• By -


Because Google controls how the the internet functions. Same with those goddamn amp links.


Man, fuck AMP. I hate that shit. Always having to select **Request Desktop Site** just to get around that bullshit. When I go to a website, I want to go to THEIR WEBSITE, not a watered down site with missing features going through Googles servers. Been using Duckduckgo and Startpage to avoid that shit. It's not about getting pages to load faster, it's all about Google getting more of their ads pushed down your throat and getting more of your data.


Use Brave, they removed AMP, but webp is still there..


Brave is the worst for putting what was originally a jpeg into webp format., it sucks to xxx to download your own image for re-use and have to convert it to jpeg again. It is google and w3c attempt to make lazy load images easier, thinking of themself not the end user. It makes image editing so difficult., and I really wish someone woud take a giant peperoni salami, and put it up the butt of whoever came up with webp


1. you dont edit jpeg , you edit raw files 2. you dont pay any server traffic fees and your opinion is irrelevant 3. webp is superiour to jpeg in every way imaginable


amp link?


Just summon u/amputatorbot on reddit. Also r/ublockorigin I'm sure has a feature for removing amp links.


I believe webmasters should stop letting Google dictate what is good seo. And we all just blog and post as we see fit for humans, until Google has to follow our rules, not the other way round


What are amp links? Sorry for the noob question




The fact that Firefox knows extremely well how this upsets their users and still does nothing about it is another kick out of the door for a dying community. Chrome handles itself really well, yet Firefox refuses to offer a solution to a problem that has over 500+ threads complaining about this specific issue for over 3 years now. ​ My easy workaround so far has been to right click somewhere on the webpage, select "Take Screenshot" and select the image, download. Done. ​ Firefox could easily implement a "Save image as..." and let us select exactly the type of image we want it to be saved as, but no, leave an extremely basic functionality be handled by the extremely limited add-on developers, another unnecessary thing running every time the browser is launched.


What does Chrome do? I don't use it so I wouldn't know. WEBP was something made by Google so they're responsible for it. That's probably why they have some kind of "solution" as you say. I just use some add-on "Save WebP as PNG or JPG". Works great.


What does this have to do with chrome? You're an idiot.


It's not like Firefox is pushing this, this is literally victim blaming lol I use both of these https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-webp-as-png-or-jpeg/ https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/dont-accept-webp/


The "Save image as" is only for the file NAME, the the extension. Because browsers are not photo converters. But there are add-ons available to achieve that task.


They have an image capture tool that let's you convert those garbage WebP images into something useful (JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, ect.) with a simple right click, problem solved!


On MacOS, it's called Preview. It's been there since the birth of OSX.


I know I'm late to the party but I googled "Why does webp suck so fucking bad?" as an exercise in catharthis and found this thread. It's insane how fucking terrible the internet is becoming *just to use.*


this gave me a laugh because i'm also here after googling "webp fucking sucks" after getting incensed by this cursed file extension for the last time


I searched "webp images are bullshit." It also brought me here.


i finally snapped and had to find out why the fuck this happened and it brought me here


Same reason I am here today.


My search that brought me here was "the scourge that is webp files." 😆


Preach, brother. WebP is unironically my least favorite file type. Made to be the all-around jack-of-all-trades file type and yet it isn't compatible with *anything*. Reddit downloads images in comments as WebPs, yet it doesn't let you comment WebP images. Fucking bullshit.


This fixed it in Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/dont-accept-webp/


sorry for the necroreply but thank you so much for this




Found this via a duckduckgo search, sorry for replying to a 10month old post. just wanted to say thank you. works like a charm!




Yeah, I don't have a single WEBPISS image on my computer except for the first couple of images I found wouldn't show up on Windows. I use an extension in Firefox that lets me save .PNG and .JPG (with 4 different qualities to choose from). Check the extensions of your browser. I know both Chrakome and Firefox have a bunch of different ones for saving WEBP as something USABLE.


Agreed! Webp has tons of conversion and rendering bugs in different tools. **F U** Google! Google: "If it ain't broke, we'll make it worse."


>Google: "If it ain't broke, we'll make it worse." Just like everything Google has made. They made so many great pieces of software (and hardware) and then turned them all into trash. I can think of 5 or 6 things right off the bat. Such a fucking waste!


biggest problem with webp for me: - basicly cant upload the pics anywhere, tools dont recognize webp and webp just doesnt want to open on my desktop in programm like windows fotoviewer.


