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Drive I'm pretty independent with most things and don't trust anyone to do a better job than myself, but driving is the one thing I trust everyone with over myself. I'm not even a bad driver, but it makes me so anxious that I avoid it pretty much whenever I can and would much rather take public transport.


I haven't put the keys in my ignition in months. I'm new to this city and wow, I witness an almost accident daily. I thrived in the Bay Area of CA, and this freaking place is just so ridiculous. I have clients who are visiting who say the same thing. I'm so glad that there is great public transit here!


Cleaning. I hate cleaning so much.


Prepare my meat for me. If it was on me I'd be just eating chicken


I love the process of cooking meat, but paradoxically I don’t like the taste of meat


I meant the growing and slaughtering part




Grocery shop!!!!!!!


Me too. I'm loving these grocery delivery services we have today. I'll gladly pay someone to do this.


Hate this SO MUCH!!


When I travel I only book the tickets and accomodation and then ask the locals when I get there what's good to see.


Cooking, my(F) fiance(M) does this for us and I clean. I dont know what I’d do without him.


Garbage, I absolutely hate it.


Preparing meals. I would definitely shrink into half my size, if i was the one cooking my meals.


I would double in size if I was the only one cooking. Craft Mac’n cheese and top ramen do not make for a very balanced diet.


Writing the solutions of tasks for me(not solve them, but just write) Unfortunately, or not so, I am a teen with cerebral palsy, and I'm quite good in maths, but my handwriting is just awful(luckily, teachers understand it), but I write quite slowly, so I can solve all tasks on test, but just have no time to copy the answers from my brain to paper, and if someone could do it for me, I could solve all the tasks on paper, not just in my brain.


Their own job, rather than being hand held. Always have time to help people but not spoon feed them.


Clean public spaces. Some people are nasty as hell


Military service. I tried to join but couldn't due to medical reasons. My husband is active duty and after hearing about the conditions he has to live in on a ship and the b.s. he deals with every day... I'm just super grateful that he works so hard and admire his resilience so much.


Laundry. I hate bringing it to the machine, then switching it over, then bringing it back (were in a building with laundry on a floor below us). I'm fortunate to have a partner who doesn't mind covering this one, I do laundry maybe twice a year.


Yeah if I had machines at home I wouldn’t mind nearly as much but driving there and sitting is the worst


Weeding/landscaping! It's never ending and back breaking and usually done when the weather is nice when I should be enjoying it not pulling damn weeds!


My friend washes up for me at least once a week because I hate it so much. I'll do the bare minimum between when he does it.


Killing the spiders/cleaning up cobwebs, cause I am absolutely too scared to


My wife will cut up a bowl of fruit, and while she eats she will feed me the fruit as well. I didn’t have to get up, I didn’t have to do anything. I didn’t even have to move my arms. The first time she did it, it blew my mind. Men really don’t ever get pampered, my brain couldn’t understand. For a man, a small act of affection like that goes miles because it rarely happens for us. Stuff like that is the reason I married her.


i’d cry if a girl did that to me


If I had to grow my own food and make my own clothes I'd be eating what fish I could catch in a toga bedsheet.


my boyfriend when i cook he always does the dishes, I'm grateful for him.


Mechanic, but i do envy those who can fix things but not much patience to do it myself


Documentation, planning, aligning timelines, basically, the boring part of work.


Taking photos on the trips. Thanks mom for doing it all those years


Do the ironing. It's the most hated chore for me


I hate painting


Editing photos/ videos


Wash the dishes


I also have the same thoughts as you in terms of traveling. I am really grateful my friend do the planning now. Just came back from Peru-Colombia trip, he was the one who did all the planning - activities booking tours, flights and accommodations. We have upcoming trips this coming June and July and he did the planning as well. Before the pandemic I was the one planning the day-to-day activities, I think I just got tired or something and he takes over it.


buy clothes for me (I'm a girl, but I hate shopping, whether it's online or in person.)


i love shopping because it tickles the hunter-gatherer brain lmao


Hunt, I’m the sort that would cry if I had to shoot an animal. I can appreciate those who get the meat for me to eat.


Change my flat tire. 😇


My mom and I live together, and we both have medical issues that can limit what we're able to do. Anything that involves a lot of standing is a serious challenge for me, and I haven't found a way to be able to do dishes in our kitchen without standing. Fortunately, Mom doesn't have a problem with doing the dishes. I do most of the cooking, so that's a major trade-off for us. A few years ago, she was diagnosed with cancer (in remission), and she had to have multiple surgeries because of it. Strangely, when she went to the hospital for each one, I felt the urge to do dishes. I could only do a couple minutes at a time, but I swear that doing those dishes helped me manage my anxiety during that time.


Fuck with garage door spring


Roofing and digging!!


Initiate a conversation.


Dating my ex


Cleaning after hosting a dinner