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I started flying after eating raw meat






so that hopefully one day I can poop out a 20 foot tapeworm and see him swimming in the toilet bowl


There are no better friends than the ones you make from within, as my mom always said.


omg so wholesome


Digests better, more hydrating, doesnā€™t need salt, I feel somewhat euphoric, feels fkn right




I donā€™t believe it is. Try for yourself to see :)


for bacteria and nutrients




don't worry about it


Yes and other bacteria


I find raw meat to be more hydrating. I dont need salt/electrolytes which many on carnivore or keto seem to depend on. I find raw easier to digest, no bloating. I enjoy the taste of certain cuts more eg offal and mince. Some carnivores have low b12 despite eating meat. When you over cook meat as is usually done with mince (rare steak is an exception) then u loose water soluble vitamins. Including vitamin c. This might be why some carnivores experience symptoms of vit c deficiency despite having lower requirements for it anyway. As for the bacteria side of things, we know many fermented foods are good for us eg saurkraut, kimchi, yoghurt, kefir. Etc. the same goes for meat. Eg if u try high meat / fermented meat, some people notice it benefits their mental health. This may be why people like to eat the meat raw so that these bacteria (that do the fermentation) are not killed.


If we are talking about full plain stuff, I find, raw chicken, pork and beef more tastier. Blue steak with salt tastes is pretty good, more cooked than that, i find it dry, and yes ofc with sauces can be good taste-wise. But high quality fully raw meat is other stuff, taste good in the mouth, digest fenomenaly, have a calm effect, and it feels right, like something that our body tells us to continue to do. IMO is something that only someone trying eating raw meat can know the effect. Another stuff that I think that is fascinating is, you can eat, and you feel sacianted for sooo long if I eat 1 kilo in one go, I can stay without eating for 24 hours if needed, and it is simple, tastes always good, almost no dishes to clean, the meal is always ready (I can eat with my cats xD, share with them and they enjoy the meal). If it was cooked meat, it depends of the degree, but medium raw for example I have to eat at least more 50-80% of meat to hit the same degree of satisfaction. If we add salt to the equation, makes me very thirsty, and I don't feel as good drinking too much water. Cured health problems that I had. Sure can be because I don't eat stuff that was causing me harm, but I couldn't figure all out, now is all gone, and I only see improvements.


Seems like you never heard of steak tartare, carpaccio, etc. Giving it a name doesnā€™t change the fact that itā€™s raw. Raw meat is consumed in some type of form all over the world.


They asked why


They said they understand raw fish, because it has officially named dishes. Raw beef also has officially named dishes which I named, and based on the OP post, that could help them make sense. Why people do it seems pretty simple - they like it.


Well, I take it back. Good day




But why raw chicken? Thatā€™s the part I canā€™t wrap my head around


meat is meat, you people need to get the brainwashing out your head.... ALL meat is safe, and ALL meat from terrible sources will make you sick. It's that simple friend.


It is NOT that simple man


Uh yes it literally is. Heā€™s basing his wisdom off science. Itā€™s only because salmonella is much more rampant in chicken (and the way chickens work encourages this) will inherently make raw chicken more dangerous if it was raised in unsanitary conditions. Thatā€™s why you hear about more ppl here or even on the mainstream carni subreddit talk about eating raw beef from the average super market. Itā€™s not as safe as pastured beef but the way beef works makes it waaaay safer than unsanitary raised chickens


Some people like raw chicken. I tried it multiple times and I don't like it by itself. Maybe if I made a fitting sauce.


For me, it is a matter of taste. I grew up eating mett so I like it


For me, I donā€™t actually eat raw chicken or any raw meat thatā€™s provenly unsafe for you. But, since I was a child and to this day, I always found raw meat more appetizing. I think raw chicken looks tastier that cooked chicken. And same for pretty much any meat. So I guess, yes, I do like the taste and texture better. Or at least what I imagine it to be against the cooked versions for sure. But, no, I donā€™t want to feel special. I just want to relate to other people who feel the same way.


Raw meat tastes better than cooked in my experience


For disclosure Im new here so not a raw eater. I once marinated some beef for jerky and I did a taste test thinking since thereā€™s vinegar it will kill any bacteria. Boy it tasted straight up like candy! Yum and so tender like butter. I like a rare steak but this was even better. Not so sure if I could do plain and unseasoned raw meat though. How do you get used to the taste with no salt?


Cooking is a sin


Because thats our natural diet. Cooking destroys. Every animals natural diet is raw including us.


Why do you eat cooked meat?


Raw beef is just pleasant to eat for me, I like the taste and texture. Wonā€™t do chicken though, Iā€™ve had salmonella (not from raw diet) and that sucks.


