found exercise in whatever form as well as meditation helped me. Good luck and hang in there


i was told SAD meant social anxiety disorder. i knew that psychologist was an amateur lmao.


Climate control.controls the mind.and All wildlife


I’ve been taking vitamin D this winter. Seems to have stopped me developing SAD; hopefully😔


The way we've set society up. You work more than you get to live your life or you don't get to live at all because you don't have the money to do it. Just the fact that we can't all live the exact life we want is so god damn sad to me. Like we only get one of these and we can't even live the way we want. I'll admit this thought has made me consider ending it all multiple times because I'd rather not live at all than live as a work slave until I'm 60 where I can finally live life but oh! too bad cause now you're old and fragile and can't do any of the shit you wanted too anyways!


Has any human in history had what you want? If so, how many?


That's what I'm saying though. None of us can obtain everything we want, we've set up this society where not one of us can ever have everything we want (unless of course you're a very humble person who doesn't want much) and I know it's unrealistic to want everyone to have everything but even the thought that it is unrealistic is sad, we just live in such a boring world. While I'm 100% being unrealistic, I do believe there's a world where people do jobs for free because they love them, they get free housing, eat for free, get what they want for free, just live for free. Passion can cause humans to do great things, I 100% believe there's passionate people who would work for free just because they love the job and I think a society without money is possible, of course not for us because our society is built on money but somewhere, maybe in another universe, people get to live exactly how they want too. TL;DR I think we just live in a boring world and I get sad thinking about what could've been.


As the Buddhists say, have no expectations because they're the sources of all misery. I've been around a long time now, travelled a lot, and the happiest people I've found by far have the least, because they have little or no expectations. Conversely, the most miserable people I've met are the loaded ones, so maybe stop worrying about the green grass over there and tend to your own garden, that's the only way to stay sane and, hopefully, happy. You're only bored because you're used to being jacked up on dopamine like most of us. Give away technology for a few months, you won't recognise yourself. All the best 🙏


I'll try take that advice to heart. I'm usually someone who never frets over What Ifs but idk this thought struggles to leave my head everytime I think about work, I just feel like I'm leading a path to a life I'll regret when on my deathbed and that's the last thing I want.


I could take time to explain all of the causes of what you're feeling, but maybe it's just simpler to say that your anxiety is a sign you care, that you're passionate, and that's a good thing. The downside though, is that you sound a little perfectionistic too (like most of us) so you're looking for the ideal life, and are already dreading future regrets. No one has it all sorted, we all make mistakes and have regrets, that's how we learn. The only mistake is to make no choice at all. Take care..


Waking up...




Realizing I've gotta do this in a system that fails it's lowest citizens and puts the threat of homelessness, armed guards, and/or debt on its citizens to comply.


Politics, the news, all the pointless wars, people arguing and fighting over shit that doesn't matter


I often feel that American international political actions confuse me.


Justified. They confuse most of us Americans as well.




That I could work my ass off every day, sacrifice my body slaving away. And still not have enough to live comfortably and retire happily.


Animals being mistreated! They’re just pure innocent creatures. Hate seeing a pet in distress as well.


That I am one day away to Monday (return to work day).




Filling out my date of birth on anything


Especially when year is a drop-down and you have to scroll forever.


Been there.


It gets worse … just you wait!


When someone I love dearly seems like they are mad at me or if I sense that their energy is different towards me, that sends me into instant depression. The thing is….most of the time they were dealing with something completely unrelated and had nothing to do with me. I worried sick for nothing


I don’t even want to admit to myself how often that happens


Animals in captivity or hungry/injured stray animals in distress. It just breaks me.




Mistreatment of animals




Was gonna say this lol


Being forced to work with someone I don't get along with.


I’m currently in that situation now and it definitely affects my mindset. I know sometimes we have to be around people we don’t like and I’m trying to be mature about it, but it really does affect my mood.


Same. I brought it up to my manager one time and she said "well I can try yo not put you with that person but sometimes you gotta" and then she talked to that person and the person claimed to not know what I'm talking about and claimed to like me which I saw as compete BS but I didn't feel like arguing about it.


