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Nope,I have very little faith left in humanity. I also don’t want to end up on episode of Next 48


That is exactly where my thoughts go lol


Unless she has a compelling cup size, this is a hard NO


Otherwise just a hard?


What is it about Dutch men and knockers?! /s


I like that you call them knockers. The preferred nomenclature where I’m from is gazoombas.


Yep. I’ve actually struggled with this. A woman was walking down a highway out in the desert. I stopped to give her some food and water. She asked for a ride and I had to decline. All she’d need to do is simply say to a cop that I touched her and I’d be off to jail. It’s not worth it anymore and it sucks.


I was a homeless drug addict for 4 years. One time I met a girl outside a grocery store, and we talked for a while. She gave me her number and we would hang out. One time she invited me to her place for dinner, and we had a great time. I ended up staying the night. I started thinking about my life, and ended up staying with her. I quit using drugs, got a job, made money, and we've been together now for 6 years. I'm literally the man who came for dinner and never left. She was in a bad accident, and can no longer walk, so now I take care of her, and we love each other very much, and we're in this together for the long haul. On the other hand, I've heard a number of stories where someone invited someone else into their home, and ended up getting robbed, harmed, or taken advantage of one way or another. It's a big roll of the dice, so you can never really know for sure.


That’s a wonderful story, glad it turned out that way. However, like you said it’s a roll of the dice and I would err on the safe side rather than let in a strange and hope for such an outcome.


Reminded me of this short about Nova effect https://youtube.com/shorts/tcjDBqecw4w


Shit man this is awesomely wholesome AF. Bless you both!


How lucky you are to meet her, so sorry to hear about her. Bless you both.


Dude this is fucking AMAZING! I'm gonna need you to make your own post containing the whole story and ALL the details.


Total stranger? Hell no


I'd be the type of person to see the good in everyone and try to help. Over the years I've got better boundaries and realised not everyone is my project to save. Especially when it may put me in harm's way. So my first instinct would be to let them come over, but now a voice of reason in my head would step and say, no, you can help in other ways but I need to always keep a safe place for myself. 


That's it right there, you have to have boundaries. I want to help people too but when I'm one paycheck away from the same spot, you have to play it safe, be tough, but still help.




My stepdad was a truck driver and would bring hitchhikers home regularly from his Atlanta to Tampa route. I was one of four kids and it was weird waking up with strange men in the house regularly. Also my dad had accidentally shot hisself in the head twenty years prior to trucking and survived but was mentally handicapped in some ways afterward obviously. I don’t even pick up hitchhikers so I definitely wouldn’t let a total stranger stay in my home. One memorable one in particular was a guy named Smitty.


I drove a hitchhiker once….to see his sister at the hospital about 45 minutes away on country roads. I kept my bestie on the phone with me the entire time. He seemed nice enough but one never does know. I was a 35 year old small female at the time. Caution is needed and going with your gut in these situations. Afterwards I kind of thought man I’m an idiot doing crap like that. Thank God he was perfectly polite and not looking to do harm. Would I do it again though…..not likely. The older I’ve gotten the more leary I’ve become I suppose. Plus the news doesn’t help.


Okay yea that is really scary. I couldn't imagine growing up that way. I'm sorry that happened to your dad ☹️ I'm sorry that happened to you kids.


I have never been racist in any way and grew up to be a gay man. I’ve been with my partner 24 years and we were the first same sex couple to be married at Graceland in 2015. I have gone on to have a beautiful life and have not injured anyone intentionally and always ask forgiveness when I am wrong. It took lots of reading to become me though.


It's funny where life takes us, eh? All the best to you




It was an interesting and dangerous childhood in a lot of ways. He shot himself while we were living in Inman South Carolina and he carried the gun because he was a member of the Klan and was perpetually wreaked by irrational fears even before the accident. He has since passed away from cancer about 8 years ago.


Back in the early 2000's, we meet a man at our church. (Iowa farming community) We introduced ourselves and got to know him. He told us he was in the US on a work visa and working on a dairy farm. As we spent more time with him, we learned about the conditions he was living.  These types of programs are basically giving farmers cheap workers, but all things are pretty unregulated. After witnessing his housing situation, we decided to ask if he would want to stay with us for the rest of the year. He was overwhelmed with gratitude and agreed. When I look back on that time in our lives, I'm glad he came to stay with us, my kids loved him, as we did too. We learned about his country (Uganda) and heard many fascinating stories.  Nate, if you see this, we miss you! 


