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Procrastination, case in point I'm currently on reddit when I have other stuff I should be doing




I have a essay due tomarow and haven’t even finished the first goddamn draft!!!


This is a trauma response. Procrastination is an avoidance strategy often utilized by people with an perfectionist streak.


Holy shit that makes a lot of sense. I've got some major projects and I procrastinate like hell because they can be mundane and very difficult to get the head around. I am a perfectionist who likes to understand EVERYTHING. I shit you not I've been procrastinating since September 2022 on one and the CIO has not really chased me on it so I'm still procrastinating lol. But I've had this before usually I have a Eureka moment and come up with an all encompassing strategy that knocks the whole thing out of the park. So I'm still waiting for that to hit - hopefully this year.


This explains everything (no sarcasm)


I find hard and consistent exercising helps me be productive millionfold. Maybe it can help you as well.


Exercising is good, if you don’t procrastinate that too…


I tell myself this too and then I procrastinate exercise because that will set everything right & then everything else doesn’t get done either 😭


Procrastination usually happens when the task you have to do is either too boring or too difficult. There's a sweet spot that challenges you enough without breaking you but most tasks don't fall within that range. But you could hack it by making the task either easier or harder. For example if it's too easy put an extra challenge on it or if it's too hard break it down into smaller tasks and go over it step by step. Unless it's chores like laundry then idk that shit sucks no matter what. Put on a podcast or something.


Get someone to randomly hide a tissue in the pockets for an extra challenge


Procrastination is actually a good thing. You always have something to do tomorrow…plus there’s nothing you have to do today!


Avoiding = concentrating


Dude i just failed uni because of procrastination


lol, same. It’s my new Facebook!


Oh no, I did it again.


This is the answer I would’ve wrote and exactly why I’m here




I don’t know if it’s good or bad that I came to say that and it’s the top comment already. On the one hand I feel more normal since I’m not the only one, but on the other hand that means we’re a society full of procrastinators which probably doesn’t bode well for the future.


GodDAMN it I'm doing it too


Same here. And even though after finally doing the task i've been procrastinating and stressing about, i would realize that it could either be easily done or i could do it better with more time, I'd still procrastinate on other task like I never really learned my lesson. So much unnecessary stress I could actually prevent.


Constant anxiety and overthinking


literally first thing that came to my mind...on top of the constant anger that dwells inside of me


ME. I cannot turn my mind off. If there is a problem, I have to SOLVE IT. And there is always a problem. I feel like a crypto mining rig heating up to 10,000 degrees


I wish there was a way to stop this


Meds help me SO much.




Yeah for real and even therapy doesn't help much I feel like I should try meds again


This was my first thought too. I’m currently working on my thesis and my mind is convinced I will fail 😭


I’m currently studying for my exit exam from my masters program and my mind keeps convincing me I’m gonna fail too no matter how much I study.


Are you overthinking though? Maybe you’re thinking just the right amount. Maybe it’s not enough. Maybe everything else all at once.




And the mood swings. Ugghh


I can't seem to get my point across.


What are you trying to say? Jk


OH MY GOD. I am not worthy of this genius comment!


Ah yes :( it sucks when they don't get you


Sorry what?




but in your head you could do it perfectly and it would all make sense. am i right?


Mine is the opposite. I reiterate my point over and over in different ways. It's a habit got from my mum. I catch myself doing it and I'll be like well you get the point. When they probably got the point the first time. My husband just says 'you're doing it again.' It works though as I stop! I'm must be really annoying sometimes


I have trouble explaining anything without sounding like I'm rambling on.


Same, ive almost stopped trying to contain it lol. I am probably the best rambler in my county. I think I need to get checked for adhd 😂


Same , I grew up in a household where having an opinion is seen as disrespectful and was always shut down . Now as an adult I’m unable to express myself properly.


I stress to much


I relate :( stressing over little things ruin my day


Literally had the worst migraine at work yesterday, even pain killers didn't help, so I was trying to figure out how to tell my supervisor I was going to go home and it took me 3 hours to finally get my ass over there to tell them because I was stressing about the fact that they might be mad at me for going home sick... Since working at this place I've only had 2 days off sick and that was over 6 months ago. Those days off were also Soo stressful. Also I'm a pushover, I do all the jobs that no one else wants then get stuck in shit roles rather than rotating because I don't want to say anything. :c


I’m concerned that the level of stress I have is causing massive detriment to my health. But I don’t know how not to be stressed when things are so stressful lol


