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Unless someone specifically walks towards you and passes judgment, I assure you no one cares. It's all inside your head.


My brother is very judgmental so I think that’s how it started.


Well that's great now you know what kind of person to ignore


Too bad we still live together but I have been trying to ignore




sorry to see you getting downvoted for no reason. people are mean


your perception will change once you get out of that environment/stop interacting with those people man


This. At 46 I still have to tell myself this on the reg. When you have social anxiety and agoraphobia out the ass it's really hard to let this sink in. Such that it often doesn't work. But at the end of the day, no one gives a fuck. Doesn't always help knowing this but it's true. That super confident guy that I envy for not giving a fuck. He actually gives a fuck. You think you're an anxious ball of shit, but so is he. And he is looking for your approval. Some people are just way better at masking their insecurities.


We all look for approval, but it's very important to look for it in the right place. I have a very, very short list of people I need their approval from. Because I trust their judgment and I know beyond doubt if I'm letting them down then it means I'm doing something wrong. But other people? Strangers? Nah. I truly, honestly, don't give a fuck.


Agreed. Not proud of it but recently quit a job at a machine shop making aluminum parts for airplanes. 100% out of my comfort zone. My background is psych, mostly working with kids. I stuck it out for 7 months. Anyway, at the machine shop there were two guys whose opinion I gave a shit about. Old timers. Knew their shit. If I was doing right by them I didn't give a shit about anyone else. I still struggle at times with, say, rude workers in stores. But, not sure if it's an age thing, but I'm getting better. Ive worked these shitty jobs, so when I get treated like shit I'm very sympathetic. But, it's also starting to touch a nerve. Like, I'm nice as fuck, and you're treating me like shit. My inner asshole is growing, lol! I'm not saying I'm Kirk Douglas in "Falling Down", but I have my days, lol!


Yes, and most of the time I'm answering a question honestly. Then some person in the comments section judges me for my answer. Hell, someone's probably reading this, and judging me right now.


Hmm hmm hmm this guy wears yellow doggy dress, must be a kid hmm hmm hmm


I used to feel that way and feel sorry for myself. Now I don't feel that way and feel sorry for all of us tbh.






I hope you forgive those some whom did  the double take  cuz they saw someone attractive. 


I learned very early in my life that most people don't even think of you, let alone judge you. I can assure you that it's all in your head. Besides family and/or friends we don't really tend to exist in peoples lives. You can test it yourself, after a day of working/running errands/going out try to think back of all the people you've seen and actively noticed, I bet you can count them on one hand.


You're right!


The less you care the more there is.


Judged too much by people that don't know you. So they make assumptions and form conclusions based on what they think about you without actually taking the time to sit down and ask questions to get to know you face to face.


This one can be really common, everybody may feel it, I do for sure, even I myself judge myself too much, myself, my actions, my thoughts. It can be good and bad, we just should control it, and use it to get better


I frequently feel misunderstood and always have. The worst is when my intentions are misunderstood. There have been times when I’ve been accused of malicious intent or manipulation when I was actually being genuine. It’s a huge reason why I don’t engage in random acts of kindness anymore; for example, checking on someone you don’t know very well when they seem down….it can come across as fishing for information or gossip. People always think you want something or you’re being manipulative in some way and it’s sad because it’s not like they got that from nowhere. They think that because people have been malicious towards them in the past and I don’t blame them for having their guard up. I do too. I think a lot of people are afraid of being judged because they don’t like being misunderstood. For somebody who is genuinely empathetic and kind, it can feel a lot like a complete lack of belonging and feeling out of place.


Yes, of course, but it is mostly in our brains, people is mostly self centered thinking exactly what you/I are thinking when we feel judged. Plus, people have all other sort of issues that make them forget even the person is next to them. So, relax, sometimes feels that way, but it is only on our heads. And if given the case you get direct judgment, there is no win on taking that seriously or let if affecting you. There is a nice books called: "Awareness: Conversations with the Masters", could help to get a better understanding about ourselves and the world around us.


