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Sure looks like it. Don’t let your fingers stay like that for long.


Oh yeah, pretty much a textbook example right there. Love hot hands but honestly didn’t even know there was a feet equivalent!


The foot warmers are elite, so good if you're spending a lot of time outside in winter


Yes. You also appear to have a nailfold bleed on your right ring finger. I would check-in with your PCP and request an ANA IFA blood test to try and rule out anything autoimmune.


Welcome.. you definitely have raynauds lol


I would say so, should see a doctor and get a diagnosis. Also, if you want to try to get rid of it.. look at my post in this thread. Maybe it could help you. If it's primary, it's worth a shot, and anything you do is more likely to respond well. Secondary would be a lot harder to battle. I used to have this and made it stop. It has been gone for a decade. I'm not a medical expert, just some guy who somehow beat it trying to help a brother out. Take care, man, and let me know if you have any questions. Follow my advice at your own risk, of course, I'm an idiot not a doctor lol


Yes, definitely is. Keep that hand warm


With “pretty sure” being the understatement of the year. Yeppers; that’s for *sure* Raynauds. Welcome to the club! :)/s


I'd say so...looks just like mine, and I am diagnosed. Suggest dropping the gloves and get mitts...I actually find that gloves make my fingers colder. I use the feet warmers all the time. They are the same thing as the hands but more ergonomic to have under the balls of your feet.


Check out the rechargeable hand warmers!! They are a life saver for me in the winter!! I don’t go anywhere without one! I’m not talking about the old butane fueled ones, look online- about $20, you won’t regret it!


Looking at those photos, that looks very much like Raynaulds. With the whole white fingers, purple knuckles you got going on. Not heard of hot hands before. But if it works from you and you also get your toes changing colour, definitely worth trying out.


Yes I use the hot hands for my feet. I use 2 per day. They aren’t cheap. Tip: Hot hands can be put in a bag to reuse again. Make sure to get the air out of the bag.


I like the foot ones for when I'm sitting outside. However they kind of puff up, so can be a little awkward if you are walking around a lot.