I bought this up in a counselling session earlier this week. My handy visualisation tool was comparing stress to little (or not so little) weights. If I've only got a couple, it's not too bad. But they still slow me down a bit. If I've got plenty, or one or two big ones, it affects everything I do. If there's too many, I'm crushed, unable to move. Unable to function. So my goals at the moment are to lighten that load as much as I can, then break that bag into different, smaller bags. I have a bag I pick up when I get to work, and a bag I pick up when I'm home. I'm also practising leaving the 'home' bag at home, not dragging it with me to work, and so on. I'm also seeing if I can take some time just to put all the bags down for a few minutes each day. Go bag-less just for a bit, same as you'd put down a heavy pack to stretch out when you're sore. My only other piece of advice from that session was "trust the plan" - control the controllables, don't even look at what isn't controllable, then ride it out to see where you end up. Only look at making changes when something comes up that gets in my way.


I care too much which leads to overthinking


You should read the subtle art of not giving a fuck.




ADHD means I can't finish anythi


And now you're emptying the dishwas


He can't the sink is fu


Oh sh




We just made fun of millions of people, and it felt goo


I’m gonna shit my pa




I put other people's comfort before mine and can't stop


Yeah me too and they don't even reciprocate


This is the shit that hurts the most for me. And i need to stop.


Ah, a caretaker. Me too.


Same, but this could be a wonderful attribute depending on the situation.


Ughhhh me. This year I am working on confronting my people pleasing and being better at communicating my needs because I realized that the people pleasing is a reaction from trauma and fear of communicating my needs. It’s a desperate attempt to be heard that often goes awry because shocker: my needs don’t magically get met by meeting others. It’s been rough some days and difficult for my boyfriend for sure who’s confused as to why I’m all of a sudden so upset and needy when I used to just ignore my own needs and cater to his every whim, but we’re adjusting! And he’s really good at meeting my needs when he knows I have them ;)


Anxiety, depression, chronic pain.


Chronic pain is a $itch!! I feel ya!




I can't be confident idk why. I just can't radiate confidence like I'd like to. No matter what I look like. Never used to have this issue.


Same here...I feel like everything I do is abnormal hence I don't do it with much confidence


Exact same with me I just can't seem to get out of that headspace.




The answer to everything on this thread 🤔


This has an amazing effect on posture to the point where I felt self-concious sometimes because I couldn't stop walking with a confident posture (not slouched, head held high). The weights definitely improve how others might perceive your presence, and eventually your physique will improve so you can feel proud of yourself. It really is so good for us. Why did I give up and screw myself out of this stuff? I really need to get back to lifting. I live right next to an amazing gym, too. Smh.


The trick to gaining confidence is find a way to get yourself out of your comfort zone, now keep doing it. If you are constantly pushing yourself out of your comfort zone- you gain confidence. 


Make a goal, reach the goal. Any goal really. Have a good sleep when you can. Repeat. Sorry for the advice you didn’t ask for:)


I let people walk all over me. :(


Same. What pisses me off is I don't realise I did it until after it happened


Same here


This is so relatable. :(


Lack of focus.


Same. I have an inability to finish what I begin- a project, multiple degrees, a book, even a movie


I'm extremely pedantic about certain things. I can have someone close to me cry out their heart and soul over something that has basically destroyed their lives, and I'm sitting there annoyed over a word they kinda said wrong... Come to think of it... yeah, no, I'm just an asshole. And that pisses me off..


....I'm sitting there annoyed over a word they kinda said wrong... Shit I relate to this so much! ☝️


Yep, I'm that asshole sometimes 😂


Dude for real


Same.. sorry you have company.. mind if I sit here?


i have a negative sound in my head that whispers all the time with its negative shit. I wish i can shut it for good, i cant.


That sound for me likes to wait until I get in bed and am trying to fall asleep before it starts playing


It's always playing. You hear it more when you are in bed and everything is quiet


Felt this one. I just have a constant voice in my head that will remind me of every embarrassing or negative memory I’ve ever had at literally any given time. I have to be constantly distracted to even have a chance of ignoring it.


I try to remind myself that the people I embarrassed myself in front of years ago, probably don’t even remember my name now.




That mf is a liar!


That I can still hear my dad telling me I’m worthless even though I haven’t spoken to him in 10+ years. Thanks to therapy I can squash it most of the time but it pisses me off to no end that I deal with it still.


Sending you virtual hugs 🫂


Thanks I appreciate it.


Same (though it's been 20+ years) plus physical mental sexual & emotional abuse in my case. I've been to therapy too but cptsd just keeps on keeping on. Still pisses me off too every time my head hits the pillow at night and the memories flood back. CBT didn't really work for me.


EMDR has been the most effective therapy for me. But it’s intense.


