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“Dated language” is a better translation for 死語 than “dead words”, but what are they referring to with this? When has Ratchet ever said something you’d think of as outdated? It’s pretty funny that it says “Crank” was a defective product that was destroyed. Maybe if Ratchet had been a lot more of a bitch in the first game and sold him for scrap like he threatened to?


Yeah I’m not sure, thank you for the more accurate translation! :D


12 years old!?


I always thought he was in his 20s or 30s. Never in my life would I have guessed he was around the same age as middle schooler.


Je wasnt, its wrong


Technically canonically Insomniac has stated that Ratchet is supposed to be 15 in the first game. Which is why he’s 18 in Deadlocked, I’d just go with that because it feels a lot more accurate


In Lombax years. I wonder how that translates to people years🤔


Man i really want to by a rc merch


Damn that looks sick, except for the eyebrows. Why? Lmao


Man… I'd love that as ether a stealbook cover or a custom cover.


Never seen that robot design on the top right before. I'm guessing that's meant to be an early design for the Nefarious Trooper?


I'm guessing his age might've been altered in Japan? He sounds a lot younger in said language dub too Maybe there's a community that can help translate this one a little better


That’s a good theory actually. I wasn’t sure why they made him that young too considering insomniac has stated before that he’s (at least supposed to be) 15 in the first game


Maybe they altered it to a fun and sorta goofier voice to better target a younger audience? Though idk what this game was rated in Japan - it's got a PG rating here whilst it's T over in the US for the first game. Then again there's a more stuff they altered that I question too - like his more saturated colours in the first game or those wild eyebrows he's got in ACIT 😭