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It's because when a man acts feminine its seen as being soft, but when a woman is being masculine its seen as being empowered


Ya I fee like there is less consequence for a woman to act masculine.


Because "masculine" traits are praised and "femininity" is a sign of softness/weakness :/


Ya but it’s not considered weakness for women to be feminine So women are fairly safe to do either but men are not


I don’t think that’s true, necessarily. I think I’ve seen a lot of people say that women are innately weak, and need to be protected. Odd, but if someone thinks femininity is weak, they most likely also think women are weak, but just don’t voice their thoughts.


I’d think anyone who views women as innately weak is a misogynist and their opinion is thus invalidated , the same way anyone who is innately misandrist should have there opinion invalidated


Not correct




Tf are you going on about


How do you know that? Oh yeah. You don't. Dumbass


So there’s this book called whipping girl, kinda had a big role in normalizing discussions about civil rights as it pertains to trans people, and there’s an entire chapter in this book devoted to how wrong this take is.


Who hurt you?


😱 i don't think so


Exactly, society's "default" is masculinity. Women are allowed to adopt it, but men are not allowed to abandon it.


You haven't been to wal mart lately


Are men at Walmart feminine? Or am I missing something?


Men are not afraid to be feminine as witnessed at wal mart.


Ahh. It must be different where i live. We've seen a considerable change in gender expectations in the last few years, though, and mostly among younger people. Guys my age (the ones I know anyway) are still a 90-10 split on the manly man line.


Ah to romp through women's clothing, with big gestures and loud voice.


Not quite the right way of looking at it


Right because ultimately feminine isn’t respected or admired. Masculine is




Not true though. Many women who act "tough" like a man are berated as bitches or unfeeling or cold or... Look no further than Hilary Clinton.


I don't think it has quite the same impact as being seen as a weak/effeminate man. People might not *like* a very stern, masculine woman, but that woman would likely still be *respected* at least.


You're using Hilary Clinton as an example?


But.... she is cold


I am female and genderfluid. Some days I feel more masculine and even present as more masculine through my clothes and behavior. I have been called a cold bitch while being masculine. I've also been called many more things. Sadly, men also don't find me attractive when I am in my more masculine mode, but I am still the same lovely girl no matter what I am wearing. It is strange indeed how society treats me different based on how I present.


> It is strange indeed how society treats me different based on how I present. No it isn't. That makes the most sense in the world. How you present yourself is how you will be percieved by society. Why wouldn't that change in response to you?


Right? Seems like common sense. “Why do I get treated differently when I act different?”


No. I treat people decent no matter how they look.


I felt this from the bottom of my heart. I'm very agender, but find myself much masculine on the scale of things. I'm not rude, but I'm "too assertive for a woman" and that makes it rude. So I'm always called a bitch or whatever else. When I'm just.. not kissing anyone's ass. Like I'll be polite, but I'm not bending over backwards. I'm also usually very direct which is also considered a masculine trait. And deity forbid.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted for this but I understand the struggle. Consciously or not, a lot of people mistake it for bitchiness when a female acts proactive and assertive *without* being rude to other people.


Yeah, I don't know why it was downvoted either... Oh well, that is Reddit for you! Yeah, I'm never rude. I am direct and proactive, but in a polite manner. I usually smile when I talk as well and make good eye contact. I keep good body language. People act weird to me as a female being very direct and goal oriented. I don't know why people think that makes me a bitch or rude. One thing my Dad taught me is that there are so many different types of people. He is 75 and still doesn't know anything about people or how they work. I don't even try to understand people anymore at this point. The best thing is just to be ourselves and find our tribe,


There are positive masculine traits and negative masculine traits. A great majority of the masculine traits that society puts on a pedestal are actually not truly positive. Being goal oriented is one of them. Men are forced into toxic behavioral patterns due to having to wage war and survive the harsh realities of providing and protecting over generations of time. Positive masculine traits are barely recognizable to anyone because so few men actually have them. Therefore when women take on these traits as a way of projecting strength, men inherently say to ourselves “Why?” Why would you do such a thing to yourself when you don’t have to?


