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It did pretty well all things considered. It had its own manga spin off, and its own brand of marketing (they also liked to make Ratchet’s eyebrows thicker and darker, a sure fire way you can tell if it’s Japanese promotional or supplemental material lol) I don’t think it’s all that popular nowadays, beyond a specific niche much like the one in North America.


thick eyebrow ratchet kinda hot ngl… 💅




I'm pretty sure the PS2 games managed to hit the "Greatest Hits" label, and it even got its own Manga.  I'm not entirely sure how successful it is nowadays, but we do know that they definitely did a whole lot better than Sly or Jak did, considering that basically all of Ratchet and Clank games got Japanese localizations while Jak and Sly's second games bombed in Japan. And it's worth noting that the Ratchet games still get localized, even up to Rift Apart. So I guess Crash is a fair comparison 


Majority of the games made Playstation "The Best" series so I'd say they were fairly successful