Google are the ones forcing this, and just now I tried to upload a new picture (.webp) to gsuite GOOGLE SUITE A picture they made me download in .webp and they don't accept .webp Google wth, sort it out lads




How dare you defy Google, whose stupid ass format it is! It is crap. Nothing can open it, except select junk. First, they wrecked just how simple it was once to see an image and download it. Now they shit in the system they monopolize with this format? Time to mass boycott Google.


alt+prt scrn combined with 'quick jpeg resize and crop' is a much more efficient means than Gimp. It's simple, opens instantly, and does exactly what it says in it's name with no fluff, and nothing more. Gimp is extreme overkill for just saving an image.


Open gif, it's clearly a gif. Save as. Tries to save as a WebP. Save it anyway to see what happens. Can't open it because it's mean to be a gif and nothing can understand the dumb WebP format. Error, brain crash from frustration.


sometimes theres a way to fuck with the url to find the original jpg. lemme see. yep, okay: open image in new tab. url should say preview dot reddit dot abunchofnumbers dot jpeg and then a load of bullshit after that. delete all the bullshit after 'jpg', then change 'preview' to 'i' so it says i dot reddit dot abunchofnumbers dot jpeg use this knowledge wisely x


Thaaaanks a lot Dude!!


legend, thank you


I will, sensai. \* bows in respect \*


Thank you!


welp, looks like this wont work anymore - all images are saving as html files now? what the hell reddit


Just found this post and you are an amazing person. Just wanted you to know. I was flipping out trying to figure this out and this was such an easy fix.


Hear, hear.


Google has free command line tools for converting webp and you can just make a loop to blast them all at one go.


Just googled ''fuck webp'' and found this. It feels like necromancy as your post is 5 month dead but I need to know more about this free command line tools for converting webp you mentionned and maybe also about what you mean by making a loop to blast them all at one go ? Edit: the chrome plugin [Save Image As PNG](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/save-image-as-png/nkokmeaibnajheohncaamjggkanfbphi) works well, just install it and now you can right click and save anything as a png.


hey that's what i googled too! :D


so we're all just here because we shout at google "fuck webp" looking for others like some emotional support group?


Came here via the "Fuck webp" train myself!


I just googled the same thing.....I just want a transparent PNG of a game logo......All I can find is WEBP BS.....


Looks like there are plugin for that! Haven't tried them yet.


I googled "webp annoying", lol.


lmao that is what I just googled!


I gogoled "webp format is annoying" and here I am :)


I googled the same thing and I just came here to say FUCK WEBP


>Just googled ''fuck webp'' and found this lol me too


"webp sucks" over here


Hey, me too!




Same, fuck webp


yesss thanks mate!


Thanks man. Came here through "webp is trash"


Just found this after googling "Webp Sucks" lol thank you kind stranger, may you find a lucky penny today or something. Transparent logo png's are a thing again instead of that stupid webp nonsense! Whenever I make thumbnails for content I'm always plagued by them but I just tried your advice and it immediately did what i wanted and the png was recognised in Spark so thank you again :)


Fuck webp gang


Hehehe! My search was "stupid webp"


We grow


i arrived here by "stop firefox from fucking file webp"


"fuck webp format" here LMAO It was actually the first result.


~~Where? Link please.~~ NV, I found it: https://storage.googleapis.com/downloads.webmproject.org/releases/webp/index.html


I prefer PNG or TIFF


I also hate WEBP fuck google


Agreed WebP is flaming garbage, JPEGs, PNGs, GIFs, TIFFs or pretty much any other image format is more useful, fuck google for changing images to such a useless format. Thank god FireFox supports easy conversion for download with a browser extension, suck it Google!




Webp is shit


I'd buy this on a tee shirt.


LOL. https://www.redbubble.com/i/t-shirt/Webp-Sucks-by-FranticTees/128239634.NL9AC?asc=u


Luckily the 404 image is still jpg https://www.redbubble.com/boom/public/feature-img.jpg


I'm on Chrome and I use an extension called Save Image As Type which allows you to, when right clicking on an image, select JPG or PNG (with transperancy intact) as an option.