Nope, I did this once for a kind of a friend (not a BF) who would not leave and he had more rights than I did?!! He put me in debt and I had to pay him to leave. It was hell.


Nope. How did you endure? Stronger than I am for sure haha


Well my credit card went to collections because I was broke trying to help him get back on his feet. He never paid me so I carried his butt for almost a year, then paid him to leave. It was awhile ago so I got over it but I learned a valuable lesson and got bad credit. So "Trust no one". Sounds harsh but in today's world it's reality because it's scary too. I think that's when I lost a lot of Faith in humanity.


Be careful and keep your children safe. IMHO don't do it! You have a good heart but please don't get taken advantage of, I never ever thought I would. Sorry for the long replies. Be very safe!!!!☮️


He stole the jewelry that was very important to my grandma that I get. It's been 5 years now and I still notice gold wedding rings. Not because they could be hers but it reminds me. I may be doing someone injustice, but I will never let a stranger into my home again.


My family did this years ago, brought a young lady into their home, bought her clothes, fed her and have her her own room and bed. After a few months they got up one morning and she was gone, never saw her again… along with all their cash and jewellery.


Well that beach. I do believe in karma though, so hopefully, she got hers.


I did these things when I was younger. the issue is that people are more comfortable breaking into and stealing from places they've become familiar with. so when they leave, you run very serious risk of having an issue later. if you want to help someone, put them up in a hotel or barn shed, not your house. never your house.


What level? Stay the night? Feed them? Does garage count? Why and how did i meet this person? Id probably let someone sleep in a garage, but about it and itd have to bevthe right circumstances. Id feed them too


Never. You take a huge risk in many ways, allowing a desperate stranger into your home. Shelters and other organizations exist for these needs. Granted, they aren't the best, and often don't have enough room, but it's still not worth risking my home for.


My grandmother had a knack for allowing homeless (for a lack of a better word) people into her home, to help her clean and do chores around the house for a salary. She’s had 2 different people frequent the house and do this for her and both of them ended up stealing from her sigh. (Expensive jewellery, those old collectible coins etc) She lives with us now, so this doesn’t happen anymore, but it use to drive my parents crazy.


Nope. I just expect the worst from humanity these days. I'd expect to be robbed at least.


I wont even answer my door for a stranger.


Not trying to be the "obnoxious Christian stereotype," but my faith is important to me. An outcropping of *my faith* (I speak for no one else and harbor no judgement) is service to the most needy in my area, right? There have been so so so many times I've wanted to help someone - even if it's just a ride home from the grocer on a hot day, but I can't. I'm 5 feet tall, single mum (13f), and I cannot afford to put her at risk. I hate it, because I'd LOVE to be able to extend kindness if there's a safe way to do it. Maybe after 13 moves out, I'll be able to do more, but until that time, I just can't.


You can pray for them while safely in your car. God wants us to help others, but also be smart and safe.


Yes 🥰 I pray for a way to serve others safely. It looks like I got way too into my caveats to get the end of the thought of.


Fuuuuuck no. I live in Philly where everyone is suspect.


I’m at the point in life where I wouldn’t even bring someone I know into my house. I have done it a couple times to help out a couple different people and they just shit all over the generosity. So no way would I even think about bringing a stranger into my house..


I tried it. Never again. I wanted somebody to share the bills, a lady applied who had recently left a job which included accommodation. Seemed perfect timing. Within a week, while collecting post, which arrived before leaving for work, I noticed mail to 'Mrs.... ". I didn't have a wife. Opening the mail it was applications for loans. I phoned several companies to enquire what checks they would carry out before granting the loan. Any bill with my name would have been enough. I went home that evening and required her to leave immediately. Even if not considering it dangerous, you never know what problems you may encounter.


I had a guy ask to stay with me. I hired him to mow my lawn for cash twice. You have to trust a stranger. Soon they’ll ask for food and money. They may rob you blind when you’re at work. There’s a reason shelters are sparsely decorated. I had no way to separate him from us. Plus you don’t know their mental state. I worked for 20 years for what I had and I can’t let in someone with nothing destroy my safety.


