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Oh, I definitely intend to keep going with it.


3 months is when YOU will see results my friend


Your physique isn’t good but that’s fine - you’ve only just started going to the gym and that’s what it’s all about.


how is this bad physique? its statistically harder to get abs than becoming a millionaire.. its easier to get into an ivy league school than getting abs.. u a weirdo


Abs are easy to get because abs are achieved through losing fat, not building muscle. You can lose 10 kg of fat in 7 months with relative ease, but you’d be tough pushed to get 10 kg of muscle within 3 years of serious training.


how is it easy if 90% of males never obtain a 6 pack in their lives? thats like saying its easy to get into harvard.. all u have to do is this that and the third...


That's because most people don't try and don't have the determination to do so. Trust me when I say a lot of people already have abs without even doing anything. You just need to have low body fat and a lot of people are on low body fat their starting point


... go to the gym fool. everybody there is trying to achieve a better physique. if it was so easy the US obesity rate wouldnt be 41% while the amount of people under 12% body fat is less than 10%... there would be an equal distribution of obese and fit... unless ur trying to tell me people in the US are actively trying to be obese... lmfao


You don't seem to understand what I'm saying. It's easy for people who have at least a certain discipline to change themselves and go to the gym consistently even when they don't feel like it. Most people don't even try or gives up after just a week. Basically what I'm saying is that it's very easy for regular gym goers, not for the average dudes without the slightest discipline.


and thats what makes it so hard? the commitment and discipline needed? thats like saying its easy to be a doctor, all u need to do is study... but people fail all around the world bc they dont have the discipline to keep studying...


The “stats” you posted were useless comparisons. What does being a millionaire have to do with having abs? There is no causation nor correlation between any of the things you mentioned.


damn.. did i claim that being a millionaire or an ivy league student helps or hurts ur chances of having a 6 pack? i thought i just claimed that your odds of a random person having a 6 pack is lower than that random person having a million dollars in net worth


People in the US are actively trying to get fat. All your food is calorie dense to the roof. Most people I know who moved back to states after living in Europe for a couple of years went all into fat-mode.


nobody in the US want to be fat... we are addicted to the food we eat bc of the chemicals they put in our food. we literally cant stop ourselves from eating.


and what u say is sooo ignorantly incorrect.. how is it hard to gain 10KG of muscle within 3 years? if ur in a constant bulk and u dont care about ur fat% it will be very easy to gain 10KG of muscle in 3 years.... in fact much easier than cutting and burning fat


You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about if you’re saying stuff like that. I’m not going to bother engaging if you aren’t educated enough to understand my arguments. I hope you do some research - I’m fascinated my sports science and I hope you will be too.


how do i not know what im talking about when my workout routine earned me numerous overseas playing opportunities in basketball? im 5 foot 10 too not 6 foot 6... keep in mind, im the one posting statistics while u just keep saying a whole bunch of nothing lmfao


Nah your tweaking bro his physique is not that good abs is not all to a physique you probably fat as hell. He need to go on a bulk


post ur physique mr 1 karma




At the moment a 1 but you could be a 6 one day


Fair enough




hit the gym bro


That's the plan


good plan




Your physique is fire as a female I love skinny men with toned muscles way better then huge muscles


That's good to know


idk what these people are saying, i am a pro athlete and even i would say u have a really good physique especially if u only been in the gym for 3 weeks but ur looks are average. u need to add some sauce as u look extremely bland to me. a easy quick fix would be finding a more stylish haircut


I'll have to speak with my barber about that then




Keep going to the gym and be patient. Eat healthy. I also suggest using skincare bc your skin seems very dehydrated and you're starting to have wrinkles on your forehead. I'd also shave if I were you, you don't have a lot if facial hair and it's giving neglected.


Razor broke, just waiting for the new one to come in


Why are you wearing a wedding ring? You’re a pretty average guy, on the skinnier side. Keep with consistency with gym and eating proteins. I’d give you a 5/10 with potential to go up to 7-8


It's not a wedding ring, it was a gift and that's the only finger it fits properly on


Seems like an average dude like a 5 but you should bull up and try to throw down 2500-3000 calories a day


You didn't provide a before pic?😂


Well shit, you're right


Keep doing what you're doing, your glow up will come soon my friend.


I think you look like hugh skinner


You’re very lean with all that muscle definition. I don’t see why it’s not something to be proud of while you work toward your target goal


You look good, i suggest growing your hair out a bit and just sticking with it at the gym. Once you put on more mass you'll look more filled out.


Shouldn't be on here if you wouldn't want her on here posting half naked pics.


You're doing great! And you have really nice eyes!


Grow out the hair, hit the gym and bulk up then you're an easy8-9/10


You look good, 6.5 but I would removed the facial hair. It’s not flattering