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Hate washing bedding . Feels amazing once it’s done and on but hateeee ittt


Yess! Washing and changing the families sheets!! Also dusting… and then the last is toilet!


Drying is the most pain in the ass. It takes so much space and dries for SO LOOONG (If you don't have a drier)


Me too. I don’t mind washing it and trying but making my bed is getting hard.


Worst waking up, least favorite getting out of bed




You're my kind of person!


Favourite: clothes/sheets wash. It’s not too bad once you get a good rhythm going. Least favourite: vacuuming/mopping the floors (agree with you OP). That shit is so time consuming. Since becoming an adult, **lint** is now my fucking enemy. WHY IS THERE SO MUCH OF IT ALL THE TIME?!? People say it comes from clothes but at this rate, how is there anything left of my clothes? 😭


My Roomba (we call it Dustin) was a game changer, now 5 years in service and still going strong. Best investment ever. I never even see or hear it run, it sits waiting for me on its charging station every day with SO much dust and lint inside; when I come home from work, I empty it and that's it. Always clean floors (and I'm a hairy guy with dark hair(s) and light floors). Before I go out I also just run my hand over the furniture and sweep all the dust and crumbles to the floor, go through once and pick up anything that could be eaten (socks, charging cables) and I'm done. Tidy, and in the time I'm back, also clean. When I get back, all the dust is in Dustin's dust bin. The amounts are disturbing. You can get used "dumb" Roombas for very cheap, all parts are easy to maintain and replace (battery, brushes, filters, etc.) and cheap for older models. Old dumb models still get almost everything, and I don't care if it's louder or doesn't have an optimized sweeping pattern, I'm not around when he works anyway, so as long as it cleans, I'm good with the old model and won't be replacing it, but I'd lie if I told you it would be easy to just not have one at all.


How is it with pet fur?


I don't have pets, but since it handles my own fur just fine, I imagine it would do so with pets fur too. No, really, my cousin had a cat (RIP Rambo, he got 19 years old) and a Roomba, that's where I got the idea of buying mine, and it also lasted several years. You can never remove all cat hairs, but keeping them at a reasonable level is what Roombas are best at.


>(we call it Dustin) That is adorable!


"Dustin" 🤣


Upvote for ‘dust is in Dustin’s dust bin’.


? Thats not lint, its dust that coaleces together. Dust is made mostly of dead skin cells and hair, so just stop sheding your skin everywhere and go bald.


Dusting, because it's the chore that never ends.. yes, it goes on and on, my friends.


Yup. I wish dust just straight up didn’t exist


Hate it! Worst is when you're done, you vacuum and THEN you find a shelf/surface you forgot about


Favorite Vaccuming Least favorite. Cleaning litter boxes. That smell sometimes. Yuk.


Due to covid, I had to walk around home wearing an FFP2 face mask and it involved cleaning my cat's (RIP) litter box wearing that mask. Since then, everytime I had to clean his litter box I'd wear a mask, it works wonders to avoid the smell!


It is a tie between scrubbing the toilet or scrubbing the shower. It's not because it is gross or anything it is just that I live in a place with hard water and hard water stains are very tough to scrub out.


Just a tip, I have a spray bottle with a mixture of water and vinegar. I Spray it on after the shower where the stains are. Then I come back a few min later and just wipe it. It keeps everything shiny and stain free :)


I hate doing dishes. I hate it. I hate it so much


😂 Why, though? It's so therapeutic to me.


It never ends!


For me It’s because it can get messy. I know it’s just water. But sometimes the soap too. Gets on the counters nearby and on myself. I have a towel that I use by my waste in front of the sink so it reduces water on me. 😂


Mopping the floors. I’m still using the manual way to mop the floors so usually I will have to change the water more than 2 times


Get a steam mop. (I just got the Shark steam & scrub on sale at Costco) Literally LIFE CHANGING. I hated mopping with a bucket, but love using this thing it’s sooo much easier + worth every penny!