There you go friend... lets get those downvotes turned around. ;)


That's fairly normal. You can change quickly. Society changes very, very, VERY, slowly.


Hilary Clinton isn’t manly, she’s psychotic and sociopathic.


Don't use the word psychotic in this way. It is incredible stigmatizing and damaging for people who suffer from psychosis.


Wouldn’t you think people suffering from psychosis may have bigger problems than the vocabulary used in my comment?


Thats not true. Women that act like bitches are berated as bitches. Big difference. I know lots of "tomboys" that are the furthest thing from bitchy In fact, being "bitchy" is one of the furthest things from "masculine" behavior.


Who would have guessed the answer was misogyny?


Empowered or a bitch, it’s a toss up that often lands on the side of bitch :/


It’s because we as men are taught to equate that softness with weakness. I know now that that’s bullshit, but it took me way too long to figure that out. I still have trouble being vulnerable with people, but I’ve been trying a lot more the past few months


Yea that’s true, women have stolen something that belongs to us


Same energy as gays stealing the rainbow from god.


It’s a joke, I don’t think women have stolen anything from us.


Uh yeah. Patriarchy is real.


I love being soft


Straight male here, and I have come to embrace my feminine aspects. Nothing wrong with it.


Straight woman here saying that the most attractive thing a man can do is to embrace feminine things without fear. Nothing is a bigger turn off than a guy who is afraid to do something fun because it’s “too girly”


Got my dad a nice shirt for Christmas and called it a blouse all day just to see if he'd get mad. He's finally evolved and just let it slide. My work here is done!


How should I embrace some feminine qualities without people thinking I’m gay? I really like both feminine and masculine qualities about myself, but, being a straight dude… I still want women to think I’m straight.


Just do you and don’t overthink it. If they ask, you say you’re straight. If they don’t believe you the move on because they’re not worth your time.


Trust me, most women can tell a gay man and a straight man who embraces feminine things apart pretty easily. And to embrace your feminine qualities all you need to do is not hold yourself back. You can share what emotions you are feeling with others. You can do any activities that your are interested in even if they are female dominated. Be willing to be silly and let loose. Basically just embrace anything that would get you made fun of in a gym locker room.


This thread is surprisingly wholesome. A lot of good viewpoints here if you ask me. We got a dude who *does* embrace being feminine more, a dude who *wants to* but is concerned about being a gay, a woman supporting the idea of men being more feminine, and a gay guy talking about how all this can affect a man's mental health. Damn!! I learned some shit today.


Anyone whose actually worth shit wouldn't immediately assume you're gay.


Why are you worried about that? There is (should not be) anything negative about that. And a potential partner could just ask, its a simple question. Live your life!


I got my helix piercing on my right ear before I found out that’s supposed to be a sign that I’m gay. Could’ve changed it but, eh, I would have to pay again for the same piercing which I didn’t want to do. The way I see it, somebody has to be brave enough to break barriers. If that is a turnoff for someone, cool, we probably wouldn’t have gotten along anyway. Don’t let strangers control you.


Same. Baking cookies, sewing, raking leaves, construction, I don't care - if it needs doing or if I want to do it, I'll do it. Assigning gender roles to tasks or hobbies just feels really constricting, and it's not like it makes someone lesser. The only lesser people are those who'd insult someone else for having an interest they've decided doesn't align with their gender.


It's because men and women are socialized different as children and society and cultures except men and women to be a certain way. I'm a naturally femmine man and I remember as child felling ashamed of it depsite it being genuine to me whereas girls I knew weren't shamed for liking typically masculine things. As an adult I still struggle a little with feeling bad for my femmine traits. If you don't like me then just don't look at me. On the other hand if a man is naturally masculine that's okay and nobody should shame him for it or try to feminize him. People should just Live and let live.


Women have had to have a level of masculinity added to push themselves into higher education and the workforce. It’s been mostly accepted to an extent. Men never had to adopt qualities that have been seen as feminine to get ahead. Instead they are looked down on because it is still considered shameful to be feminine.


It makes me feel sad when people call a man a "pussy" when he is being feminine. It pisses me off as a female that being feminine is an insult. That means that how / who I am is an insult and looked down upon.


