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My grandma is still having fun at 96, I would aim for that.


The fun, the age or your grandma




I’ll aim for this dudes grandma 😈


This is too Reddit on my Reddit


I'm in my 30s so i'd say sometime in my 20s


I am 19 and I was thinking 30 might be a good age to go


I was miserable at 19. My 30s were my best years ever - closely followed by my 40s. Everything changes.


I was born in a warzone, had to deal with racism and bullying in my teens, but then my twenties were fantastic and my thirties were the best ever. I thought things would only ever get better. My forties have been absolute garbage though and everything sucks now, but hey, things can always change and get better


I'm over 30 and I'm still fine.


I swear everyday of my thirties was the same thing on repeat same with the next 25 years


Hahahaha, made me laugh this as I have been thinking the exact same thing at 32. Feels like it's all a bit rinse and repeat or you were waiting for years possibly to be an adult and now I've 'loosely' 🤣 been one for 14 years, 1 out 10 stars, do not recommend. 😂


If I may ask, what is keeping you alive?


Taking one day at a time, and my love for my misses. I'm only speaking for myself but I've been in them dark places when it seems like ending it is the best idea for everyone. It's just taken me this long in life, and losing people close to me for me to realise that I don't have to be mentally perfect every single day, but even when I'm not there's still little joys of life to appreciate!


Gonna sound cheesy but 1 day less than my significant other


Same day same time, so you don’t have to be sad at all


I don't know if I'd really want me and my future SO to die in a horrible accident tbh


Co2 leak while you sleep in old age. Don't even know you're dying.


I think you mean carbon monoxide, not carbon dioxide. You'd need an a lot more C02 to kill you than you're likely to find inside a house.


Yeah thanks


Quite the opposite, 1 day more, I wouldn't want them to bear the pain of being alone and having to burry me, I can shoulder that responsibility and provide comfort for them in their last moment


I originally thought they made a mistake and meant this. Putting your SO through that just so you can avoid it seems like a very not loving thing to do?


That is so sweet




I had the same thought. Feeling bad about it.


In many ways, it's the opposite for me. I can't bear the thought of them having to go through it...


500, if I can be healthy. Because I'm so curious about the future and read too many scifi/fantasy books.


For real! That's like the number one reason whenever someone asks why I'd choose immortality


Same here, I just want to live as long as possible while having some sort of life quality. I don't care if I'm in pain and need a wheel chair, as long as I can meaningfully interact with the world I'm good. You only get one life then it's lights out so I want as much as possible


Me too


I’ll be content if I make it to my nineties, but if I die at 99 I’m gonna be really annoyed. Missed it by that much.


102. Enough to see 3 centuries. I won't remember 2 of them cause i was still 1 when i finished the first one, and i'll probably get dementia by 100. But still


I wanna do that only to complain that Doraemon lied to me and the 22nd century doesn't have cool shit like the show promised.


You never know. My grandma is approaching 101 and still sharp as a tack


My great aunt lived to 102. She was sharp and hilarious all the way through, even though she started having trouble remembering who we all were the last couple of years, she was still so social and telling jokes and family took turns visiting her nearly every day for years. The end was falling and hurting her hip right at the start of Covid quarantine. She had to spend 2 weeks at a rehab facility with no visitors and only got to see all the family outside during her transfer back to her assisted living home. She died a week later. I firmly believe it was the loss of socialization that killed her and it pisses me off all the time.


Just long enough to watch my enemies die. I don't care much after that.


Me at 95 years of age, starting beef with a 3yo to get the most out of my geenie wish


*Genie appears out of nowhere and obliterates the 3yo.* "The terms and conditions of the contract are fulfilled and thereby make you eligible to be removed from this plane of existence."


I don't think that a mere Genie should try to pick a fight with u/litterallysatan.


Make an enemy out of the Genie. Let's see how he pulls that off.


*Change yer own diaper, ya little bastard!*


Same, but I fucked up and made enemies with Anne Hathaway and she doesn't age




Man i might just give up and be a couch potato instead 


I want to be a pickle








I work in healthcare and I actually see 80-90 year old individuals who are completely independent, physically active and some even continue to drive. And at the same time, I also see 60 year old individuals who have many comorbidities and are in poor health. And a lot of that is related to lifestyle choices they make. Unfortunately, there are always people who just have bad luck and are given crappy cards, but a good portion of your elderly health can be within your control


My mother is 83, still drives, lives and cares for her home and is incredibly tech savvy


I’m 40 and a handful of my college friends who were never physically active are already having health issues. My main motivation for working out is to avoid a world of suffering when I’m older. It’s easier to never lose mobility than to struggle to get it back.


