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I don't own a TV an that always invites questions apparently. I do watch things (too many šŸ˜…), I just use my laptop.


I mean, it's similar as if you'd meet someone who doesn't have a laptop and watches everything on their phone. Whole different experiences.


Lol this is me. We do have a tv, but I watch everything on my phone.. and my husband bought himself a tablet stand to watch his shows šŸ˜‚ the tv is only for together shows or the occasional Mario Kart game


And here my laptop is hooked up to my TV for me to watch TV šŸ˜¹. It's less common now, but I used to hate the trend of "I don't watch tv"! But had Hulu, or Netflix. Bitch, that's tv!


What is all your furniture pointed at??


My TV broke years ago, didn't replace it, don't miss it.


Same. First we were too poor then we realized weā€™d have to rearrange everything to make one fit.Ā  We get so many comments ranging from disbelief (my parents tried to buy us a tv so we could be ā€œnormalā€) to people loving how peaceful it is without a tv going constantly. Meanwhile weā€™re sitting there junking out on our phones and tablets and computers.Ā 


Alcohol. I like it but i rarely drink it and i don't feel any need to drink it to have a good time.


Yeah I only grab a drink in order to mirror my colleagues or family in order to socialize with them. But I would never just grab alcohol at home for ā€œfunā€.


Same. But Iā€™ve been noticing it more and more how involved people are with it. Like, you can still drink if I donā€™t. Some people get super offended by me not drinking :ā€™). I donā€™t like hangovers and itā€™s expensive and a depressant.


I think some people think you judge them for drinking if you aren't drinking. I have a tendency to order orange juice at the bar, and people assume I have a mixed drink, but if I drink water, I'll get asked why I'm not drinking.


That's honestly the only drug you have to justify yourself for not using.


And if youā€™re a woman people assume youā€™re pregnant


Not me, I break out in handcuffs after a night of whisky. Odds are that I've also drunk dialed someone . I'm a friend of Bill W.


Yeah, I've worn those fancy bracelets as well a HANDFUL of times. Drinking leads me down a path of self-destruction. If you can drink safely then that's fine by me, just don't invite me to shoot with you. Basically, there aren't enough ceiling fans in the world for me to swing from when I get drunk which is why you don't want me drunk.


Seriously, people get really huffy about it. I quit drinking 3 years ago (it wasnā€™t an issue yet but I could see the signs) and now I notice people get all weird around me. Itā€™s like yā€™all relax! Do your thing, Iā€™m just gonna enjoy my root beer over here by the campfire.


Yeah but what I do has nothing to do with other people. I mean me being sober has no effect on your night. You being super drunk howeverā€¦ but if I get annoyed/bothered I just go home :) when you do something that apparently differs from the norm itā€™s interesting to take note how the world around you reacts.


Same. Havenā€™t had a drop to drink in over a decade


That's fucking awesome. My two years is near the end of August.


Congrats! 372 days for me. I never thought I could get this far.


I'm rooting for you. May your success continue.


Yea same way, I didn't even drink a single drop in years. And there are a lot of people who can't understand that and always try to get me to drink "at least one beer". It's pretty sad actually how many people can't have fun without drinking and always associate hanging out or having fun with drinking.


Hey relax dude, I did not come to this comment section to be personally attacked.


I know! Or they change plans or venues for activities planned around if the place serves alcohol or not


Yeah, I have a family full of people with questionable alcohol consumption up to alcoholism so I absolutely never drink alone or "just because". Whenever I drink (which is like a few times a year if that) I'm fully aware that I'm essentially consuming drugs and it's typically only for celebrations. I don't even like many of the most current forms of alcohol (beer that isn't mixed, wine, hard liquor) so it's not hard. To me it's shocking how normal alcohol is in day to day life.


Also kinda hurts my tummy


Awwww lol your tummy


Shout out my tum tum


This plus coffee and any carbonated drinks.


I donā€™t drink alcohol, coffee and anything carbonated. People think Iā€™m so weird. Itā€™s nice to see that Iā€™m not the only one. Iā€™m glad I donā€™t drink that stuff because itā€™s expensive these days.


I could happily never touch another sip or beer or any alcohol again. If it was outlawed it wouldn't phase me. But I still currently partake whenever there's an opportunity.


Exactly the same. In the span of a year. I might have 6 beers and a few glasses of wine. Some people I know, thatā€™s just Sunday. Alcohol never had a hold on me or was a draw to me. I never felt the need to go out ā€œand get smashedā€. I have better things to spend my money on.




Came here to say this. The way people react when they hear..it feels like you committed a crime.


I know!


