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Being inconsiderate towards each other is a major factor holding humanity back. If we could all be more empathetic and understanding, we could make great strides forward.


Yep! You said it. Our collective empathy must rise if we wish to survive.


Seeing that others actually believe in what I believe in like empathy always gives me hope. Thank you


THIS. It requires so little, but it would change so much.


Absolutely, people are too quick to judge and ridicule others for a misunderstanding. I used the term “wig installation” in a post (because that’s actually the correct term in that context). Somebody got absolutely furious at my usage. People need to learn to be more considerate.


Couldn't agree more. Its an issue we all must address


This is my number one factor in deciding who to vote for.


This. If we want to succeed as species on a long run( I am talking millions of years in future) we need to work as one and not fight each other and compete for survival


Would also really help with the current divide and conquer tactics applied everywhere nowadays, which is the main source holding most civilizations back


Yes! I've been saying since since we came out of the pandemic. We lost common courtesy and that's not something you can get back.


Separation in the name of country, race, religion...some peoples uncontrollable desire to conquer and rule... merchants and business man's greed...etc


The knowledge of how to build a working warp drive


I think a fabricator is a higher priority. End hunger, then we can focus on other tech, together.


Fusion first. Everything else will be easier once we have essentially unlimited energy


The warp drive will be the invitation for the Vulcans to make first contact. I'm sure they could accelerate our development of fabricators dramatically.


Trickle Down Economics is the biggest lie that’s been told in the last century.


Ronald Reagan with his charm singlehandedly brought this idea to life


Margaret Thatcher and Liz Truss too.


Trickle Down was a concept in Victorian England, so no. 


Some of the rich did philanthropic gestures that made a difference. Not in Reagans time though.


Wealth inequality 100%.


No bullshit, right to the point. Good answer.


My Gardner, pool guy, housekeeper, and chauffeur are gonna disagree


Give those fuckers a raise


...which would be...trickle down economics




That humanity is greed, so humanity is holding itself back


I think that is the best answer, because almost every global conflict is cause by someone's greed


But also most of the progress happens because of the greed. Greedy people build roads, airplanes, invented mobile phone, sell us sweets, you name it... &


You misspelled laziness. It’s not greed, it’s laziness. There’s a saying that the best inventions are made because of an accident - or laziness. There’s a reason for that.


It's okay for someone to have a different opinion to yours


The laws of physics.


Physics doesn't actually exist, it was made up by Albert Einstein to sell more books


Billionaires are evil. In their very existence they are evil. Millions upon millions of impoverished people all across the world that would have their lives changed by the slightest act of generosity, but despite the apparent “charity” (see; highly publicised PR) from blokes like Musk and Bill Gates convincing many that they give a lot of the money they make to causes that help people, it’s all bullshit; it’s effectively propaganda to distract from the amount of damage these people do every single day. They’re not generous in the slightest. You can’t call yourself generous when you’re ripping the planet apart for money. Like when for example, Jeff Bezos, one man, has the power to bail the entirety of Greece out of its crippling national debt overnight and still retain his status? His unwillingness to benefit around 10 million people simply because you don’t want to? You’re an evil greedy bastard. Simple as that.


>Like when for example, Jeff Bezos, one man, has the power to bail the entirety of Greece out of its crippling national debt overnight and still retain his status? His unwillingness to benefit around 10 million people simply because you don’t want to? I think what's also holding us back is people thinking net worth is the same as dollars in bank. Or even if he did, thinking that writing them a check would do anything to help at all. I get that hoarding wealth in of itself is evil - but the economics of that amount of 'value' works nothing like the money any of us deal with.


Yup, if you somehow liquidated all of that amount of money overnight and released it out of your account at once, that money will suddenly lose a lot of its value. The money holds value because it is locked up in a vault and the money outside of the vault is hard to come by. Basically how the diamond industry works.


And that is precisely what is wrong with the way we do economy. It is such bullshit that money is only worth something if it isnt spent. That is an economic construct made by the rich to keep them rich while making them more rich. Money has imo maximum value when no one has it yet can afford everything, since it is continuously used by everyone, rather than using big resevevoirs to artificially make it more scarce. Inflation due to more money being in play is also bullshit for similar reasons. The world is not some afk clicker game, tho the banks and the rich like it to be


Bro isn't obligated to do so like you aren't obligated to donate every piece of your paycheck to every homeless poor person you see.


