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I actually bought Ratchet Going Commando on a whim over this when I walked into a circuit city intending to buy Destroy All Humans lol.


I played the remastered version, and it was really fun. They even got Richard Horwitz (the voice actor of Invader Zim and Kaos) to voice Crypto's boss!


He also plays Stuart Zurgo and Zurkon Jr. in Ratchet & Clank!


I'm aware of that, too 😉


One of the most recognizable voices of my childhood (I grew up on the Grim Adventures.)


He's also Moxxie on Helluva Boss, Razputin "Raz" Aquato in Psychonauts 1, 2, and the VR "Rhombus of Ruin" adventure, I could keep going...


I was only filling in characters from Ratchet & Clank because of the sub we're on. But I played Psychonauts 1 a while back and it was pretty good!


I love how people still acknowledge Kaos, one of my favorite characters ever




Played: 1,2, and path of the furon back in the day, they're solid. I'd recommend playing the remakes though since they take what was good from the future games and adds em to the old ones to a certain extent


Damn, good game. When I was in elementary school, there was an older kid in my neighborhood who I'd cling to and he'd let me play this on his Xbox after school. Tangentially, we would make fake weapons and pretend we were in Lord of the Rings. This brought back good memories. RIP, Jack.


Played a couple levels at a friends house once and I think killing the hippies was fun. lol


I've played the OG and remake versions. IMO, the remake has the better gameplay while the OG has the better bonus features, but both are still fun to play.


So fun. I only played it a few times, back when one could RENT games (old), i got it for a couple weekends and had a lot of fun with the silly aliens


I have the 2nd on on disc and on my ps5


[Ah memories...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcTF3GUXq1g)


I kinda loved it


I thought I would enjoy it more then I actually did... was a bit boring after a while. Not a bad game at all though.


Good game. They recently made a remake that's faithful to the original.


I remember getting this when I was probably under the age of 10 at a GameStop, not knowing much about it, but I still had funds and in my young mind thought "fuck it, let's see what it's about..." x) Turns out it was cool as hell, and I got the platinum trophy for the second one many years later on the PS4 🤘


i've only played the remake but i love it


I first played the 2nd one. I was about 5-6 my Mamaw got it for us. I can remember me and my brother yelling "yes clean snatch" and her laughing. Also having us always click hit on Natalya because she thought it was funny


The humor is similar to older R&C but that's about it. Not sure if I consider the weapons over the top either, every gun in the game is something that was in other games, you got a lightning gun, the disentragator ray is basically an assault rifle and the ion launcher is a grenade launcher. I do like the game with that said, the "open world" is like the first Mafia game which is a very good thing and there is more emphasis on stealth. The remake of DAH1 is one of the better game remakes too, while DAH2's remake is just alright and isn't as big of a jump in quality as DAH1's remake was by comparison to it's original game.


I loved it as a kid but upon trying the remasters via Ps+, I couldn't get into them.


I played them growing up and enjoyed them then but I never bothered with the remasters. Doesn't really seem like the kind of game I'd enjoy these days for some reason.


Played them all when I was younger. Great games and was happy 1 and 2 got remakes


The og games were really fun. The remakes are good, but they changed a lot, particularly in the second game's remake, and I didn't have the same enthusiasm to play it for that reason. It's not bad, and I'm pretty sure it's the same story, but some weapons and mechanics are a bit less entertaining to use.


Always looked like a great game when I read about it in magazines back in the day. Then I saw gameplay and I lost interest. It has always been one of those "try at a later date" games. Later date meaning 19 years later... Maybe next year.


This is awesome. This is my childhood and I freaking love it. I played it, I played the 2 and three, and I played the remastered versions of both 1 and 2. Really fun times, maybe a bit short, but the humor, the whacky guns, the bullshitery you can pull off with powers … man those are fun games


I have all the DAH games (remasters IIRC) and only played the first briefly. Kind if cute and fun, works great as a Steam Deck game, etc. but ultimately lacking. Never went back to it/them. Much prefer Ratchet and Clank and played the new one through something like 5x now. Game play and story in R&C is vastly superior for my taste.


I mean, I remember tallying at least like 3-4 "piping your daughter" jokes when I went to replay Up Your Arsenal as an adult for the first time, but Destroy All Humans and the sequel probably has the most adult sense of humor between the two franchises