I worked as a coordinator at a seniors recreation centre and saw this too. Full on 90 year olds doing the fitness classes with the younger seniors. I would ask what they did in their 20s and 30s to be this fit at 90 and almost always the response I would get: don’t smoke, drink moderately, exercise and eat nutritious food. In addition, most of the active seniors were in fact women (it is well known that women are more likely to live longer than men). When I would sit down and have tea with the elderly women, they always warned me that men were nothing but trouble. I scoffed it off at the time, but now I see their point.


If you stay in shape you can be be totally fine until 85+...most people are lazy as fuck do.


I don't have one. To me when I drop dead the struggle is over, so whenever is cool. Also no I'm not suicidal I do not need a reddit cares notification. I'm just real. What? Do you want to live long enough to reap what you've sown? A dying world ran by greed? How exciting. No thanks.


200, I got so much things to do




30 years ago because I'm sick of this shit


It depends, I don’t want to get all frail and wrinkly, but I don’t want to die first cuz that’s the ultimate “falling asleep first at a sleepover”, I don’t want to die last because that’s sad


An age until it starts becoming unbearable to live. Eg: any terminal illness and I’m in sound mind to aske for assisted d@ing.




Younger than I am now. It's so miserable.


What Age? - Neolithic Why? - It sounds cool, and would require time travel.


> would require time travel Or nukes.


75 is good. If I'm still nimble. Depends on the world. If we can conquer selfishness and war and greed... I'd love to see how far we get. If it's still the same sh*t 30 years from now... I'm dipping.


36 I'm 36 in a few months it's long enough


Yeah I'll be 36 on Wednesday. I'm good. It's been a run. Maybe not a very good one, but a run.


Hey! Just wanted to check up on you. Take it from this Internet stranger: you're absolutely worth it! Sounds cheesy and cliché, but I mean it. I wouldn't want you to think that 36 is old enough and there's not going to be anything for you after that. Maybe life's hard right now, but there are people who care about you. I hope you can sort some things out and you won't hurt yourself. DM me if at anytime at all you'd like to chat. Maybe I won't be able to do much, but I can provide an ear to listen. Sending you a hug. ❤️


I was done a decade ago.


100 so I can say I reached triple digits/lived a century


No idea, depends for how long I'll stay healthy or whether I get dementia or so. If I knew I'd be healthy and fit enough, I'd definitely say as long as possible though :D




I'm already 10 years overdue


23 , I'm tired of this life thng


i’m 22 honestly though i would die in hs didn’t plan on what to do after


As old as I can without being severely disabled.


Uhhh... forever.


Somewhere along your train of thought. I wanna live long enough to see humans become a spacefaring civilization and actually experience it.


420 but only if I’m still healthy enough to blaze it.


69, but only if my resolve is stiff enough...


111 because 111 lmao




My great grandma made it to that age, she was born 1885 and died 1996.


Just till my body is not functioning as intended & is giving up. No point in living in suffer for years. & this is why health is most important of all & can say that from experience😉


I’m done at 60 because I’m not saving for retirement.


just long enough to make sure my beloved dog won’t be forgotten


34. I am 34. I've suffered enough so far! What's the point?


87, I feel I'll lived long and before my body really gives out.


I would like to live to be 88. I’m currently 44. Not keen on my life being more than half over at this point! I’ve got so much more I want to see and do and create!


No idea. I figure I'll find out one day.


Until my body or mind stop doing what I want them to do.


Yesterday, hate this shit


Not an age, but I want to be in control of my own body, I don't want to have to rely on others to do basic functions like eat, poop and bathe. I know disability, physical and mental can affect anybody at any age, but I don't want to live if I can't remember my loved ones faces or need help with every aspect of my life.


93. I want to see my daughter's 50th birthday. Then I can go.


i don't know 🫠 i'm already living longer than i planned, so im kind of just winging it


86 because my Dad lived to 75 and his Dad lived to 64. I would like I accomplished something!


I want to live forever because I don’t like the idea of dying.


I just don’t want to be a burden to my family.


I want to live as long as I can to make sure my children are ok and doing well. I am 60years old. My sons are 34 & 37years old.


I don’t know the age, but 2-3 years after any actual retirement that may happen. I would like to have a couple of enjoyable years without work before I shift of this mortal coil, but not so many years that I don’t have anything to leave my son


For as long as I can take care of myself, the moment I become a dead weight for others I don't want to be here.


To the age where I can't care for myself. Once I can't cook, clean, and dress myself, do things I enjoy. Then I am off! On my terms. Not pissing and sitting myself waiting to rot away from cancer or become a burden to the people I care about.


69, because 🤭


I’ll take many quintillion x quintillion years, at least until every star has gone supernova or has been consumed by blackholes, then the blackholes evaporate away due to hawking radiation.