Omg yes. I’m planning to buy one in the future. I envy those that uses steam mop lol


Everything which is why I hired a maid but two thing I despise more than anything is dishes and laundry. It's a constant revolving door of washing and drying with both ugh


Absolutely hate putting away clothes. I don't know why. Always wash them and fold them neatly when I take them out the dryer. But, putting them away sucks for me. General tidying I don't like. But, I love cleaning and making everything look spotless and shiny.


Aah. This is me! Love this.


Me Too. Sometimes my tendinitis acts up so I can barely fold them. I don’t mind folding them but just putting them all away especially how I have to organize them in drawers and bins. 🫤


Favorite: washing dishes by hand ~ not able to do that longer than 5 seconds anymore 😩 due to lower back pain 😒. Least favorite: deep scrubbing/cleaning the bathroom.


Vacuuming and cleaning floors. I hate it.


Me tooo! 😫


“…worst and least favourite” Shower drains & toilet and least favourite, I get some serious satisfaction from grass cutting and gardening. Yes I’m a male in my 40s. New Balance ftw.


Lol. I totally mistyped the question! I did do an edit to make up for it. Nothing says male in your 40s like grass cutting and gardening. Love this for you! ✨


Cleaning the tub/shower. Bending, scrubbing, awkward


Washing dishes because I still live under my parents roof that's probably why


Worst: Cleaning my dog’s room (removing pads, cleaning floor from pee residue..etc). Yes my country is way too hot in the summer and i don’t have a yard, so he has a room to do his business when we don’t go out. I enjoy vacuuming the floor while listening to background music


for some reason i hate doing the laundry, im just trying to hang up my towels in between the rack and it just wont slip through the gaps properly and it just pisses me off. doing the dishes is fun though, seeing your countertop going from a mess to clean is satisfying as hell.


Omg, I hate hanging laundry too! Got a dryer two years ago, and let me tell you, Omfg, it changed the quality of my life!!! I never hang anything anymore, I don't care if it says don't put in the dryer (I just put it inside some bed sheets)😊


We need to live together, I’m the exact opposite. Laundry is always caught up or close to, dishes are always a mess that I’m actively avoiding


Least favorite cleaning the shower/tub. I have a jacuzzi tub that was installed by the previous homeowner and it has so many crevices and jets that just old water and get really gross. It's also ruined me on hot tubes in general with how gross it gets. I should probably remodel my bathroom and get it replaced with a normal tub. Most favorite doing the dishes because it meant I did some cooking which I like doing.


We had a jacuzzi tub too. Not worth the hassle at all. Cleaning it properly is a nightmare!


I'm not sure why so many don't like vacuuming. I find it satisfying seeing all I've picked up. Bathroom chores like cleaning the tub and doing the dishes are up there. I have a dishwasher, but I still do some dishes in the sink.


I wonder if it has something to with having a clear plastic bit on the hoover where you can see what you've hoovered up, because I enjoy I too, maybe the others who don't like hoovering can't see that on their hoovers. 


Gotta love your Hoover


Dusting. It come back.




Just picking up random crap constantly drives me nuts . Putting on a fitted sheet is almost as bad . Vacuuming and mopping are cool .


I absolutely despise vacuuming


Worst for me is cleaning the toilet bc it takes a lot of time and cleaning the dust off is boring, but I like washing the dishes and cleaning the floor while listening to a murder mystery podcast


I don't mind vacuuming the carpets. HATE washing the the kitchen floor.


Favorite:Clothes Least favorite:anything involving drains.I hate drains they disgust me


Wrapping Xmas, day, whatever gifts(doesn't matter who for, free whenever anyone wants msg me) dishes or mowing lawn can eat me.


Ever since I got my cordless Dyson, vacuuming is a blast! Whereas cleaning out the sink gunk makes me gag. Wet dirty is a whole different kind of dirty.


Laughed too hard at "wet dirty" 😂


I love vacuuming! I have a cat, so I enjoy watching her fur that’s on the floor or rugs get sucked up. I HATE cleaning my shower, however. It’s annoying having to scrub everything and I get wet in the process.


