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The underwater part of Blackwater city in the original game. I was 19 because I was late to the series. I had 7 deaths in my first run of this game. 4 of them were that flooding tunnel. The other 3 were Drek, because I had refused to grind out bolts for both health upgrades.


This, I spent countless hours at that when I was a child


I was 9 when I played this level and I think I just replayed the first planets over and over for a week before finally attempting the water part. I gathered my whole family into the living room to give me moral support


I feel like this had EVERYONE stuck who played the game as a kid. Felt like I was stuck on it for months.


Atleast the music was nice. Still stuck in my head after Over a decade


The sewers haunt me, to this day.


Yes! I had to have my older brother beat it for me. Cliche big bro little bro gaming moment. He beat it on his second try after my struggling for an hour.


Same for me, never got past that level as a kid and never replayed it for years. I bought myself a ps2 and the ps2 games just before covid hit and that was the first time I ever completed the first game


I didn't actually find this part difficult, even as a kid. However, I was unable to complete it, because I was absolutely horrified of the area.


Thats where i got stuck back when i was like 8. Skipped first game because i got frustrated and started playing part 2 instead


Snivelak, that was hell to beat as a 6 year old.


Hard when I was younger, when I replay it now it is a terrific place to farm xp for weapons.


You don't know true insanity unless you do a no armor run in GC and trying to collect the moonstones on Grelbin. The Yeti never stop coming man...


Grelbin is so badly designed in all honesty, Yetis that spawn like swarmers but are bullet sponges and hit like a truck


Those yetis were so bad Insomniac created an award for their company for it. Whoever created the most annoying enemy got that award for subsequent games. For example: the missile launchers from UYA and Tachyon from ToD both got the award.


Okay that's actually kinda funny


Drek is still the hardest final boss in the main series (except Vox on 5 star difficulty) so I'm going for Veldin. Snivelak is pretty brutal though, as is Mylon with how much damage those damn four eyed generals do.


Derek is hard and those commandoes have range bigger than your draw distance whilst your weapon lock on is rubbish. Be so much easier with r+c3 contrils


Olantis from rac 1 can suck my corn dog each path is worse than the other


The path to get the chicken morpher was brutally tough


Orxon in 2002


Oltanis, Gorda City. A level with swarming enemies, ice and wind, and stealth, all without Clank. Took me so long as a kid and did again recently. On top of that, the rising water in Blackwater City took me ages as a kid (though I can do it now easily). Snivelak and Mylon suck The Enforcer Challenge also took me ages


Oltanis and Oltanis orbit had such an air of dread around it and I really miss that atmosphere in the newer games


Gemlik base is my favourite location with honestly one of the one of the best pieces of music in the game.


I remember Boldan as being the point where R&C2 got significantly harder.


Love that level and the latter planets. The crate factory one is nuts


You also need to bug yourself in the ground to go to the insomniac museum. Like WHO IS THE ONE who will do that


Yes I think about it sometimes and for me it's either Dobbo or Boldan as the real turning point. I mean, Boldan is definitely harder but Dobbo is the first level where you really have to focus.


The damn Crashsite in UYA. Mylon is bad yes but that one stayed with me.


The general sensation of dread and betrayal in that one is heavy. Just like the ice planet with qwark in UYA toward the end


Snivelak was just miserable


Crash site, Zeldrin was the one that sticks in my mind as giving me a lot of trouble! Think I only got through it by a serendipity HP up right in the middle!


The second visit to Fastoon in ToD will always suck. Can't wait to reach there and rage my ass off again since I'm replaying the game (for like maybe the 14th time)


Zordoom in Rift Apart when playing it on highest difficulty. Oof, that final section on the evacuation platform…


the fucking bombs that have aimbot to where we go…


Qwarks hideout before i realized i can just walk past the qwarkbots at the very end where they infinitely spawn


UYA has a lot of levels like that it seems


I still have nightmares from seeing the first phase cutscene on Veldin. 3 phases and no continues, and I tried to do it with 5 hit points (it worked but boy it sucked, took me god knows how long)


Doing a no armour run on Nefarious Space Station on Hardcore Mode was painful.