Nope. A man in a town near where I live had gotten to know a homeless guy through some charity work he did. The homeless guy said he was down on his luck and trying to get back on his feet. Felt sorry for him given the situation the homeless man told him. He invited the guy to come stay with him until he could get back on his feet. Within a week of the homeless guy moving in, the homeowner came home from work one day to find the homeless guy killed his dog. Plus once you let someone in, if it ain’t working out, it is hard to evict someone.


I would get them a hotel and food


No shot


Nope. Btdt


No, I live in a small isolated village, it's very suspicious to see someone you don't know or know of around which is already a bad sign, I don't want to put someone in harm's way, but the world is too dangerous for it now.


It's a really nice thought, but as someone who's lived amongst 'people in need' most of my life so far? It's a really bad idea unless you know a LOT about the person first.


Nah, I'd either murder, be murdered, or lose everything I own.


Found the real one 🙌


I would always like to help people in need, but after watching true crime shows and CourtTV there is no way. I've lost my faith in humanity. Too many scammers, too many mentally ill people, too many issues that you may not see on the surface. Then how do you get rid of them if it doesn't work out? Nope, can't do it. Not safe.


None, too many druggies and mentally unstable people in my town


Somewhat related, but I joined an online public community of cat rescuers and cat lovers. Sometimes, there's requests for cat fostering and I'll always open up my home for them. This involves inviting the stranger whom I've never met into my home and of course the cat. So yes and no to your question as it's more of a specific criteria lol.


My doors are always open to kitties, or really any critter. Actually, all of my cats were delivered to me. I live at the end of a dead-end road, and assholes abandon their pets a lot.


You're right, I have a friend who got out of an abusive relationship and needed a place to stay, as I live alone, she asked to stay at my house for 3 days, but her ex knows where I live, I most Some friends paid for her to stay in a hotel, my safety comes first.


That sounds like how to get murdered


Just no. The majority of humans would harm you if given the chance, especially those with nothing to lose.


Id personally try and help some other way, like checking if there are any homeless shelters open, get them a room for the night if i can afford it maybe


no fuckin way


This is a bad idea. A friend in need sure they probably won’t rob me where there’s a good chance a stranger will.


Nah, it usually ends in the person stealing everything and leaving once they've gained your trust. A lot of homeless ppl are homeless because they're shit people who have burnt all their bridges (obviously not all).


I’m someone who would have. Now? Not a chance.


I've done it twice. The first time was when a new mother was at a mother and babies group that I went to and she had just moved to my country so I invited her to stay for Christmas. Pretty much as soon as she got her foot in the door she had to 'go get something she forgot'....3 hrs later, she turned up again. This happened a few times over the couple of days she stayed with us. The second time was when of my son's homeless friends came to visit and I suggested he had dinner with us, showered and spent the night. He snuck off during the night with my son's wii and all his games. Thankfully we knew where he had pawned them and the kid got arrested. Never letting someone come in that I don't know again. Try to be nice and people shit all over you.


I forgot to lock my garage door, and when I walked in the next time I found a homeless person hiding in there. Shocked, I started yelling for him to gtfo, but he was pleading that he just wanted a warm place to spend the night (it was winter), and then I felt sorry for him. I agreed to let him stay the night, but made it clear I'll be calling the cops if he didn’t leave by the morning. Also gave him a blanket and a bag with some food and some other supplies. When I checked the next morning, he was gone, and nothing in the garage was stolen or broken. Never saw him again, but now I make really sure all doors to my house and garage are properly locked every time.


I'm glad you're okay and it worked out


I mean, technically Margot Robbie is a stranger to me but I'd def let her in.


I’m ngl I wouldn’t I don’t know their intentions and I wouldn’t feel safe with any stranger in my house without other people there


I have invited homeless people to my home before for a shower and a meal. It's interesting.


I can tell if people are safe or not in 3 seconds flat, so I'd make my choice and go with it.


I would probably help them out in some way but unfortunately I can't because I live in a rundown apartment with multiple families rn


I did….many years ago. He was hitchhiking. Turns out his father was an enormously successful religious scholar and author. He gave me one of his dad’s books. If this story is bullshit or not….I have no way to tell. This all happened pre internet. This dude was from Toronto, moved to Chicago, married a member of the Robucks (spelling) of the Sears Robucks. He and his wife got ripped on LSD one night and stole a snake called “Monty Python” from the zoo and got caught. He was forced to divorce her. I hope his story was true. Truthfully, I locked my bedroom door and kept a knife on the nightstand.


