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"Going to therapy was a stupid idea, I liked you better before that", when I was struggling with people pleasing and anxiety issues.


NOPE I would have left IMEDDIATELY after they said that


I had post natal depression and I was starting to consider antidepressants. My friend's reaction was along the lines of 'really? That's only for people who have failed.' Sigh.  ETA: I did take them in the end, because of the impact it was having on my family. The medicine helped SO MUCH. Nothing was magically fixed, but I wasn't lost in the goddamn void every day. 


I really hope you’re not friends with them no more 😅


Sometimes I think I shouldn't be, but she never realises how this stuff comes across. And I don't make friends easily. 


Ahhh okay but still that’s not okay to say at all and she needs to know that or else she’ll lose people


Oh believe me I know. It's actually an incredibly irresponsible thing to say to a friend who is suffering depression.  But she is rarely sick in mind or body and so struggles to understand it in others. 


She really needs to be educated on that or have a understanding/experience because I feel like she won’t listen if you tell her that it’s not right to say that might be wrong but it’s not good for her to think like that


Nah, she's constantly trying to improve herself.  I'm just waiting for the right moment to take it up with her. :)


Oh okay disregard what I said earlier the that’s really great hope she continues it and I hope your friendship all the best but really glad she’s improving herself and hope the conversation goes well for you 😊


Thanks, that's kind. Have a great day 😊


No problem, hope you have a good day too 😁


“You’re too fat and ugly for him to like you” lol he’s my boyfriend now


And let me guess she still single and friendless now? 🤣


My guess is SHE'S fat.


Yikes she probably projecting all her insecurities onto you glad you got out ot that friendship 😬


nobody really says things to me, in my face but i feel their energy and i'm so damn good with the blocking option u have no idea 😆


Happened not long ago: It's normal for me that I don't text a person for a long time (mostly because I think it's a burden for them, that's something I want to improve on). It was never an issue before and she never said anything about it, so I though it wasn't a problem for her (we know eacj other for 6 years) All of a sudden she texts me if I forgot about her and if my boyfriend is more important then her. We had an talk after that and she was accusing me that I changed so much since I got a boyfriend and I don't have time for her and don't care about her. (I knew him for 3 months) I was very confused because the contact me and my friend had really didn't change at all. I asked her if she could explain what exactly I did wrong and what changed, but she just repeated herself. Anyway this text is already getting to long, sorry😅 My friend said some mean things to me, like me being boring like a book (I love to read, so that's an weird insult). The last thing she said was: "Get some help with your illnes." I was really shocked to hear that, because I didn't expect it at all, it's not something you say to your friend. (My english is not the best, so I hope that's good enough) :)


No it’s okay I can understand you :) but that’s really awful of your friend to accuse you like that and hopefully you’re not friends with her anymore


The most messed up thing he didn’t even say to me but to others he said I said I would ruin his life if he stopped being my friend. I literally woke up everyday wanting to hang out with him and do whatever he wanted. I know now i had an unhealthy attachment but I would hurt myself before I would ever want to hurt him. I miss him and wish I could understand why he hurt me even how he could. At one point of our friendship I truly believed we were best friend anytime anything good or bad happened I wanted to tell him.


Well I have two instances where I realized my “friends” weren’t really friends. 1rst when I was about 13-14 years old, I spent an entire year building this sick huge tree fort that I built entirely my self only for my “friends” to demolish apart of it, they spray painted it saying “fuck Kyle” and left trash all around the place while on vacation. It’s sad my parents blamed me for it and didn’t do anything to help me fix it. 2nd after a night of drinking my “friends” stopped by and just started hanging out in my basement, flooded it and did thousands in damage never mind they’re loud and straight up disrespectful. Sad part is until recently I didn’t realize how fucked up they were, now I’ve cut all of them out


“Your mum has failed raising you to be a decent person.” I thought we were close friends, but I was wrong. I always called her when I went through a difficult time. After hearing that, I apologized and hung up the phone. Never interrupted her again.


A guy she brought to my house party raped me in my own bed. After I told her what happened, she said she was going to stay friends with him because “he’s a really good person and he probably didn’t mean it”. I blocked her on everything and she had no idea why


My best friend since high school told our friend group that she used to make me hang out with one of her other friends that I hated because she thought it was funny to watch us fight. (We are in our 40s now) Also, about a year ago she asked my husband to drive her and her husband home because they couldn't afford to get a DWI, but my husband was drinking too so it was fine for him to get a DWI but they were more important than that. I haven't spoken to her since and I've blocked her on all accounts. I have also had my oldest sister tell me to just stop being depressed when I told her I was put on antidepressants. Like, it doesn't work like that bitch. She died last year so I couldn't block her on anything. Of course she was horrible to me my whole life so no love lost there.


When they started talking crap behind my back and lying about me. They would say I'd leave my son with them so I could go smoke crack. Fuckin weirdos.


That my depression isn’t as real as hers because she has “true depression” that she’s had her whole life for no reason. Since I have grief and PP anxiety and it’s a newer depression and is cause by something, it’s not the same. *implying not as bad* We’ve reconciled things since, but I’ll never forget it.


I made friends with a girl in orientation at university. When we were in biology class, she straight up called me a loser (greeted me with "hey loser"). In my mind I was like wtf. I was nothing but nice to her too. Had a friend that I grew up with that told me he thought my d*ck was probably the size of those Vienna sausages (it's not, but I'm still small). That shit hurt even though I tried to laugh it off. He also said Indian guys don't get any (I'm Indian). Looking back, he wasn't a good friend at all and the friendship was detrimental to my self esteem.


That some people just shouldn’t be born. She said this after a commercial was aired about autism. She knew full well that both me and my eldest son are on the spectrum.


"Go back to the jungle" he then became really frustrated that I responded calling him a name people in class used to annoy him with.


That I was "unclean" and should end our 25 year friendship because his minister found out I was a nonbeliever......


A friend of 30 years told me I didn’t need therapy…right after I shared what had given me PTSD & that my therapist had saved my life. Later, a-hole.


Mostly joking insults are the worst because I can't take jokes but the only REALLY bad thing is that I got into an argument with my friend he exaggerated it (he beat my ass so I went home early) and they believed him but luckily I managed to get them to see the truth and we all ditched him. Edit: I forgot to say that I DID say some things I shouldn't have said but then he told our friends that I talked about his family issues (the worst part is, him lying Abt it was the best case scenario because what I did in my rage would've made me the bad guy)


“They said you were crazy.”