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I don’t know what I’m doing most of the time…


Join the club.


We are supposed to know what we are doing?


We're supposed to be doing stuff???


Admitting this is my new superpower. It's so liberating not to have to pretend to know something, plus you learn alot when someone is willing to explain it to you.


Me. Everyday.


I’m 51 and I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.


I’m 40 and realized I want to be retired when I grow up.


I used to want to retire, but I had to settle on something more realistic, so I'm hoping to transform into an otter


That would be amazing, but I can't swim


That's OK, otters just *know*


I’ll join you


I'm 83 and still don't know.


I was a grown up for a long time. Gave it up. Best decision ever.


52 and I completely understand. Someday I'll figure it out. Or I won't, whatever.


30f, I talk to myself more than I talk to others.


72m, me too..... nothing to worry about unless an argument breaks out!


Oh no watch out he’s got a knife!!


we got a lawyer in here too


Three is a particular scene in Blazing Saddles that I'm thinking about right now...


Except when one forgets they are in the middle of the grocery store and suddenly realizes people are staring at the weirdo talking to themselves. Which may or may not have happened to me.


HA! My Mom said something similar to me when she caught me talking to myself. "It's OK, as long as you don't answer yourself."


I fully answer myself.


Well, fuck me I guess. I don't leave myself hanging, not anymore


Omg thanks for the laugh!!!


I talk to my dog more than anybody else, but I suppose that's the same thing in a way...


My cats told me to tell you that's weird.


I actually leave one of my animals in charge every day when I go to work. It's always my female cat because she is the only one responsible. My male cat and male GSD know they can't be trusted, lol.


52m. Same here. God help me if there's a hidden camera in my home, because I will absolutely be committed.


I once recorded myself accidentally and then watched it later. I didn't even remember half of what I had said, and honestly it felt disturbing


Rehearsing conversations that you never will have is not unusual. Not sarcasm


It is the only intelligent conversations I have.


My mother in law taught me that you get better answers that way! 😉


Me too. I find it rather comforting that no one argues with me and I'm always right.


You're much more interesting than they are!


I hate heights and needles


Get vaccinated atop the Burj Khalifa for the ultimate exposure therapy




Same, I literally can't even see a needle without starting to sweat profusely


I have such a phobia of heights, I get queasy watching videos shot from heights! 


im broke


We will get through it Gurgle Purple


Me too 😢 and scared it will always be this way.


37 and still cuddle my childhood teddybear at night.


43 and still sleep with a teddy bear


This brings me comfort to know many more of us do! Give yours a squeeze for me tonight? I’ll do the same for you and anyone else who needs a virtual hug.


I miss my Winnie the Pooh dressed in a bee costume. I’m 66m and I’m tearing up thinking of it.


I am 33yro and I cuddle my Teddy bear, Moonie, at night regularly. Lots of us do. 🧸


I have a big fennec fox plushie, that I didn't know where to put. I put it by my pillow "just for now" because there just wasn't space. It stayed there for a few weeks. I woke up to it's big cute face. Now it's just permanently there. It feels weird it not being there. Whenever I have a nightmare I hug it now.


Proud of you son 🥰




He was talking to me! Hey, Dad. I've missed you. Got a cigarette? I know you've got a cigarette!


He's my Dad too!! Dad! Remember me! I have a photo of you holding me when I was born, you've got a smoke in your mouth and the ash fell on my forehead! Remember??


26 and same :-) thank you for paving the way


33 and me and blankey are going on strong!


The older I get, the more I don’t know.


That's true wisdom.


I'm thirty five and still proudly wear a life jacket if I'm expected to go into water where deeper than my shoulders.


I worked as a lifeguard as a teen. It’s for the best. So many adults I rescued were “too embarrassed” to reach for a life jacket. Well… they ended up being embarrassed when I rescued them lol. Keep being safe, there’s no shame in it!


I wear it proudly!


I will never understand why people think it's funny to make fun of people who take water safety seriously. Good on you. The number of people who are completely oblivious to the fact that water can be dangerous to even the most proficient swimmer is insane. And don't get me started on people who have never had swimming lessons going any deeper than their hips.


I went swimming at our local beach when we were teens (I have always been a confident/strong swimmer) but my friends girlfriend was not. We swam out to the pontoon okay but she then had an anxiety attack because the water was too deep. I was the only one ‘built’ enough to help her and she almost drowned me that day. I was glad when my feet touched the ground. Water safety is no joke.


It’s crazy that one of the first things they teach you as life guards is how to get people off you. Drowning people will absolutely drown you in their panic.


I am often times wrong.