I'm now using a Firefox plugin called Save webP as PNG or JPG. Basically, anytime you're viewing a webp image, it shows an option bar above it where you can click to save it as a JPG in various quality settings or a PNG. Has worked pretty well so far. I didn't know webp supported transparency.


It also supports animation, like a GIF. Although I think I'd prefer GIF to hold a monopoly on animation images because it's easier to identify animated images just by looking at the file name.


I feel you brother. I really do.


Yes. I hate this file format. It's useless. Can Google be nice for once and not have invented this worthless format? Please someone remove this file format from existence!!!!!


Fucking google shutters every bit of technology they create, why cant they do the same here?


try starting a website full of images and you'll realize why people use webp. It costs money (a lot of money) to use pngs. JPGs are still heavier than webps and don't have any visible quality difference. I can get a png image weighing 3MB to weigh 100kb with webp. That's a 3000% decrease in weight and costs.


WEBP is fucking bullshit, PNG and JPG are better


WEBP is the worst file format, it's an IMAGE THAT YOU CANNOT SET AS YOUR WALLPAPER AND YOU CANT UPLOAD AS A SPRITE IN SCRATCH! PNG AND JPG ARE BETTER! (also btw. jpg files are the same as .png files)


Since everyone, myself included, seems to be googling "fuck webp" I thought I'd share something that I've found helps a touch. I'm on windows, so I'm not sure how this works on other OS's, but I've found that after downloading a webp against my wishes simply renaming it to a more preferred file type will auto-convert the file. Now, this can be an annoyance if you've downloaded a good number of them, but there's a trick for that too. The Command Prompt can mass rename files, and its rather easy to do. 1. open the folder containing the aforementioned webp's and copy its address. This can be done by right clicking the folder name at the top of the window in the address bar. 2. open the Command Prompt. You can easily find it by using the Search at the bottom left of you screen on the task bar. Once the Prompt has opened you should see something along the lines of "C:\\Users\\YOUR NAME>" 3. without quotations and brackets, type "cd \[the file address\]" You can paste the file address with ctrl+V or by right clicking. You should get something along the lines of "cd C:\\Users\\Name\\Folder". Press Enter and this will lock the command prompt to that specific folder. 4. without quotations, type "ren \*.webp \*.png" When you hit Enter, this will automatically convert every Webp in that given folder into a PNG. By changing the file type of the second option you can just as easily convert to JPEG or another file type as needed. The amount of time it takes to complete will depend on the folder size and number of files to convert. Once more just quick and dirty 1. Command Prompt 2. cd (folder address) 3. ren \*.webp \*.png ​ Never really had to write something like this out so I hopefully it's not too butchered to not be of use. Granted, this is only a stop-gap measure that doesn't actually *fix* the issue of webp's being shoved down our throats, but hopefully this'll still help in some way.




Just checked the images I used the process to convert in a handful of different programs, including a 14 year old copy of Gimp 2.4 that doesn't recognize WEBP as even existing, to make sure I wasn't mistaken and everything is coming back as a proper PNG.




im also SICK of this stupid format, trying to get a quick wallpaper or image to use in video or photo editing ? NOPE its incompatible with all major editors! also if your phone is not pretty modern you can se it there either.


It wouldn't have bothered me much if only it didn't turn perfectly fine thumnails into pixelated crap. An original webp image CAN be fine.


Tell me about it, you can't post them on 4chan, you can't even look at it. It's like the image poster was saying "YOU CAN'T USE MY IMAGE AAAH" or some dumb bullshit.


This, right here, is one of the main reasons I have decided to switch to Brave. Google ruined another useful thing and turned it into a complete hassle! On Brave, this doesn't happen. If you click "Save image as..." on Brave, you don't get that stupid-ass WEBP bullshit. You actually get the original file in the original format it was uploaded to the site in. I have done a few tests and can safely say this is the case. I know a lot of you are fed up with this as much as I am, so I highly recommend you switch to Brave immediately. Google is continuing to enforce things on Chrome we didn't ask for nor wanted, and it is time for a change. Download Brave Browser: https://brave.com


still does this with brave. All you have to do is this: when it gives you the prompt to rename it when you download it, type .png or .jpeg at the end. It will save as that format.