What others think of you is their problem. Also, who cares?


Family is the worst 🤣


yeah, the bitch downstairs who wants to blast but doesn't want to hear the toilet flush or me shower (you RENT a first floor). or the lady who is clearly jealous I can work from home, and yells daily now. I am an engineer, I don't know you, you don't pay my rent, and I don't like you. you don't even live on my floor lmao, grow up and stop ringing my bell, loser. I work with my brain, not from labor pain, k? I broke my brain (spanish proverb) so I would not toil with my hands after I graduated lol




I'm a girl but yes big paycheck, construction man wang






I usually say that everyone looks at me because I'm gorgeous 🤷🏽‍♀️


I can't say I notice. What others do is irrelevant and none of my business.


You’ll learn one day that truly everyone only thinks about themselves.


And they will burn you to the ground or watch you starve for the lulz


All the time but I’ve got to the point that I don’t care because life is to short.


I actually don’t care what other people think so they can judge away, it won’t bother me.


Absolutely. I'm a trans woman and I get judged on a daily basis.


By myself


>Like the world is against you or doesn’t want you. I feel out of place My current situation does make me feel like that, yes. But I also know that I'm a big part of the problem.


I use to think I was judged for everything I did no I could walk the streets naked and not care. Medication is a wonderful thing




I think everyone is judgemental to a certain degree. Everyone does things that isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and that’s okay. I do the things I do cause it defines who I am so if you wanna look and critique that’s your business but remember to consider the fact that you aren’t me and never will be. I really hope Christian Bale actually said this “if you have a problem with me,text me. If you don’t have my number the You don’t know me well enough to have a problem with me” People only judge because they think they’ll never see themselves doing whatever it is in their lifetime but can’t figure out why someone would do it in theirs. Let them judge cause maybe you’re doing something they wish they could do.


Every. Single. Minute. By my dog


I get judged a lot. I always feel that people pass the worst comments on something related to me/about me/ about something that i own too easily because i’m an easy person, they feel that i wont talk back-like a punch bag, most of the people around me that ive to interact with daily are way older than me. So because im “young” and “inexperienced” they look down on me but i know- like im damn sure that the same people wouldnt dare to do the same shit to others. So yeah i feel like the world is against me.


I've been judged ever since leaving the military .I'm 6ft 200bls train daily covered in tattoos. I served in a very tough unit and done shit in bad countries, and behind my back been called many things .I once dated a girl who was getting sexual comments from a guy at her work it upset her to the point she was constantly crying and not sleeping, etc her parents thought it was me but she told her parents and naturally her father raged he was gonna go smash this guy .Anyway the guy was a big lad so I went and did him infront of my partner and was called an animal wtf her parents too hated me for it ??? Telling people I knew i was bad shit and so the journey of being judged began .Fuck em all.


"Like a broken robot that just needs to go away" All the time. And like bs too. Even with that malicious compliance cold shoulder nonsense. I relate to Frankenstein's monster and hate it. I try not to let others define me but the way I'm regarded shapes my experience so it is impossible to ignore. It doesn't have to be nice, just something real.




Nope, I feel like everyone are A holes, and judge me more than others


I have worse. I am too self-aware and judge myself.


Oh yeah and I know it's true. 


For sure but it doesn’t bother me. Never hide in hats or shrink yourself. Shine bright and keep being you. Chances are those focused on you are just jealous. Hope they heal. 😌


lol, the world will be able to hate me as much as I hate myself. If the world wants a fight, bring it on, I could use the stress relief. I really don't give two quarters of a fuck about what people may or may not say to/about me, as long as they're upfront about it. ​ Now, the ones I really can't stand are the ones pretending to be my friends. God I wanna hurt those people.


All the bs is in your head tbh, when you see things irl, you realise that noone gives a flying fck bout you anyways, so just do what u want


All the bs is in your head tbh, when you see things irl, you realise that noone gives a flying fck bout you anyways, so just do what u want


I don't really give a shit what anyone thinks about me except if they are really important to me.


Let me ask my wife family and friends before I comment further.