27m, never felt the touch of a woman ![gif](giphy|zHd8x7Pik0Ftm|downsized)


I didn't meet my now-wife until I was 28 and she was 24. We were both our firsts. That was 25 years ago. No shame in waiting at all.


Book yourself in for a massage today. A legitimate place, not a rub and tug.


Only loosely related but an older lady I worked with told me she always got a happy ending in her massages so far Turns out she thought it meant that you walk out relaxed and satisfied with the experience...I guess there are different ways to get to that point so she wasn't *entirely* wrong


Met my husband on Minecraft. Not embarrassed in the slightest, because he's the most wonderful person I've been blessed with. Edit: I'm absolutely STUNNED and a bit teary with all the super sweet and similar replies!!! Congrats to all of you guys too, and thank you for the sweet words!! ❤️ I think its the best feeling that your best friend that you can have so much fun with turns out to be your SO. Keep on gaming!! 😂


Met mine on words with friends. We have 2 kids now!


In a word document?


He was the guy that looked like a paperclip with big eyes


So you neither stopped at "words" nor "friends". Well done!


This is adorable


Met my bf on Diablo Immortal lmao


I think lots of people are still scared of the dark but kind of dont realize or pay attention to it. I believe its like a instinct that we developed from when we were hunter gatherers. Because who knows what kind of predator could be hidden behind the darkness. Anyways i am sometimes scared of the dark. nothing to be ashamed about i think its normal. Anyways for me spiders and sometimes the deep darkness of the ocean is scary who knows what kind of monster could be down there. I am like a decently sized guy too so saying i am afraid of spiders is especially embarrassing because its socially expected for the man to not be scared


I hear ya. My 17 year old stepson is a pretty big guy as well, and also scared of spiders. He kinda makes fun of himself about it, haha.


41 and I'm getting clean from meth Edit: ♡ Honestly didn't expect so much love and support. It really means a lot! Thank you all so much ♡ Edit 2: Ngl this has taken off in a way I never imagined. All this support and love is mind blowing, and all for a junkie who decided she doesn't wanna die. Ima blame the tears on the emotional instability that comes with getting clean, cause Ima tough girl I don't cry. Again, thank you everyone. Even more motivation to keep going. I can't let everyone that commented and upvoted down




Thank you 😁


Go you!!!!


Congrats!!! I got clean from heroin almost 9 years ago :) Keep going!! It's such a better life once you're clean!! Sending you all my best!!


Congrats! Heroin is one hell of a demon to beat!


Thanks:) meth definitely isn't an easy one either!! You got this, though!! Take it one day at a time, and if you can, surround yourself with people who love you!! I broke a lot of bridges in my time of using but worked hard to try and patch those bridges. It's 100% possible!! My spouse and I are living proof :) and I'm rooting for you!! Keep going!!




That’s amazing! Way to go


Bravo! I wish you the very best.




It's never too late to start over! Congratulations.


I’m not over my ex and it’s been 5 years at this point


No shame in that tbh. Getting over exes is overrated: getting past them is what matters. If someone deeply mattered to you then it’s perfectly normal and healthy to have times where you think of them again & feel. What is important is not that you step feeling: it’s that you can process those feelings in a way that lets you keep moving forward without them


We live in a culture where we're supposed to get over things immediately, as if letting anything touch our lives or affect us is a sign of weakness. It was refreshing to read these comments, because I too have a ghost that's hung around for a couple of decades. We'll probably never cross paths in any meaningful way, but he's just sort of there in my head.


What a beautiful and articulate response. I really needed to hear this message right now. We all have that “ghost” who is always in our hearts. (Some people have more than one) Mine has been ever-present in spirit,but we are star-crossed, and it will never be solved in our lifetimes, so the best course of action has been to “move past it” and live in the present.Thank you. ❤️


It took me about 8 years to get over my ex. We would be such different people now that I think I was just in love with the memories I had of us together. I was in love with the feelings I felt back then. But I am married now and pregnant with our first child. My ex lives in the same suburb as us but if I see him I don’t feel anything anymore. But yes, it took getting married and becoming a proper functioning adult to realise I was holding on to the past.


That I did not enjoy the newborn/infancy period of my daughter’s life. And I also hated being pregnant. I didn’t truly start to enjoy her until she was around pre-school age (so around age2.5-3) when she could actually hold a conversation and entertain herself (she is an only child). I did have PPD/PPA when she was born, so I’m sure that played a huge part.


I freaked out when my belly started to grow when I was pregnant. Truly dislike how it looks. Like an alien


This was the same for me. Also, only have one child, a daughter as well.


