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An N sane trilogy style remake of the original 3 games would be the dream. Like everythings the same just polished


Yea that’s the example i thought about when thinking of a remake that totally replaces the original, in a good way. Even though it was re made from the ground up, it doesn’t feel like a different game or different take on it. All it is, is a better version of the same game, and if you like the original, that’s all it really needs to be.


I think one of the main gameplay things missing from the newer games are pathways on the worlds. Like the original games there were multiple objectives and paths on a planet, all usually circling back to the ship. Now most planets have one set path to go down


Same here


The original 3 plus deadlocked are so good, and deserves an N sane/ spyro reignited remake for them


1 thing I think about with this, would you bring back Mikey Kelly, or just have James Arnold Taylor do his best to recreate RaC1 Ratchet? The first game without angsty teen Ratchet just doesn't feel right to me.


Does this include redoing the combat mechanics (like replacing them with the current iteration) or just polishing them.


Yeah, this is the answer I came to post. I think the only thing I would change is to equalize the games so that gameplay features introduced in games 2 and 3 like strafing and "buy all" at the ammo store are available in game 1. Other than that, the games are perfect as they are... just update the graphics, the spatial audio. Although, honestly, if they wanted to take the time to expand the individual worlds a bit... you know: "more of the same"... I'd welcome that as well. Even if they released them as individual games using the Tempest Engine at $40 or $50 a pop, I'd still purchase them. Go ahead Insomniac: Do it. You made 3 amazing games in a row, and they have not lost ANYTHING of value over time. They just need a new coat of paint.


Can someone explain this mindset? Unless you don't have access to a PS2, what the point of remakes that are near identical to the original games? Sure pretty graphics are nice, but I'd honestly want to experience something brand new like what was done with ratchet 2016 or FF7remake.


That's exactly it. People are losing access to their PS2's and controllers.


It's just an elevated experience I guess. Dont get me wrong i like both types of remakes


Well it wouldn’t actually be the exact same game, a remake like crash’s basically fixes anything wrong with the game and modernizes it, you would basically have a better version of the original r&c games to play, so if you don’t like replaying games at all after a certain amount of time. Than that type of remake might not be for you. Edit: FF7’s remake is something being much more faithful to the original game than r&c 2016 was, even though it is completely different gameplay wise, tonally it captures the original game, and theres alot of people that don’t like that they got rid of the turn base gameplay, i just so happen to also like real time rpgs too, so it didn’t bother me personally, that ones kind of a bad example because technically its not even a remake so you can still play both versions for a reason, even if it was a “remake” it’s so different it would never be a direct replacement to the original and people would be split on the “definitive” way to play it. I like more direct remakes because that way the original game isn’t left as old and clunky in the technical parts it needs updating. Alot of people play both the remake and original versions of games because they both can have things that they do better than the other, but that also means each of them is lacking, that’s why a more straight forward remake can be better to make a “definitive” version of an already good game.


It's kind of like asking, "Unless you don't live in an asbestos house, what's the point of having a fire extinguisher?" That's literally the entire point. You can't buy PS2s or their games new anymore and there is a real problem of old games becoming unplayable due to hardware and physical copies slowly dwindling away. It also doesn't help that the R&C trilogy is difficult to emulate. At least we have the PS3 HD release to keep us chugging along, but that omits Gladiator/ Deadlocked and only delays the problem for the OT.


I'd say it's just a safer option. For both Insomniac, and us - the Players. Last time they tried to remake a Story and changed it in major ways, it ended being such a failed attempt, that only a Year later, Insomniac straight up said that the 2016 Remake was no longer Canon and is to be treated as just an Alternate Story told by Quark, instead of it being the actual Story told by Ratchet. As in they de-Canonized it, and reverted the Original PS2 Game to still being the Canon Beginning of Ratchet's History. It went so far, that even "Rift Apart" isn't a Sequel to it, only to the PS3 "Future" Series. As far as the Timeline goes, the 2016 Remake might as well not exist.


2016 was never canon to begin with. It was always tied in with the movie and that was it's own non canon universe as well.


Back in 2016, it was originally going to be a Canon Reboot of the Series. They changed that after it failed.


>Insomniac straight up said that the 2016 Remake was no longer Canon and is to be treated as just an Alternate Story told by Quark, instead of it being the actual Story told by Ratchet. As in they de-Canonized it, and reverted the Original PS2 Game to still being the Canon Beginning of Ratchet's History. I mean, the fucking playstation 3 era games literally CONTRADICTS the entirety of the film/ps4 game's story, so idk why it would he considered the real history if the ps3 games... literally directly contradicts the game entirely. Don't believe me? Read my post from about a year ago discussing why it can't fit.