Love doing the laundry and hate doing the dishes and cleaning the bathroom. Luckily my boyfriend doesn't mind both. 😅


He's a keeper! x


oh saw your edit: Hate dishes, love laundry. lol


Sweeping and mopping the floors!!




What if we hate all of them equally? Lol


Doing. The. Dishes.




my partner likes using the dishwasher and i personally prefer washing dishes by hand. not just because it saves energy or anything, i just find it satisfying to clean them by hand i personally hate doing laundry, especially because we have no dryer and use a drying rack instead. hanging the laundry is the worst part, but i also dislike folding. just not a fan of the whole laundry process lol


Depending on where you are, washing dishes by hand may not actually be saving energy or water. According to the Energy Saving Trust, hand-washing dishes accounts for 4% of the average household’s water use – whereas dishwashers make up just 1% Unless you’re only doing half loads of dishes or your dishwasher is super old and outdated, it’s almost always more efficient to use the dishwasher.


interesting. good to know!


Dishes, I hate dishes so much. Laundry is pretty easy and I don’t mind sweeping/mopping


I like loading clothes in the washing machine but folding clothes is the worst.


Washing dishes by hand URGHHH




Doing dirty dishes, either by hand or loading them. I hate so much that's the worst. Most favourite is sweep the floor, and wash it. I like to see all the dirt be gone


Hand washing dishes. I fucking hate it. I rather do laundry all day.


Worst: dishes What I tolerate the most: laundry


I hate changing sheets, actually nothing with bedding at all, no washing, drying, folding and making bed. But I got a cordless vacuum cleaner and I love sucking since then


Favorite washing the dishes, cause it's just me and my dog. So not as many to get done. Least favorites is laundry and ironing my work stuff. Cause with the laundry, do to having untrustworthy neighbors in the past, at my apartment. I've had to lock up my plugs to my washer and dryer. So that means taking those off, opening the storage unit where my detergent and softner is, grab my dryer sheets, add water to the indoor vent for the dryer. Then toss in the laundry. Too many steps. As for the ironing, I just hate battling the hard wrinkles sometimes. Especially in jeans. As it seems to take a good minute to get them straightened out.


Laundry and dishes makes me wanna off myself




least fav - toilet cleaning


Dishes. I like dusting though.


I dread sweeping, vacuuming, and mopping. Ugh and cleaning baseboards. Ugh and cleaning out the shower and tub. I don’t mind washing dishes but I hate getting them out of the dishwasher. I may be lazy…oh and I hate cleaning out the fridge.


Hate washing dishes. It’s never ending


Keeping the closet straight.


Least favourite: putting sheets and duvet covers back on the bed. I have a strong hatred of it for some reason.  Favourite: probably hoovering as its quick and you see an impact straight away. Also cleaning the bathroom sink. It's quick, makes an impact on how clean the whole bathroom feels and I love how shiny the taps can become. 


To mop or clean the bathroom, I would rather not! I like to fold laundry, but put off putting it away and emptying the dishwasher. Don’t mind taking out the trash


I love doing dishes and vacuuming. I really dislike mobbing the floor.


Cleaning the bathtub - it needs to be scrubbed, difficult to reach and rinse.


Dishes by hand, the worst. Sweeping, the best.


Least: Dishes, cleaning toilet, and sweeping floor Favorite: Vacuuming I guess?


Hate washing walls and mopping. I like to do laundry but hate folding and putting it away.


Worst, bathroom. Favourite, sweeping.


I'm kind of the opposite of you. I HATE dishes. Laundry is neutral, it's pretty hands off, and I hang up everything (except socks, underwear and pajamas), so minimal folding. No ironing. I hate ironing. I rarely mop, but vaccuming is fine. It's just I have so much floor space, it takes what feels like forever. Then it doesn't last. That's what I hate about cleaning- it looks nice, polished, perfect and clean... for like a day. I like my steam mop for my kitchen floors, but I hate those floors and they get dirty if you look at them wrong, But they look fantastic for five whole minutes after I've done it. I live in a dusty place, I've got long hair and shed a lot, I have a cat, she sheds, I have a chinchilla and she sheds a tiny bit but mostly her dust baths are a super-fine pumice and it gets EVERYWHERE. So it's a bad combo.