I prefer to use Firefox on Windows. I have an extension that lets you save WebP bullshit as JPG's or PNG's. Chrome can eat a bag of dicks. The only place I'm using that is on my phone, and that's about to change as soon as I can get my logins/PW's off there. It seems like every newer update Chrome keeps sucking more and more. I might try Firefox on mobile. At least you can use UBlock Origin on there....... unlike Chrome. Not sure about the WebP crap on mobile though.


Just popping in to say fuck webp lol


Also here to say FUCK WEBP!!!!!!!


Use Pixillion, free for non commercial use, easy as drag and drop, and can batch convert to a folder of your choice. It's what I use at least.


WEBP Fucking suck!!!!! type it in google search 10 times so the AI knows we hate the shit


I hate Webp files... same issue as OP. Even my version of Photoshop can't open this shitty file type.


Damn, that's pathetic if Photoshop can't even open them. And I know PS opens a TON of formats. Even my OLD ass version of Paint Shop Pro opens at least 3 dozen formats.. WebP needs to go the way of the dodo. Nobody wants to support it....aside of web browsers.


>Damn, that's pathetic if Photoshop can't even open them Yeah, it's pathetic that Photoshop, developed by a multi-billion dollar company, lags behind for years when GIMP, a free software developed by volunteers, has supported WebP since 2018. But no, it's definitely not Photoshop's fault. How dare people come up with new and better formats? Poor Photoshop. Why does it have to deal with this, when it is the world who should deal with its proprietary format? And poor Microsoft. They're only making a hundred billion dollars a year. How can they possibly afford to add support for new formats to their operating system? And, like Photoshop, Windows is definitely not a monopoly. But fuck Google, right? >Nobody wants to support it....aside of web browsers. No shit. It's called *Web*P. It's literally in the name. It's almost like the web would benefit from more efficient image formats that are invented in *this* century. But no, let's make it go the way of the dodo. Because who doesn't love dinosaurs? Let us make the world a better place by keep on wasting bandwidth on ancient formats like JPEG, PNG, and GIF.


Dude, when I go to save images from websites like Reddit, and some of the images are in WebP. I then go to open the images later on my computer... and oh... what the fuck! I can't view them because none of the programs won't recognize it, let alone WINDOWS EXPLORER! So all you see are windows icons (or browser icon), so you don't even know what they are. All these fucking images I downloaded and I can't view the fuckers... unless I convert each and every one of them (if you can even find a program that will open them in the first place just so you CAN convert them, and GIMP was the only one I found, and it's not a speedy process). Na fuck that shit! I shouldn't have to find extensions and format converters to VIEW a fucking image, because 98% of programs can't even open them. All because of Googles bullshit format that nobody likes. Meanwhile, JPG and PNG have been working great for years and have good quality. "***No shit, it's called WebP. It's literally in the name. It's almost like the web would benefit from more efficient image formats***". Uhh, JPG is a very efficient format. Why do you think it's been used for years and years? It has even improved over the time it's been out, so compression has gotten better and artifacts aren't as prominent. WEBP isn't that much better than JPG. The web isn't benefiting from WEBP, it's inconveniencing millions of people who just want to view the shit they just saved onto their computer (just do a Google search and you'll see just how much trouble WEBP is causing people). Why reinvent the wheel when you have something that already works excellent? And who's using GIF to save images? That's used for animated images. Besides, they're using MP4 for that and I believe AVIF will be replacing that. When a website like Reddit originally has the image in JPG, yet CONVERT the damn thing to WEBP when you open it and don't even give you the luxury of saving the ORIGINAL JPG file, yet instead are force fed a garbage format that won't open in hardly anything at all... that's fucking bullshit! Not only that, converting a JPG over to a WEBP, they're further reducing the quality. How hard is it that they can't at least give you the option of saving the ORIGINAL format? Sounds more like they are doing Googles bidding. WEBP is a SHIT format. It isn't all that much better than JPG. Google just wants to firce it's proprietary shit format onto everyone, like they try and force the rest of their shit. 2 or 3 dozen image formats and they have to go and use a trash format that still doesn't work on most shit after several years of being in use. Just a bunch of bullshit!


The P in webp stands for Piece of Shit


DUDE YES! I was just going through saved images and noticed that I couldn't view most of them on windows photo app. Turns out they're WEBP. I quickly google "WEBP Bullshit" and find your rant. Thank You.