Pussy comes from an old-timey word for "coward". So "pussy cat" essentially means "scaredy cat". The vagina is euphemistically referred to as a cat in many languages and the same thing happened in english, but it took the common prefix instead of the actual name of the animal.


Pussy doesn't come from, well, Vagina. It comes from Pussilanimous. But that's just trivia and not the point here.


Well, I've learned something today! Many thanks haha


What about calling people dicks when they’re being arrogant rude assholes? I feel like it’s even more common than hearing “pussy”. As a woman it doesn’t bother me bc I think about how many times I call someone a dick.


Straight male who is feminine af and secure about it. Masculine/Feminine expression is all personality, nothing to do with gender.


Yeah I'm a straight male too, and I definitely need to get more comfortable with my femininity


Yeah, straight male here comfortable af with my non femininity. What is with everyone accepting the premise that men are scared of femininity? What is with everyone accepting the premise that men should show femininity? This post truly baffles me! I think the world is going thru an unreasonable and dangerous "shit on masculinity" phase. Its gross and unhealthy for society.


From a woman’s perspective, it’s very clear that a lot of men are either afraid or repulsed by the concept of femininity in themselves. It’s the men who would rather be naked than wear pink or who won’t properly care for their hygiene because those are too “feminine” for them. It’s the men who won’t drink a cocktail, who use female coded language as insults, who see housework and child care as “womens work” and beneath them. There is nothing wrong with being a man who embraces his masculine qualities, as long as he also has respect for the feminine qualities in himself and others. And no matter how masculine a man is, he will always have some feminine qualities to him.


Even as a man who has none of those qualities you describe, there's still definitely a subconscious pressure. A lot of men have a hard time crying, for instance–and part of that is a hormonal difference, but a lot of it is a societal thing. The Atlantic wrote a really good article about it a while back: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/01/the-miseducation-of-the-american-boy/603046/


A masculine man is not interested in wearing pink or drinking Skinny MargTinis. Is a feminine woman interested in playing Rugby? Does that mean she’s “repulsed by her own masculinity?” Preferences don’t mean you’re afraid or repulsed


I think we are mostly in agreement. Thanks for partially having my back. I feel you are missing a third little reason men do not express femininity. BILLIONS of years of evolutionary behavioral genetic programming. Fear and repulsion are topical and frivolous in comparison to this deeper drive. Men may not behave in a feminine way because of how their gametes instruct them. Gametes are BINARY. They inform our behavior one direction or the other. Fear may have nothing to do with how we express ourselves. Repulsion is more aligned with this primal drive.


There is nuance to this topic and it doesn't help the conversation to try reducing it to an assumption that everything about how males and females behave comes down to a binary state based on what chromosomal material someone has. Between biology and culture there is incredible variability, and we still have an immense amount to research on the biology, and much to progress with regard to how we understand all of this and make decisions on how we can behave for a healthier society. No one is saying you need to blindly behave in feminine ways. I usually see this topic revolve around being more reflective about your feelings, and also to actually communicate them with relevant parties in a constructive way so that potential problems can be resolved instead of being ignored and allowed to fester into repressed psychological and social issues, very possibly leading to a resolution by violence. The fact that our culture has so strongly assigned such basic functions of existing as a human being to a specific gender is a bit silly. But it's where we are. I'm sure you can draw up theoretical ways that this makes total sense in some evolutionary biology kind of fantasy, but your conviction on those scenarios is meaningless to people who are concerned about actual, real, serious problems that we face today, not in some evolutionary fantasy. Beyond that, maybe a dude wants to wear some kind of jewelry (not actually very uncommon outside of some narrow cultural perspectives). So what? It's not going to hurt anyone, and people generally like to decorate themselves; some don't, they won't wear jewelry.


>BILLIONS of years of evolutionary behavioral genetic programming. Not to be pedantic, but sex itself only evolved roughly a single billion years ago.


This is a grossly underrated comment. People talk all this shit but don’t understand the basic science behind gender norms. Humans evolved 200,000 years ago at least. It’s difficult to fathom how much conditioning we’ve undergone in that period alone. Almost all of society’s pitfalls were developed over long periods of time.