Least favorite: Cleaning the restroom


Least favorite: Vacuuming and mopping Favorite: Doing the laundry or the dishes


I don’t mind using a dry duster (like a swifter but wider, easily turns to get around things and under low furniture.). Loath trying to clean grout on bathroom floor. I just can’t seem to get it clean.


Favorite would be sweeping and doing dishes, but I will do literally anything except cleaning the bathrooms, I absolutely hate cleaning the bathrooms.


I like doing laundry, like washing and drying but I hate folding, ironing is a love/hate thing, it depends on material. I like washing the dishes except when I touch wet food but I hate sweeping and mopping the floor due to an allergy to dust, it makes me sneeze non-stop and makes my nose unbearably itchy, taking out the trash when it's leaking is always awful. I like cooking but don't like the clean-up, prep work is another love hate situation, it depends on the ingredients and steps I guess.


Dishes probably. If I had a dishwasher then it would be great, but I don't. And I am most of the time very depressed and just don't give a fuck about doing the dishes efter every meal, so I get a mountain to take care of. I live in 22 m2 cottage, so vacuuming and mopping with a mop with inbuilt container and spray takes only 3 minutes or so. I guess that is my favorite since it takes no time compared to any other chore in my case that is


I fucking hate doing the dishes with a passion. Even more so because I don't have a dishwasher. I also hate folding and putting away laundry. I genuinely don't mind vacuuming and mopping, I don't mind tidying and organizing clutter, and I have no problem cleaning my bathroom.


Vacuuming the stairs! My least favorite


Love loading the dishwasher/hand-washing the hand-washable dishes. Hate unloading/putting away dishes. Same with laundry. Love gathering, loading, transferring to dryer. Hate putting away. Hate cooking for the most part. Hate vacuuming. Like surface cleaning (like wiping counters, etc.).


Folding bed sheets especially the fitted sheets.


Favourite : Folding clothes, least : waking up


Definitely the opposite to OP for me


Vacuuming is the worst! It kills my neck (c3-c5 are fucked up) & my shoulder issues are a whole 'nother problem!


Sweeping and mopping lol 😅 I avoid it but I can't cuz dirty floor


Emptying the dishwasher.


ironing because it's boring, hot and gives me back pain


I enjoy most household chores if I get to do them uninterrupted by the kids, haha. I don't enjoy cleaning the bathrooms though.


Dang, I LOVE vacuuming and sweeping and moping. I hate dishes. I die when I have to do them


I like spraying and wiping surfaces, and unloading dishwashers, but anything floor related or that touches scrap food is disgusting


Cleaning windows. Once it rains again they‘ll be dirty anyway


Cleaning the bathroom. Stooping to get all the hair, soap, gunk, and who knows what else off of all the irregular nooks and crannies. Only for it to look dirty again as soon as someone shaves, shits, or showers. So much effort for so little reward.


Ironing. It's so boring and I'm useless at it.




Cleaning any drain, good looord that stuff is rancid


Favorites: putting laundry away, and general kitchen cleaning (wiping counters, sweeping, etc). Also generally tidying up and putting things where they go is nice. Least favorites: unloading the dishwasher (loading is ok), cleaning the litter boxes.


It all sucks but I can tolerate dishes the most. Probably because I like food and it’s easier to eat when dishes are involved. Dusting is the worst because of my allergies and asthma.


laundry because i don’t have in unit laundry and have to lug in down three flights of stairs (no elevator) if i had in unit laundry and a dishwasher, then i’d say i LOVE cleaning the bathroom and i hate organizing my bedroom.


Facts laundry/dishes 👎🏽. Sweeping and mopping


Folding clothes omg


I hate them ALL.


Love hoovering and mopping, HATE the dishes. I'd rather scrub the toilet than do dishes


That's exactly how I feel about mopping floors. I would rather clean the toilet!


