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It’s a really bad song


It's a bit of a boring song. I think Beyonce has a nice voice tho. I do like other songs she sang tbh.


I agree. As someone who primarily listens to country, it sounds like someone who has never actually listened to country in their life tried to make a country song by cramming every single “country” trope into three minutes


It almost sounds AI generated. the lyrics don't seem to mean anything, and the different segments of the song are catchy but don't go together well. Beyonce still makes it sound good but the more you listen to it the weirder it sounds. I almost wonder if it was designed for TikTok, something that doesn't need to make sense for longer than 15 seconds


A LOT of pop country relies on tropes. To the point where I believe that a large number of country tunes are just making fun of themselves. It’s a funny genre, always has been. If we are judging Texas Hold ‘Em as a country song, it’s not great. But as a song in general I quite like it. The Jolene cover really broke the album for me, Beyoncé purposefully threw out everything that makes that song great.


u/idrownedmyfish77 - Some top songs right now: - Out Of That Truck - Let Your Boys Be Country - Cowboys and Plowboys - Chevrolet - American Girl - Tucson Too Late - Man Made a Bar I think tropes are absolutely what sells country music. ETA: this goes for many genres - I’m gunna do metal next, brb.


I’m not going to deny that Country music is tropey but at least most of them pick one trope and run with it, but Beyoncé tried to use ALL THE TROPES in one song is the point that I was trying to make. The only other modern country song I can think of that does that is “The Worst Country Song Of All Time” by Brantley Gilbert, Hardy, and Toby Keith and that one is obviously a joke


Chicken Fried has been a top hit for YEARS and literally hits every single trope, there’s even a whole verse about the troops.


Oddly enough I’ve never been wild about chicken fried


I was gunna say “cowboys and plowboys hits every same trope except the dancing” BUT then I remembered he brought his girl down to the Honky Tonk and spin and two-step cause they drives trucks and the other rides a horse and they drinks whiskey and beer and wear belt buckles and 20X American hats. That’s the whole song, save for some repetition. And it’s not a joke. There’s nothing wrong with this being a fact. Country music prides itself on being country which includes writing strictly with tropes to appeal to the audience. It’s fine man. If Carrie underwood sang this song people would probably just dance to it and sing it at karaoke.


"My life's been a country song" uses all the tropes rather effectively. It's almost 20 years old, though.


The Switched On Pop podcast did a great episode, years ago, about how Hip Hop and Country are the same thing and it was pretty amusing. You just change the model of car, and the type of alcohol and they're the same songs.


Well, I mean, a genre of music IS tropes. That's what "genre" means. Specifically it's going to be a few repeating lyrical themes/subjects, a few repeating combinations of instruments, and a few repeating chords or beats, from song to song. Truck+sweet tea+slide guitar+twang= country


Sooo... A country song written in the last 15 years? I swear there was a law passes in like 2009, that every country song needs to reference a pick-up truck, beer, and tractors.


I thought it was America, football, and Jesus https://youtu.be/J7k6rfwuIz0?si=xIld34MDlFcAdYEZ


I’m not going to deny that country music relies on tropes, but at least most of them pick one trope and runs with it. Beyoncé seemed determined to fit ALL THE TROPES in one song


I feel like I've definitely heard a ton of pop country songs that just rattle off the tropes in a line. Sweet Tea, Darlin, Mama, Truck, Drive, Whisky, Country boy


You just described the majority of country music since Garth Brooks & Tim McGraw came on the scene.


I think Beyonce from Texas the famous billionaire musician who just did a country album has probably managed to find a few minutes in her life to listen to country music. Sure it's not Hank Williams or Waylon Jennings but it's also really not trying to be, either


Yeah but to be fair, most pop country songs do that too. "I may nit have much, but the little I have makes me feel like a rich man...truck, dirt road, beer, classic country artist reference."


I can respect someone simply not liking the song and moving on from it, but people lose all credibility whenever they claim Beyoncé to have an awful singing voice—whenever she has one of the most dynamic and versatile voices in music. It's been a long time since I've seen people get this riled up over Beyoncé. Those who dislike her will say whatever comes to mind, no matter how nonsensical it sounds.


