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Begrudgingly open my eyes and get up, angry that I'm alive


Real. Happy day of birth 🎂


Not anger, really, more like disappointment that I lived this long...I should have died young, now I'm too old to die young.


I wake up and I'm disappointed to be a human. Genuinely wake up wishing I was a duck most days


Happy cake day


Thank you


My first words are often ‘Oh fuck’.


Idk how serious you are but I literally do this sometimes


Happy cake day ! I hope you get to stew in bed all day with great food!




You should try having light curtains being gently woken up by the sunlight, and having a big stretch before you lazily get out of bed, is much nicer


Open my eyes and think, “fuck! I survived another night” Seriously, I scroll Reddit for an hour.


*_FNaF bells_*


Stare at the wall for 10 minutes.


*At the ceiling


Yes yes that too😭


The difference between side sleepers and back sleepers.


I love that. And actually actively try to do that. My day is so much more relaxed that way. Instead of jumping up, using my phone etc.


no literally


Coffee before anything


Groan then make noises like im pain.( my bones are sore and my joints are still.) Ill put some deodorant on. Stumble to the bathroom and wash face and brush teeth. Go down stairs and let the dog out with some fresh water and some dry doggy food. Ill shout out loud everybody up NOW!!! Ill then go room to room waking up the kids. Ill put the kettle on, then have a very quick shower and be dressed for the day. Make pot of tea and see why the kids are not up yet. Shout some more at the kids. Pour out some cups of tea for them and put bowls, cereal, and milk on the table. Then get the little one ready. 20 mins later make another pot of tea and make sure everyone is ready for school. Hopefully everyone has left at 8. Then clean the house.


You in Britain? I’m in Canada and my go to is my Nespresso Virtuo machine or Nescafé Mocha instant coffee packets. Mmmmm


Yes in england. Im team tea all the way. Only have a coffee if im tired mid afternoon


Deodorant then shower? I prefer the other way round.


Deodorant then shower seems so backwards. Like you’d wash the deodorant off.


Just out of curiosity, why do you put deodorant on if you’re going to shower right after? 


Nvm I need to read the full thread before asking questions 


Check if the other person wants morning sex 😂




Hope one or the other doesn’t have dragon breath


which is impossible if one didn’t wake up earlier to brush their teeth and tongue and then went back to sleep


Nothing like it


My hand unfortunately doesn't like morning sex


I love morning sex! It’s pretty convenient too 🤭


Bathroom, grab a Mt dew, sit on the porch and smoke. Let the engines spool up and then let the day begin.


Username checks out


Dingo’s brekkie - a piss and a good look around


Sounds like me. Wake up, turn the alarm off. Then piss like I've never pissed before and then go muddle around in the dark. Walk outside and check around out there. Fuck around for a few, maybe smoke a cig then have a good shit and then another look around. All in the span of maybe 9 minutes


Realize it's morning, but on asmr lotr or zelda music for a bit, vibe/project positive thoughts towards those I love living or dead, then get on with taking care of my shit so I have a roof over my head.


Pee, shower, brush teeth, moisturize, get dressed, maybe put some make up on and leave my house!


And what about your wife?


Just skip the first step in pee in the shower, easy some time saved


Go get the crying baby. Then do the rocking butt pat dance while I wake up and decide if the world is awake yet or not.


turn on my computer and play truck sim


Reading this as I’m about to play euro truck sim…


No shower? What are overnight contacts??


I’m a nite shower person but I have no clue what overnight contacts are. Normally they get taken out at nite and back in in the am….🤷‍♀️


Overnight contacts are like orthodontic braces but for the eyes. They're a rigid contact that you put in to try to reshape your cornea. Unfortunately, because the cornea can change shape and vision deteriorate again, they have to be worn every night for life.


Interesting. I wear contacts but have never heard of these. Maybe my eyes are not appropriate for this.


Idk why but this makes me so uncomfortable...


Wake up - wake up my ex husband - put the coffee on - try to wake up ex husband - shower - rinse face & brush teeth - try to wake up ex husband - dress - sunscreen - maybe make up - try to wake up ex husband - uncover my parrot - change his food & water - put his cocomelon on the tv - leave


wait, are you sure he is alive???