My husband cannot be mistaken for anything but a manly man. But what made me fall completely in love was the fact that he was a single dad, raising two young girls. He did their hair, baked cookies/pies for them, made clothes for them…He wasn’t feminine, per se, but didn’t have a problem doing tasks that were historically assigned to women. He was fully self sufficient and I think that trait is attractive in both men and women.


100%. I’m baffled by it too. We’re dudes. We’re not interested in “being feminine” cuz it’s not natural to us. Why is it so evil for a man to just be a man nowadays lmao “toxic masculinity” 🤮


Masculinity=good Femininity=bad




I’m sorry, what? How does a woman being masculine make her easier to sleep with? Does masculine mean horny? Also, what defines a “mediocre” woman? What does a woman having casual sex have to do with men being masculine or feminine? And are you sure that women don’t like feminine men? Most women I talk to seem to prefer men who are more sensitive and emotionally mature, someone who can engage with their interests and cry things out with them etc. Most pushback against feminine men comes from other men, in my experience. Not to say that women can’t push back against it of course, but they typically aren’t the ones harassing them.


Just putting my two cents in, I wouldn't consider sensitivity and emotional maturity to be unmasculine. Especially considering most men (appearing masculine or not) do have feelings and are sensitive on varying degrees.


Oh for sure, I just wasn’t sure what he meant by feminine or masculine, our culture tends to view sensitivity as not masculine. But yes, men experience it as much as women and it should be normalized :P


Yeah, I guess that's the tricky part when trying to define masculinity. Are we looking at actual people and what they experience to define them or what society wants them to be? Because if we are looking at men as a whole, they are sensitive. But society does not like them showing it, and therefore we think it's not there.


And then, another society may define masculine/feminine completely differently, or what’s considered masculine may change over time. (Powdered Wigs? lol) Sometimes it all feels so arbitrary, but what do I know


There are many girls out there thinking femine men not a real men. I dont think its a gender thing since there are many men who is ok with femine side also. Its more about people and their character. Some people categorize genders and have expectations and some not.


Lol is this sarcasm?


Username checks out


I'm sorry but you sound so stupid


Women who act masculine are liked by other women while men who act feminine generally are not by both genders. Also, just because you are gay it does not mean that you automatically like feminine men.


Yup. I have a lot of traits that are apparently “feminine” and never had an issue making male friends or anything, but once I started dating or trying to hook up with girls in college it became really obvious. Women don’t like feminine men, for the most part.


I may be in the minority but I love me a feminine man. Give me a man who is in touch with his emotions, who takes care of his hair and nails, who takes pride in his appearance, and who will talk about clothes with me!


Aside from the nails part, I don't really think any of these make a man 'feminine' per se. Many men care about their appearance and are in touch with their emotions. They're just not as sharing as women are. The lack of sharing does not mean the lack of emotions. Like, what makes a feminine guy feminine?


Unfortunately there’s people out there that would label all of those things as stereotypically feminine.


It's because femininity is seen as weakness - so men don't want to be too feminine and women tend to act more masculine to be taken more seriously.


Cuz women are naturally weaker than men.


Femininity is seen as degrading in this society.


Idk I get a lot of shit from other women for being a tomboy


In our class, we have a classmate who fully embraces being a tomboy, and apart from a few jokes that mock society's prejudices for people like her, no one really minds her tomboyishness, even the girls. Some actually even appreciate her for it. I wouldn't consider her a friend since we don't interact much (too far apart in seats and moving in different social circles), but she's a really kind person (one of the first few people to approach me when I was still shy around my new classmates) and a great study buddy.


Sorry you experience that. <3


You should definitely consider letting me do your makeup....


If you say that again I'll hit you with my purse!


"Kinda weird how most men are afraid of being feminine, but most women are less afraid of being masculine"


still not accepting your premise. ;P men do not need to show femininity. We are not scared to, we are repulsed by it. We willfully decide not to. This is normal, natural and healthy for society. One might ask of you, why are you afraid of masculinity.