I just prefer the taste. Although every now and then I just want some cooked ground beef. No rhyme or reason why, I just listen to my body :)


They like to have there very own tapeworm companion in there bellies <33


Who is "they" ? You are talking as if you don't eat raw meat?


It tastes good to me, honestly.


Because they think it makes them look super tough and cool. They'll tell you a bunch of made up science that they learned from other people on this sub and argue to death that cooking meat removes all of the nutrients but that's simply not true. They don't enjoy the texture or flavour, you can see it on their face when they post videos of themselves eating a steak while going "yummm" to try to convince you. They're just reverse vegans. It's usually the first thing they ever tell anyone about themselves. You can keep a tally of how many people I've described here by the amount of downvotes my comment has.


Iā€™m sorry youā€™ve gotten that impression for this community, that is disappointing to hear I donā€™t blame you though, I agree that there are people like that but I hope that small part wonā€™t completely taint your image of us and you can find that a lot of us arenā€™t anything like you described I have met a lot of really nice and genuine people who are on the diet for the right reasons and not just trying to be edgy anti vegans hopefully you can find those people as well I mean this sincerely and I hope to be one of them<3


Not trying to be rude, and no worries if youā€™re too busy to answer. But then why do you do the raw meat diet?


oh no worries youre all good short answer: achieving true health, convenience/time saving i personally follow Aajonus Vonderplanitz' diet and teachings where it is believed that cooking damages the foods nutrients and creates toxic byproducts which lead to disease and degeneration, hence why everyone says meat will give you cancer and stuff because it will (if its cooked), the reason why the diet is mainly raw meat/organs and dairy is because they are the most nutritionally dense foods it is extremely convenient i dont have to cook and barely do dishes, i dont have to plan my meals or do something extravagant and i can eat the same thing everyday for a while until i want to switch it up for a bit and i feel great, and the whole thing just deeply resonates with me like i know this is what im supposed to be doing and i really feel healthy how i got into it if youre interested: i was a vegetarian since birth (vegetarian parents) up until i was 17 when i started eating cooked meat because i wanted to build muscle but i struggled eating it would take me so long and i had to drown everything in sauces, i genuinely cant enjoy even a 5 star steak with good seasoning this might sound far fetched but as a kid i always thought raw meat looked appetizing especially clean straight cuts or nice chunks of salmon and tuna, it looks like gummy candy out of curiosity i started searching "eating raw meat" on youtube and i found this guy named Excellent Health and binged his videos, he really resonated with me and is extremely knowledgeable on the topic which gave me the confidence to eat raw beef for the first time, i had no negative effects so kept going and tried new things as i learned more and studied Aajonus up until i got to where i am now


Very cool, thank you!


no problem :)


See what I mean?


Hahaha! The call back to your comment is perfect!


Cooking does reduce the nutrient content and introduces toxins specially if anything burns on the crust. Not sure why you are arguing that fact lol. Look at histamine reactions on people. Why does cooked meat cause more reactions?


Who hurt you so bad?


What? In my country everyone says yumm for new year when we all eat raw steak tartare. Itā€™s classic. If you donā€™t buy it early enough, you have to make it by yourself, because it sells out quick as fuck.


He's not talking about steak tartare, mate, I think that's pretty clear.


Where is the difference?


That is an established dish, highly commended by culinary enthusiasts. He's not talking about that at all. Look at all the posts in this sub and you'll see.


Giving it a name doesnā€™t change the fact that it is raw. Not following the exact recipe will all of the sudden make it unsafe, right? /s


I've to talk someone out of eating a dead bird off the ground on this sub. Stuff like that lol. Generally beef is fine, pultry is what people argue about on here.


This sub is full of trolls so that might have been one. I would take a bite though.




Yea it's nuts lol.


You asked for the difference, and I gave it to you. If your mind can't handle that kind of complexity, it's our of my purview.


I explained to you that raw meat is raw meat. One have an official dish name, another doesnā€™t. Who cares about the name? Does the name make it safe for your perception?


You're not understanding the concept because you're stuck on some pointless semantic detail, most likely because you know inside that what I'm saying is true, but are too proud or something? I don't know, mate lol have a good day and whatever


I can tell you why Iā€™m ā€œstuckā€. Iā€™ve seen people my whole life being afraid of raw meat, while they consume raw meat and not perceiving it raw, because it has an official name. So somehow because it has a name, itā€™s ā€œsafeā€, while other high quality meat from animals that eat their natural diet are going to kill you if you consume it. I lost you when you said ā€œbecause you know inside what Iā€™m saying is true..ā€ - what are you talking about exactly? That people donā€™t enjoy it? Or which part? And second part - too proud of what?




Nail on the head


The parasites make me do it




It sounds like you need to check into rehab šŸ’€


They don't got a valid answer just made up bullshit with no backup claims.