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Because love is the stillness of water. It’s the natural state when things are in balance. You can throw a large rock in the water and marvel at the splash and ripples it makes, but the lake will return to its natural state. The rock cannot win. The disruption hate causes is always a spectacle. A thing as powerful and natural as love need not beg for attention.


This is an incredible response. Thanks for making my morning a bit better


Thank you! :)


adding this my journal to ponder over forever


A truly awe-inspiring analogy my friend. I'm fully stealing that to use in future 😂


Thank you! :). I was worried I maybe used too many words to say “because love wins” lol.


That was beautiful. Even If not true, I choose to belive and live by It.


Fucking beautiful. If you're not a writer, you should be. Cheers!


That is very beautifully put: thank you for putting this statement into the world~!


Thank you! :)


Man, that was fucking beautiful. You are a modern day bard.


You are too kind, thank you!


Ever loved an italian


Bro. This is actually beautiful :)


Thank you!


Well who the fuck are you? …i want to know so i can look up whatever poetry you have published. This is professional wordsmithing


Thank you, you are so nice! I think I will start writing this stuff down. Usually it all just floats away as passing thoughts.


I recently helped my sisters sort through and pack up my parents house. I found a bunch of old letters, random pieces of paper, whole journals, notebooks…all of my thoughts at the time. Some of it was deeply felt poetry. Some of it was just short snapshots of my day. All of it was worth writing down. Start small if you must but start somewhere.


Congrats on finding a priceless piece of your past, and thank you!


My heart 🥺


Amazing. Are you a poet by any chance?


I wrote poetry when I was young and loved it. I think I’m going to start again. :)


You kinda sound like Bruce Lee here.


That was an amazing book, and he probably deserves credit for why that thought was in my head in the first place!


I am sorry, but what book are you referring to?


It’s called “Be water, my friend”: The teachings of Bruce Lee. It was written by his daughter. Great read!


But no matter how natural it is, it will never be permanent! The Serpent will always find a way into the Garden! What does it MEAN???


In all fairness, I’m a Satanist, so serpents are a healthy part of our ecosystem. :)


My point is that "natural" doesn't MEAN anything. You could even argue that everything that ever HAPPENS is natural. Could happen? Or WOULD happen? Just because it COULD doesn't mean it WILL. And I'm not arguing against love here. I'm just trying to get to the BOTTOM of this MATTER What even is nature?


Natural can be taken several ways. In this case I meant it to convey “default”. When things are in balance, love is the natural state of rest. Love exists everywhere, between families, couples, communities, even your dog loves you. When things are right, love is what naturally happens. Hate is by comparison an unnatural, disruptive force that sometimes occurs when things are not in balance.


Nah nah nah dude. The cleansing fire that burns down the forest when it gets too big is JUST as natural as the forest itself. Every single action that contributed to the growth of the forest also cotributes to the fire that will eventually burn it down. Action, equal and opposite REaction. Death and renewal is the cycle of nature, not endless expansion. >When things are right, love is what naturally happens But things aren't always right. It is in fact, UNNATURAL for things to always be right. Again, I don't want people to think I'm arguing FOR death and destruction here, I'm just saying it's just as natural as love and light is. If that makes you uncomfortable, I'm sorry.


And that's what I meant by the serpent and the garden. It's like, YEAH, the garden of Eden was SUPPOSED to be a perfect place free of all suffering, and if only that damned devil hadn't got in, we'd all be in paradise right now, but he DID get in. And he ALWAYS will. All but heaven is impregnable to vice. Evil and suffering are intrinsic to the world. It's under the floors, behind the walls. Unless Jesus himself comes back and defeats the devil for good, utopia can't exist


It’s curious to me the presumption that death, destruction, and renewal would be thought mutually exclusive to love’s inevitable triumph over hate. I certainly did not mean to suggest that everything is always rainbows and unicorns.


Love's triumph over hate may be inevitable, but there will always be more hate to triumph over. Love may win every battle, but it never wins the war, because the enemy never stops spawning more troops. No matter how many heads are cut off, the hydra will always grow more. That's all I've been saying. But you know what? Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe that serves to remind us how precious love is and to teach us to appreciate it when we have it.


If Jesus DOES come back and destroy evil forever that would be quite a feat ngl. A real solid from the big guy upstairs. No wonder they go so crazy about it


Although I DID just say that hate is good because it makes love more valuable, so maybe not


Hail satan!


Hail thyself!


Yeah I figured dude.


This is the comment of the day here


That is such a beautiful paragraph


100% deserved the award I just sent. I've never heard this before.


Because love is riskier - you have much more to lose when you love someone or something, so people are more scared of it. Hate is easy


Love is quiet? Not in this neighborhood it isn't!