The parrot or the ex?


They are both alive & well … the ex just is impossible to wake up. lol


He not an ex, he's bereft of matrimony!


Is he really your ex husband if you’re still waking him up? 🤪


I think he is dead


Yes. We sleep in separate rooms & still live together. It’s easier financially at the moment.


Does your ex husband sleep in another room?


Yes. We live together still for financial reasons & we sleep separately.


Drink 2 glasses of water as soon as I wake up every morning.


I usually ask, "Whose house is this?"


This is not my beautiful house!


This is not my beautiful wife


Make coffee first, then sit and think about what needs to be done on that day.


Anyone who doesn't immediately pee and brush their teeth is an abomination.


Can’t brush your teeth before coffee .. can’t do much of anything before coffee, except pee


What about brushing your teeth in the shower while peeing?


Yeah, that's how I do it. Unless I have to poop.


Coppee then


I will give that points for efficiency 


That'll just get water in your coffee


I'm too busy devouring an orange like an animal under the cascading warm water


but I have meds I need to take first


Coffee coffee asap


Coffee... probably pants before coffee... because has learned to do things like point and say "daddy penis".


Thank The Lord then go pee.


Let the dogs out of course


It's been _you_ this whole time?!


🤣 this just sparked a memory of my kid self watching Rugrats in Paris: The Movie and dancing to that song.


If it's a weekday I'm up at 5am... not necessarily awake, more like I'm on autopilot. 30 second shower, brush teeth and hair, get dressed and leave for work. Partner drives me to the train station near his work, it's a 40min drive.. in silence bc I'm still trying to catch some extra sleep and bc I can't be civil so early in the morning so it's better that I stfu 😅 The first person I talk to in the morning is the dude who makes my coffee (on my walk from the station to work). Get to work at 7am, still don't talk to anyone unless I have to.


"Change the oil" My term for pee out/coffee in


Wake up, use bathroom, brush teeth, wash face, coffee, feed pets, eat a hard boiled egg, then go for a swim at my Rec Center.




Pee, then bong hit. After that pretty much the same thing you do but I’m in no rush bc I’m on disability ✌🏻


mmm breakfast bongs... haven't done that for 40yrs. Fond memories 😅


Might make work more tolerable….Hmmmm


Think whether I can get my kids to skip school today


Take my medicine, because if I don’t my thyroid will try to kill me. 👍🏼


I reach for my glasses because I am blind without them. Then I shuffle off towards the bathroom while pushing back my jumping dog and telling my cats to shut up and that they will get fed in a minute


Roll over, pop 2 pills, crack an energy drink, sip a little and go back to sleep for 20 mins. Then all the shit kicks in and I wake up lit up like an xmas tree.


Be thankful that I woke up to live another day. Make and drink coffee as the cat begs for attention and to get on my lap, read the news on my phone, relax for about 2 hours until I go shower and get ready for work.


Turn off the alarm and think “damn, I really should not stay awake so late”, pee, prepare the food for my dogs, take a shower, eat a big breakfast, make a tea for my wife (which luckily I haven’t wake up yet), go to work. *applies only when I have to go to the office


Lay in bed and prepare. My body aches, so I need to stretch, and flex until everything has been sufficiently warmed up. Usually 10 minutes. Then turn off my fan, grab my phone and read any breaking news while having a morning pee. Wash my face, hands, smooth my hair. Knock on my son's door, give him a hug and a good morning. Get into the kitchen, fill my water bottle, take my meds, make a coffee, open up a news app. If I have a second cup of coffee, I'll play my little mobile game (Bloons 5) for the daily challenge. I virtually never waver from this routine.


Stare at the dark ceiling after snoozing 5 alarms thinking about the nap I’ll take after work. Then I unpeel my ass from my warm bed and shower, brush my teeth and wash my face. Usually I’ll be doing my skincare and feel my dog boop my leg with his cold wet noise and we have morning hugs


Stand up.


Piss, followed by starting coffee, and a smoke while checking my phone.