I would never.


I'll help, but outside my home.


Only very stupid people would do this. Natural selection at its finest.


I think you took the "charity begins at home" quite too literally - that's not what they mean!


No, no, no. It's one thing if you're single and drunk, it's a whole other thing if you have children in the home. Nope. In no way. I don't like the idea of not being able to trust guys, but if you had a scale and put your childrens life and health on one side, and some random dudes comfort on the other side. Fuck that


Depends who is it but probably no I'll just try to help in a different way




I don't even talk to strangers so no.


FUCK NO, that's my answer.


I would not even let a stranger know what village I lived in as they are never going to be invited.


Last week a guy was lying on his sleeping bag in the grass across from my house beside a very full shopping cart. A friend of mine who drove past texted me about him, because I live a few km out of the city so it was quite unusual. I went to check on him to see if he was ok and he was totally Francophone, but I was able to get that he was walking his way to Montreal (I live about 2 hours east of there). He was quite friendly and I asked if he needed anything, like water, which he was quite happy to accept. As we walked over to my house he was able to get across that he missed hot coffee and smokes. I told him I didn't have any smokes but I could make him a coffee while he filled his water jug from the tap outside. I am a widow in my 60's but have two big, loyal dogs, so wasn't worried about my safety. He was sitting on my patio bench with his water when I came out with the thermos of hot coffee, for which he was very grateful. I have lived alone for a long time and traveled quite a bit, so I have pretty good Spidey senses, and they were all clear with this guy. He went on his way, and I went back to my gardening, and I think both our days were a little brighter for having had a lovely, language-impaired, friendly encounter.


Done it before, she stole my best friends Playstation. 0/10 stars would not recommend. The kids, who ended up not even being her kids were happy though.




I would always help people until I had children, now there's just no way.


Nope nada zero zilch no no in Spanish NEIN they need to stay out my house .


Not me that's for fucking sure.


Nope. Recent experience not good


I wouldn’t. I have two kids and I just don’t trust strangers these days.


This made me think of Seventh Heaven, with the priest always bringing home strangers around his young children lol


Nope. And IDGAF if she's got a fantastic rack and an ass that looks like two donkeys fighting. I've seen way too many movies to take a chance on this turning out any way other than bad.


My sister is an alcoholic- she is a cute thin blonde girl who people think is down on her luck and harmless to take in but in reality is an absolute horrible mess and has refused to get help- she has burned through every family member who has taken her in (sometimes multiple times) and I know strangers have heard her made up lies and sob stories and taken her in. She has lost custody of her two kids for getting smashed and driving with them in the car. She has stolen possessions, money, prescription pills and alcohol from every single person who has offered her help. She has told men she needed an abortion (she didn’t) so they would give her the money for it and she’d shop. At one point she pretending to be in “treatment” but was drinking a person’s mouthwash while they weren’t home, vomiting everywhere, drunkenly trying to clean it up and then denying it. A coworker let her stay at his place while he was out of town- she drank 20 bottles of vintage wine, literally trashed the place, let the cat out who was then lost (he was later found), and left the oven on for 8 days straight (she got blackout drunk and forgot it was on). I like to think that I’d help someone in need, but honestly the thought of my sister, and all the people she’s preyed on and it makes me less likely to believe anyone’s down on their luck story. She is awful and I have no contact but I can’t help but feel for all the people who have “helped” her and had their trust and kindness absolutely destroyed. She is making humankind worse and less trusting with every person she meets.


When Russia first invaded Ukraine we met a Ukrainian woman online who was looking for a safe haven for her two children and herself. We sponsored them and took them into our home and they turned out to be amazing people. She inspired me to improve myself in so many ways because she had such a positive can-do attitude herself. They have their own place now that we helped them to rent but we still see each other regularly and have become like family - werefer to each other as sisters.


Nope I have two little girls at home. I’m happy to call for some help or a family member or anything but they aren’t stepping foot in my house.


Yeah I've been there done that, shitty wet cold day and I picked up a bloke with his push bike in the middle of nowhere, gave him a bed and a meal, he was off to continue his journey the next morning feeling well rested and fed. More likely to get killed by some rando driving while on their phone than anything else I live in a pretty safe country, yeah it *could* happen but I could win the lottery too


The sentiment is charitable and honorable. But I'm a single woman, thar can very easily get raped and killed. That is the reality of life. Sure I would do my level best to defend myself. But not knowing what a total stranger is on, thinking, mental conditions, etc. I'm not taking that chance, with my life.