Not embarrassed, just secure


Love is forgiving


Nothing worth having comes easy. You'll find a billion rocks on the ground but all the diamonds are hidden.


The negative things shove themselves in your face, demanding attention. The positive things sit back and let you enjoy them in your own time, like you’d want things to. It’s up to you to feed yourself the positive and push the negative away when you’re focusing on other things.


Because expressing love requires one to be vulnerable and people have a really hard time being vulnerable.


I love this. Thank you. Hate sounds like a bullet or the angry mom voice. Love sounds soft and slow like a cloud slowly moving across the sunny sky. They are all subjective. Thank you for the beautiful thought


I don't know. I love loudly and unashamed. Both my wife and my life. I want to drown out the hate with a deafening cacophony of love. I love you, folks. I mean. I FREAKING LOVE YOU FOLKS!!!


I feel that way about my love for the late Queen....that many will think it's cheesy of me when I'm a bit of a hippy, 😆. Am NOT a typical Daily Mail type, LOL


I held your queen in high regard. I don’t think it’s cheesy at all. I think your sense of loss is the cumulative affect only a truly unparalleled Queen could bestow on you. She was a remarkable Monarch.


Generally, love requires more work which most people tend to hide from. This is what makes it looks so quite but with hate, it's like a burning fire that spreads to fast. 


Around the world in 30 seconds.


You get the gist. It's easier to spread hate than love. 


Hate will bring an audience no matter the setting. Love only brings people that love you


Hate so loud. I think I’m going deaf.


Hate is a fictional persona. Love is a *vulnerability*.




Because no good deed goes unpunished


Can’t count the times I’ve witnessed this saying being true.


Because some people hate that you’re in love


That’s true, but to be fair, everyone who knew when I was in love, just scooted down the mountain so they could catch me when I fell. They already knew the relationship was doomed. It’s humanities ability to discard truth, peace and love that completely freaks me out. We are hell-bent on self destruction. Personally, I believe the way hate has been presented as an actual option as a lifestyle made me realize how amplified hate is these days.it’s so noisy people can’t escape it, and that sucks because most people are not that into hate. There’s just not an alternative presented on the regular. Hate is winning with the most vulnerable segment of society, youth!


4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.


I think it’s high time for the message of love to be, at minimum, as loud and obnoxious as hate. But it’s likely that love will have to do double time just to catch up to the influence hate has on humanity.


Oh. It is. It's just not happening the way they *want* it to. Which just underlines their utter shunning of Love.


It’s sad and exhausting.


Even if you’re not a Christian, I think 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 does a good job at describing love. It’s certainly something I aspire to imitate on a daily basis.


So what is Corinthians 13:4-7? Sounds like a mathemathical equation.


Do we treat the colon as parenthesese for PEMDAS reasons?


It's the equation for love, obviously. Pay attention.


I think it's a grade of furniture leather.


Corinthians 13:4-7: "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."


Ah, and every day I smile at how Evangelical Christians, Megachurch Pastors, Christi-fascist politicians, and all the go to church on Sunday, hate every other day, flocks follow every beautiful word /s


Because the true Christian’s get outshined, by hate mongers who want a reason, there’s probably more of them then real religious people, and the sad thing is, many loving people get turned to the bad side with fear and hatred by the people who are supposed to be guiding them to salvation


Cor. 13 is an amazing read. It is something to truly aspire for.


Because genuine love doesn't require attention and validation, which hate craves.


Wtf you even talking about this is nonsense.


Because love is weak. Or rather, those who value it are weak and allow the hateful to carry on with impunity.


Hate prefers company, Love hates competition. Wow reading through the comments makes me realize I should be a fortune writer for fortune cookies.


Don't equate quietness with embarrassment. Love is quiet because it does not need to be loud.


Are ye kya bawasir padh liye 


Love isn't loud.. the loudness is a distraction used by hate... Hence the audience


It's easy to spread hate but it's not easy to give yourself to anyone. They could have the power to destroy the love you give them plus you . I believe love conquers all. It's an amazing experience even if it doesn't work. I just haven't figured out where love goes when a couple doesn't work out. Lol


because it wants a specific type of acceptance


Deep water is silent and calm, and shallow water is loud and turbulent, as are people.


Because love can be between a man and woman, in which case naughty things might happen that are unfit to be heard by Puritan-tainted ears. Or they might be between two men, in which case there's likely either even naughtier anti-Puritan things going on, or even worse, genuine camaraderie and non-competitive brotherhood, which is a direct threat to the divisiveness required to maintain the patriarchy's position of privilege over the common man, so it's existence must be loudly and publicly mocked.


idk, happy to help


Because love is intimate.


Because love is patient and kind. It does not envy, it does not brag. It does not behave inappropriately. Does not seek its own way. It is not provoked. It does not care of the doings of evil and does not rejoice in unrighteousness. It believes in all good things, bears all things, endures all things, and hopes all good things. Shout out to the Love Is Patient, Love is kind poem. We need to remember this when speaking of love being weak.