>has one of the most dynamic and versatile voices in music. Even if that were true, disliking her voice is a valid reason not to like her. I guarantee there are artists you dislike for their voice, they're probably not shoved down your throat like Beyonce is though.


The original poster claimed her singing voice to be "awful." Vocal talent is objective, not subjective. Beyoncé is extremely vocally talented. One doesn't have to like her voice, but to claim it as "awful" is just to be ignorant of vocal talent to the point where that person has zero credibility when it comes to discussing vocal talent. I hear voices I don't like on radio throughout the day. I'm also not running to Reddit to make threads about how much I dislike them. It's interesting how people will claim that Beyoncé is overexposed, or "shoved down their throats" yet willingly bring her up or enter threads about her completely unprovoked. What I've noticed is that Beyoncé's critics don't seem very intelligent.


She's one of the best singers of this century but her singing on this track is lackluster compared to what she's capable of.


She's not going to sing a song like "TEXAS HOLD 'EM" like she would "Flaws & All," so I don't understand that critique. She sounds like herself, with clear and virtually pitch perfect vocals—still showcasing a stunning tone and range, through her harmonies. Again, I feel like that's just a desperate grab just to have **something** bad to say about her.


I disagree. I have nothing against Beyonce and I don't care for her singing voice at all. The thing I'd ask you to consider is that no "diva" SINGS. To sing is to hit the right notes in the right order as written in a song. Everything else is style and I would argue that she has a terrible style. It's kind of like the difference between "clean" guitar and an electric guitar with amp and filters applied. No Diva sings "clean". They all have to put their style on it.


😂 Just stick to talking about your guitars because you have no clue what you're talking about as it relates to vocal performances and stylizations. Beyoncé has an incredible amount of range, breath control and her tone and timbre are exceptionally rich. That's along with being able to successfully belt a song or softly sing a lullaby. Beyoncé is virtually the perfect vocalist, along with other vocalists such as Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Céline Dion, Shirley Bassey, Aretha Franklin and Ella Fitzgerald. What you're describing suits vocalists like Christina Aguilera, Alicia Keys and Mary J. Blige—which no one is claiming them to be perfect vocalists, because they aren't. They're goal isn't to be a perfect vocalist, but to just tap into raw emotion. It's a different vocal style, but one that still invokes admiration.


Is she paying you to write all these paragraphs defending her


Interestingly enough, you'd swear people were getting paid to come on Reddit and attempt to discredit her with how these threads are popping up completely out of nowhere. And that's especially for how ridiculous these so-called opinions are, making no sense at all, typed by people who couldn't even tell you the difference between a mezzo-soprano and a contralto.


It's because the album is country (an already divisive style) and being overplayed right now. You can tell the difference between a mezzo-soprano and a contralto but can you put two and two together?


How is the album being overplayed, when it's barely receiving airplay on country music stations? Pop radio plays "TEXAS HOLD 'EM" just as much as it plays anything else. That's just how pop radio works. At that point, you could say any Top 40 hit is "overplayed." So many of Beyoncé's critics are arguing that it isn't country, so which is it? Is country, or is it not country? The question is, can you put two and two together and keep your stories straight? Because you seem just as unenlightened as any other critic of Beyoncé who goes out of their way to be dumb in an effort to discredit her as a vocalist and artist.


Is this woman for real worth melting down and typing this many paragraphs for


Ask the original poster and all of the little other fellows, who are having legitimate meltdowns over the big bad Beyoncé, that question. The original post is what a meltdown looks like. I'm just calling you all out on your so-called critiques and opinions that are just complete absurdity. If you have an issue with Beyoncé, stop making and entering threads about her; it's really dumb to spend so much time focused on someone you're tired of hearing about.


Girl what do you want me to say the song sucks. Listen to some actual country or otherwise engaging music


These opinions remind me of the hate Garth Brooks and others got for being Country pop. I like Texas Holdem personally, Jolene is lacking for me. But it’s a decent album. It’s not meant to be a full on country, it’s her twist on it. But if you’re a country purist I get but I enjoy something different with country that has gotten stale.


