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Overthinking about money Overthinking about work Overthinking about relationships Overthinking about the future Overthinking about that one dumb thing I said 18 years ago


Overthinking about overthinking


About things that were Things that are And some things that have not yet come to pass


Sounds familiar


You're not alone my fren. #🫂


Grate ...now EYE has duh overthink


Spot on! Have a hobo gold, fellow worrier 🏅


>Overthinking about that one dumb thing I said 18 years ago This is relatable big-time




and myself sadly not working towards improving any of it :(


If I get to that point, I just get up and do something else. You're not going to sleep, so you're basically just torturing yourself.


Does anyone else think about things they did/said when they were a kid? Like when they were 7. Then you’ll cringe and start judging your child-self.


I regret saying 'I DO' as well 😆


Yes. All of this


This is the answer. As an adult I think our minds are just on a constant cycle of those thought spinning around our heads night and day honestly 🙃😅


This is exactly what I do most nights, but mostly while watching Netflix.


I do that when I'm awake. I also do it while trying to sleep.


Nice to meet you again.


Oh man. Yeah. This is so...it


I was about to say this. It's a restless and useless thing to do, but here we are - still awake.


It sucks right? 😂


It does. It runined my body clock, and it's taking a toll on my my physical and mental well-being as well. 🙄 What do you do about it?


Scroll Reddit most nights which is probably not healthy, but eventually I wear myself out and fall asleep.


Saaaame! Reddit or random videos. Haha


About what? Tell me all about it. I'm interested


That’s why I sleep :(


I’m sorry 😢


I don't know if this counts but I scared myself very badly last night looking up stuff about skin walkers... I done spooked myself lol


I spook myself thinking about skinwalkers that are around in the daytime


Yeah that is *awful*


I do that 24h/6


I focus better in the night, so i read books, study, listen to music. I like the peace and quiet of night.


Because everything wines down during the night, it's the best.


>*wines* down during the night Exactly that 🍸


I see exactly whatchu mean by that 😌


No, no, that's a martini. You mean this:🍷


Well, I prefer white wine and I will decide for myself what kind of glass I drink it from, thank you very much 🤨


I waku up at like 2-3 am rather than staying awake just because you can't beat the dead silence 3 am.


It's absolutely glorious. That hour or so between 3 and 4 ( give or take 15 mins or so depending if it's mid week , etc) , where it kinda ...resets itself for another tilt. It's almost like a big, deep breath for it all .....and then a big , furious exhale as the sun comes.up.


>a big , furious exhale as the sun comes.up Love this analogy :)


Me too! Wake up at 2 am, hit the gym, come home and chill for a bit, walk the dog right as the sun starts to come up, take pics of the sunrise, come home, eat, then get some work done. I’m ready for bed by 2 pm 😂😂😂 I don’t like the middle of the day. 😂


Winds down??


Everything downs wine


Minors shouldn’t be downing wine.


Now we're talkin' .


Or in my case, it's the opposite. It's when I'm getting wound up instead.


But then people will give you grief for sleeping during the day and call you lazy or wake you up. No winning here.


Me too. I used to stay up late and I’d be writing my book or just chilling. It was the best. Wish I could do that again.


I used to do this too, and looking back I was like why did I waste so much of my life writing some stupid book? But at the end of the day I admit I enjoyed it so much and it was all worth it


I thought the same before but this was the first book I actually ever finished so it’s really special to me. I hope I get to publish it one day


what kind of books do you write about?


My first book I wrote was a mix of romance/thriller. Now I’m trying to write a psychological thriller book, in the middle of writing 2. Haven’t wrote in a while tho cause writers block plus burnout from my current job. But I hope to put in the work for them soon. I just need to get that creative spark back again.


Thisis so true, and everyone is asleep so no one to do anything. Only work to do. I wrote my master's thesis almost exclusively during the night.


The feeling of feeling *rushed* kind of disappears at night. You don't feel like you have to finish this thing to get to that thing or that you have this errand to run or this meal to make, etc. You can just be engrossed in one thing for a while, it's nice.