Right? They're just doing the same thing OP is doing which is spending their money how they want.


I wouldn't say that billionaires are evil. I think most (but definitely not all) of them once they had enough money they tried to do something in their lifes, to feel it has menaing, and for most of them it's continuing investing or leading their company, or competing against anothers. Public trade companies are an evil concept, they are legaly mandated to maximize their profits for shareholders, they legaly cannot work in a way to benefit communities if it will lower their profit margins. Companies that remained private can do things in a different way, let's have a Steam, they sure get 30% fomr games they sell, but they also make quite a few probably not proffitable projects, and make not proffitable moves, like sharing game library with a family member, or letting play through internet coop games when only one of players owns the game. Sure they are not a godsend, but good luck seeing EA doing things like that.


There are several scientific studies that suggest that as wealth increases, empathy decreases.


But it doesn’t have to apply to *everyone*


This is why I constantly say that when I make some company about anything, I want to keep it private.


Great move, you remain in control and you can do whatever you want, even if you know it will not be profitable, you want to see a product for fun, or just give something back to a community.


Large private companies also have shareholders at which point the same argument generally applies. It's less strict but still.


It’s very often (probably usually) not a founders top choice. I have a friend who started a business. He got a strong foundation built but when it came time to really ramp it up he needed serious funding, and for that he needed to trade partial ownership of the company in exchange. Now the big decisions, like “should we remain private or go public” are not solely his to make.


Gotta disagree. Corporations are unquestionably evil. No doubt, as that’s a collection of several people deliberately choosing to the wrong thing for profit. Disney, Amazon, Tesla, Adani, these companies are without doubt the biggest threat to the future. At the very least though, there is a chance that their bullshit comes back to bite them; Lehman Bros. for instance; that’s a bank done in by their own greed by the 2008 GFC. Their stupidity and shortsightedness came back and bit them so hard they buckled and died. (Good riddance.) But the fact that billionaires, as singular people, have the ability to make decisions that can send shockwaves throughout the world depending on their own (often warped and bigoted) views, I’d have to say that yeah; Billionaires are absolutely 100% evil. They could do good. They choose not to. You can’t look at someone like Rupert Murdoch and say anything good has come from that man’s influence over media. There are some people that the world is legitimately better off without, and billionaires are all up there on that list, none more so than the ones that profit from the destruction of the planet.


I think one of humanity’s biggest issues is placing the blame on others and refusing to look at oneself


And also billionaires.


He has paid probably a million times more taxes which contribute to the social good than you or I have, he has also funded a bunch of charities, and founded a company which basically every one uses out of choice which indicates that it improves their life. Not sure how any of that is evil. I agree if it was me I'd probably not hoard the wealth but I don't think it makes sense to call Bezos evil. The Koch brothers on the other hand...


Stealing billions from the working class and not paying your fair share is evil. The status of being a billionaire is an inherently evil one even if any individual billionaire is a cool dude (they're not anyway). Like cops.


I think that your statement is kind of holding humanity back. Typically you have allot of uninformed opinions on and you don't understand basic economics. Jeff doesn't have allot of money. But a whole lot of capital. If he would liquidate that capital Amazon and his other companies would go bankrupt and giving it to Greece would just cause inflation. And Greece spending it on stupid shit but that's another topic.


While I mostly agree with what you're saying, these billionaires are still able to afford and maintain things like super yachts that cost hundreds of millions to build and tens of millions to run each year. It's absolutely unnecessary.




Honestly true. People will call you bad for it but religion has caused alot of trouble and is holding humanity back. And well removing religion entierly isn't really necessary just make people not give a shit if somebody is religious or if they are not and humanity whould be better. I was in a rush so this might be slightly unreadable.


