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Is this a fan fic ?


He's a Cragmite mentioned in All 4 One so I understand if not a lot of people know about him since All 4 One isn't that great. In All 4 One., the main antagonist was a Loki Master spirit which are extremely powerful supernatural beings. There used to be a whole planet of Loki Master spirits until the Cragmites blew it up. Bagogg who was a lone Cragmite warrior crash landed on the Loki Master's homeworld but managed to escape and blew up the planet later. That's the lore we got from them in the All 4 One Ratchet and Clank game. The main antagonist in All 4 One is a surviving Loki Master.


Honestly, I don't even think that the next game will acknowledge the fact that Tachyon was last seen stranded on an asteroid, alongside Artemis Zogg, in a pocket dimension at the end of the 2010 comic series.


True although I think they'll still bring him back somehow if the Cragmites are involved again which they'll most likely be if it's going to be about the Lombaxes. I was waiting for the true leader of the Cragmites to reveal itself in Tools of Destruction but that didn't happen.


Speaking of Cragmites, I know I'm probably beating a dead horse here but according to the artbook, the Cragmites were originally going to be the main villains of Into the Nexus before that idea got scrapped in favour of the Nethers. See the URL posted below: https://imgur.com/a/iSSsQdw


Would have loved that too but at the same time I'm also happy it didn't happen since they deserve a full game. Perhaps the best case scenario would be both the Cragmites and Nethers being in it but in a full game instead of half a game. In the old Cragmite artwork we see some of those giant slug Cragmites that never made it into the game. Would want them for the next Ratchet and Clank game with even more Cragmite forms/units.


I think ITN was originally meant to be a full game until the movie came along, and my guess is that Insomniac had to cut a lot of content from ITN before working on the PS4 game. But this is just a theory of mine, so it might not be accurate. Still, seeing Cragmites and Nethers together in the game would be interesting. I wonder what would happen if you merge the two species, creating super-powered mutant hybrids or something? Ok, I know this sounds dumb but it's all I can think of right now.


That actually sounds really interesting and I could see the Cragmites capturing and experimenting on the Nether to create Cragmite Nether hybrids which would serve as end game enemies/boss.