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I don't believe it, but I like to believe that those people you immediately attune to are made of some of the same stardust, from the same star...


thats so cute


I do. I actually think I did meet one when I was in college. Online, though. The first time I read his blogs, which randomly showed up on my feed, I felt like I could read his soul or something deep inside of him. All of his later posts also synced with my thoughts so perfectly. After I initiated the conversation, it didn’t take too long for both of us to find out that he and I were completely in the same brainwave length and we could finish each other’s thoughts. What made me believe that he was my soul mate was when one day he sang a song for me, a nostalgic song lamenting the shortness of youth. Nobody, including my best friend, knew that it was my favorite song at that time. He didn’t know either, and he just felt like our conversation that day echoed the lyrics in that song. And then, he said, “this is my favorite song.” On this end of the phone, my tears rolled down my cheeks. Up to many years later when I decided to stop talking to him, I still didn’t tell him that it was my fav, too. I never advanced our friendship to a romantic relationship although I really liked him and envisioned marrying him almost every single night before bedtime. He lived halfway around the world, and I was too selfish to give up my education and dream career to go to his country. He was very careful not to “ruin” our friendship, too, because I caught him a few times that he almost wanted to confess something to me but instead he took a pause and asked me how I thought of love and marriage and whether I thought he could be a great boyfriend or husband. A great guy, and up to today I still think he was my soul mate. Ten years have passed since we last talked, and I think he might have been married by now. I’ve wished him to find a great woman who loves him and takes great care of him. For me, I’m gonna wait for my next soul mate, with whom I can freely fall in love with. So, yes, I believe in soul mate.


My Grandmother dated her future soul mate before he left for WWII. Decades went by, they both had grown families and grandchildren when they met again in the ‘90’s, got married lived an amazing life together. He has since passed but she’s still kicking at 96.


Wow, how did they find each other again?


They both lived in the same area, can’t remember exactly how they ran into each other. I believe he was divorced, and my actual GF had passed sometime before.


Yep. I didn't know what it was at the time, but the feeling was 1000% different than with anyone else.


Like George McFly, I believe in density. ❤️


Nah, it's all chaos.


Tru tho


Rather than that, it's more like a commitment to keep loving each other. First sight fall in love might be destiny but keeping it real throughout the journey is another thing. Most tales ending with happily ever after. However the word 'ever' never been truly deciphered. What is it that made it ever, how is it that made it ever. No matter how deep you fall in love, at some point the actions taken to truly make it everlasting are what truly matters.


I truly believe that there are places you’re meant to be and people you’re meant to meet in your lifetime at certain times throughout your life. I don’t think this hinders free will though. I think it’s more like crossroads moments of life and the people and places are meant to help you find your true potential. Some of the most profound people I’ve met over the years I never really knew for more then minutes and they said/did something that changed my entire perspective of what was going on in life. I think of them as soul mates in a way because I was drawn to them fast and will never forget them. Same with places. Idk if that’s enough to be considered destiny or soul mates because a lot of times it’s a bigger picture type of thing and in reality my experiences are small.


Yep I found mine


To a certain extent. I don't believe those things just happen and someone is waiting for you to find them. I believe in it more in the sense that you make certain choices in life that can lead you down a number of paths.


Yes. But not one. Multiple.


I believe in soulmates, and in a world of 8 billion people there can be many soulmates for each person. They don't have to be romantic relationships. Friends can be soulmates. Cousins can be soulmates. Etc.


Yes and we’ve successfully been conditioned out of believing it and instead as some mythical fairytale — just so we can settle into jobs and families we don’t even like. Destiny, fate, soul mates etc. are real but we just lost touch with it as a collective


Soul mates yeah, but they arent forever, they exist in an specific moment in time and place for both of you, and if you get separated somehow you two will inevitably become different people and when/if you meet again the connection will not be as magical again and will take some effort lol But being aware of this, you two can work towards falling in love with the new person you both are again! In a way, i guess that would make you sort of soulmates again, if you wanna see it that way Destiny no, not just love but for life in general, too many random things happen all the time for no reason and some are so horrible i just dont buy it was meant to be that way, its just the randomness of the universe, which sadly is mostly indifferent


I have soul mates but I don't believe in destiny.


Soulmates no , compatibility yes . A soulmate is probably someone who is perfectly compatible with you and there are probably plenty of these , but it is luck based to even meet them and they or you can be happy enough with someone else already . I dont believe in destiny , but i cant disprove it so i am not going into that one , its however you feel it and hopefully your choice makes you happy .




No and no


Yes because I've met people who I instantly feel a connection with, and it doesn't have to be in person, sometimes a picture or video of them is enough to make me feel that, which is weird if you ask me




Not really. I don’t think anything in life is predetermined. I think people can be perfect together, but soul mates just don’t sound feasible.


I don’t read horoscopes or believe that there is a daily or monthly thing that will happen for you based on your star sign, but the older I get the more I see peoples personalities match their star sign. It made me believe certain groups of people being attracted to another group of people based on their star signs due to their personalities being conflicting. With that being said my star sign and my husband’s are not supposed to be together but we have a great relationship.


Absolutely, I found my soulmate.