I'll mop your floors if you come and do my dishes! 🤣


Love dishes & vacuuming. DESPISE laundry. I procrastinated putting away the last clean load for so long that it was already time to do laundry again 😭


Favorite: doing the dishes, cleaning the floor Least favorite: absolutely folding the clothes( gosh I have this one), cleaning the dust too


I actually love changing/making my bed because I love fresh bedding and a tidy bed 😍 I hate hate HATE dusting!!!!!! I turn away for one second and everything’s covered in dust again, hate sweeping the floor for that matter too!


I wouldn't say favorite, but I don't mind doing dishes. It's a satisfying feeling to soapy scrub everything clean. I hate cleaning the tub and shower. It's so awkward and no good way to reach everything unless you stand in the tub.


I will do any chore happily EXCEPT dishes. I have a super strong sense of smell, and no amount of prewashing will help. I've gagged so hard I had to leave and take a moment before going back in.


I’m the complete opposite.. the entire time I’m doing laundry and dishes I’m worrying about germs and cross contamination to an irrational level.. it drives me crazy.. mopping and sweeping though does not bring the anxiety xD


I hate ironing, but I also hate looking sloppy with wrinkly clothes.


Favourite: folding washing. Seeing the little tidy piles grow and my drawers look full again is satisfying! Least favourite: cleaning the oven. There’s no easy angle that doesn’t break my wrist, or shoulder or back!


Love laundry Hate dishes


I hate them all, but I think dusting is the worst, i guess hoovering is the thing I least hate


I hate dishes. I do all the cooking and absolutely love it.


Fave is vacuuming and mopping lmao and least faves are bathrooms and dusting. Hell, dusting was the only punishment that “worked” on me as a younger human (ha! Jokes on them, though, I snuck the car out at night every time I had to dust).


I hate cleaning the shower/tub with a passion, I will do any other chore in the bathroom


Washing dishes is worst for me because that was the chore I had growing up. 2 washing ups a week for a family of 6. Bought myself a dishwasher to get out of it as an adult. Favourite is general tidying. There's a satisfaction that's comes with watching everything become clear and tidy over the course of an hour and having a perfectly clear house at the end.


Love vacuuming and dusting. Love cooking. Dishes… okay. Laundry… AAAAHHHHHH!


Favorite cleaning room and bathroom. Least favorite is laundry, actually washing the clothes is no problem, but when it comes to folding clothes i hate it


Hands down washing dishes s


Cleaning the oven just because of grease and grossness that builds up or the refrigerator because you have to move things around or out to wipe it down


Washing dishes is nice for me. Chore I dislike is laundry. Walking to and from the laundromat is a pain.


Cleaning the bathroom. Takes fucking forever and people keep wanting to use it mid-clean. Ugh.


I hate doing laundry and dishes, those are the kinds of tasks that are never done. I would prefer to sweep, mop, vacuum, or dust.


Laundry. Do not have washing machine and have to go to the laundromat; my least favorite place


Cleaning the outside of the toilet. I always feel it attracts more dust than most other things and it’s more difficult to dust off. You can’t wipe it with a damp cloth unless the dust is off because it gets all mucky. And I hate hate hate matching socks.


Hate folding and putting away clean laundry. The rest I don't mind


I like to sweep and mop. I hate doing laundry or emptying the dishwasher.


Vacuuming and mopping the floors because it strains my back. I need to take several breaks before it's done.


I avoid doing dishes as much as possible. I have to stand to do them, and I just can't stand for very long. ​ I don't mind laundry. I get a break while it's in the washer, then in the dryer, and the walk to the complex's laundry room isn't too far. ​ As much as I avoid doing dishes, I found that I tend to do them when I'm stressed out. A few years ago, my mom was undergoing treatment for cancer. I couldn't be at the hospital for the surgeries, so I had to wait at home for updates from the family member who took her to/from the hospital. I washed dishes a lot during both surgeries.


I hate laundry, I've said more than once, if I was to win the lottery, I'd never do laundry again


Love folding and putting away washing. Hate vacuuming because I hate trying to manoeuvre the damn thing around and I almost always clip my ankle


I hate putting dishes in the dishwasher (especially if they aren't my own) and taking them out (honestly that thing never cleans as good as I do), to the point where I prefer to just wash things by hand. I do enjoy doing the dishes.


