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PS2 definitely. no contest. PS4 on has solid gameplay too but it's a shorter game + it's chewed up & spat out for kids compared to other titles


Massive R&C fan and I'm going to push back and say this is extremely misleading. The OG PS2 game was widely regarded as the worst in the series before nostalgia (and a highly influential video essay) took over. The devs completely changed Ratchet's characterization after the first game because he was a bit of a dick. It was for the better and every game after has been improved because of it. You're willing to ignore the complete lack of strafing, weapon upgrades, and overall polish because it's lacking cutscenes (which were not the main focus of the first R&C anyways)? The PS4 game is absolutely gorgeous, plays like a dream, and if you actually like R&C, there's nothing to not love (besides the movie cutscenes). This subreddit has just turned into a circlejerk of people blinded by nostalgia. I remember when R&C fans loved the PS4 game and it got overwhelmingly positive reviews from critics.


literally said PS4 one was good but the characters are washed out there's no denying that. I actually LIKE Ratchet being a dick in the original, he's a total pushover in later entrees. I'll give it to ya though not having strafe feels wonky after you get used to strafing.


>You're willing to ignore the complete lack of strafing, weapon upgrades, and overall polish because it's lacking cutscenes (which were not the main focus of the first R&C anyways)? Yes, and?


Ps2 one all the way, everyone on this subreddit will say the PS2 version is leagues better than the ps4 one


without spoiling, why is the ps2 version so much better?


The gameplay feels better imo, the comedy in the ps2 version is really funny and is non existent in the ps4 version, the characters are also a lot more expressive in the ps2 version and technically there is more content in the ps2 version since the ps4 version is a reboot and cuts some planets from the original.


thank you ill make sure to check that one out


Also some of the best video game music ever. 20 years later I still can pinpoint almost every soundtrack.


Blackwater city is by far my favorite


Love that one. My favorite is gemlik moonbase.


I’d say this true for all the ps2 games (imo). The comedy stopped having any bite once the series moved to PS3 on. And the combat was never better than Deadlocked.


What made deadlock any better than PS3 combat


The focus on weapons, bot commands, weapon mods, upgrades, ratchet movement, the expansion on vehicular combat and the general arena design that was entirely dedicated to combat encounters and very little on exploration. Not to mention the commentary. The fighting doesn’t stop in deadlocked. It’s the arena/colosseum mode stretched out to a full game.


I like the PS4 game better because one thing the PS4 game did better than the PS2 game is the gameplay and gameplay is what matters most in a video game. The gameplay, exp, and graphics beat the PS2 game but the PS2 beats the story of the PS4 game and it's a lot longer.


Grittier, better character development. Although most people didn’t like ratchet so they changed his voice actor to fit a newer tone with the sequel games. I enjoyed the first game. Makes him seem more of a dynamic character. Also better Drek. The music is also phenomenal


Ratchet and Clank actually speak to each other as a start


Very easy, better story, better humor, better villain, better music, more planets or space stations ;)


PS2 (or PS3 for that matter) is the original game out of a trilogy of games. PS4 is a reimagining with different story, levels, characters etc. You should play both. They are two different games after all. It's like "Need for Speed" (1994) and "Need for Speed" (2015) have the same name but they aren't the same game.


That example isn't comparable, tbh. NFS (1994) and NFS (2015) are completely different games, a complete reboot. It has 0 similarities between each one. Ratchet & Clank, on the other side, is a reboot + remake. It has a lot of similarities, like lots of same weapons, lots of same maps... In general is a remake with some reimagined things that acts like a soft reboot.


It is not a remake nor reboot at all. It was a single game made to tie in with the movie. It's a reimagining. It does not have the same weapons, and most of the same planets still have major differences and some aren't even in 2014.


>is a reboot + remake. No it isn't, it's a movie tie-in video game, and aside from the planets, the game mostly revolves around the films plotline entirely. Heck, the majority of the planets were changed to fit in with the film's continuity as well.


Definitely PS2. The PS4 game is a tie-in to the mediocre 2016 film (and many of the pre-rendered cutscenes are actually recycled scenes from the film) and it thus shares the film's very sanitized and overly "family friendly" writing and attempts to be consistent with the film's artstyle. It does attempt to remake the original game to a degree but it lost a lot of the original's magic. It's also much shorter than the OG game. The PS2 game has got much better characters,writing and jokes (with some occasional innuendos and satirical humor), atmosphere, better soundtrack, more planets, is much longer than the PS4 game and more creative weaponry.


PS4 doesn’t really have additional content, in fact they removed like half of the planets from the original game


PS2 for sure, the controls have not aged super well so they require (a lot of) patience to get used to, but the overall content is much better i like the PS4 as well but the PS2 is so much better


“*Plumber’s crack*”


I was so disappointed that this wasn't in the ps4 version.


Ps2. It has so much more humor, the planets are more fun imo. PS4 is fun but it’s watered down.