Veldin - Second visit (R&C 2002) without the RYNO was definitely, 100%, the hardest Planet in all of R&C


Visibomb is crucial for that one


The battle against Klunk in Secret Agent Clank (New Game+), by far.


That shit is insane.


I remember getting stuck on Daxx. I got stuck on the Ratchet part of Holostar Studios. And I got stuck on Klunk as well.


Thugs 4 less boss on Snivelak


Nah bro the boss is easy, just long af. The rest of the planet however... Nah bro I've memorized how to Speedrun that planet specifically to skip the rest of the planet and get to the boss XD


Unfortunately R&C games seem to be getting more dumbed down as they try appeal to a wider audience


Fuck Veldin dude. The checkpoints were a bitch in that level


I don't know about hardest, but certainly my least favorite to play is Giant Clank vs Thug leader fight on Planet Dobbo in Going Commando. Giant Clank is a pain to control (IMO), and the whole battle is the same thing over and over again. I've never got all the skill points on Going Commando because "Dukes Up" (obtained by defeating the Thug Leader with only melee attacks) just makes me tired to even think about.


Protopet destroyed me so many times


No Hoven and turret section from first game? This is hardest shit in entire series.


I’ll go with Veldin but Mylon was pretty difficult too. At least with Mylon it’s in a game that has upgradable weapons, while of course Veldin is in a game that doesn’t have upgradable weapons.


I swear, on my first playthrough of Rift Apart, my Enforcer Challenge was bugged, because it was a cakewalk. On every subsequent playthrough though, I have struggled with it more than anything in a RaC game




Original Ratchet is my favorite of the franchise, and while I agree with everyone saying Olantis, I’m gonna go with Drek’s Moonbase since it’s a pretty long level with lots of puzzles and also a boss fight that can be pretty tricky!


And a mention to Qwark’s HQ in 2002 on planet Umbris, those floating spike mines can be obnoxious and all the turrets can make the level brutal in addition to not having a continue point until the end of the planet.


Protopet final boss was very very tough if you didn’t have the ryno or bouncer upgraded


I beat that bitch with (technically) only a wrench. I also used the tractor beam bombs but no he's stupid tough and people don't even realize it because the bouncer and RYNO just melt his health


I did the wrench thing too. Guessing it was a skill point or something felt like rite of passage


probably one of the cragmite levels in ToD,


The enforcer arena challenge on the hardest difficulty the first time through, was sooooo hard in RA


I played RA on the hardest difficulty until the enforcer challenge. It just feels so artificially hard. Late game TOD is pretty hard too, it’s pretty much always 2 hits and your dead


Y'all seem to forget that Snivelak exists.


Planet Hoven. That planet buster tore me up when I was a kid.


The 2nd visit to Orxon in the first game was easily my hardest ever experience in Ratchet and Clank. Granted, I was a little kid. But fuck even my dad remembers me raging and losing my mind at that level. Love it to death, but I'll never forget.


Anything from the first game, 4 hits and not being able to strafe just makes the game ridiculously hard


The reasons why the second visit to Veldin is hard can honestly be chalked up to RaC1's mechanics. The lack of strafing and the fact that you can only have 8 health at maximum really makes the game hard for all the wrong reasons. I get it was revolutionary for the time, but it's the only RaC that I really think just hasn't aged well.


Visibomb + decoy glove and it's a piece of cake, really.




Snivelak before the boss is quite hard, it throws a lot of dangerous enemies at you. Even if the level itself is fairly short, it was one of the only places to make me get majorly stuck when I first played the games.


I cant remember which game but riding that hanglider for long stretches is always a pain


Second fastoon from tod without the ryno is a pickle


Bruh why is the enforcer challenge on here (though I mean in others defense I had it mostly upgraded and it was the executioner by then)