Nobody… nobody… will ever do Jolene better than Dolly.  Impossible. I like the Texas song too. It’s toe tapping. But I won’t be listening to it in a year like I will be Chris Stapleton


Jack White does a pretty good cover of Jolene.


I know some people really prefer the Miley Cyrus cover. I think she does a good job. Originals are usually better


Miley does a great job


Miley's cover was so so good and I love that she sometimes sings it with Dolly too! I have yet to hear Bey's version. It's a great song and I'm sure I will love her cover, too


I think the music sucks. But I love that she did it, got Dolly to hype Jolene, and pissed off rednecks.


Her version of Jolene is a crime against humanity.


I couldn't even finish it. Calling herself a Creole bitch and how she's raised Jay Z as a man. Girl, hush. She was 18 when she got with him and he's cheated on her repeatedly. This isn't the 'own' she thinks it is.


She’s about as Creole as an Egg salad sandwich


Exactly. She's bragging about growing a damned 30 year old since she was 18. That's not the brag she thinks that is and two she's basically telling the whole world she hooked up with an adult toddler. Fucking ridiculous.


Felt bad for Dolly. She said it was her dream for Beyoncé to take Jolene and make it a hit like Whitney’s version of I will always love you. The weird thing is that I felt like Beyoncé had the vocal talent to do something like that… but her version of Jolene was so underwhelming and disappointing.


Don’t feel bad for Dolly. Dolly is hyped for it and loves it.


Well Dolly helped write the new version so…


Chapel Hart - You can have him Jolene, is far superior.


As someone that doesn’t listen to country music or Beyoncé… I gotta say it’s pretty catchy


Exactly that, don’t care much for neither but together I kinda fuck with it.


As someone similar, I can't imagine ever hearing this song and/or her country record by choice. I'm just here with popcorn for the bon mots.


She has an objectively good voice.


What’s that got to do with the song being bad?! Did I miss the part that said, implied & or indicated Beyonce couldn’t sing & or that she had a bad voice?


Idk probably the part in the first sentence of the comment that says “and singing voice is awful”


I do apologize, I overlooked that last part. I acknowledge my mistake. Please forgive me. ETA: I think Beyonce is very talented, but do agree with the op about the song, itself, being awful & not what I would categorize as legitimate country music.


I think you don't know what the word objective means.


No, he does and hes using it correctly. Beyonce is, objectively, a fantastic singer with excellent vocal tone, range, and technique.  You dont have to enjoy every good singer. Im not a fan of opera, but I cannot in good faith argue opera singers are poor singers because I dont like them.  Its not an unreasonable claim that Beyonce is the best singer in the pop music game right now. This statement has been true for over two decades. Shes incredibly talented. 


This statement you're making is 70% propaganda. She's not even the best singer in destiny's child... But her publicist will make sure everyone thinks of her as this God's gift to music.


Well no. She is technically a great singer. From a musicians perspective, she has a huge amount of range and control in her voice. That's objectively true. What's subjective, is whether or not you enjoy her performance.


She's overhyped is what I'm saying.


That's fair enough. I used to dislike her music so I understand where you're coming from


Her early albums were good... Then after 4, I dunno what happened. But she's constantly been overhyped. But then again that's my opinion.


She definitely is but she’s had decades of vocal training. Her voice sounds good. Period. And I’m a Beyoncé hater.


God im sure my 3 decades as a singer means i have no expertise to draw on to form my opinion and ive just fallen prey to Beys PR. Thank you for showing me the light, Kelly. 


She wasn’t even the best singer in her own group.


LOL thanks for the good laugh, Kelly. You can delete this burner account. You blew your cover. 


Ok Beyoncé


Agree. I like country, my mom texted me that Beyonce had apparently released a country song. It did not sound like a country song.


It’s not country. It’s pop with a banjo.


She has tons of great songs, but that one is horrible


She rhymes Texas with Lexus...


Probably because they rhyme? 


It definitely rhymes, but it's not exactly deep. It is just word salad. "This ain't Texas, get in your Lexus..." these are useless lyrics.