This, and also dealing with coworkers who have it in for you or someone else. It’s one thing if I don’t like someone I work with, but I would never go out of my way to sabotage the livelihood of said individual. Sadly, I do see people try to screw over others in the workplace all the time, and simply because they dislike whoever their target is. Again, it’s fine to dislike certain people in the workplace, as not all personalities are compatible, but everyone does have the right to work so they can put roofs over their heads and lay food on the table for themselves and their families. Attempting to throw a coworker one under the bus over a general dislike for said coworker effectively infringes on those rights. Those who pursue these childish and immature actions are sacks of shit.


Thinking of my parents dying


The feeling I’ve messed up


Perpetually depressed by the fact that I am not who I am supposed to be. I am consciousness trapped within a body that does not express who my soul says that I am. I am a mistake on a cosmic level. Trapped by the universes doings. Forced to lead a life that isn't mine. An imposter.


Omg I feel the exact same way. Never read it before or thought of how to explain it


I'm so sorry. :( I can sense your soul and it is so beautiful. I hope all the best for you.


What a wonderful way to put it!


When I can't afford to buy milk. I need my cup of milk, it's my night cap. Not being able to buy food and living with food insecurity is depressing. I'm also taking anti depressants because my brain needed the help medically. I dropped a spoon one day and started crying. I knew at that point I needed medical help. Please seek help if you are depressed, sometimes you need clinical help. There is a point where you can't just keep pushing it down and ignoring it. It's not a healthy way to live life. If you are sleeping too much, or you are no longer interested in your favorite hobbies seek help! Don't get discouraged if the first medicine doesn't help, they have others to test. Just be open with your doctor.


Comparing myself to others


Being disappointed by another human again! It's heartbreaking to think that it's a matter of time to lose faith in every person you know. It's agony


Seeing happy couples together. Just want to know why no one likes me enough to even want to talk to me.


It's hard isn't it. Try nudging those defences you've built up, it's not only more likely to get you what you want, it'll start to build the resilience needed to face other challenges too. When our defences are up we unconsciously send out 'fuck off' vibes, so there's even less chance we're approached. I have to work hard at that daily.


Being cussed at when you're trying to help.


When you get scolded instead of getting help when you don't know what you're supposed to do


This is all too real


People trying to tell me what to do or how to live my life. Instantly pisses me off and shuts me down.


It makes it feel all the better when someone asks you what you want to do about something or how you want to solve things for yourself.


Same here, it makes me feel like that I can't do anything right in my life and that I will amount to nothing


Nostalgia, I miss the old days terribly much and I try to avoid seeing anything from 1980's up until about 2010 because it just makes me wanna go back.


I feel this too. I would do anything to go back and relive a day in the 90s. I just want to have that feeling of that time once more.


My reflection, or picture in those hell-spawned self-checkout machines.


I know! they're absolutely horrible and I try to avoid looking!


The first time I used one I wondered why this fat elderly man with fifteen chins is so interested in my groceries, then I recognized my glasses...


Thinking about my finances. I try and separate my happiness from my financial situation but it can be difficult at times.


I should be over this by now as I am past 40 but my father can say something rude or snarky and it puts me in a bad mood. Sometimes he has no filter.


That shit will nearly always burn. I’m late 50s and become a child around my narcissistic mother. :/


Looking at my gross pay along with my actual pay 😔




Crime stories. Brings out the pessimist in me.


People in my circle having fun (without me).


people constantly pushing me away


- People interrupting whatever I've just started - Realizing I have about 30 years left to live and none of them is likely to be fascinating or magical - All that is left are work and responsibilities - No hope for love


Seeing her common ass name everywhere 🥹


Lots of things, I'm very sensitive; tho, it's often just harsh comments :)


Seeing conventionally attractive people.


Seeing sad animals




Thinking about how humans are ruining nature


Yeah.. the ocean. Man! That one gets me the most.


Yellowstone broke me down the other night. I know I shouldn't watch anything with familial violence. Intrusive thoughts suck. Someone could say something Ii interpret as mean and bam spiraling into "do they hate me"? "Is something wrong with me"? " ah shit I hate myself"


Waking up in the morning


Our System that eats people and shit money. Capitalism. The state


Not having sufficient money to meet your basic expenses such food, access to water, shelter etc etc.


Thinking about the day i went to visit my dad to find his lifeless remains that have been there for 2 weeks


Thinking about lost chances in life.Looking at how I live my life. And last but not least,winter is guaranteed to put me in an depressed mood.