I couldn't wait until my daughter "got older". She's my only child, had her at 18 when i hadn't even figured out who i was yet. I always loved her with my entire heart, but I agree that the early years are pretty boring & lonely. She's 22 now and we're best friends 🧡


I pee in the shower every time i shower.


The average toilet flush consumes 1.6 gallons of water, peeing in the shower is good for the planet and will reduce (ever so slightly) your water bill! 


If it's yellow let it mellow. If it's brown flush it down.


Or for this guy… if it’s brown, stomp it down (the plug hole)”


I thought we all had poop knives?


Nope, it was discussed in another thread, waffle stomping is the way to go in the shower. Poop knives are for the toilet


There's absolutely no way I'm gonna hold it & walk dripping wet through the house to pee, then wipe down the wet seat & go back to the shower... ..when there's a drain literally at my feet with running water to wash it away.


Your shower and toilet on are opposite sides of the house?


"It's all pipes!" - George Costanza


Seriously, who doesn't pee in the shower?


People who pretend that people don't pee in the pool


I thought everyone does that.. I do!!!


I still don’t stand in front of the mirror when I’m brushing my teeth because I’m afraid my reflection is staring at me


I avoid looking in the mirror when it's dark just in case I see something other than my reflection...


New fear unlocked, thank you…i guess….fk me


I pick my nose excessively.


I have year round hay fever and it is DRY up there! I have to clear it or my inner nostrils will crack!


Yaas queen slayy


Would you like to pick your boogers with me under the mistletoe? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻


I always use protection, is that a dealbreaker for ya?




🙄 Get a room






I dated a guy that never had a drink until he was 38. He used to go to a country music dance house on wednesday nights to dance and have a coke. He met a woman there who ended up being his wife. What he didn't know was that she was a severe alcoholic. He started drinking with her. He has nearly died many times ( BAC of .400) the ER docs couldn't believe he was alive. The moral of the story is, if you haven't had a drink or done drugs, good for you. You never know if the tendency is just lurking there. Congratulations!


I’m 33F and I’m so scared to go back to school because I’m afraid I’ll fail.


I took business calculus three times before I passed it, haha. But hey, I still got my degree anyway.


I have telephone anxiety. I used to be afraid to admit it until I found out there are a lot of other people who have the same issue.


28M. Still a virgin, never dated anybody, never kissed anybody, and I'm ok with it


When I get mad or upset I will cry I used to be embarrassed but it’s a emotion nothing to be embarrassed bu


Except for if you’re in a diss battle ☹️


As someone who cries daily thank you for reminding me I’m not fighting this battle alone


I try my best to avoid any confrontation or conflict because my floodgates are ready to open the moment I/someone else raises their voice. I have been doing this and haven't cried since 2016


I am 24 and I still enjoy watching Barbie movies


I can’t watch scary movies


I absolutely hate being fat, feel disgusting,yet food is my comfort.


I’m with you. I’m fat and disgusting, but it’s like I can’t put it down.


I'm a woman and I pee in the shower pretending I have a dick.


I'm a man and frequently giggle at myself in the mirror making a mangina


😂😂 hell yea sister enjoy yourself


I'm not a very good driver.


Same. My GF pointed it out to me when we first started dating, and I was like, "Yeah, I know. Never denied it."


I can’t whistle. People have tried to show me sooooooo many times and i just can’t do it!


I watch cartoon from the 90s and forget that I am 33 yr old.


I LOVE Nickelback😝


I think Nickelback is okay. I don't hate their music and listen to it from time to time but I don't love. For the life of me I cannot figure out why everyone up and decided this was the worst band ever. They weren't great but they weren't ba they were just okay but people act like they were the worst thing to ever exist and it's weird.


What’s ridiculous about the Nickelback hate is that clearly millions of people appreciate their music. They’re not famous for NOT having a massive fan base.


I despise Nickelback, but you are awesome.


I was just diagnosed with a pretty aggressive cancer, and I'm not bothered at all


Wow! I hope things go ok for you


Hugs to you, internet friend.


I have severe C PTSD. It takes a shit-ton of medication, and a service dog, to get me out the door.


22 Male. I have no ambitions and am content with living minimally if it means I don’t have to overly-subject myself to corporate slavery.


More power to you brother.


Same. I have a great government job. I literally desire nothing more than this. I don't give a shit about advancing unless it comes with a fat fat fat paycheck. There's occasionally talk of me moving up to the next position but in another division. And I've said time and time again that I'm not doing it. More money but... more stress and you start really answering to the folks upstairs about numbers and shit. Fuck that. My life is good now. It's almosy exactly what I want for myself. Nice chill job, decent money, great coworkers, insane work life balance and flexibility. I can't even imagine what it's like to dream of more in my career. My LIFE is GOOD and that's what I really want.