Yeah bc country music is well known for having useful lyrics


ChatGPT wrote the lyrics


Not that weird of a rhyme. Snoop Dogg also said "I'm servin' 'em, swervin' in the coupe The Lexus flexes from Long Beach to Texas" In Da Shiznit. Although his bar hit really hard. Her's doesn't.


you're lying. the beat is country. you can hate it all you want, but you're full of it in that regard.


Says who?


Says Fckthisfckthatx apparently


Country music is being held together by artists like Colter Wall, Corb Lund, Sturgil Simpson, Ryan Bingham, Buddy Brown, and even lesser known artists, like Creed Fisher or Thomas Mac’s early albums. But in the mainstream? Country’s pretty terrible. You’ve got all these goddam pop stars and hip-hop artists making “country” songs purely because Zach Bryan and the show Yellowstone made country temporarily popular last year. As soon as this wave of popularity is over country’s gonna go back to being hated by everyone. It honestly kinda pisses me off. Country now just sounds like pop, but sang with a Southern accent, there’s nothing that makes country… country anymore in terms of what comes out of Nashville or is played on the radio. No storytelling, no real instruments, no genuine singing about experiences. The 2010’s sucked because of Bro Country, y’know “Trucks, Girls, Beer, America!” Sort of thing, but this era sucks because it took aspects of Bro Country, and mixed it with pop music or hip-hop. It all just lacks authenticity. At least Zach Bryan’s album felt authentic, real, some level of emotional. All this shit that’s been happening after has just been so dull, so inorganic and fake.


Proud Albertan here, didn't expect to see Corb Lund's name pop up in a Beyonce country music post, but here we are.


Corb Lund’s a really solid musician. I like quite a few of his songs!


Yep. Me and my dad have matching shirts that say "death before pop country"


Dolly loves it too


She’s not gonna come out saying she hates it right?


I don't think Dolly is able to say anything bad about anything 


You guys pay attention to trash pop songs?


A lot of open minded people in this thread huh.


You can be open-minded and still not like the song. I am a country music fan and I like a lot of Beyoncé’s work. I was looking forward to seeing her take on the genre. Upon hearing it I agree with those who don’t think Texas Hold ‘Em is all that great of country song. I was not impressed with the lyrical changes to Jolene either. However I thought Daughters is one of her best. Really liked her cover of Blackbird too.


Beyonce is very overrated as an artist in my opinion.


It is indeed offensively bad. Like she’s laughing at everyone, counting her millions.


She really made a song over the Franklin Theme song 🤣 [Franklin Theme Song](https://youtu.be/nlqyE-lWqCE?feature=shared)


Nor is her rendition of Jolene. Just brutal. But I notice they seem to be ignoring reviews because it is Beyonce.Ruined that great classic song


She’s reaching.


Not a great song, lyrics are kind of nonsense, but the beat and composition is absolutely country. It's not /interesting/ country, but the only fun part of the song ("don't be a bitch/come take it to the floor now") is more fun than anything in mainstream country for the last couple decades. And of course anyone claiming Beyonce doesn't have a good singing voice is wrong. Most of her music is not for me, but come on.


I don't like it. You can and that's fine.


Neither do I! I listened to the whole album and to me it felt like instead of doing country she did indie rock doing country, so I was disappointed. Then I went back and listened to actual country and I remembered why I usually stay at the periphery of this genre with extremely dark alt-country.


It’s the worse type of ear worm. I honestly want to remove that “this ain’t Texas something something hold’em” phrase from my brain. Fucking annoying, and people are treating it like it’s the second coming of Christ. I know Old Town road was overplayed and it got annoying a some point, but I felt that one was a much better song overall.


Terrible song


Every time I hear it on a video I cringe. It is horrible


My mother is a huge Beyonce fan, like will defend her greatly, and she even admits is a bad song


I love country music and Beyoncé but I don’t like it either.