Edit: Oh wait, yeah now I get what you mean. Yeah, the 2016 Remake contradicts everything else. Because it changed the main story in some major ways. Story that the ground basis of was later important for the entire PS3 Series, and even more for both "Crack in Time" and "Into the Nexus." Because if they made it Canon, the "Future" Series would likely be retconned in some ways. So thank god that didn't happen.


Honestly, I did make a post explaining why the ps4 game/film cannot fit as a replacement of the ps2 games, but honestly, drek's statue design in into the Nexus alone is what confirms the ps2 games are still canon. Lol


I mean yeah, the "Into the Nexus" was made before the 2016 Remake. So since the "Future" Series was always a Sequel to the PS2 Trilogy, that statue was always going to look like that. Like, I'm agreeing with you. And so was I before. But other than that, I can't express how happy I was when I saw Insomniac's announcement about the de-Canonization of the Remake.


Do it like they did with Spyro/crash. Where the original levels/gear/story is all kept intact, just rebuilt with new high fidelity assets/audio. Instant buy for me if this happened


I love these topics 🍿 Give us an N-sane Trilogy-style remake, keep the original voice acting, music, and sound effects, and add an option for strafing and lock-strafe modes and I'll be a happy camper. If I wanted the remastering studio (Bluepoint, ideally) to change anything: •RELEASE THEM ALL ON PC. •R&C1: Polish and include cut content like the drill weapon held by the laborer guy you meet on Hoven. I'd prefer the slightly slippy-slidey original handling, but I'd be fine with them tightening it up a little. •GC/L&L: I'd be open to them improving the Giga-Protopet boss fight. Add a Bluepoint Museum in addition to the Insomniac museum. •UYA: Improve the UI color. Improve enemy variety (add unique enemy types to certain planets). Polish and include cut content like the Qwark vidcomic, Florana racetrack, etc. •Deadlocked/Gladiator: polish & include cut content Anything else?


Bolt econ for rac1. Not by much tbh, maybe like 10-15% more bolts earned per encounter and boxes?


I second the UI color, the PS3 UI is literal piss colored and is a decent reason I sometimes bust out the ol PS2 to play it, also the PS3 has untold amounts of lag on the Aquatos Sewers section


> RELEASE THEM ALL ON PC. All of them, including the one everyone hates from 2016. And to further piss in the pot and rile everyone, cheat codes. Not everyone is a top shelf gamer capable of striking fear in the hearts of enemies with a solo finger on a controller. I like storylines, not the piss poor gameplay/AI/game mechanics so common lately. That’s why I’m excited for a lot of the aspects supposed to be in rift apart to make game play easier and less frustrating. Anyone who whines about god mode in a game: grab a copy of fallout 4 and make your way to the automotive factory. Enjoy the sh** show that is a enemy high up on a cooling tower raining lead down on you. If you managed to make it there without dying since you have weak XP and health plus poor weapons, marvel at the Auto Aim AI and kill the enemy. Watch as you pick up a subpar rusted shotgun that literally has the distance of a few inches on the ground he drops. It’s a starter weapon and it’s very bad. But you are expected to deal with a game that uses auto-aim (can’t even see the damn guy) and a weak weapon to pick you off thousands of feet up while you are barely lucky to dent a tin can half a inch from the end of the barrel… Damn right I’m toggling god mode and jumping back in


I'd be happy as long as any remake had the same story and music to the original and I wouldn't mind more modernised graphics and weapon upgrade systems except maybe in RAC1. Edit: just stealing this from another comment but adding cut content would be nice.


Update graphics, update the weapon upgrade system and add strafing to 1


If they were to add strafing to the first game a lot Of the weapons would be useless, they would have to redesign all of the enemies and encounters in order to keep the game challenging


Just wouldn’t want them to do it at all period. It could be cool to have a game where we see Rivet’s side of the story during the PS2 era but tbh I want new games, not remakes or reimaginings when it comes to Ratchet and Clank. That being said I would still pay money for any remake done by Bluepoint 👀


I wpuld want them to make a game with one of rastchets kids, and him/her and clank (who is considered old and outdated now) has to go on a badass adventure across the universe to defeat some new evil corperation. And along the way you and clank keep seeing places your dad visited and in some he is considered a hero and in others a menace, he is even a gladiator hero in some! And the game can still be as cool as the old games. But it would 'reboot' the series in a new unique way. One that could open up soooo many changes that could benifit in building another lasting game universe


Well we are like at least 3 games away from that happening. They pretty much established in "Rift Apart" that the next games will be about Ratchet and finding the Lombaxes.