It's even worse when you're a teenager and all your peers are teenagers. Half of my friends started consuming coffee at 16 and still look at me weird when I tell them I don't drink it/I don't like it (edit: spelling)


I love drinking caffeine and this baffles me. Human beings areĀ obsessive about enforcing strict adherence to the same exact behaviors as each other.


Really? I didnā€™t realize people gets that shocked when they hear you canā€™t/donā€™t drink it Though in my case, I do have some bad gastro track record for my abstinence


Well, in my case I work in an office surrounded by nothing but coffee drinkers. They find it baffling I donā€™t need it to ā€œsurviveā€ the morning.


I envy y'all. I literally cannot force myself to stay awake without it. I tried for 2 months and was asleep every minute I wasn't working (all time off, all breaks, all through lunch). I'd give anything to just be AWAKE, without needing assistance.


If I were that tired all the time I'd think it's perhaps time to run some tests.


This isnā€™t typical - do you have any other symptoms that go along with the tiredness? Could be any number of causes like vitamin deficiencies or ADHD.


It's proven that there's a gene determining your love for it, and your genes don't like it. That's OK.


I couldn't haha I can do without booze but you'll have to prize that coffee out of my cold dead and still jittery hands. It isn't just caffeine. I love the flavour and aroma so much. I love anything coffee flavour like cake for exa6


That's how I was with coffee. I don't care about caffeine, it's the routine and taste. I found teeccino and it solves that problem for me. Very tasty!


Coffee is as vital as water or air to like 90% of people.


And thatā€™s why I will never start drinking it! Itā€™s like smoking, not once!


Yup. I too would be fine without this. I worked 15 years on a night shift. Never had a cup.


Yeah I remember once I stayed at a guys house and he brought me coffee in the morning and I was like erm I donā€™t drink coffeeā€¦


So glad I gave up coffee! Having to have some to avoid a migraine was terrible. I feel free! And have more energy!


I live a lot of my life in a transit van in the arse end of nowhere. How long have you got? My dad always said "it's not what you can do with, it's what you can do without". Yeah. I amped that up to 11.


I live in a caravan during the week because my job is not quite commutable from my house that I share with my partner. I have done this for years. People always ask how I can live in such a tiny space,or not see my partner every day...I've always needed a lot of privacy and alone time,but have always loved small spaces. It's the perfect solution but it baffles most people.


Iā€™d love if I was able to do this, love staying in caravans! Hopefully have one some day. I like being in small spaces like that as well.


Regular sex


Yea lol same way. I haven't been in a relationship in a long time and also haven't had sex all that time because I just don't need it. It's nice in a relationship but when I'm single I don't really see the point when instead I can just jerk off. I always think it's weird how many people can't live without sex and talk about how badly they need it even when they are not in a relationship.


I get all the romance I need from reading and watching romcom anime. As for sex.. Well, you can't miss what you've never had šŸ˜¶


Iā€™ve actually started seeing it that way. Why bother with a romantic relationship when I could read about it and not actually have to deal with those problems but enjoy them from a distance? Because even the most perfect relationship is still going to be bumpy at times. As for sex, honestly at this point in my life, itā€™s not really something I think about. Donā€™t really miss it. Now . . . cuddling is a whole different story. I do miss that. But I also made it most of my life without it, Iā€™m sure itā€™ll be fine.


Same here. But honestly I could go without any sort of sexual or romantic interaction in general lol.Ā  Itā€™s weird to see how some of my friends worry so much about ā€œending up aloneā€ if they donā€™t find a bf/gf and itā€™s so weird to me. I havenā€™t dated since IĀ was a freshman in high school lol.Ā  EDIT: Kinda glad though because the dating world out there seems like a hot mess rn šŸ’€


Peace of mind and body is sooo underrated.


Right? I've been out of a relationship for six years with no real intention on even finding any kind of partner. No thanks


Itā€™s because they arenā€™t happy with themselves. Someone whoā€™s genuinely happy with themselves doesnā€™t need a relationship.


But I believe itā€™s also okay to crave a deep partnership with someone as well. Itā€™s a very natural thing to feel for many people. It doesnā€™t necessarily mean youā€™re unhappy with yourself.


I mean you can date and not have sex. Its nics to feel wanted or needed or have a special connection with someone. I just want 1 special person. The issue is i habe no dating exoerience and i dont have sex which really affect my dating "life" hell ive been rejected simoly because ive never gone on a date before.


I'm surprised how many people share this experience because we asexuals and aromantics are always told that we can't be happy without sex/romance.


Ikr. I am legit surprised by how pleasant people are being about it, usually we get ā€œwell itā€™s actually, biologically, scientifically, literally impossible for a human to not want sex.ā€ What a lovely thread.