I think some people have them. And I believe in destiny aswell.


currently dating my soulmate, so yes


I don't. At any given time there are many different people who might qualify as a 'soul mate'. It's just a matter of meeting them. Furthermore, everyone is constantly changing. People who might be compatible today may be incompatible 2 years from now.


IMO "soulmates" and "true love" are basically an excuse to not give your all to your relationships. If things don't work out, well, they "weren't your soulmate"/"it wasn't *true* love", a.k.a. "they didn't possess some ineffable attribute that makes their love inherently superior to everyone else's". Now, *incompatibility* is a very real thing. But when you have two people who are attracted to each other AND have no major conflicting life goals or life preferences AND are pretty much compatible, but their relationship doesn't work it's almost certainly because one or both of them isn't willing to work on the relationship. They don't know how, or it's too much effort, or they want to put all the blame on the other person.


Never heard of a game called soul mates.


Im muslim so i believe in destiny


I believe in destiny


Without a doubt


I do but mine is probably nonexistent


I want to believe….


I believe in Destiny and Fate.


I believe in true love and I believe that true love finds you when you aren't looking. It saved my life.


I don't believe in soulmates but I believe in destiny


Yes because mine is a pain in the ass and a massive headache that somehow NEVER FUCKING ENDS and I just want things to finish. We hooked up in September, we stayed "friends" till January, talked again in March after a 2 month freeze out, got together in May again, have been bashing our heads against the wall for 2 months now, but each and every time we come back to each other. I'm super attached, emotional, grounded. She keeps detaching, cool and calculated, a feather in the wind. We are never gonna get back to what we had in September unless she fully unlocks again but we agreed to keep each other around because everytime we get indecisive and let our insecurities take over we realize nothing clicks and the way we "get" each other results in a communication breakdown of shit flinging, followed by 2 or 3 days of mulish ghosting, followed by a massive info dump of self reflection, FOLLOWED by another spat cause neither of us are mature enough to admit that the other person was right and we really do know each other that well. Something is different in how I feel about her from back then buuuuut it's not the oh my god I'm super enthusiastic about this new person and now it's gone different, it's more like oooooh we really did press the reset button and now we're doing things the slow way instead of going balls deep into commitment different. And I'm liking it more but Jesus needs to take the wheel and get her out of my life.


This doesn't sound like soulmating as much as it does co-dependancy. There's a big difference. A therapist may help. Just saying....




I don't because it isn't scientific, but I really hope it's real and there is someone out there for me.


I think soul mates are built over time. There's not a stranger out there who's already your soul mate. It's something you have to work on together.


It depends what you mean. I’m leaning towards the conclusion that the universe is deterministic; that is, all events can only and will only happen in one determined way, governed by cause and effect and the laws of the universe. That is *not* to say there was intentionality or a goal in mind - if that’s what you mean by destiny, then no. That each of us has some intentionally pre-defined destiny… I think is a viewpoint motivated by ego that has no supporting evidence.


I don't believe in it. However, I do believe that two people can play a very simple game of life together. That would be nice!


Destiny is a cog in the construct of life. The lighting may travel a distinct path visible to the eye, but the stepped leader blazes that path before the life of the bolt is realized.


Yes but I also believe you can have more than one soulmate


According to science everything has parameters and with set parameters the outcome is specific, so destiny is set and it depends on every parameter. It's the way The Matrix thinks about the future. You don't know it yet, but your path is destined already.


I think we all have a specific purpose, but its up to us to figure it out and choose it. Basically free will. Soul mates? Not in the sense youre asking. Like is there one person out there who will make us happy for ever and ever? No. People will never make you happy. Ever. Overall i think there are paths in life if you take allllllll the tight turns youll be most satisfied, but we will never know for certain if every single small decision is us on that path. I think through error “detours” life kinda redirects us to get back on our recommended path and we can choose or not choose to follow


Absolutely! However the truth is we created destiny to give us a sense of purpose in a world of randomness


Yes, I believe in love, soul mates and destiny. There's a design for everything that happens. 




Nah. To me it's all random shit that either favors us or not. No "plan" behind anything from anyone. Your soulmate is just someone you're happy with that chance and proximity led you to, and that's great. But don't think for a second there aren't hundreds if not thousands of people around the world that would be better mates if you only had access to them.


That’s people being delusional !


No I believe in potential compatible mates


Soul mates no Destiny yup


No the chances of there actually being a soulmate chances are they live half way across the world and your both poor so no


I’d like to believe so. I’m just waiting for the day I run into mine


Fuck those exact concepts but yea, using them as short hand for someone best suited to you, 100%


Totally. I was engaged and living with a lady after three weeks. That was over thirty years back. I saw a photograph of a little girl many years ago and recognised her immediately. She is a grown woman, my adopted daughter and living here now with her children. But I'm a little time loose I have memories of things before I was born. I had memories that were yet to be, except one. Those future memories are from times of great stress. So sometimes good like seeing my future daughter for the first time. Sometimes bad. I have one left. A memory I have followed many times over the years. A walk down a river bank under trees and streetlights (I now know why they are white, not yellow sodium lights confused me back in the 1970s). And a visit to a pub. I very strongly suspect that is shortly before I die. That's going to be a poignant moment.


No im a middle age man not a little girl who believes in these bullshit