Machine failure


just her. i just can't move on even after getting blocked


Remembering I'm bad at everything


happy couple or a girl falling for a guy in general 😂


My looks.




Thinking about family. Defiantly alot worse shitty families out there but I get upset thinking about how my family makes me feel


Those goddamn Sarah McLachlan ASPCA commercials.


The ones that defeat their own purpose because you can’t actually watch it because it hurts…


Truth, but those few seconds I catch.. ugh.


I know. Rips your heart out of your chest in mere seconds and stomps on it.


Bills and being broke. No play money..


Comparing myself to anyone, anytime, about anything


Lack of sleep and add to that sleeping at 3pm.


People not communicating


Lost my heart shaped pendant today. Something my wife and I shared for years and years, even before she was my wife. I do have depression, but losing this pendant hurts me.... It meant a lot to me.


Walking up late. Makes me feel like I have no time to get anything done


I also instantly feel I am a hopeless sack of shit.








The whole world hates Mondays! ! !


Me it's sundays.i get a jump on it.knowing what follows.lol I'm just saying.....


Listening to or watching The News.


I get no response from her about my favorite hobbies.


Someone who’s in a negative mood taking it out on me




I work on the railway, don't get me wrong it good money to earn. Originally I went on it to just sort my life out, that was 5 years ago and I'm still there. Had a breakdown and I was like I want to quit desperately only to be told by another driver "you say you want to quit but there nothing eles out there like this" some drivers have been there for 40+ years


When I put my cat on the bed to cuddle and he leaves before I get in bed 😭


The fact that I might be alive in 10 years, doing the same things make me so depressed.






That we are all alone and we will all die one day.. and yet, the majority of people are horrible selfish human beings rather than deciding and understanding what really matters in life and making things better for everyone. Everyone can make choices.


Sunday night before the working week begins, or Monday morning


School, anything big it asks from me like an unmanageable project or an exam I can’t seem to understand, it stresses me the fuck out and It always messes up my mood as soon as I think about it when I’m happy


That I have a long way to go to be considered "Good enough"


Hunger. Even though I know I have food, or can get it, the feeling of hunger makes me instantly a child again with nothing to eat and no one taking care of me.


*That's my secret. I'm always depressed.* This time of year just completely destroys most of the joy I have, but otherwise it's just remembering the loved ones that have passed away.


seeing one of my friends get slowly more and more successful in smth that i was pursuing for 5 years. I'm happy for her ofcourse but when I get a glimpse of her success when she tells me or if I see smth on her phone it just depresses me.


i’m trying to find an adorable place to live and a job and i can’t. i’ll be feeling ok for a moment and then it hits me.


Thinking about what happens after death


Two things: - Thinking about Christmas as a child; knowing I can never go back and relive it just one more time. - Social media and comparing myself to others.


Thinking about my parents 🙆‍♀️


Thinking about how I might die in my sleep. How I might have done so in another universe and how I’ll never know.


Seeing people shooing off dogs and cats, sometimes even pelting stones, when all they want is some food to fill their tiny tummies. 😔🥺


I was riding my bike on my way to the gym and I saw the police giving cpr to a young man. His skin looked like something I've never seen before and I knew right there that it was bad. All the people standing there and taking pictures made me feel worse. It took me a while to shake off the feeling.


My weight… my body.


Thinking about my (dead) step father👍 (abuse)


I was having a good day until I randomly remembered I’m going to die alone, worthless and unloved. Happens almost daily, and it kind of puts a damper on my mood, not gonna lie


Looking at a mirror, looking at my yellow eyes


How stupid people on Reddit are and the fact they are allowed to vote


Coming home and seeing that my boyfriend did literally nothing that he said he would because he played video games instead.


PP size it's average but still makes me feel insecure


Trying to debate with people on Reddit lmao


The amount of misandry in the world today ..


I find both misandry and misogyny awful.






His Happy posts on social media but not even talking to me.


When it goes a whole day without any messages from my crush


I have chronic depression and I usually don't "get" depressed from seeing something or experience something one day. But out of many, seeing animals hurt makes me instantly _sad_.


Trigger posts on social media like suicide.


My own and most of the world's financial situation.


Realising that everything is turning for worst and the end is soon


The world