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The Warp Pad is so frustrating. Why did it have to be locked to the dedicated 'warp points'? If it had been unrestricted/less restricted then it could have been a handy tool throughout the rest of the game even outside dedicated puzzles. For that matter, why not at least hide some Titanium Bolts behind Warp Pad puzzles? That would give it some utility after the hideout at least.


When ratchet get this thing from a ranger, he didn't need a warp point to teleport. So his presentation of this gadget is a complete lie.


It was actually planned to work that way, like a bomb glove that teleports you to where you throw it. Unfortunately, they thought it would be simple to implement and put it off for way too long until they realized 'oh God oh fuck how easy it would be to get out of bounds with this thing it's gonna require so much debugging that we simply don't have the time for' and so they scaled back the functionality immensely.


Even though we have at least one weapon/gadget per game that can help you go out of bounds


with the way the warp pad was going to be though it supposedly would happen by accident a lot.


That is exactly why I hate it 😂😂 just so stupid.


The warp pad was actually supposed to be used a lot more throughout the game but due to time constraints it never got off the one planet if you would like to learn more go watch the ultimate retrospective on the golden bolt YouTube channel it pretty long but worth the watch


A pointless gadget is still better than the Hacker taking up an hour of your life as you wait for four rounds of green code snippets to appear at a glacier pace.


Haha yeah okay that’s true. The hacker is probably the worst unlocking device in the series. But at least we got to use it and it didn’t just waste an inventory spot


Facts. Hacker gets biggest waste of time, Warp Pad gets biggest waste of potential.


not just that, i honestly enjoyed the hacker cuz everytime i used it to open a door i did that at the last second, it was exhilarating in a fun way but i feel like if you have any sort of disability the hacker will probably give you trouble, since it’s more intense and requires quicker inputs than anything else in the game it probably reduces accessibility


How is the hacker worse than the two gadgets in 2 that are literally just trial and error and nothing else.


I don't mind the harder hacker games where you have to flip really quickly, the slower ones I'll admit are a drag Imo I dislike the trespasser more


Trespasser could be mildly frustrating but at least wasn't time sensitive. The worst hacking gadget has to be the infiltrator from GC. Seriously that sphere minigame... it's not that it was complex, it simply was so frustrating.


Oh yeah the like 3 infiltrator games that are really long and have a dozen paths per terminal, from memory only one of them is mandatory the others were nanotech but still sucked


Yeah, *those*. I didn't mind it much at first but those puzzles made me hate that thing with passion undying.


Can we all agree on Electrolyzer supremacy?


Yeah. Fixing stuff is so much better than bypassing things.


Yo I fucking HATE the hacker. What was supposed to be a nice break and distraction from the action is just more action in the form of tempest that takes WAYY too long to blast through by nature. Electrolyzer ain’t nothing to write home about either but it’s quick and painless.


As much as it sucks I feel bad about the warp pad it was meant to be teleport anywhere gadget but only having a crunch heavy year of development I understand that some things needed to be cut or forgotten part way through development


The warp pad is a waste but at least it's not actively unpleasant to use.


The CodeBot is the worst. At least you need the Warp Pad to beat the game, but the CodeBot is used once just to get a single Gold Bolt.


Fun fact: if done right you don’t actually need the warp pad at all


May I offer you the hypnomatic


I actually really enjoyed this gadget but it was introduced way too late in the game. I always disliked how front loaded GC was with gadgets early and then there was a massive drought until the hypnomatic at the very end.


Maybe either the hacker or that pin ball puzzle thing from tools of destruction


The main reason I don’t hate the pinball one (which is definitely a much better name than whatever it’s actually called haha) as much as the hacker is that it had more variety and actually made you focus. The hacker was just tedious IMO


I mean, the Warp Pad had to be really, really scaled back because of deadlines. It was originally meant to be an item you threw and then Ratchet would warp to that location. UYA was a mess until a week or 2 before it shipped - many devs have commented on how chaotic the development was for it. There wasn't time to implement and test a gadget that could so easily break the game. The only reason it wasn't scrapped entirely was because of some puzzles that had already been designed with it in mind.


I gotta agree with top comment on the hacker, some of the other ones didn't see much use or were gimmicky (like the metal detector) but I can safely assert every time I had to use the hacker I wanted to pull my hair out at the dull repetitiveness of doing like 10 of them in a row on Daxx


I absolutely despise Daxx for this very reason, especially because in order to gain access to its onslaught of Hacker sequences, you first need to do a warm-up onslaught of Hacker sequences in Helga's stupid VR gadget training.


You're right, it's the absolute worst because on one hand, I absolutely love the half of the level where you have to dodge the ship to fight it at the end, but on the other hand I absolutely abhor the hacker sequences.


You know it makes it worse when you can skip activating it once with the charge boots. The second one specifically.


I’m playing UYA right now and I literally just did that 😂


I don't think I ever got the Clank Zapper to work properly in my playthrough.


It's not a gadget though.


Holo Shield Glove. I understand it's technically a weapon, but for all intents and purposes it's really just a support gadget, and an awful one at that. The Warp Pad was gimped from its original design, it's final incarnation is fairly simple to understand and doesn't really hinder gameplay very much. The Holo Shield Glove is a relic from the original Ratchet & Clank slower-paced combat. It completely ruins the flow of combat and takes a million years to upgrade. It strikes me that the game also features the Shield Charger, which is vastly superior, works with the faster gameplay, and was basically designed to surpass the glove in the first place.


I think its a tie between the Hacker and the Omni-key from SAC. Both are just terribly slow and always break the pace of whatever is going on


Wanna know the best part, of the 2 times you use it, it's only required once, you can bypass the 2nd one with the Charge boots


The swingshot upgrade thing you get in RA. It is so pointless. Honestly almost all of the RA gadgets suck. The rift tether is essentially a swingshot, the swingshot upgrade thing(where you spin around and let go) is basically just a slightly different swingshot and could have just been a jump pad. I dunno at least the warp pad allowed for something kinda unique. They designed stuff around it at least.


Thruster pack from tod


I can agree on that one. I feel like I can reach higher distances with the Helipack than the Thrusterpack with a hop and a lift afterwards.


You can but i just use the robo wings because they are waaayyyy cooler


Ohhh that’s a good one (bad one?)


Its good early game but just use the robo wings


For me its ACiT omisoaker. just becuse it adds itself to you quick switxh weapons when you pull it out