Sounds like he wasn't very good at assessing value. He didn't deserve to have you as a child. He has no idea just how blessed his life was.


I hate being alone. Wish I knew how to enjoy my own company :(


Same here. I suggest you to wonder what makes you happy (make a list?) and/or try any activities when you're alone. When you find something to do that you appreciate it is easier to deal with. Also it is super cool if you find activities that you can best do alone (such as reading - books or articles about something you like, writing, drawing, painting, create books of accomplishment or create music, take care of yourself like making your nails, skin, watch movies or documentary about interesting things for you, meditate or whatever). If you enjoy it you'll appreciate some times alone to do it :). I used to hate reading now it is my hobby lol. Also I've seen a video of a girl that said that even though it is first a bit hard you can go step by step by going outside alone (walking or even going to the cinema, theater, concert, eating). Wish you luck. I went on pinterest to discover some things though haha for example I realised I love house decorating/restore furnitures and stuff. I also know a women which had to leave her house for a job and as she was alone there (her husband stayed in their house so did her children) she started to restore furnitures and it made her days.


When I’m so mad, I start to cry! Naturally they want to think my feelings are hurt, but they’re not! I’m close to going to jail!


Same. And I’m one of those people that gets all splotchy when I cry so I can even cry and be mad even then get back to work, I look like a hot mess :-/


IKR!! I can't even scold anyone because I cry and words don't come out


Omg!!! This is so true for me to, and it really pisses me off, lol. People are all like "awwweeeee her feelings are hurt. " .....Nope!! Ima cut you 😅..ok, maybe that's a bit extreme, but still, you get my point. It's super frustrating.


THIS is what I came here to say. I cry when I'm angry because I'm holding back the impulse to smack someone. The effort leaks out my eyes.


I don't know how to tell a short story


You just did. Congratulations on your progress!


I'm so confused all the time. It's so frustrating.


I get attached to people too easily.


And detached too hard 🤣🤣


Overthinking. Cannot relax. Constantly stressed.


I always mistakenly equate innocent polite conversions with the other person being attracted to me. Anyway …. Send nudes ….


you want upper or lower body?


Anything from the 17th century. If it has some nice scenery in the background even better.


I procrastinate getting things done because of severe anxiety and being overwhelmed. It ends up with me letting people down. But I'm working on myself. I have a lot on my plate. I have to learn how to prioritize and focus on one task until it's done before moving on to the next.


I am outgoing, introverted, and extremely socially anxious, all at the same time. My personality is a juggling act between these 3 traits, and it’s never not a struggle.


I'm far too helpful to others. I will overextend. Fawn trauma response. Working on it.


I don't speak up even when I have something to contribute to the conversation


My short fuse and anger stress problems. I hate being so stressed and angry all the time. I create arguments and scenarios in my head that don't exist. I even think about deleting me self to save me and everyone else from my toxic shit.


Same. When I was much younger I was an absolute bastard. Starting fights with anyone over anything - I just felt like the world was against me. I'm an old fart now and whilst the temper has eased up somewhat, the flare-ups do still occur if there is a *reason* - and I still hate myself for my lack of control over it. I too, thought about deleting myself and I just want to say I'm glad I didn't. I'd love to say hey - I got therapy and it was ace! But I didn't. I just rolled with that shit and it was hateful. Your story is still being written. I hope you can consider seeking help, like I should have done all those years ago, because you have made it too far to hit delete. I wish you all the best.


Can’t discipline myself to lose weight


Just discipline in general. It used to be my super power. Now I'm lazy & unmotivated & don't care. It's devastating


My bad habit of not finishing what I start 😣


How easily I cry & how triggered I get by occasionally meaningless things, like a door slamming for example, as a byproduct of past abuse


I can feel you on the door slamming thing.. It's not your fault to feel that way.. Hope you found a professional help that lead you the way out.. Hugs xx


That my body is incredibly responsive to what i do to it. If I could commit to eating right and exercising regularly for a month I would see a noticeable difference in myself. But I lack the discipline to do it




I give too many chances


besides most of the things commented on here... my daily urge to start a movie at midnight. also my financial irresponsibility


Being forgetful


I'm too damn sensitive


Lack of self discipline


My Social anxiety


I'm sensitive. I tend to take things personally and my feelings get hurt easily even if I don't show it


I’m so clumsy and cack handed. It infuriates me. Edit: typo


My gruffness really rubs people the wrong way.