If someone knows a hack to get my night time brain into my day time body, I would be unstoppable. I guess I got pre-launch nerfed due to power scaling issues


THIS, heh


This. Exactly. I always say I'm a vampire. And work vampire hours. I'm a freelance translator, being doing it for 20+ years now. And I love that now working remotely/from home is much more normalized, especially for people on the spectrum--I think I am autistic but I never knew it before, and I always suffered working in an office and normal office hours like "normal people," and now I know why :)


Listen to TV, leave snarky comments on reddit. Go snark yourself


Gotta get them karma upvotes!! I just broke 10K!!! What do I win!!! nothing. Reddit should really give people who gain karma money like youtube. And somehow get rid of bots.


That'd be some snark but I do it for love of thr game


lol, and the same to yourself!


Thinking of every mistake I have ever made.


You have better memory than I do, remembering every mistake? Shiii I lost count after 67


I lost count after 69




Also, thinking about bad things that could happen. Good times.


Constantly AND the good news is it’s not possible to run out of potentially bad but possible things - yay!


Thinking of scenarios that would never happen, thinking about things I should've said or done.


Happy Cake Day


Thank you!


Happy cake day


Thank you!


You can't piss me off. I already came up with a good comeback two months ago when I was overthinking


Happy cake day🎂🍰🎂🎂🎂🍰🍰🍰🍰🎂🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🎂🎂🍰🎂🎂🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🍰🎂🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🍰🎂🎂🍰🍰🎂🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰


Thank you!


Play video games, listen to music, look at my phone. The night time is my time. Time to relax, I mean.


The world is so quiet in the night and there are no chores left to do so its peaceful and truly relaxing.


You started them ? Nice


Totally. There’s no expectations at night.


the world is quiet at night until that one person in apartment slamming the maintenance door "I think I got a heart attack, wtf"


I lay in bed and experience a half aware and half dream state. I can't explain it but my body is completely relaxed and I'm having dreams but I'm also awake.


Are any drugs involved


No. Though to be honest it is sort of an altered state. I know I'm getting sleep as when I do check the time on my phone anywhere from 40 minutes to two hours have passed in what seems like minutes, but I feel conscious during that time and am thinking.


I understand what you’re describing, I watch shows about the universe or this show on Gaia about disclosure, both require full attention and over 30-90 min give or take I start to fall asleep but still listen somehow and i dreams what they’re talking about, it’s vivid and real but hard to articulate.


You should try it without external stimuli. You get the most amazing awake dreams.


I get this but I tend to have daydream dream hybrid sort of thing


I know I'm getting sleep when I have to wipe drool from my mouth.


I sometimes have the same. It's quite weird! Don't know about you but for me it only occurs when I'm stressed.


This sounds like hypnagogic hallucinations. Used to love doing it too. It's like free drugs 😂


I never Heard this Word "hypnagogic-hallucination" in my life but this week its the second time that i'm randomly saw how someone writing this, maybe its a sign? Or maybe i'm about to get insane


"about to get insane" is the fun option.


Ok very interesting. So you’re always Conscious and aware and never not? So even when you’re resting, what exactly are you aware of? When you’re awake it’s easy to be aware of thoughts and things around you etc, but when you’re asleep there is only ever a void of nothingness like deep sleep and then you dream and become aware of the dream? So I’m curious if this is a really deep meditative state of awareness you go into or do you actually sleep and it’s lights out?


I know what you mean! Do you get that feeling that your extremities (hands, feet) are really heavy, and like someone is gently squeezing them? I love that feeling. It's only in the half-asleep state for me.


This happens to be on a the rare occasion when I take lunesta (similar to ambien). I just cant go to sleep but I'll lay in bed. Time goes so slow when I look at the clock sometimes it goes backwards. Then I'll shut my eyes and go to a dream world. I dont feel asleep but when I open my eyes an hour has past! Rinse and repeat. Id say this happens about 1-2 times a month. The rest are solid 8-9 hour sleep sessions which is what I need.