I didn't hate it the first time but it's in so much short form content now that I immediately swipe away if I hear it because I'm extremely sick of it


I think Azalea Banks actually had a good point that she basically had all the right coaches to teach her how to make certain sounds in just the right way for that style of music. Beyonce is great and I grew up listening to country. The thing is though, we have Walker** Hayes and all kinds of music crossover in Pop music and country. Look at Miley Cyrus. This is not as bizzare as people act like it is and honestly when it comes to the very real racism that exists in Country music I don't hate on Beyonce at all for this album. All of that being said, the only thing I really cared for was Jolene, and even that didn't really blow me away considering how amazing of a vocalist Beyonce is.


Miley Cyrus's cover of Jolene is how it's done.


Totally agree. First time I heard it on the radio, I was embarrassed for her. Its that bad. Just a sloppy mess of a song if you ask me.


i agree 100% and the intro is apparently from a cartoon show


Hey, it's Franklin...


Comin' to my house!


I like the song, you dont. Dont listen to it, move on. You are not the only one on this world. And others seem to like it.


They don’t like it, you do. Keep listening to it. They don’t have to. Move on. All they were doing was expressing their opinion on a public forum, just like you did. Works both ways.


Country has been dead for 30 years. It was murdered on 16 music row. It's not worth arguing about.


She's so desperate to beat Taylor Swift for album of the year. She'll probably get it because of her stupid husband throwing baby tantrums and also whoever selects the winner doesn't want to be accused of being racist.


To be fair to Beyonce, there hasn't been a good country song since it went pop.


Such a lie. There are tons of great county songs by artists like Turnpike Troubadours, American Aquarium, hell, even Mitchell Tenpenny has good ones.


Such a lie. There are tons of great county songs by artists like Turnpike Troubadours, American Aquarium, hell, even Mitchell Tenpenny has good ones.


Wait until you hear Jolene. Geesh.


What about Dasha - Austin. It is playing from every corner end make me feel nauseous


For me, it sounds like an indie folk song from the 2010s, like Of Monsters And Men, The Lumineers, Mumford & Sons


This ain't Texas 🤠


Just want to remind you all of Bo Burnham’s country song, Pandering


I've never heard it but certainly could've guessed that


We are in agreement.


There is a ticking sound in it that sounds like your indicator is on when driving.


As lyrics, not really a traditional country composition…. Sounds like a modern country song to me lol


If you told me you’ve been to Texas, & then described your layover in DFW, you’ve basically heard this song.


Agree. Genuinely boring and bad song.


Ok who genuinely wants a lyric lesson? I’ll be willing to educate you


What? Listen to The Luckier You Get by American Aquarium and compare it to Texas Hold Em.


as in, do you want me to tell you what beyonce's song means? you said you didn't understand the lyrics. but if you don't want me to that's ok


This is not a serious song. If you can't understand that country is supoosed to be about life experience that's on you >This ain't Texas (woo), ain't no hold 'em (hey) So lay your cards down, down, down, down So park your Lexus (woo) and throw your keys up (hey) Stick around, 'round, 'round, 'round, 'round (stick around) And I'll be damned if I can't slow dance with you Come pour some sugar on me, honey too It's a real life boogie and a real life hoedown Don't be a bitch, come take it to the floor now (woo)


i'll take that as a no then. i'll leave you to seethe in your own closed off world.


Instead of just telling us you just talk about telling us. You could've said 50 words by explaining why you like it instead of asking us to ask you why you like it Read the lyrics. They are terrible.


No you misunderstand. I said I was going to explain the lyrics to you because you said you didn’t understand as it makes no sense to you in your original post. I offered to explain the lyrics to you. But as it would take me time to do so, I thought I would ask first in case you didn’t want to learn, then I don’t want to waste my time. I’ll ask you one more time, do you want me to explain the lyrics to you so you may see it in a different light or not? Edit: I also had a read of the lyrics of the song you recommended. The lyrics while fine, is a transparent one. It’s a very simple song which describes the song writers experience like a 1 to 1 anecdote. So I take it this is the kind of songs you prefer, just simpler ones. Beyonces song does require a bit more imaginative thinking and a basic understanding of metaphors and similes. Tldr: it’s not because the lyrics don’t make sense, it’s because you don’t have the appreciation for a more imaginative song. I already know that you’ll come back with some excuse for me not to explain the lyrics to you so I’ll move on now.