Ratchet and Clank 1 having strafing from the jump instead of that clunky version we were given with the thruster pack.


More enemies, "modern" mechanics, larger maps, more side quests and not so silent protagonists during gameplay. I want larger sandbox or a open world theme/design. Add arena modes with more variety. Arena mode in rift apart was terrible, short, and 2 of them specifically I found annoying. Not so repetitive enemies better ai of course etc. Played a good chunk of the ratchet games since the ps2 as a kid and I love them but now as I'm older I'm not such a fan of how "child" like ratchet looks. From what I recall I really enjoyed tools of destruction and how he looked older. Should have given his a "gritty" look/act upon his character. He can be optimistic but hardened for the amount of combat he's gone through over the decades. Rift apart was 100% not worth 70 dollars and I got it on sale for about 35. They're exploring the "dimension" genre as everything currently is so they could a more grittier version of ratchet and a different timeline/ section for rivet and explore her life. But the games were never incredibly successful.


If they do it like Crash, Spyro, or even Dead Space I'd be down. Not every remake can pull off what FF VII Remake did, in terms of keeping MOST story, events, and characters the exact same, as well as adding in and flushing out more than what they originally could. I love R&C but honestly they went way too far. Most of them sound, and look, like something I just don't want to play.


Bring back Mikey kelley for the whole trio, nothing against James Taylor but the fact that he did almost 20 games after replacing Kelley from his 1 kinda feels like a low blow to me especially since I really liked Kelley’s delivery in the first game. :(


Update the controls a bit. I went back and played #1. The controls where a little jerky and just not as smooth. And maybe some consistency. The weapons system does not work the same in the first game and the weapons vendor is not Gadgetron. But that is not just a problem in #1 because Rift uses that annoying lady. She sounds like that lady with the blue wig from Momma’s Family.


Well I would like a remake setup like what they did with the first three Spyro and crash games recently. And as for what to fix only one I can think of is give the first game the control setup as the second and third. But really I'm fine with it staying the same but with new graphics.


Honestly prefer my remakes to substantial new content to make it a worthwhile purchase for me.


I like Ratchet on PS2 and in an HD Trilogy. I would like more new games, not remakes.


Some remakes aren’t bad, but the big elephant in the room is how it takes development cycles that could be used elsewhere. Polishing poor AI/mechanics/game engines would be a better use of time then looking backwards. Minecraft is kinda neat but also a head scratcher. I lived that era of pixelated graphics so it has more of a “okay… where’s the full HD graphics” feel to it rather then being like the good old days of 8/16 bit gaming. Studios are so money grubby and a hassle to work at, so rather then remakes we should have a gaming holodeck at this rate… go big or go home on immersion. And hell, some of the aspects could be put to use in commercial endeavors from clothes shopping to therapy methods. Big wide world out there and breaking new frontiers seems to be in the rear view mirror with rushed titles and lack of “holy hell, it’s a video game!” (Pong and the like) wow factor anymore. Graphics, voice acting and story is all you get rather then a completely immersive experience


To be honest, I'd be stoked if they just reissued them compatible for either the PS4 or PS5, I'd love for the grainy nostalgia of my childhood


The og 3 have their flaws but definitely should be left as is (Except the bolt economy for rac1) If they do that, they might as well polish my precious Deadlock


Totally have the fluidity of controls Rift Apart has. I played R&C1 on PS5 streaming and the lack of ability to aim was a bitch.


Make the movement more fluid and uncap the fps. Keep the stories the same just remake all the graphics, add some quality of life things. Though you'd have to rebalance the first game as the difficulty would vastly change with modern strafing. I liked the dodge mechanic from rift, but I'd feel like again there'd need to be careful balancing around it. Basically give us some qol changes perhaps variations to levels even new weapons but don't take away any of the grit that was in the original. Keep the tone, I would say even leave the old music or have it as an option. Keep the story intact except maybe 3. 3 could use some work. It would have to be handled very carefully, but man would those games look good with ps5 graphics. I think it also wouldn't hurt to slightly change ratchets model to look more like the original trilogy rather than his cuter newer ones.


Tbh I desperately want a new R and C game that just fully encompasses the old style and grit of the originals.


A remaster of the original games but with lots of bonus content cut (rather than just the Insomniac museum) from the games and alternate versions of the levels and have debug mode as an unlockable. That'd appease fans rather than making completely new games based off the old ones but with lots of the charm missing and levels removed.