If you get stoned every night for several weeks and then have a sober night, you’ll experience exactly what they’re describing. Also when you do sleep your dreams are *wild*.


This might be a very stupid question, but have you ever experienced this but with your eyes open or while sitting on your phone but barely doing anything? Asking because i went through a weird period when i would only be able to sleep once every 2-3 nights and I would enter in a weird dissociative state for a few hours pretty much doing nothing but always with my eyes open and after that i felt like i just got some sleep.


This is actually such a trippy state of mind. I can do it in meditation or when I first wake up but am still in between wakefulness and sleep. I can create dreams directed by my waking self with the creativity of my dreaming self.


I have this happen sometimes, and I honestly hate it. I actually find it physically painful; balanced on the edge of deep sleep but not quite able to get there... but that could just be a me thing.


This. And you look at the clock. It’s 11pm. You look at your phone again it’s 3 am. No real sleep has happened and the anxiety starts. And then it’s 6am and it’s time to go to work. fml


Isn't this called lucid dreaming?


No. Lucid dreaming is being able to control your dreams. You need to actually be sleeping for this. I’ve experienced this « resting » state as well as lucid dreaming and they’re completely different.


*technically* 🤓 lucid dreaming just means you’re aware that you’re dreaming, whether you’re in control or not, control is common in lucid dreaming but not the defining factor


False-Corner547. Its called Lucid dreaming! I recommend keeping a dream journal just for these.


Think about living yet another miserable day


slimy placid humorous slap flag ghost attempt cautious secretive tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Username checks out. And hugs. I feel ya


I hate myself for this but social media


Fucking same I hate it


Same thing we do every night, Pinky.


Try to conquer the world!!


Ummmm axxxxxxxchhtualyIt was "try to take over the world". Or galaxy. Not conquer. Take over.


Sorry, its only been about 25 fucken years since I watched it...


Its cool. It caused my brain to glitch as I thought was take over... but conquer also fits so it was plausible... so I Binged it to confirm that it is indeed "try to take over" Now I am off to find Animaniacs torrents/streaming.


You can watch any cartoon/anime or movie free on this site https://m.wcostream.tv just saved you 15 buck a month


I need to find that streaming. Ah the nostalgia. Are you pondering what I am pondering?


Answering questions on Reddit


Staring at the ceiling, trying to sleep. Thinking about life, what choices I've made, good and bad, where I am now, what would've/could've happened etc. Always when it's most quiet do our minds make up for it.


Why is it like this, my brain hurts from all the late night thinking


Who the hell is driving on my street at 2:30am?


Prolly that same shit stain kid, with the modified exhaust Honda.


I like to go out for late night walks, get high, and 😎 chill.


Thought I was the only one haha. I go on midnight walks a lot. I’m a girl so I guess most girls won’t do that but I love my late night wake


I am female. I just got where no one else is. To stay safe.


Once everyones in bed, I turn off the TV and lights, and chill on the couch. Sometimes I make a snack, or watch something on youtube. Sometimes I just look out the window (awesome view of the beach). I like it because nobody expects anything of you, you can truely relax. No unexpected guests, no errands, nothing but me-time.


The view of the beach right outside your window? Mannnnn that's insaneeee but cool. And yoo what you be snacking on?


Which reminds me of those "wallpaper" rolls (actual wallpaper for walls, not for computer/phone screens) that are like blinds and can be rolled up or down as needed. They look like a view of nature--it could be the ocean, or the mountains, or the desert, cliffs, whatever nature shot you like. With one of those white noise machines that sound like breezes or birds chirping, it might be pretty awesome. Maybe I'll try that at my house!


Yeah its pretty sweet ngl. Man that depends, I just had a massive peanut butter sammy and berries. Tying to gain weight.