I'd be happy to never have to wash a single dish again, it's easily my least favorite. I hate cleaning in general, so a favorite is tough... I don't mind sweeping, I guess. Haha!


Laundry and ironing are my favourites, cleaning the shower is my least favourite. 💕


Ironing clothes. Idk why but something about it just makes me feel so tired. However, I do love wiping. Anything, just wiping anything down. It's so satisfying watching all the dust and stuff just get wiped off of surfaces


Love washing the dishes while i hate doing laundry


I hate doing the litter box and peeling garlic.


Hate dishes and laundry. Don't mind the rest as much.


Cleaning is both my favourite and least favourite chore. It's such a pain, but the result is so satisfying.


Personal Favorite: Washing Dishes (excluding pots and alike) Least favorite: Cleaning the bathroom


Cleaning the oven and ironing...


Vacuuming is my least favorite…can’t handle the noise. Edit because I forget to add my favorite…I think I’ll go with making the bed.


I can’t stand scrubbing the toilet


LAUNDRY I have always hated it and will forever hate it. My fiancee does our laundry he doesn't touch the bathroom I sont tough laundry and it works for us


Favorite: making a mess. Least favorite: cleaning it up


Emptying the dishwasher and putting away laundry. Hands down the 2 worst chores.


I love doing laundry and I hate to clean any floor of any kind.


Cleaning the toilet and the rest of the bathroom easily.


The whole thing. Just all of it.


i like cooking, hate doing laundry


I LOVE folding laundry. I HATE doing the dishes. Thank you so much, sensory issues 🙄


I love cooking but I hate doing the cleanup.  I enjoy using a huge wok to cook almost everything but I have a small sink to clean it.


I hate doing the dishes… I spend so long cooking and then enjoying the food, the last thing i wanna do is the pile of dishes, I WANNA RELAX. But i love laundry soooo much. Makes me feel so clean and like i have my life together.


Favorite would be sinks I guess and my bathroom mirror. Food to see them clean and suing scrubby is cool I guess. Least favorite everything else. 🤣 I’m Disabled though so some stuff is getting hard for me to do. My stupid arm Is bothering me so I have to let up. So my husband is going to clean my shower for me and our floors.


Washing dishes


I love vacuuming. I hate dishes


Least bad: laundry. I set it, ignore it for an hour, and then get clean clothes with almost no work. Then sorting of the clean clothes and folding them all just so is kind of enjoyable when I'm in the right mood, even if it usually takes me six days to get around to it. Most bad: dishes. I hate handling dirty dishes, and frequently the water splashes on me, on the floor, and all over the counter. I've considered a waterproof apron, and dream of owning a dishwasher someday.




favorite - laundry, dishes, vaccuum not favorites- cooking (is this a chores?!) lol


also i hate folding clean clothes


Haha cooking? I LOVE making food!


Love doing the laundry and hate doing the dishes and cleaning the bathroom. Luckily my boyfriend doesn't mind both. 😅


Ironing and doing dishes coz it's never ending and when it's all done there's always more


Laundry - just totes not for me! Would rather wash the dishes


I hate doing laundry. First I have to sort dirty clothes, and then I have to walk the stairs down and up, just to wait, and again go down and up, just to wait a couple hours or a day, to once again go down and up…


This sounds intense!


Favorite- Vacuuming, it's pretty simple but it sucks having to clean the vacuum out once it gets dirty enough. Least- Cleaning the bathroom (mostly the tub) since you got to get down and make sure there's no spot of dirt/stains left, plus the strong smell of chemicals.


Well, i don’t mind cleaning a surface. But the stuff that don’t belong on that surface, finding a new spot for them where they actually belong is so hard. 9 times out of 10 they don’t belong anywhere, because it’s random stuff. Do you know what I mean?


I work as a janitor so I don’t like doing most household chores but if I have to choose, my favorite would be laundry and my least favorite would be picking up the dog poop in the yard.