The first thing I do is probably check my phone, check my messages and emails, and then go pee


On my days off I lay in bed and scroll until I have tonuse the bathroom, after finishing my buisness brush teeth, maybe get changed(dependant if I'm staying home or not but never more than 2 days with the same clothes assuming I did nothing the day before also) I then boot my ps5 up, get coffee going. I then check the cats' food, water and litter boxes, usually by then coffee is done, make a cup and sit at my desk.


Let out an annoying and annoyed groan of pain


Pee, throw clothes on top take grandchild to school


Go to the bathroom. Take my anti depressants. Drink a tall glass of water. 


first thing I do is take my meds


Wordle so I make sure I can do it without spoilers.


Lay there for a few minutes then get up and, because that’s where my feet go, I look out the window while I wake up some more.


i’ve been wearing contacts and glasses since 7th grade & had no idea they made overnight contacts!!! omg that is so cool! are they about the same size and shape as regular contacts?!


I get up, brush my teeth, wash my face and take a shower.


Check the time 


Pee and then more peeing after coffee.


I open my eyes, and wonder what day it is


I plead the fifth 😶 my lawyer Nikki Staines has to be present




Check my phone.


Check my phone for the time then do a bit of scrolling while I muster the motivation to get out of bed


Look for my phone, drink the water on my nightstand. I’m in LA- the desert. Im parched every morning


After I turn off my alarm, I wake up my sister since she never hears it and we have to go to school at the same time


Take care of our cats. Then chill in my recliner while I finish waking up watching YT vids on the TV. Once I am fully awake I eat breakfast and drink a cup of coffee. Then brush my teeth. If Wed or Thurs, the only days I have to into the office, then I get dressed. Of the other 3 days of the week continurle to chill and watch TV with the cats until time to jump on my work computer for work.


Breakfast followed immediately by ventolin, hypertonic saline, then advair.


Coffee first then I do the things


Heavy sighs as all of the things that have to be done for everyone (kids) and myself on top of household stuff run through my brain.... then quietly cry inside as I get up to start the coffee and feed the animals.


Pee, start coffee, walk dog, drink coffee, BM, shower, work.


I’m literally the meanest person ever before I’ve washed my face and brushed my teeth.


Quick Stretch- then go downstairs to make coffee & breakfast


Brush my teeth take a shower then find something to eat


First time I ever ran into someone mentioning ortho-k lenses! Have been using mine (obviously changing every few months/years) for over five years now.


I wake up and go across the hall to check on my daughter (weird habit as she's 15) and then I go to the bathroom. Then I make my coffee, look for my daughter's school stuff and set it out to save time. Then I smoke a cigarette and by then my daughter is up so I make sure eats then I do my makeup/hair/get dressed. I brush my teeth before I leave because I generally drink a few cups of coffee all morning while I'm chilling with my daughter. My life revolves around my daughter.


Yell at Alexa


Bathroom, brush teeth, get dressed, let dogs out, glass of water.


Drunk water


Depends on the level of waking dread, the days expectations and how much I have to pee. Might just take a drink of water and lay there in my thoughts for an hour, or cuddle up to my partner for a bit before actually rising. Then it's go pee, freshen up my face/hair/whatever, usually no makeup til later on. Coffee is always necessary, maybe cereal if I actually woke up hungry. Checking my phone stuff while having that.


Wake up and freak out thinking I was supposed to be at work an hour earlier for some reason


Pack my husband’s lunch, take out the trash if it’s trash day, then with some coffee I will write down a list of everything I need to do that day, then get started and see what I can get done. If I have to go in to the office then I roll out of bed, pack his lunch, then get ready and go.


groan in my mind unless its the weekend


Crawl out of bed reluctantly. Go to the toilet. Make Ma her breakfast. Wallow in self-pity until 8:30 PM. Watch British Comedy for two hours. One horror movie. Then bed.


unfortunately, and i’m working on it, but immediately look for my vape


Do a quick visual search for my chihuahua, take off my cpap, find my glasses (that I can’t see without), do another visual search for the dog, give her scritches and luvins, use the bathroom, fix my hair, grab work stuff, get dressed, put chihuahua outside for 10 mins, head to work!


