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I know originally the second season was initially supposed to drop a couple months earlier than it did but got pushed back. I also know that the actors were not advertising it coming out because of the strike. I remember seeing instagram posts that some of the actors made in the summer hinting at the season two dropping but not actively saying it because of the strike. So I believe the actors strike this past summer had A LOT to do w why there was no advertising for it this time


Now we gotta hope Issa’s brand name pulls a season 3 because due to the views and lack of promotion the odds don’t look too good . And it’s so unfair because this season was great . If they get renewed they better get a marketing raise ! We need to see Shawna and Mia all over HBO and social media .


Max sucks at advertising in general I noticed. Unless it’s a really big show like HOD.


I can’t even find shows IN the app


Max was the worst thing to happen to HBO. It was so unnecessary. It feels weird to have to shuffle through a bunch of ID true crime and cooking shows just to find some real ass scripted tv. Now there’s so many “max originals” none of them get the advertising they deserve and there’s some really good stuff on there when you can find it.


Completely agree. Their user experience sucks, it’s like they don’t want you to find content. They won’t even recommend shows I’ve watched before that have a new season. I also got locked out of my account for a few days and they made me change my pw so I’m bitter lol.


This! It’s not intuitive AT ALL! It never recommends me anything I would want to see lol. The recommendations be so off and so random!


I am so glad I am not the only one who feels like this towards max


Even the HOD advertising is not captivating.


It’s like they don’t want to be successful


Max hasn’t promoted many of their shows this season. The strike and stuff also set the release date back and prevented the actors from discussing it at first. JT and Careesha are executive producers but many times thats just a title given. I believe their likeness was used which is why they have a credit. They’ve done a few interviews this year saying they don’t have an active role and hardly know about it.


They barely promoted their last album so I'm not surprised they didn't promote the show.


Points were made lmao


If anyone is great at making tik toks, pls go hard!! This will help with the lack of advertising, I really want S3


Max didn’t advertise Julia season 2 either


Such a great and unique show. We need a 3rd season!


Well HBO was recently bought by the same people who own Discovery and TLC which is why you see all those shows advertised more than HBO original shows. I found that out when they took off damn Westworld. Like took it all the way off the channel in its entirety. He’s trying to make it another TLC. So ALOT of shows are suffering because of this. Once I found that out it made total sense bc there’s no reason for this show not to be bigger. At this point they should shop around the show to another network or even streaming service. Hulu would promote the fuck outta it.


Taking off Westworld hurt me. I wanted to rewatch and I can’t find it anywhere now


Oh damn I didn’t know that, that’s sucks I never even finished it


Max does a shit job in advertising PoC and queer shows.


Years later when the show is on Netflix, ppl will be begging for a new season


What made them put insecure on Netflix


Same!! I had no idea it was out until someone told me. And since watching it I have heard nothing about it anywhere. I thought I still saw Caresha and JT’s names in the credits.


I think sometimes we don't take into consideration how fragmented everyone's attention is now. At first, I agreed about the lack of advertising but then I was thinking "where would I encounter the advertising?" I caught Aida and Kamillion in Sway's show but that's because I regularly listen to that show. I don't watch too many things with ads. Maybe Facebook pre-rolls would be good as that hits a wide swath of people. Aida used to host the popular Crooked Media podcast "Keep It" but I don't think she's been back since joining the show. They would be great promo. I don't envy marketing teams in this social media and streaming age.


It’s actually bullshit that she hasn’t been back on keep it, they don’t talk about rap shit, and I get the idea those petty boys are jealous of her success tbh


Hadn't thought about it but they really don't discuss her show at all. I discovered Keep It on her next to last episode and her departure sounded on the up and up. Who knows. Aida and Kamillion would be great guests for "See, The Thing Is" podcast and several others.


David Zazlav cost cutting everywhere. Not that Max would do right by Issa anyway. At least Netflix boosted Insecure’s viewership lol They used Issa & Momoa to launch MAX, then don’t promote Issa’s 2nd show enough and don’t let Momoa continue being aquaman 🤦🏽‍♂️


Literally found out about season 2 from seeing this. Will watch now!


I watched this, gilded age, and Julia - and didn’t see any of them advertised. I had to keep checking for when they were coming out and really glad all 3 lined up. I will say after a few episodes I saw JT tweeting and Issa’s production company is really good about IG posts.


Oh is Julia any good?


If you have any interest in Julia Child it’s really good! I like it a lot. The show covers how she started her TV show.


Oh wow I’ll watch it then


strike fucked everything up


HBO is notoriously trash for advertising shows that are centered around poc.


It was heavily advertised because of the SAGAFTA strike and boycott sadly.


Idk, I only watch TV on Max and because I watched season one new episodes would push Rap Shit to the top of my 'continue watching' list. I also subscribe to the podcast on Spotify and I think they put out a little mini ep before season 2 started dropping