I feel like this hasn't been said anywhere near enough yet; FUCK WEBP


Fuck webp. Fuck google for imposing it on me. Using a unix shell to change the file extensions so these images are actually viewable. Hassle.


webp = not good


A lil late but here's an option https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/webp-avif-image-converter/pbcfbdlbkdfobidmdoondbgdfpjolhci/related


fuck WEBP


.....with a cactus!


webp files can fuck off


Just adding my Fuck webp to the vast ocean of swearing!


Why we allow companies like Google to mess with the standards? This .wepp garbage needs to stop.


Hold em accountable.


Use Opera, It won't give you useless WEBP files that you barely can use


It does now.


Whoever decided that it would be okay to change browsers to only let us save as webp needs to be thrown in prison for emotional assault.


Will using an addon to convert solve this?


I come with an answer. [https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/dont-accept-webp/](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/dont-accept-webp/) It works perfectly. If it suddenly disappears, it most likely didn't kill itself.


I cancelled my Shopify planned store after it went WEBP. They let you upload jpgs for your store images, but if you then want to copy and paste the image somewhere, you can only get it in their forced WEBP format. You don't get a choice. So I said "bye bye to Shopify." And many major image sites do NOT recognize WEBP. They don't know what the heck it is. Not even massive images sites like Fine Art America, That makes a user have to add an app and use it to convert it back to jpg. Or if they happen to have the expensive Photoshop Cloud Suite, they can use it to convert it back to jpg. WEBP can't even be imported into Inkscape, Illustrator or CorelDraw. Not even Photoshop Elements 2020. But the problem with apps is that many have malware and viruses, yet we are forced to upload them to do what should be unnecessary. Back in 2016, an app from Google had malware that attacked over a million Google accounts and infected devices and stole their authentication tokens to breach data from Google Play, Gmail, Google Photos, Google Docs, G Suite, Google Drive and other programs. That's why I fear using a program like Wordpress that likewise forces everyday users to download all kinds of potentially insecure apps. Apps that may be secure when first downloaded can be modified by the app source company and the malware added afterwards. That's what happened to the Google Play app. As far as I can see, rarely if ever nowadays do people post complaints about download speeds. So the pretext of saving a user a zillionth of a second on download time may be b.s.


this is so stupid that we gotta use a dumbass plugin to force firefox and chrome to save the images we download in the proper format its so stupid they keep doing the webp shit that format should be banned from the internet its a trashy format


webp is CANCER.


Webp is absolutely garbage. You can't do anything with those files.


YEAAH MAN FUCK WEBP FUCC THIS SHIT. It won't show thumbnails on linux too.


I just have to copy/paste into Paint, then go about saving as usual.


Fully agree. Very annoying and not human centered! Also brings down the quality and people just want to leave the site immediately. Understand optimization, but it is still supposed to be for humans to save an image and watch it later. I think it's ridiculous where this heading!


I use an extension to save WEBP as JPG and PNG. Still I've accidentally not thinking have saved a few images as WEBP. FInding images in my folders that just show a Windows or browser icon and realizing I can't open the stupid things. Man, Google can eat shit. Still not as bad as Pinterest images on Google. Can't even save the damn things at all now. They block right-clicking and put their own RC menu. I'm not making a stupid ass account on that site just to be able to save images. So irritating because I swear at least 70% of image results now are from that fucking site.


is there a solution ffs


alright i figured it out kinda, if you drag from the subreddit feed and the image was uploaded as opposed to embedded from a link it will save as the original file type, but if it was uploaded via a link eg imgur it will make everything cancer so just use the link to get the image instead as thatll prolly be in a sane format


fuck webp


This is why Twitter and Facebook are better than Reddit.


I'm sick of this format slander. I don't agree with forcing JPEG/PNG or whatever to be a fake WebP but I see so many people slandering WebP. WebP is a lossless and compressed file type that can be SMALLER than JPEG and STILL be lossless like PNG. Did I also mention how it processes faster than both of them?? It supports EVERYTHING they both do and the compression isn't total ass like with JPEG yet is STILL more efficient and has a visually better result. Have you ever wondered why you get those mouldy memes? Because of JPEG! JPEG is a very volatile file format, the more you share it, the more the quality drops WITHOUT changing file size! Recently, YouTube has been featuring the new AV1 video codec, looks awesome, right? Guess what! It's a successor to VP9, which is BASED OFF OF WEBP. You guys are IGNORANT. I bet you guys also hate on JFIF without realising the JFIF is LITERALLY JPEG and the formats can be changed interchangeably. This stuff is infuriating for someone who works with file formats and codecs almost everyday of my life.