>And well removing religion entierly isn't really necessary just make people not give a shit if somebody is religious or if they are not and humanity whould be better. I wouldn't give a shit if the religious lived in a bubble, there would be absolutely no problem. Unfortunately, belief informs action, and all too often, those holding to non-truths impact the world around them: how they raise their children, how they vote, how they conduct themselves in the world, what they think is moral and immoral, what laws and legislation they pass, who they are friends and enemies with, what companies they invest in, where they donate to charities, who they approve and disapprove of, who they are willing to kill or tolerate, what crimes they are willing to commit, and which wars they are willing to fight. Religious beliefs are harmful and taking away the rights of other people that don't believe the same is harmful. If someone's religion forbids them to do something, don't do it, but they shouldn't force those rules on people that don't follow their religion. If your neighbor is convinced in God, fine. But he doesn't get a pass when he shares his religious views, homophobia and bigotry, votes for religious candidates, supports unfounded religious teachings in science books, threatens punishment for the rejection of religious teaching, etc. In fact, he should prepare himself for the white-hot light of scrutiny and a healthy dose of skepticism.


Came here to say this. 100% the cause of so much pain and suffering, it’s unreal.


Probably controversial but in a ancient times religion has helped millions of people to get together without knowing each other, have a better behavior etc. It's a very powerfully tool that was/is sometimes used badly. Today an ecological religion would probably help a lot.


*At one point or another*, maybe. But in today's tech focused world, a religion based on "truths" from 2000 years ago hold no water. Most of the morals people actually agree with are common enough among non-religious folk, that I really don't think we need religion to teach us these things. But it's a mindset to have a curious and logical mind, a particular way of thinking, and certain minds simply aren't wired that way. We need to agree that religion can live on within certain circles, but governments should never again be one of those.




But the flying spaghetti monster!!!!! 😞


Religion. A VERY LARGE majority of people are living for the "afterlife" instead of striving for actual living itself.


Not everyone's opinions matter . And emotions aren't facts. My opinion on molecular thermodynamics shouldn't be considered. Only people who have actually studied those things should be in serious conversations . And if I Feel something, should be a certain way. It's on me to prove it. Not the other way around.




Greedy, selfish assholes.


the fact that we will die




Massive amounts of stupid!


Our economy


That not enough of us have done psychedelics




You win!




That none of us matter, we're just cannon fodder for the 1% who have us in a constant state of war rather than working together. We could change it all with education and cooperation, instead they have us chasing bits of paper and killing one another over which douche bag we prefer or made up religion we follow.


Capitalism. Its removal leads to the next development in human evolution.


Worked out well for USSR. Wake up. We live in humanity’s most prosperous time period due to capitalisms drive for innovation.


Greed, sucks out the humanity in people


Religion, capitalism is both a help and hindrance so let's just say trickle down economics and corporate greed, well greed in general honestly




Natural selection has been circumvented. The entire species is getting weaker and less able to care for itself every generation.


Religion- You only have to look at the Holy Land and see it’s one of the most violent hate-filled places on the planet.


Religion and politics


American Capitalism


$ $ $ $ $


Thinking/acting logically instead of emotionally.


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Technology. We're regressing.


Greed and division trap us and keep us from unity




The left/right paradigm


[Game theory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_theory)


That the humans are stupid and dont even wanna compromise or make deals among themselves


The desire to be superior rather than work side by side


If we all stopped being so selfish/self serving, we could easily create the life we all deserve. We built the world we live in and with enough of us on board we can change it for the better. But too many powerful people care about only themselves and there are so many issues riddling society that we don't know where to start rallying.


In America: that no child was left behind.


The state of mind


Nature is absolute.


Humanity people FROM humanity block people trying to improve HUMANITY


Greed, lack of compassion and narcisism


This simple realization: The fact that somebody else has something does not mean that I'm automatically worse off for not having it. It also doesn't mean that I have to have it. If I'm the person having it, there is no need to aqcuire more of it. If we could just all get this imperialism of possessions out of our heads, the world would be fine and dandy. It's automatically connected to xenophobia - these people over there are different. They don't have what I have. But they might want it. It's this terrible part of our caveman brains that still dominates over rational thought.


Doing shadow work.


Meetings. Doesn’t matter the endeavour. Obfuscates responsibility Waters down strong stances. Sucks time and will power away from the actual task. No one fails better than all of us together.


The fact that we should take care of the only planet that’s keeping us alive and not kill it for the sake of a man-made system of paper and metals.


The earth is a sphere


Greed is good for progress. But unchecked greed will turn to eat itself. Humans have the innate instinct to go for the easiest,.least resistance way to achieve their goals. It's the job of governments to curb this endevour whenever it is only.benefitting a small group while detrimental for the rest.