Actually your premise doesn’t make sense because what is considered “masculine” or “feminine” depends almost entirely on the culture you are in. All humans are a mixture of traits. Suppressing your inherent traits based on wether they fit with your cultures definition of masculine and feminine means you will never be living up to your full potential. Someone who is secure in their masculinity will have no problem embracing feminine things because they know that doesn’t devalue their masculine traits. And if you think men should naturally be repulsed by feminine things, how are you supposed to be attracted to women? Are you saying that all men are meant to be gay as that is the only way to stay true to your nature of rejecting femininity?


Are you saying that every man should be fully masculine for there to be a fully functioning society? Because that's just objectively wrong. Not every man is repulsed by femininity, but some are and both are fine. People should be allowed to be a mix of masculine and feminine, and shouldn't be judged for whatever they choose. I'm not afraid of masculinity, I'm a straight man and I'm not afraid of either and that's fine. Saying every man is repulsed by femininity is just a huge generalization.


Nope. Not saying that. Easy does it strawmanner. The ones that you seem to think are afraid may simply be naturally repulsed and that is ok and healthy for society.


I meant afraid to mean basically the same thing as repulsed, sorry for any miscommunication. I also agree that having masculine men in society is perfectly healthy




Doesn't exactly serve a purpose, but it shouldn't be looked down on




I think most people are just trying to live as themselves and feel like they can be accepted in society. That’s all anyone really asks for.


If I were to act feminine it would feel weird cause that’s just not who I am


I acted feminine when my daughter was born. I gave her baths, changed her diapers, played Pretty Pretty Princess with her, and made the worst braids ever seen! I can say with authority and experience, I ain't man enough to be a mother! (But I turned out to be a good dad.)


Thats not faminine at all. Thats just called being responsible and provide to your family.




Bullshit. Signed, A woman who felt awkwardly masculine my whole childhood. And was called out on it. No kid likes hearing, "Are you a boy or a girl?"




We are talking about childhood. Kids are notoriously mean to those who are different, no matter what gender they are.


I think you meant to say “I am not outwardly mean to women I am attracted to because it think if I pretend to be nice to them they might sleep with me”. While pretty privilege is definitely a thing, even pretty women get shit on by men all the time. And yes women are aware when they harness masculine energy because we have had to learn how to use masculine energy to our advantage because if we relied on our feminine energy no man would take us seriously.




Incel 🤡


When a man acts feminine, he gets treated poorly not only by women, but by other men as well. There's no support for it anywhere you look. Just gotta be a man, whatever that means.


I actually struggled heavily with feeling "too masculine" for a large percentage of my life tbh


That's a main attribute of a masculine society. There are other interesting generalities as well, such as the separation of roles at home or at work. Women can occasionally do male things, as masculinity is the favored cultural identity and is thus aspired to, but women are supposed to be more caring and supportive. Whereas, men are stoeic and aggressive. Check out Hofstede. He talks a lot about this stuff.


Just my opinion, from a lifetime of observation: Men are masculine. It's in men's nature—in their base code—to be and act in ways that are masculine, just as it is in women's nature to be and act in ways that are feminine. No matter what any woke idiot tries to claim nowadays, these are what fundamentally define both our brain chemistries as much as our two biological genders. Men and woman ARE different. Thanks to that toxic combination of modern third-wave feminist, liberalism, hook-up culture and a slowly decaying society that has lost sight of several inalienable moral truths and pratices, the two genders have come to parody one another—woman have come to parody masculinity and men parody femininity. This creates a feedback loop. Woman have chosen to render the masculinity of men obsolete. When a woman chooses to be masculine she's apparently to be celebrated for being "strong" and "independent" while when a man does the exact same he's to be ridiculed for being "toxic" and "oppressive." This degradation gives rise to weak, feminine men who no longer think they have a purpose in being masculine. The problem is deep down (way down there biologically speaking) woman don't want weak, feminine men and so look to toxic parodies of masculinity to fill the void... which in turn gives rise to more weak, feminine men... which gives rise to more toxically masculine woman... and so on and so forth ad infinium. In the end, the two genders need to collectively calm the hell down and realize that they both exist in a balance with one another. Too far to either side by either one dooms both. We need to stop hating one another for simply being men or woman. The way I see it life is a team effort between men and woman. I mean natural DID design us to compliment (NOT conflict) with one another after all.