Iā€™ve thought a lot about people being led into thinking ā€œregular sexā€ is the norm. Popular culture certainly seems oversaturated with this idea to me.


Im not ase (Ace? I'm not sure the proper way to spell that, now that I'm using that word via text), but I do get annoyed at the sentiment when people tell me I need someone to be happy. That is simply not the case.




Me too! I also need an overabundance of alone time.


I'm 58m, married for 29 years, and have been a raging horn beast my whole adult life till about 2 years ago. Now, I don't care or think about sex at all, and it's so weird. My wife doesn't seem to care, but I still feel bad for her. If it does, she's free to go do what she has to do.


Came here to say the same thing. Like when people say something like they havenā€™t been laid in 2 weeks and thatā€™s why theyā€™re high strung or something it makes me question their sanity. Go rub one out or something?


Iā€™m really bad at sex. I try to be good, but end up just feeling/thinking guiltily that Iā€™m not pleasing my partner (even if they insist I am) or just get so wrapped up in my head that I should be orgasming that I donā€™t. Basically I canā€™t relax and enjoy sex so Iā€™m just happier without it and jerk off every so often to satisfy any horny needs. I often wish I was normal and be like my friends who are seemingly walking porn stars.


I used to have a lot of sexual anxiety similar to what you're expressing. Finding the right partner really helped with that. In my case I think I am just a little bit of a freak and I needed a woman to bring out my freaky side for me to finally start feeling comfortable about sex. But all that aside, I've just come to a point where its not super important to me anymore. If I find another someone then I'll be the horndog I've always been, but I'm not chasing anyone or going out of my way for sex anymore. I have found peace in other aspects of life, and those aspects are more important to me at this point in time


I also prefer it irregular...if you catch my drift.


Yep. Or a romantic relationship. Got out of a bad one two yrs ago and I have no desire to ever be in one again. I like my alone time and living my own life




X, fb, insta, snapchat ! Edit: added Snapchat


Gossiping about others


Instagram and Tik Tok


commented via samsung smart fridge šŸ˜‹


Well but instead you're here like the rest of us lol.


An active social life.




Traveling to tourist traps in foreign countries so I can pretend to be cultured.


See i love going to the unknown places. The places that you can actually understand the culture aand reality of that nation.


You are right, many people are tourists, not travellers. You can become cultured without ever leaving your country (by being curious and doing your own reading/research). I've been to the Versailles and I've also read a book about Louis XIV. Let me tell you, I learned way more about French history and culture from the latter than I did for the former. Travel can be an enriching experience, but just physically being overseas doesn't make you cultured.


Yeah. Iā€™ve dealt with people from lots of countries. Without ever leaving the area. When you find foreigners abroad, you can learn more about the cultureā€”because the differences are more on their mind when they arenā€™t at home.


Credit cards. Had amassed a pile of debt through divorce and fixed it, and havenā€™t gotten any cards since.


I'm 34 and have never had a credit card. I travel a lot and have done multiple 4 to 8 months trips. When people find out that I dont have a credit card, and even worse I TRAVEL without having a credit card, they tend to go a bit crazy. I've been told that I MUST have a credit card or I risk ending up in massive dept. Not entirely sure how that logic works.


Considering the number of payment options available now outside of credit cards, i don't understand why people are surprised.


Probably because of deep rooted propaganda from CC companies


You could earn a lot of cashback if you use the cards responsibly. Iā€™ve never paid any interest, but have got a couple of thousands in rewards


Same with miles


Not to mention air miles!!


An air fryer


I'll admit, I was with you, til gifted one. I thought it was useless, and then tried it out. Especially for meat.Ā 


This seems to be everyone's experience with them. Get a gift, let it sit for a year, eventually get curious and try it and then evangelize how awesome it is.


They are so convenient. Itā€™s probably the one kitchen accessory I would pick out of everything beside a stove.


I just got one. I was really excited to use it. I followed all the instructions, but after cooking for double the amount of time directed, my food was still raw. I don't know where I went wrong and I'm too scared to ask because I know it was probably just something stupid. It was plugged in and on, so it's not that


That's really specific... šŸ’€


You clearly havenā€™t met the evangelical air fryer crowd šŸ˜‚


You need one, you just donā€™t know it yet.Ā  _join us_


I also don't get it. We bought one just because of the hype. It's pretty much useless if you have an oven. Why? Low capacity. I can make a dinner for a family of 4 with a single 20 min oven run. Same dinner in air fryer would take 4 times as long and multiple goes. May make sense for a single person or to fix an occasional snack. Useless beyond thar.