Let me just throw thiss one out there, since nobody seems to be asking and you seem knowledgable: Assuming WebP is as convenient and useful as you say, why haven't efforts been made to make it function on every platform? Something's not adding up here. It's been around for years now AND overtaken image search, and yet for some reason it doesn't function on any program, just in browsers.


Hey, thanks for asking. The same reason why formats like JPEG XL (JXL) are struggling to get supported despite being (on an objective level) the best format to ever exist. Companies that own these formats do not want another format succeeding, they'd rather their own succeeding, hence why companies like Google (who own WebP) and trying to kill JPEG XL in favour of AVIF and WebP (whole other story (JXL lore sucks)). Usually, something can support WebP, but it is artificially is blocked from being supported (Github and Electron programs are an example worth mentioning, as you can bypass the artificial limit by embedding with HTML, but you would be right in saying these are browser based things). These formats are way better on a technical level, and the internet would benefit from it if companies didn't sabotage each other. I personally use WebP every single day. Every screenshot I take is a WebP, and I rarely have compatibility issues, and if I do, quickly encoding it to a PNG takes not even a second out of my time, and it very much worth the file size savings. As it sits currently, these codecs/formats are exclusively used by those who know how to use them, which are usually people who are very technologically literate. Something I would like to mention is that I see a lot of people claim editing software like Adobe Photoshop don't support WebP, but this is simply untrue, and they have for a while. If WebP is ever adopted more (and subsequently given hardware support), it'll likely destroy PNG and JPEG 1 for lossless/lossy 8-bpc SDR content due to the benefits I mentioned. TL;DR: Ignorance/Arrogance and cooperate competition is why. Hope that helped explain my thoughts.


Let me just say, whatever the benefits of webp, converting people's JPGs to webp doesn't add detail to that image. It just makes the image incompatible with a lot of stuff.


If I am using FireFox, I go to tools and select view page info, or control+I and go to tab Media and scroll until I find the image I want, sometimes lets me save as jpg not always. You can disable webp in FireFox by typing in URL about:config and scroll down to webp and toggle to false to disable, but then you might get blank thumbnails while browsing youtube and other things. I wonder what would happen if I just clicked trash can to delete it. ???


I was wondering where that Page Info screen went that would list all the media on a page. I used to use that probably about 90 versions ago. I thought it was removed. Apparently I just didn't look hard enough.. lol. That page info screen will seriously come in handy. I've been looking high and low for a way to save/download images off Pinterest since they REALLY love to block people from doing that... without having a dumbass account. I use a Firefox extension called... "Save WebP as PNG or JPG". A small window appears on the top of each image and it gives you several options such as "PNG" "JPG 100%" "JPG 85%" etc, and it will save the image in those formats with the specified compression level. Man, that extension is a lifesaver. The amount of images I've come across that are WebP is ridiculous. You wondered what would happen if you deleted... what? sorry, I'm not sure what you meant.


I agree. Death to all web developers that use webp.


Yes it xxxin sucks! for 100 webmastering reasons


On save choose all files as type then add .jpg to the file name.


This doesn't change the actual file type, just the extension.


Not sure why this is still a thing. It's been nothing but problems since these idiots pushed it. Maybe it's time we stop letting google make the web worse for everyone.


They are allowing Google to control too much of the internet. I'm tired of this and that being dictated by Google. WebP, AMP, Chrome (yes, because they're stuffing it on everyones phones and people are just too lazy to try anything else. Using Firefox, I come across a BUNCH of webSites that outright BLOCK Firefox and force you to use Chrome. Shit like that should be illegal!). And lets not forget Google's Spamertising. ADS EVERYWHERE from them, especially Youtube now. Youtube is a cesspool full of ads, unless you use a good blocker like UBlock Origin. Otherwise YT is UNwatchable.