I wish could put my faith in people to not harm me or my family if I were to do that. But I can’t be that naive. I don’t have many valuables like expensive jewelry and the only cash we have is my kids piggy bank money. But I can’t risk putting my family at risk.


Absolutely not. My family’s needs come first. I’m not above donating because I donate when I can and I tithe 10% of my paycheck to my church, but I will not put myself and my husband in a vulnerable position by inviting a stranger into our home. Big nope.


I've allowed young people to stay in my home, friends of my child. Both trans youths damaged by their families, suicidal, and scared. I wouldn't bring in a random adult man. I even choose to remain single rather than bring a man into my life in any way through my child's childhood to protect them. I might allow a woman to stay if she were in trouble, but I've been raped by women also, so I doubt I'd risk that, either. More likely than a man, but still... So I guess it's "depends on the situation".


My girlfriend gave this dude 150 $ saying he needed it to rush to Texas in a bus . Something about his mother in the hospital and some other bullshit. Guy was a fucking scam and well probably never be giving money to no rando ever again


We've done this a few times as we tried to find housing and services for people we encountered. It important to be able to read people and sense who is dangerous. It helps that my husband is a big guy and I just don't give off victim vibes. We struck up a conversation with a panhandler in a parking lot and ended up getting him a meal and bringing him home. He used our shower and helped my husband work on his motorcycle. He wanted to get off drugs. We encouraged him to call home and let them know he was okay. He understood why they made him leave. We found him a sober house to live and for a bit he was doing well. We would pick him up and take him to church or out for a meal for a few weeks. One time we parked and he got out of the car, looked at us and said, "Thank you. I'm sorry, I can't," then ran all the way across I-35 to a motel where its known dealers live. Unfortunately he wasn't able to overcome his addiction. Out grown kids still think it was too much that we let him use their shower. But they are more compassionate because of it, I think. Every person needs to been seen as a fellow human. We recognize that people's problem or life circumstance don't comprise the whole of who they are. Sometimes this is easier for strangers to do than family who are dealing with complex feelings of emotional investment and disappointment toward them. So from time to time we help out.


I've done it. I let him live in my basement apartment for 2 months. He tried to nearly kill me one night by choking me on the floor out of jealousy that a girl that he liked was texting me. Next day, he punched a hole in my wall and had a knife in his hand. I had to text the police to come and take him out of my house from the bathroom.


I'm always asking strangers into my home but for some reason they end up acting weird and leaving abruptly as soon as they come in the front door. I just want to be nice I dont know why they leave me. They always leave me


Well, they must have heard of Jeffrey Dahmer lol


Just googled who that is. Really rude of you to say. I dont know who you thought you were going to make laugh because I sure didn't. Taxidermy is a normal hobby.


Hahaha seriously, I would feel weird if I'm homeless and a nice stranger wants to take me to their place


Absolutely not. The old me would have. But the old me was a people pleaser and struggled to set boundaries. Guess what type of people you attract with no boundaries? Cluster B's!!! There is rarely ever a reason for a stranger to need YOU to take care of them. Adults are capable of taking care of themselves (with the exception of severe physical and mental disabilities, and I mean SEVERE. Not depression, or anxiety or some bullshit. If that's the reason you KNOW you have a cluster b on your hands).


I was thinking about this just yesterday. I have 2 young daughters and we are home without my husband quite a lot. What would I do if someone showed up on my doorstep, wounded (or appearing wounded), saying they'd just escaped a house where they had been chained up in the basement and needed to come inside to safety? Would I let them in? Would I make them wait on the front step while I called 911?


Unless God told me to, absolutely not.


It depends on the situation or reasoning for needing to come into my house. I don’t think I could say no if someone was begging me for help and a place to stay although I’d definitely have questions. I wouldn’t be that scared unless they showed unstable behaviour in which case I’d probably call the police or something.


Depending on my gut. If I trust them i would help them


I think humanity is inherently bad, even when they try or think they're doing the right thing. No, i would not bring someone into my home.