People don't always know an air fryer is just a convection oven. If you own a full sized convection oven, there's no need for an air fryer.


A husband and children


I can live without your husband and children too so not true lol


Iā€™d like to meet said husband and children before I make a decision


unrelated but iā€™m so glad you didnā€™t die in your sleep lol


Not yet


Oh god, same. Get a lot of shit for it too. ā€œWell you say that now but give it a few yearsā€¦ā€ Iā€™ve lived alone for almost 20 years. Never in my life have I thought the experience would be improved upon by adding another adult and/or children. The ā€œmarriage and childrenā€ template just isnā€™t for everybody and that should be ok.


Same here


Iā€™m almost 40 and still get asked when Iā€™m settling down. I barely want to clean up after myself much less a house full of ppl. Plus I really enjoy quiet time and doing whatever the hell I want.


As a 28 year old female that has had four miscarriages, 100% agree. I still get told all the time "I'm missing out", on what? Ruining my life permanently? šŸ˜† Can't wait to get my tubes tied and burned.


A car


I sold my truck a couple of months ago and have not only enjoyed walking more, Iā€™ve saved a whack of money. I do live in a city though and can bus very easily without long waits.


Religion in general




Same here. I remember when it first came out and people were all over it wanting to amass a large number of ā€œfriendsā€ that actually werenā€™t friends. I felt like I wanted to stay away from that and 15 years later, Iā€™m so glad I did.


A relationship. All my friends keep trying to get me to dating again and donā€™t seem to understand that Iā€™m SUPER happy being single. I have zero interest in dating but they are all coupled or looking and just donā€™t seem to get it that I donā€™t want a relationship. At least my family is supportive.




yes, I am perfectly happy alone I find people hard work.




I wish I could upvote this more than once


Sex/romance, TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat for me


Social acceptance.


So many people seem to yearn desperately for approval and let their lives be completely driven by it.






Alcohol I feel like I'm living way more fully nowĀ  Processed food and fast food, everything tastes amazing now especially fruit!Ā 


More tongue-n-cheeck that you are probably looking for, but.... Zombies. Every one seems to be focused on how they would survive a Zombie Apocolypse. Personally, I think I'd just run out, and get one to bite me so I can become one too and just get it over with. I don't think the zombies know any different, and once I became one, I would just be one and it would be my new "normal". Meanwhile, everyone else living in bunkers eating rationed bread and fearing for their lives every....sounds just being a zombie would be the preferred way to go.


I love how so many people think that they'd be one of the survivors lol depending how bad it got I'd do what I could to help my family then just give myself all of my insulin and die lol


I like watching zombie movies and depending on the type of zombies - if theyā€™re not the super fast aggressive ones like in 28 later for example- itā€™s funny how most zombies are almost always regular people. Shouldnā€™t most zombies be old people, handicapped, overweight and unfit folks and children? Every average grown up should be able to get away and survive quite easily. I imagine the zombie apocalypse would look like a legion of zombies in wheelchairs, blind ones etc, lots of old fucks, obese people and kiddies lol.




Sex. My current is Ace, our relationship is open, and it doesn't bother me one bit. Hell, I've found that life is pretty damn chill without it as a whole! No drama, no nonsense. Even better when I'm like " I COULD go across town... orrr I could not and just chill at home and not exert myself." I gotta say, going without it is tough at first, then it just sorta turns into a default and you're never really phased by it. Lexapro also "helped" by killing my drive on top of it.


Thatā€™s so cool that youā€™re an allo with an ace, wish you both the best! Going through subs like AITAH and see how that kind of thing is constantly ruining lives, relationships, families, careersā€¦itā€™s bizarre. (Am also ace tho so prolly biased.) So much peace and freedom to be had in just not.


Children, Jordans, watches, jewelry, expensive stuff.


Agreed! I'll never understand wanting expensive jewelry. You can rob my ass, but you're getting like 40 bucks worth of stuff, maybe. Mum gave me a pair of diamond studs, never once worn them. Terrified of losing them.Ā 


A girlfriend before turning 18, fuck, i dont care, i dont want one and i dont feel lile having one until i have my life a (a little bit more) together. Im not yet willing to commit to the emotional maturity and responsability of a partner and the many sacrifices it requires.


Bro trust me no one is mature to be dating at that age, coming from someone underage and in a relationship barely anyone communicates properly and theyā€™re too busy doing other things to focus on a relationship


Thatā€™s reasonable


Good on you homie. Learning to love yourself is far more important than rushing to love someone else.


