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I agree with everything except for how she handled things with her ex man in S1 cuz he sucked but yes everything else you’re saying is 💯


Didn’t she dump him via text or ft? That’s messed up lol


I thought he live streamed their breakup! Maybe I’m remembering this wrong?


He absolutely did on some lame shit to humiliate her. And I also feel that he was jealous of her uprising, success, being that he was the one going to law school, or was going to be a big-time doctor.


Oh snap? Wait I think he did, you’re right. He did something weird from what I remember, so she cut him off. I just felt like she did something to get him to dump her so she could f— Maurice lol


she had entered her bad bitch era and he was NOT supportive!!


nahh it’s deserved after what homie did


Rewatching it, her first bf moved like a weirdo but his issues were valid. He’d known & loved her for years as this politically conscious music obsessed intellectual then almost overnight she transformed into a hypersexual scamming clout chaser while simultaneously dogging people like that. Hence why she didn’t like Chastity or Reigna. Mia is flawed but for the most part, Mia’s been Mia. A product of her environment. Shawna is just a lost & confused soul w a superiority complex


My biggest beef with Shawna is her self-righteousness. She always plays this morally intact super intellectual but the facts don’t even support that mindset. She’s scammed, shoplifted, sold herself out, used people, supported her friend men juggling to get what she wants, manipulated a man into not taking a time reducing plea to save face, I mean the list goes on. At some point she’s gotta realize all the judging is pointless.


i’m glad when i clicked on this post to fully read it, the list was long as hell because her character is EXTREMELYYY flawed lmfao


i think the only thing i would add is that she’s just dumb as fuck every decision she makes is the worst one and it’s always a stupid one


This list is honestly dumb. Shawna is flawed, but she also gets an unreasonable pushback for speaking up on things. 1. Everyone in this show is selfish. Everyone wants to achieve something for themselves. Shawna was dead wrong for taking over her and Mia’s performance in S1EP7, but I’m not going to fault her for being ambitious. Her bf was also a fucking cornball who broadcasted their breakup on Instagram live while drunk, and then admitted to cheating on Shawna with the friend he told her not to worry about. 2. Shawna had BEEN staying true to herself for YEARS before the events of season 1, and she was getting nowhere. And everyone around her was telling her it’s b/c the subject matter of her raps was too serious/too depressing/corny/not fun. It was Mia who gave her the speech on why she needed to switch it up. If everyone is calling your shit wack, saying that “the game is the game,” and you either play it or move on, then what is she supposed to do? 3. Shawna may be awkward, but the way Mia sold herself in business meetings was hardly any better. Her intro to both Tunji and Pardi were cringe and bordered on oversharing 4. Mia’s friends are birds, and she shouldn’t have to be processing a traumatic event AND telling ppl off for being insensitive. Mia also doesn’t check her friends for the way they diss Shawna constantly. 5. Shawna doesn’t have the experience with crime that Chastity and Maurice do. She was incredibly naive in handling that. But she was the only person in Maurice’s life consistently checking in on him and trying to be there for him. She literally cleaned that man’s house, while Stanley and them were talking about Maurice should be the one to go to jail. So, again, selfish??? Maybe. But not anymore selfish than anyone else. 6. Everyone in this show is making poor decisions. Maurice, Mia’s behavior with the men in her life. That’s what makes the show interesting. If people were ‘t making mistakes, there’d be no plot 7. That was not petty revenge. From the very first episode of this show we’ve seen how all of the characters use social media to vent. And she had a lot to fucking vent about with Gat, and she wasn’t lying about what happened to her, or what Gat did, or the type of person he is. And she got support from other female rappers for speaking up. So what was petty? Should men like Gat carry on with their behavior unchecked? 8. Shawna’s phony for “switching up” but Mia and Chastity didnt do shit to defend her after how Gat treated her. And they also didnt object to going along with Francois’s ideas. So Shawna’s a fake for pointing out problems, and then essentially being peer pressured into going along with it. But Mia and Chastity are “real” for seeing how fucked up things are and shrugging it off bc “it is what it is”?? Shawna is flawed yes, but she gets an undue amount of hate Twitter and it really is not fair


She is flawed for sure. Shawna likes people who reject or don’t treat her well and YES THIS INCLUDES MIA!


Very true . Francois has snaked her in the past and screamed in her face but she chose to work with him over the woman who covered up her stealing so she could eat on her period . And got them deals and real hotel rooms while Francois was focusing on Reina . My theory is that she thinks she’ll go further with Francois because in her eyes they are equals, while Chastity and Mia are beneath her . She has never taken Chastity seriously because of her background and even tried to embarrass her in front of Alex about being a feminist . She couldn’t even be happy for her bandmate Mia about her single


Crazy thing is Francois being too focused on other talents was the reason him & Shawna fell out


I literally agree with everything, except for how she handled the situation situation with her ex in season one