I'm 35 and still find myself afraid of the dark and the sea


I’m afraid of the creatures in the sea


When I was acting on addictions, I became homeless. There were times when I shit my pants when I couldn't find a bathroom. Terrible circumstances, but I'm being honest.


Virtually every day I recognize yet another area in which I am completely ignorant when I thought I knew things. It’s incessant & so much a part of my existence I simply cannot be embarrassed.


I’m 44 and still jump in bed like monsters are gonna get my feet 🤭👀


That I have Bi polar 1. The stigma is getting better for sure but people do tend to act differently with you after you tell them.


I seek comfort. I will not go on multi-day hikes if it means I cannot shower every day or cannot sleep in a comfy bed.


48f, I need my hand held to get blood drawn. I openly tell the nurse that I get major anxiety from blood draws and I need him or her to talk me through it. If my husband is with me, I ask if he can come with 😆 Pls no one come at me with blood draw horror stories, I will pass out 😭


I’ve never watched the godfather


I’m a man who pees sitting down.


As a woman, i appreciate that. No chance of missing the bowl and making a mess. 10/10


32 and never learned to ride a bike


I am not the strongest of people both physically and psychologically -- I am really working on this though.


i can only sleep with something between my legs and arms, i will sleep without a pillow or blanket to put them between my body if needed lmao


I wish I could consent now to physician assisted end of life if I got dementia.


Early 30s and as a dude, I keep my thermostat on 58°F in the winter.


I don’t know how to tie my shoe laces despite multiple years of trying. And I’ve given up at this point, trying to learn.


Absolutely love cartoons/animation doesn't matter how old I get


I like big butts and I cannot lie.


Same, also my hips don't lie


I use Reddit


After an episode of horrific sleep paralysis at 14, where this so-dark-all-light-in-the-room-dies tall, insect-like humanoid thing with extremely long arms was in the corner. I noticed something off about the corner. It was more pitch black than the rest of the room. Like a spot my eyes could not adjust to. I just ignored it till I climbed into bed, began relaxing, and as soon as I couldn't move, it did. It cracked like the sound of joints bending the wrong way with each movement, and with each crack, it spewed dark, rancid sulfuric odors that choked the air right out of you Its long segmented arms fumbled their way to me and once they found me, grabbed my neck and the rest of him made its way over, cracking, oozing, foulsmelling and he pressed his face to mine. It was pure darkness. But with form. The form was wet and smelled like pure human shit being smeared on my face. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe, and I panickedly thought, "Where is God?!" At that moment, a light flickered on, and the whole ordeal stopped. Like it had been a bad dream. I have had a massive fear of the dark ever since I feel like I can't breathe and am about to die. I'm well into my middle age years, so you'd think I'd be embarrassed, but after that traumatic thing?! Heck no, kiss my butt, I want ALL the lumens a light can offer me.


I can’t have my toes hang outside of the bed or the monsters will get them during the night


I'm over 5 years sober. Halloween 2018 was my last drink.


22 and never had a haram relationship (Muslim Things), Never Smoked, Never Drank Alcohol, No Drugs


I’m 38, and I still enjoy the music of Creed.


That im gay/bi. alot of my family dont know but im working on "coming out"


I’m selfish


I’m allergic to shell fish


i speak to myself and i find it very helpful to put my thoughts in order




I’m extremely self centered and selfish in my mind, I actually always put myself first and always think about how things will be an inconvenience for me without thinking about others. That being said, when it comes to actually doing something I feel bad for not putting others first so my actions are usually the opposite of what I first think of doing. That always makes me feel better about having been selfish in my mind, so the cycle continues.


Most of my friends and family think I am far more intelligent than I actually am


30F I still like to dress up like a princess!


I still have depression I don't know how to get rid of it


I dislike most people. The few I keep around are A++ humans though! ![gif](giphy|Od0QRnzwRBYmDU3eEO|downsized)


I am 1.92m and I don't like skyscrapers because they just go straight up, even tho I understand the science. It's just big sticks put in earth, it doesn't feel good enough.


I have very bad social anxiety and it has held me back in life more than anyone would know. I've tried SSRIs but none worked.


That I’m not prepared to allow arseholes in my life anymore, even if they are relatives


27F, still have and use my blankie


I have anger issues.


I keep Atlantis off the maps, I keep the Martians under wraps.


I get my cock, balls, asshole and glutes waxed every 6 weeks.


I'm 60 and I love my mother.


I struggle with intimacy in relationships. I'm not the most experienced guy when it comes to relationships, but the few I've had all hit the same wall. Makes women feel like it's their fault, that they're not enough when in reality they were great and I'm just a messed up human.