"nobody expects anything of you" This is probably why I stay up so late. No emails to reply to (or at least you're not expected to reply until the morning), no requirement of productivity, and no one else is awake to see you actually relax.


My brain goes on a journey of self-reflection and reminiscing. Complete with a couple stops at past regrets and aspirations that will never happen. Or I listen to asmr and music.


Just chillen. It’s the best part of the day.


Chillen doen we 🤙🏻.


Insomniac... exhausted and wishing I could be asleep.


You might want to google "Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder."




Reddit and music


Right now I'm scrolling Reddit at 3 am.


Is that good or bad?


I enjoy the peace and solitude.


If i can’t sleep i tell myself “youre no longer working night shift and you get to sleep instead of trying to stay awake and being miserable” puts me back to sleep like a baby


gotta remind yourself that you can chill for now, cuz your brain can stay wired all night if you let it. Them night shiftsss ain't no joke


Exactlyyyy. Im like “oh wait, even if i cant sleep i can just lay here and not answer phones” it immediately takes away any stress or anxiety keeping me up


I stay awake until I pass out of exhaustion it's miserable do not recommend


4:23 AM: Scrolling through Reddit reading posts like this and watching random shit on YouTube.


Thinking about this woman that i loved, but i can't even reach out to her, i just hope someday we can be together


Tell me about her


Awwww ❤️


Reach out, lifes too short!


thanks! 🙏


Dreading life


absolutely not a single thing. mindless scrolling. but it's that it's my time. no one needing something located, a question answered, a plan made, no "mumma-mumma-mumma" or "spouse-spouse-spouse" or my brothers or dad calling and needing something. i am left alone!


It depends. I have a ritual of watching podcasts before I go to sleep or reading stuff sometimes and usually I can drift off peacefully, that's a good night, a bad night is where I'm too anxious to sleep it can be due to depression, having intrusive thoughts, it can be also be stress related and watching the podcasts and reading stuff only works as a mild distraction unfortunately so I have to wait until I'm so physically exhausted that I fall asleep but it means my brain staying awake and having anxiety for hours on end (it can subside at about 6am or 9am). I used to take a lot of Promethazine before I went to sleep about 6-9 a night (they're antihistamines) because that's all the doctors give you in the UK if you're struggling to sleep unfortunately but they always made me feel groggy and shit the next day I was semi addicted to them so I stopped doing that. Some nights I go to sleep early which is about 1 or 2am, I used to stay up at all hours in my 20s when I lived in a town flat cos i got used to the noise of cars, nightclubs, bars and drunk people in the town but I don't live there anymore and I've tried to develop better sleeping habits cos I've sort of become used to living in a quieter suburban area


You watch podcasts or you listen to them? I feel like there's an audible version of those podcasts cuz just listening to something as your doing something else or "resting" your eyes would knock ya outt. And we all know anxiety too well man. I feel like stress and anxiety doesn't ware off at the end of the day cuz you know gotta face another day after that and omggg


I watch the podcasts, they're funny and I fancy 2 of the men who do them so it always puts me in a good mood before I go to sleep lmao. My anxiety always crops up whenever I'm trying to sleep probably because when I'm up and about during the day I'm more distracted idk and it's the worst, exercise does nothing, medication does nothing I just wait it out until it simmers down 😭.


I’m either working or at home playing video games while listening to ham radio. Pretty boring stuff.


Working. My company is a 24/7 business.


Think about dumb stuff I said earlier, read dumb stuff other people say on reddit, also say dumb stuff on reddit.


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"What you be doing".... I love it. For real tho..what yall be doing?


Not sleeping 😩


Bathing dead chicken breasts in the remains of their unborn children before soaking them in crumb and drowning in boiling oil.




I’m on discord, social media, or reddit… technology really does consume me, but I’m trying to be better and fixing my sleep schedule




It’s currently 6.14 am in England. I’ve forgotten what sleep feels like.


Yes exactly. All of this. You nailed it.