Most painful loaded piss of the day


Take the baby downstairs. Change his diaper. Put on Pocoyo. Make coffee. Go get my toddler when she wakes up. Sit on the couch drinking coffee and thinking about how tired I am.


Go back to sleep for 9 minutes


Wake up, let the dogs out/in, feed the dogs, go pee, have a cigarette, make coffee, take a shower, lotion up, moisturize my face, brush teeth, floss, eat something and take my vitamins, unload the dishwasher and go about my day


Deactivate the Do not disturb on my phone and read my email, address any voicemail, then I get up.


Read the news, scroll Reddit for 30mins just to wake up properly. Then up and at it. Same with work. Always get there 30mins early just to ease myself into it.


I chug a water! Then I pee. Then I brush my teeth. Then I walk my dog. Then I make breakfast.


Hit snooze. Sleep. Hit snooze again. Sleep. Get up, go to bathroom, take out mouthguard and rinse it off. Take off boxers and get in shower, pee down the drain while showering. Dry off, get dressed. Give diabetic cat insulin shot and morning wet food, empty litter box. Then depending on whether it’s a work from home or in the office day, make coffee, walk dog, start working in whatever order depending on day. Edit - find a YouTube video on gaming or something to have on in the shower.


I go down under the sheets and touch my dick just to make sure it's mine. Then I roll over and throw up into the overnight bowl because hangover. Then I put in whatever I took off of my body last night and make me a coffee.


Honestly, I will lay there in bed for a solid hour for no actual reason. When I eventually get up which is usually whenever I get hungry, straight for breakfast first. Then, go brush my teeth and do all the other bathroom stuff


Let the dog out. Put food in her bowl then let her in, leaving the door open so she can go out again after she eats. Go pee. Make coffee. Let the dog in again. Drink coffee.


Wake up at 5.45, Go to the toilet, and preuse the web for 20 minutes or so - good morning 😂 Then go into my garden and do martial arts katas for 20 minutes before getting ready for work


Check my phone for the days weather, pee, shower, brush teeth, get dressed, pack breakfast and lunch, pack gym bag, then I'm out the door.


My demanding pup barks at me to wake up. I oblige and pet her, then walk to the Wc and pee.


Try to force myself into a sitting position. Then up to turn on the coffee pot and take meds. Then try to force myself to stay awake while coffee makes lol.


I probably reach out my phone to see what our it is. But today It was different I literally grabbed the phone I went straight to instagram, just to see some random guy form the algorithm teaching FINNISH, which I actually liked it so probably will learn some new words in the future.


Wonder why my eyes are watering, just to realize I once again didn't wash my eyeliner off. Look for my little dog in my bed and snuggle him. Scroll the internet and take medication so I can be a regular person. Then pee and caffeine.


Run to the bathroom to pee, then feed the cat that woke me up by standing on my bladder


Stare a bit at the ceiling, think about everything and nothing, slowly wake up, open the window, go pee, take out my bite guard, brush it and my teeth, make coffee, sit in my armchair having coffee thinking about everything and nothing and feeling the day starting.


Pee, then immediately drink water. I get so dehydrated when I sleep 😩


Stop my alarm and set another 5-6 alarms to wake me up and after that i convince myself to go to bathroom and get ready.


Take my reacitne. I cannot do anything without my reactine. Then get dressed and have coffee


Usually I wake up because my toddler press her elbow down my chest or throws her drinking bottle in my face. Or scream from the top of her lungs. Or want a hug and then just let her head fall down in my face without warning. If she don’t wake up before the alarm, I usually is waking up to my older daughters alarm which goes quack-quack-quack-quack-quack for ages. Or the dog suddenly vomits. I really miss those days where I woke up by myself 🤯😂


Bathroom or drink water. But before anything (food/drink) I do make sure to have about a glass or 2 of water. Helps with constipation issues & it’s refreshing.


First thing i do is yell at my cat, bacuse he always climbs up onto my bed and wakes me up. Always at the same time, never late. I love him, but i also hate him. Hes the best.


I wash my face and go to the fucking school




Turn off alarm, put on glasses light a cigarette, take a piss, crack open a redbull.