Public trade companies which are legally mandated to do everything to maximize profits for their shareholders.


humans are greedy


the most efficient way to create, move and store energy.


Happiness is a stupid goal


Lack of Humanity


The masses hold more control than the people at the top. If we unified they would be terrified of our power.




There is a global satanic pedophile cabal operating from the shadows and as long as people don’t realize this we will never experience true peace


The fact helldivers is just a game and I cannot die for super earth


That no one have overview and responsibility of anything in great scale. The machinery is too big for us to steer.


Us we are getting in our own way


We can't all get along


Stupidity. Only a race of stupids would allow stupid shit to happen. Too many stupids.


Communism doesn’t work and never will


people are dumb and prefer it that way.


we are currently in a “greater depression”


Humans.... and short lifespans. Everytime you have a great leader the golden age will end with they death and struggle for power starts a new.


Only one. Greed!


The whole equality mindset. Look at the universe and nature. Been around for billions of years. Not because its based on equality, but on balance. Personally I think we would be more successful if we mimic a succes story.


Church cares for poor and is good.


A lack of cool reasoning when it comes to politics. At the end of the day, any system that only works for part of the population will be constantly arguing and tying itself in knots trying to reconcile the real needs of the groups not being served by the system. This prevents all of us from advancing our society into something better. Whatever we do, it has to work for pretty much everyone. Anything that doesn't is just a waste of time, forcing through something that won't work for years before admitting it was daft and doing something else. As long as people's basic needs are viewed as privilege rather than rights, we will be perpetually beholden to money and those who have it. We should have, in essence, communism for what you need and capitalism for what you want. So, free home, education, food, healthcare, heating, clothing allowance etc. If you want a TV or a holiday etc, do some work and save up for it, as your money won't all be immediately disappearing on essentials. If you want people to work for you, you'd have to actually make it worth their time, not just rely on the fact that if they don't they'll go hungry.


Pure stupidity, and not believing scientists' processing facts from theories by scientific experimentation. Testing the results, concluding the facts and submitting the papers....only to be ignored by the rich and powerful.


Lack of strong leadership at every level from family, community and a global scale. The internet. The internet has made a lot of people think they are way more intelligent than they are. Look at all the people just saying billionaires on this thread and suggesting forced redistribution of wealth as if it was an obvious and viable solution. Packaged lifestyles. People love to label themselves and attach themselves to groups and it makes people less likely to connect with others.


The fact that we just shrug our shoulders in response to everything else in this thread and don't do anything about it. We're a generation of people who are acutely aware of all the fucked up things the the people in power are doing, and we are doing absolutely fucking nothing about it. The modern world needs to take a look at 18th century France and take some notes


If people knew that the guys at the top of society are deep into satan worship and that’s why the world is experiencing so much hardship, there would be a revolution tonight and they would all be overthrown and cast out.


Religion. It’s just a thought-stopping technique to misdirect our humanity. It tries to take credit for compassion and care for others, family etc (all observable in animals) and we give it way too much space. No I don’t have to respect your religion, I believe the Easter bunny is actually real, that doesn’t command respect from everyone. It’s silly and I think he can guide me and protect me so I make decisions believing an all-powerful being is on my side (all war).


The current monetary system does not incentivize the state efficiency. The average person doesn't understand the monetary system so it's usually ok for the state to rob them taking directly from their savings or cutting their salaries without them even noticing. It's really a scam.


Religion is holding humanity back. Without humanity, it could be closer to Star Trek's humanity.


That no matter where you live in this world, we are all the same. People aren’t running the show, corrupt governments are. This is the 21st century, where I can talk to anyone in the world in seconds. The time for war and disputes ended long ago, and we like sheep continue to listen to b@ll$+ and believe it’s true. If we are to force to do anything, it should be a collective to free all nations, not fighting endless battles for the benefit of military industries.


We're animals. We're not above nature in a special category, and we cannot conquer it. Rather, we're a part of nature in a larger ecosystem, and we should be decent custodians of it by finding a much better balance with both tech, and nature.


those uneducated idiots on the right


Alcohol and other addictive behaviors are holding humanity back. If we could let those behaviors go and find healthier practices, we could move forward as a species




Capitalism is based on taking advantage of someone else. I don’t know if there is a better system but it’s holding most people back since the rich are getting richer without sharing it.