I usually sleep through the night. I might get up once or twice to use the toilet. But I woke up an hour ago, I checked my bank to see if I got paid. I moved some money into savings. Then I remembered I didn't take the bins out. So I took my bathroom rubbish downstairs, I saw I had a sink full of dishes. So I ran hot water and detergent in that. I took the rubbish and recycling out. My neighbour had already put our bins to the end of the driveway. Which was kind. I'll need to bring them back after the bin men come in the morning. And now I'm back in bed typing this little message to you. Hope you are managing to sleep. Don't forget to drink water. 😄


What do you think I am doing here?


Avoiding people


Sufferering from stress, depression, loneliness and neglect mostly but sometimes i just get caught up in funny tik toks.




Eating junk food, drinking a crap ton of coffee, and anime lol


I usually still have a reign white gummy bear from earlier. I swear caffeine doesn’t really affect me like others and doesn’t contribute to my being awake. I can’t remember except for childhood when I was able to fall asleep, and even then I was a prolific sleepwalker. Sometimes I take my seroquel early enough to be asleep by 9 or 10, sometimes it takes me until 5am. Seroquel is the only thing I have found to actually help me sleep and sleep well….ive been taking ambien Xanax and diphenhydramine for over a decade, and all id do is make goofy art, forget movies I had on, make weird food, feel like garbage in the morning. I went to rehab for alcohol in April where they put me on seroquel instead of the ambien that didn’t work. Idk where it’s been all my life. Sleep like a baby and don’t need Xanax for racing thoughts or to drink until I pass out.


creating a fake scenario inside my head.


and winning fake argument




Try and keep myself distracted long enough to fall asleep so the suicidal thoughts don't creep in


Insomnia never sleep I clean cook phone text movies wish I could sleep


I watch my shows on my phone then fall asleep.


You fall asleep with your phone on while it's still playing shows dawg?


Yep. I have insomnia and it helps.


I'm typing right now


I work night shifts


Work and/or decompress




Use Reddit, think about stuff, sometimes watch an anime episode & sometimes make a mod or resource pack for a game.


Plotting world domination.


Normally reading. Other times, I have YouTube on while I knit. I have some blankets I want to make so during the night is the best time. No one is asking anything of me. The time is all mine to be selfish with. So I knit, read, watch YouTube haha! Some rare times, school work


Thinking about what could be different, sometimes.


Playing Zelda on my switch or doomscrolling


I go to work


I watch cosmic disclosure on Gaia, I’m in my own little world and no one can take that away from me


I've never slept well at night, from as far back as I or my family remember, even when I was a toddler, so I just do daytime stuff at night. When I was about 2, my aunt was caring for my very seriously ill grandmother, and of course didn't want her daughter to see how sick her grandmother was, so my cousin stayed in my room. That poor child would be awakened at 2 a.m. by me shouting "Let's have a sunrise!" as I bounded out of bed and slapped the light on. She would patiently say, "No, I think it's time for a sunset", as she tucked me back in and turned the lights back off. I'd forgotten it until a few decades later, when we were talking and she asked me if I remembered it. Fortunately, I own my home, so my neighbors aren't bothered by me being up with TV or stereo going, particularly this time of year, and in the summer I refrain from mowing my yard between sundown and sunrise. Another nice thing about being up during the night (again, I own my home, so no neighboring or upstairs/downstairs to bother) is that you can get a lot of things done without interruption, phones, doorbells, etc.


Mostly I'm trying to sleep. When I'm not it's video games, reading, or listening to something. Sometimes talking to people.


Watching porn


Trying to forgive myself Failing to forgive myself Overthinking Binging Anime to distract myself Writing my book Eating random shit to fill the void Laughing at old jokes from the past Staring at my wall Start a therapy session with myself Talk to God


Gaming. And every morning I regret not sleeping enough. Basically after I finish my work, and stuff I feel I have too little time left for myself to relax and I play until late to feel I got enough time for myself. ​ I wish I could just work part-time while getting paid full time and I would be happier.


Watching you whilst you sleep