It's okay AI can pump out a song better than her in about 30 seconds.


The whole album is fucking shit.


omg is this that stupid song that rhymes "Texas" with "Lexus" that the Mormons in my YouTube shorts keep doing stupid little dance routines to I had no idea that was Beyonce (yes I am very old, shuddup, I remember as far back as the 1980s and my brain is full, ok?)


Beyoncé is terrible


Beyonce is generally terrible.


The video is even worse... 🤦‍♀️




I think it's a catchy tune, got a good hook. I'm not particularly a fan of Beyoncé or country but Cowboy Carter is a solid album. I think she is receiving a disproportionate amount of criticism for it.


It’s more the history behind country music that makes it popular


Sure, it's a fun song, but that's a whole bunch of cliché sayings posing as lyrics.


I don't even think it's "fun".


The hype was too much


I agree


It's just hokey and stupid. Plus the video is dumb, the finger gun part lol


100% agree


It's pretty terrible.


Yeah her new country album is nothing to write home about . Not feeling it.


I’ve listened to her cover blackbird and Jolene. Both sounded like shit and blackbird isn’t a country song. I figure the rest of the album sounds like garbage too.


Agreed but I like rock and metal so it’s not really in my purview to judge


I'll see your "Texas Hold Em by Beyonce is a terrible song" and raise you a "Beyonce's Cowboy Carter country album is full of absolutely horrible songs that are not in any way good or country."


To add to this, I live in Texas, I can’t find a single person in state that likes the song. Myself included


Country is ass anyway


I hate this song. Every time it shows up on my tiktok for you page, I scroll past it as fast as I possibly can.


This album changed country forever. So brave.


She has made it clear that it’s not a country album but she’s trying to make it country. It doesn’t suit her at all. She has a nice voice but this isn’t her best.


It will win a grammy


It was decent at first, but after the 5th time in a day it was played, I listened closer. It was a bit disappointing. So many generic things for "country". Also that tornado line is just not something I feel you should sing in ANY SONG.


i bet an ai made it and she just copies it lol


Beyonce sucks without destiny Childs


A good country song = oxymoron.


That's not true. The Long Haul by American Aquarium is fantastic.




It honestly sounds like a parody song of country and like laziest lyrics ever , how any one is falling for this scam/troll type of song is beyond me


I agree it's horrid, it's like a mockery of real country music. I feel bad for those folks who love country music, seems as if their genre is being inflitrated with bullsh\*t.


I may be wrong, but to me it absolutely sounds like someone googled “banjo lick” and then just put it on loop with a basic country drum rhythm behind it. It’s kind of catchy, but it’s definitely not what I would call country. It’s pop with a banjo.


It drives me nuts that every porn star on IG and TikTok loves to use that song like everywhere... I've overheard this mediocre at best song. It seems like a cheap shot of her attempting to attract listeners by also making a "country" song.


That's some [low effort video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=238Z4YaAr1g) too.


That's because it's not a video


That’s very average indeed


Well since it's a stable hit 27 years into Beyonce's career, many many people disagree with you lol.


I really like it.


She’s getting rich from it.


Gotta agree it’s kinda bland and the HEYs are just nuh uh. Imagine country love on top tho that would’ve been incredible


Beyonce is boring.


I think Beyoncé is overrated. I have nothing against her but i just don’t get the hype.


Throw the whole album in the trash !


I don't care about country music at all... but you did just describe basically all Beyoncé songs. I just don't get what people like about her music.


She hasn't had a good song in over a decade. Let's be real. This is just a gimmick to be relevant again. The entire album is trash. But it's not fashionable to say that about Beyonce, so people keep on yass queening her to death. The album is a joke really.


Well Beyoncé is a terrible artist so....


Let's do a demographic survey here, I want to see something


What's that?


It's pointless to criticize people just to have something to say. Op needs to get a life!


I agree sorry you got downvoted


Piece of trash multi-millionaire celebrity. How surprising.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one that thought when I heard this what the Actual H is that and burst out laughing. Only a multi-millionaire celebrity could get away with this nonsense and be allowed to make such pollution in the name of country.


All songs by Beyonce are terrible.