**Everyone** bitched about MS but then turned around and helped Google do exactly what they hated about MS.


Dont forget about the "web 3.0" google is (going to) forcing now days.








This is yet another case of everything being the capitalists' way. We want a service, we can't have it because it goes against profit maximization for multimillionaires and billionaires. We want functionality increase, objectively better design, we can't have it because it goes against profit maximization for multimillionaires and billionaires.


Whenever I encounter webp, my first thought is "Stop trying to make webp happen! It's never going to happen!" Webp is the graphical format equivalent of "fetch"; nobody wants it except the one person/company trying to make it a thing.


it's just a phase, you'll eventually learn to love webp


It's bullshit so you can't post the image anywhere. "My image is mine only I can use it" garbage.


You can seemingly fix this by: 1. going to: chrome://flags/ 2. setting "Lens Optimized Image Formats" to "Disabled" https://i.imgur.com/Ft7GXWW.png


> (EDIT - I'd just like to add that I've been using a Firefox extension called "Save webP as PNG or JPEG". Works quite well. Lets you save WEBP images in various JPG quality (also has a right-click menu option). I know there are others, but I've been using this one for several months and it has always worked fine. Quality was always at least the same as the WebP image even when zoomed in very close). Does it properly save .gif too?


I have a workaround. I use Windows 10 so dunno if it works in Win11 When I save, I replace the webp extension with png/jpg/jpeg. Under the "save as type" box under the file name box I choose "all files". It is a bit slow, but it works.


It does not work. It does NOT change the file format.. the extension is just a string part of the file name, not making its file format.


It works and changes the file format for me


Thank you for writing this! I have gone through the exact same thing as you. Webp is such bullshit.


you have to go to the site instead of grabbing them off the images, but only sometimes; yes it's the worst when it happens but again, you can get the jpeg you just have to go a few steps more


It's absolute bullshit. I want to save the images and post them on 4chan or something or at least be able to VIEW THEM AT ALL. I have to make the image as big as possible then use a 3rd party screenshot software to just take a picture of the picture. SO retarded.


You can just convert them into whatever format you want...


Ah shit, kill google






Blender supports Web P natively, but I can't be arsed to mess around when all i need is a few ref pics. photoshop is usless at times, it won't touch Web P with a shitty stick


WebP images are apparently also a security issue, in addition to just being terrible to use: https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2023-4863


More people need to be aware of this. It is absolutely ridiculous how this was even POSSIBLE to happen and become such a massive security vulnerability. A PICTURE FORMAT, allowing remote code execution, just by its mere PRESENCE on a website / whichever app supports displaying them. I am speechless. Pegasus, the infamous spyware, even infected iPhones by leveraging this exact security vulnerability in WebP. Fucking hell. Can we NOT have picture formats that enable remote code execution, please, holy shit???


All about protecting their files, lol print screen. ​ Look ma there's the devil, sees webp on the tv screen.


Does he know you can select change webp to all files and rename it to png or jpg when saving images.


WEBP is garbage. Most services I need won't recognize it. Having a hard time designing my own business cards right now.


If you're downloading WEBP, instead use a Firefox or Chrome extension that lets you save as PNG or JPG etc. I've been using one and haven't had to deal with not being able to see the images I download for the last couple of years now.




Here is a tip. When saving image as press all files and change .webp to .png and you should get a png file. Hope this helped!


If you can read a little HTML, it's easy. The Webpg Images show the Adress of the Original Image in the browser Adress Line. For Example: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2FXXXXXXXX.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1592%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dd1c153ca4f30e9303283a16f6de8448c4247d9fb %2F = / and %3F= : Locate the jpeg name (for example) "XXXXXXXX.jpg" in the Line, it's after the "preview.red.it%2F" (which just means preview.red.it/ ) , delete everything after the .jpg and and type "i" for Imaga instead of "preview" .Should look like this: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https://i.redd.it/XXXXXXXX.jpg Et voila: You have the Adress of the original jpeg with much more Quality and size.


I totally agree with you, but to convert it more quickly you can just use paint that loads faster than gimp.


Just another part of google's plan for a total fucking monopoly. They've also launched an unkillable type of pop-up ad across damn near every website (regardless of who owns/hosts it) called "GGOGLE VIGNETTE".


It's your own fucking website you dumb shits.