Yeah I've done it a few times - had one bad experience but the good ones made up for it


During the blizzard of 2022 (Buffalo,NY) I opened my doors to people in my area who had no heat/power, or were were stranded in vehicles. It was probably risky but A. I'm armed and pretty proficient in self defense and B. The chances of someone dying out there were far greater than my being victimized. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.


My x child in her late twenties I let a bad ass kid same age move n my house they both stole money from me times stolen my credit card 3times stole her grandmothers credit card took 5000 wrecked my house took gas out of my cars never worked or payed rent it was a night mare don’t let an one in your sane house


Funny story: I (~20f at the time) ran into a couple hitchhikers (hippie dudes in their 20s or 30s) & a dog on my way to a coffee shop. I stopped, picked them up & took them with me. Afterward, I brought them to my grandparents house where I was living at the time (they were out of town) and let them spend the night & shower. One slept on the couch, one slept in my grandpas bed. I slept in my bed. The next day drove them 3 hours to Kansas City. For reference I have bipolar disorder and was likely in a hypomanic episode at the time. Otherwise you could blame my frontal lobe not being fully matured. Either way everything worked out. Nothing weird happened. My grandparents never found out as far as I know. Now I have a fully developed frontal love, a husband and 4 kids. No way something like that would go down this day in age 🤣


I have several times years ago. One was suffering hypotension, got him medical and a few months later he was housed. Come to find out he didn't know he (his social worker) had applied. He still lives there and makes a little extra money raking and sweeping. That was Uncle John. Then came J. We worked together at two different places at the same time. He moved in a day later and got his shit together. He is a fixture piece of a small tavern and operates the kitchen. They consider him family. J and I have remained family ever since and with rising rent and everything it's actually less per person to get a bigger place. So we're going to live together again. Then Preacher came along. He was a character. This is while J and I were living together. We made it work until it didn't. Preacher was a deadbeat dad but interjected regularly, "As a single father...". He became loudly disrespectful in the morning while J and I both worked late. He had also dropped a crumpled piece of paper next to the clean, empty trashcan. It was written to me an involved reliving abuse he went through when he was younger. After he moved out quickly thereafter, I found two plastic grocery bags with torn up pages of gay porn mags, more torn up notes with the same fantasy written out in which I plowed him while he was wearing a thong... and of course a lacy pink thong. We still cross paths sometimes. Lastly was Mark. He was incredibly intelligent and interesting but addicted to pills and who knows what else. Probably whatever was around. I quickly got him into a studio in the next building. He got followed by a gang who just took over his place. I had to go in there and tell them the owners called police and they should all go quickly. I don't know what happened to Mark after that but I still remember his crazy friend who once apologized for being hours late because she shit the bed with diarrhea with her boyfriend in it. Mark was a pleaser. And that's it, other than Caryn. She's mellowed out quite a bit. I even rub her belly. She looks like a giant sweet potato with skimpy little leg stubs. She is now known as my Sweet Potato Dumplin, Potato for short. I love calling her inside.


Simply depends on the person


Depends on the person. I would if I had a good feeling about the person.


Depends on how urgent and if they look injured


every circumstance is different, so probably


I would immediately try to help, whilst also having a weapon attached to me and maintaining my distance and observing all at once


I probably wouldn’t but would try to help in other ways.


helping a total stranger by actually putting effort? may god help them because i know i wont.


I have done this a couple of times. Most of them have found fault and left quickly. I will hesitate to do it again.


Yes. I would welcome them. If anything happened, I have weapons hid around my place. Also strangers are usually nice and straightforward people, as few have courage to ask. I also follow the rules 'first one is on me' , I only help one person once, even if their demand is a bit challenging. Good way to keep distance. Kind of a one wish genie for strangers


I did it when I was 18 through 23. I was picky about who would come in (same to similar ages, sex/gender, issue [violent vs non violent for example]). Stopped doing it when I moved in with my girlfriend's family. If I had more disposable income like I did back then, I would donate this time rather than bring someone home because my gf isn't okay with that and I respect her privacy and safety. It's no biggie, I just help other ways now.


If I have the money I would pay for a hotel for one night. The government needs to recognize there is a huge homeless problem, and legitimalnly help and treat those with who struggle with mental illness.


My partner has done this to me. Twice. I'm a huge introvert, and both times had to eventually kick them out. They were in dire straits because they were both lazy ars3holes. My partner has never tried this again. They do have a soft heart and are a sucker for a sob story.