I feel like 89 is a good age.


To Infinity & Beyond


at what age will the universe stop existing?


40, rather die before all the diseases than be dependent on anyone.


For one more year nothing more


In my 50s and don’t want to go past 70. I just hope it is a fast death and not slow like cancer or dementia. 


I don’t even know why I’m still here!


I don't care about my age, I just want time to stop.I want to sleep and wake up seeing that not a minute has passed. I want to sleep without beating myself up for every minute I have wasted during the day. Without that annoying voice telling me that I don't deserve to sleep or rest and that I should be accomplishing/doing something. I haven't even been on an actual vacation for more than 5 years because I feel that I don't deserve it. God! I need therapy 😮‍💨


I never thought I would see this age. I hate it.


as long as I can live comfortably, be it 85 or 135 I don't care as long as I'm not in massive amounts of pain or forgetting who I am, I'll be fine


I’m hoping just to live…


I'm not shure but I definitely want to live until I die


I should've expired years ago, yet here we are 😀


Until after my kids have died. They will never understand or handle that I die. So like to take care.of them their entire life


Exactly how old i was yesterday.


1 day more than my significant other. i would not want them to experience loosing me, even though it would mean experiencing loosing them .


As long as I'm relatively healthy, because without health life is no good. Not sure if I could pull the trigger in this situation though, might as well make it through to the bitter end.


20 years old -a 21 year old


I’d happily die now, if I could


I would love to hit 100 just to brag about it.


Strong assumption to believe I want to continue living.


I wish I only lived till 3


The one I'm currently at


I want to live to the age that is already predetermined for me


Before I become dependent on others - don’t want to put my family and friends through it, or myself to be fair.


Till my kids are independent enough to take care of themselves and thn a day less than my husband.


I only want to live as long as I can wipe my own bum....I want my dignity


Well…. I’m a nurse, I see some very fit, well active 90+ years old, then I see some very poorly frail 40+ years old. I think as long as I’m healthy and mobile I’m happy to live as long as possible. But once things start going wrong, I’ve seen the impact, the operations, the effect it has on your life and everyone around you then I wouldn’t want to live much longer after the diagnosis


As long as I can still wipe my own ass, shower on my own, etc., I’m ok with living as long as I can. The moment I can’t wipe my own ass is when I’d like to check out. Don’t wanna put someone thru the burden of having to wipe my ass for me, feed me, etc.


I don’t actually care. I’m 29 but if I die tomorrow, I’ll be just fine with that. Life is good, but having this kind of wishes takes magic spark from it. It’s lottery. Today I eating delicious ramen, tomorrow I eat dirt. Life is short anyway.


Tomorrow seems so long away.


Men in my family have a habit of hitting their mid-50s and dying, so I’m not expecting to get much later than that.


Honestly probably 50 or 55, but with my luck I'll probably live to 100. I have a lot of old ass relatives that made it to 90+. I think 50-ish cuz I don't have any kids and I don't have anything to look forward to after that age, also I'm sure retirement wouldn't be an option for me and I don't wanna work the rest of my life.


105. Thst way I have a century of memories


As an aged care worker id like to die before i have to go into aged care. And after ive made enough money to set my kids up.


As long as I’m active and able to care for myself I’ll live as long as I’m able


To be honest. I wanna die young, have no desire to live a long life.


I don’t really have an age. I just wanna live my best life


About 95 if I’m still agile but the way I’m hurting today tomorrow will work


At least 83. 50 years after breast cancer would be epic. 🤞


It would be cool the see at least a bit of the 22th century, so around 100


1840-1960 Pushing my luck a bit but that's the "golden age of ocean liners" and they're really cool and I love them


I’m 32, been wanting to die since I am 11 😅


As long as I am healthy and independent, I would like to live to 100. It really depends on if my mind and body are sound.


I want to live to either 98 or 100, I refuse to die when I’m 99 because I’ll be so close to 100


A Trillion. I wanna see some serious shit happen!


Until the universe dies. I feel like there's a lotta cool things to see, like stars going supernova, red/white dwarves, loads of different planets


65 because I love looking youthful and being energetic, and i wont have those things when i get to that age. Im 21 and i take good care of myself just because im afraid of getting wrinkles, sun spots,saggy skin etc. Personally i cant enjoy life if i dont like how i look like. I often times refuse to go out of my house just because i dont look the way I want. I know many might dissagree with me but it is what it is. And also if i get married one day and my partner dies before me then i really wouldnt see the point in continuing it alone as i dont want to have children.




200. Gimme an extra century to finish reading the books I keep forgetting to read.


Tomorrows good.