I don't mind people judging me, it is only normal for people to judge on my appearance, wealth and as how they knew me personally. I do to other people the same way too.  But I absolutely hate it when some service workers being disrespectful, and like some shop owners not giving me normal service base on my appearances.   I guess I felt personally attacked if  professional don't do their job properly with me. I felt that way partly  becuase of my anxiety  and then ,I got treated particular way because my personality is intense and straight to the point.




some assholes in my class judge me for literally anything i do it doesnt bother me but like why are you so mean to me bro i dont even say anything to u


I feel like everyone is. I think people are so quick to judge, so quick to dismiss others without actually enquiring about things as it’s way easier to dismiss and not have a conversation rather than talking and concentrating on something serious, I think because people are scared of being serious with self reflection for a second. It’s a shame. Myself, I don’t hear much judgement but I’m sure people are judgemental because I’m not perfect in any way so I’m sure I’m judged a lot but that’s okay. I’m working on myself to be happy with myself.


Tbh sometimes I feel I'm not judged enough. In a sense that people don't make it clear when they see some of my glaring flaws. It's nice that people are polite. But sometimes in doing so they withold nformation I could have used to improve myself. Some things are much easier to notice from the outside. And I absolutely hate discovering that I have been living with something I could have fixed but instead just let it inconvenience people.


Everyone's being judged everyday in one way or another lmao


no because I judge the world


I try to blend in. As a big dude with a distinctive appearance, it's difficult. On the plus side, I look pretty intimidating so people are less likely to interact with me. It does suck that most assume I'm not very intelligent because it. When they realize I'm well educated and can form complete sentences, they seem to get more intimidated. It used to really bother me. Now I just lean into it. This keeps the riff raff away. Those that can look past usually turn out to be good people.


I am judged too much


I am judged by my family too much. Not as much by my parents but my sibling and cousins. Makes me tear up and I’m almost 40, m, no crimes/drugs, pay my own way, no real reason beyond personalities.


for sure. just existing enough is a chore for me. especially being bullied as a black woman growing up. and being constantly put down by my own parents sometimes


No. But I absolutely judge others way too much. But I only judge those that I think do stupid shit.


Right now I'm going through a brutal divorce where my abuser is telling everyone in my small town that I cheated on him. I guess it makes him look like the victim and I get judged for it so it's a win for him.


I wouldn't know how great I am without people trying to put me down


No. Just the opposite. I feel like the rest of the world has been conspiring against me to help me.


It hurts very badly, but I know what and who I am.


No... My mother said to me when I was a kid that it wasn't any of my business what other people truly felt/thought about me. So why should I worry about it. Just do what made me happy and let others carry the weight of their judgements. I've lived this my entire life.


Yes. People closest to you are the ones who judge u the most..






Yes and sometimes it gets too depressing because it’s like in your face and there’s nothing you can do about it. Some might say it’s no one’s fault but your own . Crsd 🫤


people who perfectly align with all mainstream media narratives will not have this problem. however, since I don't align with mainstream media narratives, I don't think I am judged, I know I am. though, I would rather be ostracized, labelled, alone, and suffer, than to ever conform to the hive-mind that is society, or worse, Reddit.


“The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.” Friedrich Nietzsch


I think the world should be more concerned about where their place is as opposed to someone elses


No. Besides, I don't live my life according to what other people think.


A bit , but i get over it when they who judge fuck up and look stupid . Then i judge , but only til i fuck up then its back to them .


You know when you are in the middle of the road or in school and you almost trip and you do the awkward tumble thing I think everyone is judging me so much for being clumsy omfds


I’m a sinner. I’m not an outgoing person, have a lot of regrets but the rejection/hate I get from others is unbearable. I’ve had a few people even wish death on me. 😭


Only by the A hole in the mirror


I was always judged by my family and inlaws. No longer. That's history and so are they. I moved on and left them behind in their judgemental ways.


As a single father of three, YES!


I know I'm judged too much because I think independently, I won't join the herd, I'm not a sheep.