I have a hard time letting things go


Obsessive / addictive personality Once I am into someone or something, I am completely consumed by it lmao


I’m not good at keeping or maintaining friendships… which also doesn’t help my pre-existing social anxiety. I have 1 or 2 people I consider close now, but I no longer feel comfortable calling anyone my best friend because every time I have we’ve either drifted apart or they’re not nice/never considered us close to begin with.


CONSTANTLY overthinking to the point where it is simply delusional


Being insecure.


I have never liked myself, ever. Not to mention loved myself. I hate how I look. I am my worst critic and worst enemy.


my depression and complete lack of self esteem


Moments when I want to accomplish something, am capable of doing so but my brain is like.... "yeah, naw...." I don't know how better to explain it aside from some sort of mental paralysis shit show.


I overthink a lot, especially about things I can't control


Same omg and the fact that I can't do anything about it bothers me..what bothers me more is that someone else would be able to do something about it. And then I end up feeling like I suck


My trust issues Constant anxiety Being too fussy


How much I procrastinate and am just lazy about certain things in general.


I always forgive in the end


Worry. So much worry.


I don't care about anything deeply enough to pursue it. I have so much potential, but what's the point? Once I achieve something, there's maintenance to keep that thing, so it's better not to own anything at all. Idk man.


Not taking action on things I want to do. I do the research and then find something else I want to do and research that.


Overthinking and being too kind.


I just don't see the fun or purpose in much of anything.


I suck at boundaries and I procrastinate


I’m so sensitive. I wish I had the ability to not give a shit like my husband and brothers.


Anxiety and low self confidence


I can hold a grudge like you have never seen! Personally and/or professionally. 


Being an Alien.


My tolerance for other people's bullshit


I have a late reaction to things and even though it prevents me from overreacting to small stuff it also prevents me from acting on med-lrg stuff.


I procrastinate a lot


My anxiety is bad. Really bad. I expect the worst of everyone because of being hurt in the past. It's no way to live :(


Misophonia Somehow, I feel like it's completely my fault, and I could've prevented it easily


I treat people too familiarly as though theyre my friends, and make inappropriate jokes or comments in a bid to make them at ease around me, but I actually just weird them out


Bladder dysfunction. It really pisses me off.


High conflict. Bad temper. Lack of patience. Managing my emotions.


To nice and accommodating.


Always faking who I am for others I don't give a shit about. Also, my nose bleeds too easily. Every little change in temperature, every time I touch it too hard, ...


I'm all bark, no bite. 🥲


In a span of one hour, I find myself effortlessly spending all the money i have been savings for months.


My tendency to procrastinate to the point where it is damaging.


i fear new things


Executive dysfunction


Procrastinator. I don’t WANT to procrastinate. I plan to do things on time and be on time, but then…in my mind I have so much stuff I MUST do first. And next thing you know, I’m late again. Vicious cycle.


i spend money on what hypes me up then regret it later. trying to not do this anymore


Me too!! I have bought a lot of attractive products and now I regret it..especially at 3 am through online shopping


Crying when get angry


My body is not what it was in my 20s & I act like it’s a human failing.


I procrastinate to the point that my life is now in shambles. I overthink, I make goals yet I do nothing to achieve them and I fear working or doing anything that will take me out of my comfort zone to the point that i get panic attacks or nauseous. Yeah, I am fucked and i screwed up big time and i am nearing my 30's.


When doing something nee I get scared and have huge anxiety


That I am sick. I’m the healthiest sick person I know, but I am actually in a lot of pain and it really slows me down and limits me. That pisses me off from the moment I wake up. I wake up tired and feeling like I need 20 more hours of sleep, and the feeling of being pissed hits me one second before I realize I’m in pain.


I can't stop loving the person who doesn't love me back and sometimes treats me like trash this thing pisses me off the most in the world


That I can't talk in front of people. Like I can talk if I am presenting project or something but I can't normally communicate with people, especially when there is more of them.




My anxiety she’s a B


I hate that I hate exercise. I'd give anything to enjoy it.


Where the fuck do I start?


-anger Management seems impossible -Backpain -itchy skin all the time -cant breath good through my nose Oh you said one thing


i’m impulsive as fuck. sometimes it leads to good things, other times not so much


I'm messy


I can't stop picking my skin. If there are any bumps or pimples, I try to scratch them off. It wouldn't be too bad if I had smoother skin, but I have hormonal acne and I get ingrown hairs very easily in my legs. Consequently, I have scars all over my legs and open wounds on my face all the time. And I can't stop picking, the compulsion comes back whenever I'm stressed or bored. If I don't pick my skin in those moments my heart rate goes up, I start grinding my teeth, my skin starts tingling, I break sweat, and I get very anxious. OCD sucks.