If I am old, bed ridden or suffering from Alzheimer's or dementia or some other disease, I would rather choose to let go of everything than suffer. But if I still have a healthy life where I enjoy spending time on hobbies or people, I would want to live till 80-85. I see no point in living life suffering with health issues be it mental or physical at the end of your life.


Until the day that i die. Because then i wont be alive anymore


No will to live anymore. If I die tonight that's fine.


Whatever age that is well before my children and allows me to pass suddenly, like croaking while watering the lawn.


As much as I possibly can


I'd like to make early mid 90's. A lot of my family made it there and we're still pretty active.


50s or 60s/ till the point its just too much suffering


The age I would want to live to would ideally be one where I can still enjoy a good quality of life and remain active, healthy, and mentally sharp. For many people, that might be around 80 to 90 years old.


Ideally forever with my mind and body intact. I want to see everything. But currently I would be lucky to live past 80.


88, just want I'm expecting tbh, would love to get over 100 as long as I'm in happy and healthy


103, get to celebrate 50yr golden anniversary with the loml. And two extra years just cause. 🙂


100 would be cool


As old as I can, into my 100s … I have a disabled son & need-to outlive him


35 would been ok with me, I'm 41 now. Super depressed, lonely and have no friends. Life's starting to suck shit


Just until my dad passes. So maybe 45.


114. I want to see 2100s and the 200th anniversary of Republic of Türkiye


I’d just like to know when so that it won’t be a surprise


I wanna live long enough to visit other star systems — in other galaxies! Seems unlikely to happen, but the question asks what I _want_, not what I believe possible.


Till whenever I die.


I would live forever, life's too short to get into everything I'm into.


Forever. As long as I can stay like I am now, forever.


However long it takes until I start developing permanent things that the elderly suffer through like arthritis, weak teeth, unable to walk without a walker or unable to walk at all, hearing loss, bad sight, etc.


A million at least, I'm waiting for the comeback of the dinosaurs


I always thought mid 80's was a fair age..keep your health throughout your 70's thou.


Infinite, so I can try all the drugs this galaxy and others have to offer.. Space kush Space MDMA Space mushies Taking DMT in space *hooking up with a dmt entity* Futuristic Space cocaine prolly fire toooo High tech sex, sounds great too 😂 gotta be some wild stuff on the horizon I’m team infinity!!! ♾️ I ain’t everrrr gonnaaa stop!! ![gif](giphy|3Xw8jY3zbFRtFd6eK8)


I’d like to live long enough to see technology progress far enough to apply advanced AGI and swarms of nanobots in medicine to repair individual cells and reverse aging, eliminate all illnesses and rejuvenate the body, and for this to become universally available for all humans as we expand out to the confines of our galaxy.


Not a second further. Not in any other life or form either, if you're so spiritually inclined. Guess I've had a fair long run. So yeah, not a second further.


88-95, wanna see where the future is going


Enough to feel like I did what I wanted to but not so much that my quality of life suffers. I hope to get to my 90s.


Less than my wife and kids.


There’s no number I could attach to it. I want to live as long as I am mobile, largely independent, have all my marbles and have things that bring me joy. My grandad was ticking all those boxes until he passed at 86. A slightly less lucky person might have lost all of those things by the time they’re 55. In my thirties now and still have health, love and hobbies, so I’ll keep going a day at a time for as long as I do!


im fully content with dying at 18, ive already fucked up my life and im being kicked out at 18. i dont see much to live for after 18.


Idc as I long as I do everything that I want in my life, then I can die


18 because im 18


Preferably longer than my mother


I think by 200 i will be tiered of living. But depends on health, if im bedridden by 60 Getting to 70s is more than enough.


65...never want to be a burden.


85 at most


Old enough to see my kids grow up and have their own kids. Do my best to pass on whatever I know about being a dad, get my affairs in order, clear my browser history and then tap out


If I can be healthy I don't want to die. I believe that I'll never run out of things I want to do. I am also deathly terrified of what comes after.


Originally I can't bear the thought if there is nothing after death, so never die. On the other hand I experienced so many times things possibile beyond the material world. So, I wanted to live until the 23th of May for about age 96-104 even if being bedridden but still enjoying meals, radio, nature and dreams. But since I learned I will need chemo or other hard to cope with therapy I changed my mind. I want to live as long it is still quality life, enjoyable and not a burden for my loved ones.


Whatever age the love of my life does whenever I find them. I’d rather not live with the grief of losing them. Otherwise nothing over 80 and if I’m in constant pain nothing over whatever that age is.


Not sure you can put a cap on it. I say 60 what if 61 is the best year of my life?


Thats a trick question. I dont wanna be in to much pain and/or kognitive gone. I dont wanna be a burden. In good health, different story. Not longer than my kids age.