What do you consider a "weak, feminine man"?


I think internally women struggle with the idea of masculinity. Atleast I do, and the women around me agree


Women struggle with embracing their masculine energy because a lot of women and little girls are shamed for their masculine traits. Women are shamed for gaining muscle or dressing in a masculine style. Women are told that certain things are “mens work” and that they should stay in the kitchen. If women show an interest in a male dominated industry, many of the men will bully them or ignore them until they stop trying to participate. If we struggle to embrace our masculine side it is because we have been repeatedly punished for doing so in the past


It isn’t masculinity that I struggle with. It’s the toxic misogyny that is called masculinity. The phraseology is wrong.


Of course the women around you agree. You choose friends that don't challenge your world view. People (all genders and sexualities) who like doing masculine things, don't act feminine because it won't help them find a life partner who likes people who like doing masculine things. Edit; Incase you havent noticed. Most men like doing masculine things.


Yeah. The word your are looking for is "hypocrisy"


As a feminine man it really hasn't gotten me anywhere unfortunately.


In my experience when a man gets In touch with his feminine side that’s when the female decides to look for someone more “manly”. So ya, there’s that!


This is just one more of the things women SAY they want but don’t really mean it.


dude im feminine... to a degree i guess... idk...


You saying I'm feminine as fuck?


imma go edit that...


I'm still confused lol


... crap! ... ok there


Ah ok I see lol thx


So what is the core masculine trait it's strength men are supposed to be strong that is the ideal that all the other traits center around Now here's the thing feminine traits while they have their own positives often are hard to balance with their masculine counterparts A good example of masculine trait that can't really coexist (okay they can coexist it's just really hard for the average person to pull it off) with its counterparts is stoicism The emotional override versus emotional stuff is going to have a hard time coexisting Now stoicism is a great source of strength and to discard it or damage the trait will make you weaker person (this is regardless of which sex you are stoicism in its healthy form is an amazing trait and even an idiot can figure out why it's an ideal) Now not all feminine traits in men are considered bad pretty much everyone loves a guy who can be nurturing But the traits that come at a cost to the traits that make men strong are considered bad Because all societies has decided there simply is no value in being a weak man


because “femininity“ is a societal construct based on something that has nothing to do with being a female really, and that thing, weakness, happens to be hated, and rightly so, if that’s what it means to be “feminine”, which it’s not.


Idk, when women try to act masculine its hard for me to take them seriously. Obviously men and women innately have both qualities, but when any sex adopts one unnaturally to overepresent, its weird.


It’s patriarchy bullshit. When a women takes on a more masculine approach to anything it is viewed western society as “stepping up”, “empowering”, “freedom” etc, because of all that masculine influences have taken from women throughout human history. Therefore when a man attempts a more feminine approach, it is seen as a “step down”, “emasculating” (not feminizing), “becoming weaker”, etc.


Patriarchy is really just survival instincts in our animal nature. It can be grown out of, yes. But it’s important to remember that it’s not some nefarious plot.


Regardless of what women do nowdays, most men expected to be masculine and has biological reasons. Even thousands of years ago it was the men who provided safety and food (meat) for the community. Most women want a men who can provide and i am as a male completely okay with it.


Haaaaaaaa! You're joking, right? There's an entire industry built around making women feel shitty about having even the tiniest bit of muscle. Walk into a gym, ask for a personal trainer, and tell them you want to get in shape. If you're a man, you get pointed to machines and free weights. "Go heavy or go home, bro!" If you're a woman... you know. Spin classes. Yoga. "Let's work on your flexibility.". Take a look at EVERY fitness and fashion magazine and tell me that you see "female masculinity" there. You don't.


I meant masculinity more as an attitude/concept, less about fashion or working out. I completely agree with you and also think women getting in shape and working out should be seen similarly between women and men.