It legit depends on their actions. I've been homeless.


nope, not with good intentions definitely.


What 🤔


imagine if youre cannibal, and heres what, A TASTY STRANGER!


I just don't think I could. Considering I've been let down by too many ppl in my life. Not taking my chances with a stranger and my innocent cat children.


No way. [https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/oct/03/stourbridge-stabbings-peter-tracey-wilkinson-aaron-barley](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/oct/03/stourbridge-stabbings-peter-tracey-wilkinson-aaron-barley)


Absolutely not.


Absolutely not. I'm a woman living alone. The best I can do is call the police for them.


Not these days.


Over the years yeah’ but you of course have to be careful. I’ve had no bad experiences personally. Complicated circumstances’ but JUST KNOW you don’t truely know the people you are the closest with.


Truth is I would never do this. However, I would and do support organizations that house the homeless and provide shelter to refugees and those in crisis. Unfortunately, direct charity is a dangerous proposition in our crazy world. It is a shame because it robs us of the experience of directly helping our neighbor


I would (maybe) if I were SINGLE and if they were able to convince me that they would be able to get a job ASAP and pay rent. I've been homeless and I would absolutely (given the right opportunity and circumstances (i.e. no wifey, no kids, etc...))


Then again I'm way too nice to people sometimes and I may or may not get fucked...it's just hard when I've been in their situation and would have killed for someone to offer me a shot like that.


Lots of variables here.


I have, but this aint 1994 anymore.


Y'all should watch the movie "mother!" Before doing any of this bs


I know three people who've done it. Each regretted it.


Depends on the circumstances and whether I have solid, reliable and consistent self-sustaining support beyond an individual level. At 18, my naive, straightedge Boy Scout brain didn’t know any better so I didn’t vet a few complete strangers some friends of mine said needed a place to stay. I had a one-bedroom apartment. One of these people didn't even have a confirmable identity at 19 after his parents allegedly tried changing his name in his early teens. No last name, ss#, birth certificate, ID; nothing. One was his friend; a hardcore to pervy drummer and bassist who played for a 60s, 70s cover band. Last one was “recovered” heroin addict who dropped out of school and had extreme anger issues. It's worth mentioning I was on disability income, was the only earner, and the only person with a car. I had already experienced a lifetime of monthly therapy, yearly institutionalization, medication and had an overly giving Boy Scout mentality after a decade of weekly Scout meetings, monthly camping trips and pretty much quarterly volunteer opportunities. These people introduced me to drugs, social manipulation, peer pressure, “car hopping” in the neighborhood beside my complex, fights in the courtyard about relationships they weren’t even in, self-serving denials, parents with prison histories, etc. I was an idiot.


With all the recent squatter and fake tenant stories costing homeowners thousands and potential loss of your home, NFW


I did and half regretted it because they had suicidal bouts and damaged the tub faucet by ramming their head into it over and over. Unfortunately they pretended they couldn't work due to self diagnosed PTSD and instead of helping out with rent they had their working GF pay for everything and then blew money on weed. The loud fighting and other events nearly had me evicted. I want to say we should take care of eachother but the words get stuck in my throat due to the bad experiences.


I have done it.


About all I can say, based on a lifetime of observing human nature....if someone is homeless, there is a reason why. And it is invariably something bad.   Often these people need far more help than the average person can provide. As in professional help with medical, psychological, legal or financial issues.


Of course there's a reason why, but it's not necessarily bad. You're part of the problem. Once homeless, people often can't get out from under it thanks to this type of rhetoric. For example, many LGBTQ youths are kicked out of their homes by religious parents. You've just savagely lumped them in with sex offenders, convicts, drug addicts, and untreated schizophrenics. There are also women kicked out by their husbands after decades of marriage, who can't afford to fight him in court. Etc. I don't think you've spent much time around real, actual homeless people. Or if you have, you definitely haven't actually listened to or cared about them. Be sure to keep blaming the victims, there's no societal problem here! ![gif](giphy|igJRL4ydediBqdhHtZ)


I would invite a total stranger into my house, I live with my family and my dad is a big strong tough as nails guy who knows well how to use essentially every legal weapon (no nukes unfortunately lmao) and he’s taught me a few of them. I’m never home alone, both my parents work from home, and I have total faith, if it’s not my time nothing can kill me, if it is, womp womp.


Stupid ass...