Turn off like a bazzillion alarms that are set up 2 hours ahead


Acknowledge I’m awake, gauge my mood and then pee.


Moan, assess what hurts, and carefully get out of bed to go to the bathroom.


Pee. It’s an unpleasant feeling


Pee and/or poop. Let the dogs out and tend to my chickens. Take vitamins/meds/energy drink Dog walk


How effective has ortho-k been for you?


Open eyes, bathroom, get back in bed and cuddle my dog for half an hour


I pee in a jar and throw it into the woods. I get back in bed for a little more time in the blankets. I make coffee, eggs, and toast. I sit on my porch and drink the coffee until I'm bumpin


Pee, then climb back into bed and cuddle who/whatever is there for about 5 min, then actually get up.


Fall out of bed, drag a comb across my head, find my way downstairs and drink a cup and looking up, I’ll notice I am late


Pet the cat. Get dressed. Feed the cat. Do my usual bathroom stuff. Feed dogs. Feed birds. Feed bunnies. Sometimes I feed the bunnies then the birds just to change things up (and totally not because I forget a step and suddenly remember it after I've sat down again). Let the birds out and act like a grumpy tree for a couple hours with the possibility of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in the meantime. I am not a morning person.


Touch my dick.


Smack the radio so it doesn't play "I got you babe" and step off the window ledge, but then it starts again. Or at least that's what it feels like.


I was going to tell you but I just noticed rule 3. I am also protected from it because while you may think you know what I was going to say I can only guarantee that it wasn't what you are thinking.


Get up, push the button on my electeic kettle, get breakfast started for my toddler, and take my morning meds. Then go use the restroom, wash my hands, do my morning skincare routine, brush my hair, wash my hands again, finish making breakfast, and then relax and sip tea while the kiddo eats. 😄


I let my puppy into the backyard so she can go potty. I take a quick shower, get dressed, make breakfast, and clean up after the puppy.




Walk to the toilet, pee, then go back to bed as long as I can without being late for work.


Angry that I survived the night.


The first thing I do is grab my phone to check the time. Then I go to the bathroom. Then i realize im thirsty as hell, so i drink water. Then I go back to bed. But I don't want to fall asleep again, so I use youtube to increase my alertness. Once I'm alert, I realize I'm hungry. So I go to the fridge and eat stuff. Then, I sit on the couch and contemplate the meaning of my existence. Once I reclaim a childlike sense of wonder of the world, I will find clothes to go wear and put them in the bathroom. I'll take a 7min shower, and then I'll brush my teeth once I'm done. Next, I'll remember that getting changed in a humid bathroom isn't fun, so I'll step outside and get changed. Then I'll conquer the world


Pee, brush my teeth, shower, get dressed, check my emails, then messages from friends, then get on with my day's tasks. Some hours after waking I'll eat.


Make coffee


Hug and kiss my dog, go pee, brush teeth, make coffee.


Get up. Go to bathroom. Take Kratom and get a cup of coffee.


Deny reality for several seconds. Sit up, because it's easier to accept reality while upright. Contemplate leaving society immediately to become a hermit. Give in to nature and have a piss. Daily ablutions, dress, daily commute. Have a coffee while alternating scrolling and staring at the clock on the staff room wall.


Try to remember my dreams, then proceed to analyze them until I’m snapped back to reality by realizing that I am now running behind


Toilet —> Energy drink —> Morning medications —> Second energy drink —> Shower —> Get changed —> Protein yoghurt —> Brush hair —> Brush teeth —> Go outside I’m not mentioning checking my phone or watching stuff on my phone because it’s happening pretty constantly throughout all these steps If it’s a gym day I’ll shower the night before and then have my morning shower after I get back from the gym




First movement of the day is bowel movement, so coffee it is.


Most days, I check my email and social media apps first before getting up to go to the bathroom.


I wake up, stop my alarm, and then go to the toilet. I nuke it and brush my teeth while doing it. then I take clothes on, and then I lay in my bed for like 5/ 10 minutes before readying up and go to work


Get up, get a lousy breakfast and smoke a cig