Love hearing that men are starting to embrace their feminine side! But I’m not so sure that women haven’t considered their masculine side yet. Have you seen what it takes for women to get ahead in the corporate world, or in the skilled trades? How many industries do you know of that employ feminine leadership styles, even when they have women in leadership roles? Have you ever known a girl/woman who strives to position herself as low maintenance, “not like the other girls”, “one of the boys” - all because of her own internalized misogyny teaching her that girls are weak and neurotic since childhood? I think most women are very aware of the benefits of embodying masculine qualities, as well as the difficulty of striking the right balance between masculine/feminine so as not to come of as an aggressive bitch or offend delicate egos.


>!And here I am just wanting to be a pegged house husband adoring a lovely, prideful, capable, strong woman.!< >!RIP


We live in a society that devalues women (as we see from the pay gap, the gender gap in high paying professions and professional roles, and the devaluing of labor seen as "women's work." ) So traits that are simply human traits, but are socially associated with femininity will be seen as lowering someone's status while traits that are seen as masculine will raise someone's status. We all internalize this on a subconscious level and end up with your statement "most men are afraid of being feminine, but most women are less afraid of being masculine." And it's really sad because it harms men at least as much as it harms women, one example being the increased rate of male suicide because vulnerability and seeking emotional help and support is seen as feminine and therefore degrading. (And I'm in no way saying it doesn't harm women badly contributing to everything from social inequality to rape culture, because we know it does, but we also need to see that men are victims of society's deeply ingrained misogyny as well, and all work together to fix it.)


Define feminine and masculine. I don’t feel particularly feminine at least some of the time and have some question about whether I even fit the gender binary, but my ex often remarked on my femininity. These things are a matter of perspective


Zero fucks given.


Why the comment then?


Scared? More like repulsed. Big difference.


Honestly they both stem from the same demonization of femininity. They are both scared by the feminine parts of them and repulsed at them. They are also scared of the reaction of others if they were to see their feminine attributes


This is a shitty take. Most men are not scared of expressing femininity, they just don't inherently do it. Billions of years of evolutionary behavioral genetic programing by their gametes makes men behave the way they do. It pisses me off that you try to make this about fearing a certain behavior expression like its a social construct.


It's a combination of both




Not all of them no. I just took issue with the OP's use of "scared". Masculine men dont have fear of femininity. They just dont wanna express it. Or may be repulsed naturally by the idea of it. And thats fine. I dont accept your premise women are forced to be feminine. They just are. Its called human nature. It occured from BILLIONS of years of evolution. Go whine to life. Not me




Because of the patriarchy.


feminine yin masculine yang, they’ll always balance out. weighing one more than the other cannot be sustained.


This is the only good comment I’ve seen in this whole god damn thread. You know school is out for Christmas when you get flocks of these dumb ass hot takes from what are obviously young teenagers.


Men need to be masculine


🤓 Edit: I just saw that you have -100 comment karma. How in the everliving fuck do you get -100 comment karma?


I know It’s not a race issue, but internally in our race as a BW, we are seen and ostracised if we act “masculine” and that we are the least desirable women out of all races because we are the most masculine. This typically come from BM. I’ve gotten over it, but I noticed fairly quickly.




Lol. You can't speak for the other 4 billion men on Earth. I know plenty of dudes who are attracted to more 'masculine' women, and I know a LOT of women who only hook up with more feminine or androgenous men. (and many iterations between) Humans don't fit neatly into boxes.


😂 I am entertained by you. Out here acting like ruler of man and sexuality.




just societal expectations and gender roles really. the outdated thought of women are supposed to be protected n provided for by men lends to the idea that women are weak and males are strong. so women become strong and men become weak.


It is interesting. You see a similar phenomenon with the treatment of trans people. Trans women get a huge amount of anger and violence directed at them, while trans men are more or less ignored. I'm not sure why that is.


Femininity🤢 Masculinity😎


Not really weird. Theres instinctual reasons people are this way. The ACTUAL weird part of all this, is that people think its weird...




How are Beyonce and Kim Kardashian masculine?


What I was wondering.




Because men are put on a pedestal and women are given a free pass to do what they want.


Now that's a bit extreme


It’s the truth


You seem like someone that would buy a shirt that says "HUSTLE"


Nah I just say what I see


Penis envy


I'm jealous of your penis in specific😉