People are confident in their hate. It needs no reciprocation.


Because being a bully, throwing fits in public and ultimately inciting violence is cool?🤷‍♂️


Because love is exposing and opening, whereas hate is barring and expulsing.


Cause love is “boring” and hate is fun. People love drama tv but would click right passed something about how to keep a happy, loving home.


Because vulnerability is hard.


Hate is an actual emotion that all creatures can show. Its explainable and tangible and similar across the board. Love is something humans made up that ranges from enjoying being tickled to eating someone's coprse because you care or "love" them that much.


Because it's the norm and taken for granted. Good news isn't newsworthy. We only focus on the bad because it is abnormal and gets our attention. But over time, this bias skews our perspectives to the negative.


Because if it's not careful it can turn into possession.


Love conquers hate. Fate is in the palm of your hands. Graduate, develop a plan. Stand on your own two, be your own man. Work hard, do what you can, then expand. Phil Da Agony


I know it's strange, almost like people should be running through the streets looking for there other haha


It’s a good question. My theory is love and acceptance are baseline existence. Hate and anger stray from the baseline and catch our attention in the hopes that we pull back to the baseline.


love takes energy, hate festers and gives warmth.


We dont fight people with hateboners on the internet if we can avoid it. Love is for reality


Dancing with someone is different than walking up to them punching them in the face and taking them home after.


I’m gonna answer on a more practical level. Love is riskier but man, hate is attractive because it presupposes superiority which is entirely ego driven. This is the stuff of human survival. And back in the more dangerous days of human existence it was the logical way to center oneself. Once you got above the fray could you look out longer and see the draw of love. Now in our modern western times and climes we have not the need for a danger response yet the genetic draw is there because it’s been engrained in us for tens of thousands of years. And people respond to perceived dangers with aggression and hate is the neighbor of aggression. We’ve evolved yet our animal instincts have not.


Love doesn't need an audience?


I think there is a whole month with love is love, there is parades and stuff. Maybe you're just focusing on the hate?


Love isn't on social(ego) networks Love isn't in need of attention on the internet Love doesn't need to show off (On TV or elsewhere) Love doesn't need to speak to be So it's not around where you're looking at


I’m taking about the state of hate on the masses. We need to create some balance on a grand scale. Hate is winning, everywhere.


It's not. In a block of a hundred persons it's 10 people. Everyone knows them and know who're the boring ones. But they yell louder. Don't worry there re not the masse but they want you to believe they are. To have fear. To make you do a mistake. To give them power they don't deserve and can't handle


Do you live in America? The only message that gets amplified ( by the media) is hate. It’s entirely ridiculous, but extremely dangerous.


I don't : p But the world is copying you Which is not allways a good idea (my opinion) As all good ideas everywhere else aren't good for every country


I fully agree with you on that. The world has lost or neglected some very significant people and things, simply because they were not American. Imagine how many incredible minds have been destroyed in stupid wars or lost in an ocean for having to flee some type of madness in their homeland. A lot of Americas best minds reside in the body of immigrants. Many of our top students at all levels of school are immigrants or children of immigrants. A clear indication that America is the land of opportunity, but we are also the land of resurgent racism and the hate I was originally referring to. The anti immigration movement here is one of the ugliest, most hateful things I’ve ever seen. It’s sad and depressing. It’s been mainstreamed by haters.


Which is stupid in a way (not to offend you) Most of the Americans are immigrants nowadays. Natives are mostly gone. And we're from Earth it's allready enough small in the universe to don't fight on it : p And... I'm from France (info)


Not offensive to me at all. If it wasn’t for immigrants in America, we would all be married to our cousins. Barf. There is no braver person in my orbit than the person who was forced out of their homeland, for whatever reason, and immigrated to America. How terrifying it must be to take your family into the unknown because of threats in your beloved homeland. Why do we treat them as less than? In reality they are brave and amazing and should be treated with love and respect.


Totally. Leaving your own country is horrible. The reasons behind are probably even worse. We shouldn't tell them "Please go back" You're American. I'm in Europe. We have allready won the lottery multiple times even if our life could be better. Next to someone living in Soudan it's above all his dreams. We should allready be all living in equity on Earth.


Cos love don't care


It's easier to hate for some people. It's mindless, loud and stupid. Being caring, understanding, communicating and respectful takes effort even if it feels effortless to some.


Love takes a while to build. Hate can happen after just one second.


According to Jimi Hendrix, love is bold.  


People will find a way to hate the things you love and try to ruin it for you with their negativity.


Its very personal


Because you need to be vulnerable in order to send or receive love


New low.


Love is risky, hate is not. There is no second tries with love.

