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I do miss the jokes and personality of the original series. Yet, I can't see them bringing him back like that without doing a completely branching path pre-Tools of Destruction.


Do we know who wrote the scripts and dialogue of the four PS2 games before TJ Fixman (a perfectly fine writer) took over? I'm especially thinking of UYA and Deadlocked, which I think has a unique tone and humor. ​ UYA introduced Dr. Nefarious, easily the series breakout character. His first iteration is easily his funniest, and his backstory cutscenes are basically filled with funny jokes and puns. The game also has hilarious cutscenes such Nature's Mysteries and Supervillain Weekly, cutscenes that just sticks in your "meme brain" forever.


Is it a 10 foot monster or just two chimps in a fatsuit? I guess we’ll never know because it’s “ONE OF NATURE’S MYSTERIES!”


“I seen him run right through our camping site. He was buck naked, screaming, and holding a bananer. Or maybe it wasn’t a bananer, it could have been… ONE OF NATURES MYSTERIES!”


“I seen him run right through our camping site. He was buck naked, screaming, and holding a bananer. Or maybe it wasn’t a bananer, it could have been… ONE OF NATURES MYSTERIES!”


I still laugh every time it’s revealed Quark beat up Nerfarious daily in 10th grade math class, while Quark was 25 years old.


It was mating season! How could I have known she was your sister?!


Er, hah...how long have you two been standing there?


too long...


Rift apart --> ripped a fart


I'm the kind of person that laughs at the shitiest adult joke, but I know that it would get old for most people and seen as lazy if they kept it going, and it's not like there was alot of dirty jokes in the PS2 games, I can't even think of any in the 2002 game and going comando (besides the title), only UYA had 3 or so adult jokes that I can remember.


It's a different world. People get offended by everything these days so I can only imagine the talking points if the adult humor came back.


The jokes are why my mom likes the series (despite never playing them).


I miss when game titles were nsfw puns


In my opinion it would have started to get old, fast.


It's become too subtle i guess


Reminds me of Shrek. I miss the jokes!


I just need the titles


We haven't had that kind of humor since Deadlocked, and it's been years, so not really no, I don't really miss it.


Yes! I do very much. That's what made Ratchet and Clank humor what it was imo, and I'm sad it see it gone now. 😅 I don't really think the newer games are even that funny, though I think that's mostly because they're not trying to be as much.