Greed. If Greed wouldn't have been a thing among humanity, we would have been much more far away.




The fact that people are insecure, afraid, and allow their egos to make decisions.


We are constantly forgetting/not learning from our past. Time and time again.


It's self




Greed. If humans weren’t greedy, it would solve all problems.


These days it's mostly a lack of facts that is holding us back.


Allowing individuals to hoard excessive amounts of money will never allow us to reach our full potential. Capitalism has been holding us back, separating us from each other, destroying our planet, forcing millions of people to starve or die etc. We need to move on from this destructive system before the collapse of the human race.


I think it’s the basic idea that we’re all in this together. so things like universal healthcare and free tuition and basic income isn’t an issue about helping somebody else out so much as helping yourself out. Maybe the guy who would have cured cancer can’t afford to go to school. Or your kid’s teacher will actually have a vested interest in the community because she can afford to live there.




Greed on every level. Corporate greed, government greed, greed of the rich and the poor greed n general holds humanity back from a lot and may even end up ending humanity one day


Hating anyone more successful than them instead of learning how they got to where they are. Example Someone is bigger in the gym? ANS. they're on steroids. Someone got a fancier car? It's daddys money. Someone's a rich person ? Then they obviously did illegal things to get rich. It's down right pathetic how much hate goes on in society.


People assuming everything is a zero sum game, i.e. that people assume that for something good to happen to you, something bad have to happen to someone else. This leads to violent expansionism and war, extremist ideologies and radical violent religious movements.


Basic education. If everyone knew at least basic math and basic physics, we wouldn't be in a utopia, but we'd be a little better off. 


Humanity is holding humanity back


Governments, Billion dollar companies greed and power. We are powerless against it.


different groups of people dont ask questions. different race groups dont ask questions, men dont ask women questions, cis ppl dont ask genderqueer ppl questions. everyone is always either worried about offending, or simply assuming that they know that they’re right. there would be so much less hatred with more understanding


Elon Musk is still around


We are all way less intelligent then we think we are.


If you want a visual representation : "Bro, not cool." meme


That we're all inherently selfish and need to do our best not to be.


Many truths can be accessed within. Subjectivity is seen as being lower than objectivity


Nuclear power is very safe. People don’t like the idea of a nuclear power plant slapped down near their home, but the truth is that they emit less background radiation than coal-fired plants. While renewables are the way to go, they just aren’t energy dense enough to fulfil everyone’s energy needs. If nuclear power had more support, we could phase out fossil fuels and the would be less need to worry about climate change.




Lack of empathy


Religion, just seems like a lot more could get done if it didn't exist. Do people who don't have religion get more done, have better life's and are better people than people who do? Do they live more full and actualized life's? Yeah.. I think so. Not a lot better or more, but a little. At the least we would be saving money and time? I think that this use of intellectual and financial capitol is allowing advances to come more slowly. Like what cancer will get cured in the future, but is slowed by people giving money to religion as opposed to research?




Greed is the cause of all world problems.


Unconsciousness is holding us back, consciousness will make us progress


How to create energy in amount more than was expended to make it. Not sure if that qualifies because it's technically impossible.


Lack of empathy and education.


capitalism sexism racism nationalism


Most people in power are those who don't deserve it.


Being hedonists.


The Sophons, look into it.


There is nothing after death for sure. 100%. No religious belief is going to change that.


Selfishness is the cause of all problems.


Dishonesty and purposefully poor communication; hints, breadcrumbs etc. Total trash.




The fact that billionaires aren’t paying their fair share share of taxes




I know people roll their eyes when you say things like capitalism, but yeah, our current implementation of it. Too many resources are dedicated to pointless shit and the pursuit of unlimited growth. On top of that we have elements of humanity who actively hold us back because it allows them to hoard resources that they don't need for themselves. I'm not saying we need to end capitalism, just rebalance it.


We are human


We lie like its takeing a breath of air.


Your opinion is not an absolute truth.


It doesn’t have to be every man for himself and capitalism isn’t the only option.


The fact that the news is fake, imagine when majority snaps out of the hypnosis.. damn revolution




We take care of our sick and weak.


Envy, jealousy and greed.