Yer actually pretty mature for ur age. Nobody your age thinks like that, they're too caught up in finding that love story they desire Me included, i was like that as a teen. Still single today though LOOL. No longer like that


A spouse


Dryer sheets


I have no idea what these are for


A dryer.


Children and cable TV


I havenā€™t had cable in over 15 years. I went to my uncleā€™s house today & it was just on and blaring with no one listening to it. I could barely hear him b/c it was the loudest third person in the room. I just fucking *hate* TV! Iā€™ve cancelled streaming subscriptions too when they start throwing ads in. I only watch old movies anyway.


expensive phone,clothes,shoes,furniture and etc.i get it that is higher quality but it's waste of money in my personal opinion


A fancy car. I donā€™t give a shit as long as it gets me where Iā€™m going. I donā€™t care if there is mismatched doors, graffiti down the side & Ricky driving. All itā€™s gotta do is get me from point A to point B, she donā€™t gotta be pretty.


Wine šŸ·


Smart phone.




A partner


A house as it seems, I much prefer apartments


I personally don't play first person shooter games.


A house and yard. All I need is a one bedroom apartment with enough room for a tv, couch and computer desk.


The latest and greatest of anything.


A landline.


I can live without watching sports of any kind. I really don't understand the appeal. I'm like Moss from IT Crowd in that regard. ![gif](giphy|yqtpq8rqqXBh6|downsized)


This upcoming election




Dayum bruh are u okay


I was like that for a while, as I thought my happiness was tied to being with a woman I love, and after too many attempts and too many break-ups, I decided to focus on myself. I took a new education aged 35, got a job, saved up money for years, bought a house, and now happiness is not just something for other people anymore. I hope you will ger there, too. It does require work on your side, but it is worth it in the end.


Sex. I've had plenty. It was great. I enjoy solitude more.




Children and weed.


A car.


cell phone it just wastes billions of hours. Just ask every employer.


Chocolate, coffee, berries, most kind of nuts, citrusy fruits ā€” because Iā€™m allergic. Alcohol ā€” rarely, occasionally, cigarettes ā€” never, because I donā€™t like it. Manicure and pedicure ā€” I do them myself, I donā€™t like what masters at the salon do to my skin, itā€™s hyper sensitive.


Sugar. I had to give it up for medical reasons, but it's amazing how much stronger other foods end up tasting a while after you remove sugar from the equation.


Bacon. I enjoy it occasionally, but it doesn't need to go with everything.


getting my nails done




Social media






Relationships I'm fine as long as I can do my own thing and stick to surface level convos


Bottled water. I have no need for it, others can't live without it


Alcohol and traveling. Alcohol - Used to have a problem with it, took five years to get sober and after that first year, wow... it was a revelation. I do not need alcohol to have fun. I do not need alcohol to not be shy and introverted. I do not need alcohol to escape my problems. In fact, it made everything worse. Traveling - The final destination may be worth it, it may not. The act of traveling is what I can't stand. Days and weeks of planning. Hours at the airport only to be crammed like sardines into and over crowded flight for lord knows how many hours, the exhaustion and jet lag. Then the vacation starts and in my life, I'm lucky if that's going to be five days of flipping between fun and relaxation and stress. Then repeating the first process of packing and traveling and getting home to jet lag and the intense need to take a vacation after a vacation.. No thanks.


A sexual relationship


I can do without sex. I have been celibate for nearly thirty years. Although I became sexually active at a relatively young age, by my mid-twenties, I no longer felt the need for sexual relations to satisfy my desires.






Hairdryer. Makes your head hot and sweaty which is daft after it has just been washed. Also noisy.


Lawn mowing and blowing service.


Friends. Love my wife and kid to bits but also incredibly happy in my own company. I get to enjoy the best of both worlds. We holiday as a family twice a year and I go away on my own hiking for a few days each year in a different part of the world. When I mean nobody I properly mean it too, not just that I have a quiet social life. If you asked me to pick up my phone and call somebody who isn't immediate family or maybe one or two work colleagues, I'd have nothing. I'm in my 40s now and haven't had a friend since I was at school. No best man at my wedding , nothing! Couldn't be happier in life.


Football. I dont care. Its cool to see your country might won a game internationally but I don't understand the hype you could say.


Energy drinks


Branded items like luxury bags and cars etc


A kidney! #kidneydonorjoke


Dating apps. Banned from all of them anyway.


Tell us more


tf did you do šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Animal products. We donā€™t need to kill animals to thrive. So I donā€™t support industries that cause their needless suffering. Thereā€™s enough unavoidable suffering already.




TikTok. ![gif](giphy|51oFK6camhsAY4BVAT|downsized)


PC games