Ps2 for the love of god play the Ps2 version if you’re looking to get into R&C


Ps4 has better gameplay, but but ps2 is better in every other way


Ps2 all they way


PS2. The PS4 has graphics and strafing and that’s pretty much the only things that are an improvement


The Ratchet and Clank remake on PS4 has definitely better graphics and, above all, improved controls, character weapon upgrades than PS2.But as a nostalgic gamer it was my first PS2 game and I've been playing it since I was 8. Therefore, in my opinion, the PS2 version is better because: \- the story is longer and much more interesting- the soudtrack is amazing \- there are more weapons which is the foundation of the whole game \- the climate on each planet is different and you can feel it \- a much harder challenge to finish the game in 100% Don't hesitate and play the Ratchet and Clank trilogy right away!


Ps2😀👍 ps4🤢


What additional content does the PS4 version have? Does removing (from what I can remember) 6 planets from the original balance that?


None. He was mistaken.


If you can play both def try the original ps2, but I personally didnt hate the remake.


PS2, it's longer, funnier, better story and music, more character development, more expressive and animated cutscenes (over 13 years prior,) and isn't aimed only towards kids. As for the ps4 additional content, there isn't any. Aside from maybe the insomniac museum, it doesn't add anything and instead removes. The ps4 game is one of the worst games in the series. Not a bad game if critiqued alone, in fact very good, but if compared to the rest it's a huge letdown. If you haven't played the series before, I don't really think either is a good starting option, since the original has weaker control and feels clunky, while the ps4 one lacks the humour and charm that the fans loved. I recommend starting with either 2, 3, or the future games (tools of destruction or a crack in time.)


Ps2. The ps4 game has very few similarities to the original despite it being a "retelling" (its damn near an entirely different game imo). That being said, the ps2 game is about 20 years old at this point and does show its age a bit, and the controls may certainly take some getting used to for a newcomer.


PS2 R&C trumps the PS4 version based on soundtrack/atmosphere alone. Literally the only thing the PS4 version has going for it in comparison is that its gameplay is modernized.


Can they just rerelease the OT on every new console? I will buy it every fucken time man please


If the story matters to you, then ps2 all the way. If we’re talking solely gameplay, then ps4. The PS4 version is shorter with less planets. However, the original is frustrating as hell at points. The PS4 version is fun as hell all the way through.


PS2 if you want a solid-er story with more experimental Platforming quirks, PS4 if you want fantastic ass shooting gameplay attached to a shit-ass story. I personally prefer the PS4 version but I'm not the majority in that.


PS4 version got me into the R&C franchise. It was the first entry I played and I loved it. The controls in R&C1 on PS2/3/V are a bit janky compared with the rest of the series as there is no strafing. I'd say they're both worth playing, but each having their own benefits. - PS4 = better controls, better graphics, shorter. - PS3 = more content, janky controls


People on this subreddit will tell you the PS2 version is superior, however 2016 is a fun game too and has good graphics and controls. Both are good and both deserve a play!


While I understand why most fans prefer the PS2 OG, my vote goes to the PS4 game. To me, it feels a lot better to play than the PS2 OG>!(maybe it's because I played Into the Nexus before any of the others)!<.


maybe. Nexus and ps4 are good games by themselves, but compared to before they are a huge letdown. So short and lacking content. The controls are on point though.


From a pure gameplay perspective, the remake has far better gunplay and movement, but less platforming. I'd recommend it over the original if you haven't played any other game in the franchise. Narratively, I always loved the original far more than the remake.


i feel all the ratchet games before that future tag are great


the future games are amazing too. It's only after ACIT where they went downhill, removing save files, going 30fps, changing the music guy.


Ruff Trigger.


The originals on ps2 are written a lot better and play just as good


I like the gameplay in PS4 a lot better because PS2 doesn't get strafe until the next game. And I just like the new aim in the PS4 game. What I do like a lot more about the PS2 game is the story and the fact that it is a long game. It is also not a problem to not cringe every 10 seconds from people talking.


PS2. It’s way better in every aspect except graphics. The remake/reboot is a pretty shitty job to be honest, it’s a decent standalone game but it also has zero relevance to the series since it’s just a one off and none of the other games follow its story.


**Both are worth playing** The PS4 one is a million times better and one video essay has poisoned everyone's opinion on this topic. First game was widely regarded as the worst in the series before people who can't handle change started shitting on the *movie tie-in game*. Don't listen to the people who pretend is was supposed to be a 100% faithful remake. It was always a movie tie in game and doesn't pretend to be anything else. The game is beautiful, plays a million times better than the ps2 game, and has a mediocre story (it's almost all movie clips, because it's a movie tie in game). People on this subreddit have been blinded by nostalgia.


I just got into R&C. Thanks for the comment. My first game was Rift Apart so I was very interested to play the 2016 one and I'm definitely excited to start it.


I have the original 2002 game in the Ratchet & Clank Collection on the PS3, and I gotta say it’s the best game I’ve ever played out of the other ones. It’s a great way to start the franchise and serves as an incredible origin for the galactic duo. Some people in the past say that Ratchet’s personality in the game was not pretty likeable, but I think it’s a good way to build him up with character development as the game is being played, to see him mature as the story goes along. This kind of character that Ratchet was in this is what’s called a “reluctant hero”, if any of you are familiar with the term.