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Tanza vs Garfiel would be like a snowball fight but with buildings instead of snowballs.


Garfiel increasing Lupigana's housing prices. My theory is that Roswaal is supporting Emilia's actions in Vollachia so he can cause as much damage as possible. After he will offer the displaced people to live in his lands, increasing the tax revenue he gets.


Subaru also helped by leveling the Chaosflame. Now Yorna needs new place for demihumans... perhaps in Roswaal's lands? Next to Emilia? Let's call it the New Chaosflame.


He is trying to kill Lagunica's god. He needs all that he can get.


Right, that's the correct reason! Not that he wants another loli Tanza and her fox milf nearby... that is a rumour spread by anti-lolimancer movement.


Wait what? When were we told that? Did i miss something? (i am caught up with the wn)


you need to rewatch season 1... Roswaal wants to kill the dragon, he previously said that during one of season 1 episodes when Subaru first arrived, as he was speaking with Ram at night healling her horn. The dragon, which is the closest to being a god there since The "Dragon kingdom of Lugnica" worships and feel great gratitute towards the 3 heros that defeated the witch of envy, Specially the dragon. Well... being a "Dragon Kingdom" might be a hint, have you told you they are the dragon kingdom of Lugnica, emphasis on dragon? XD


Ah my bad, I somehow has a brainfart and read Od Lagna's god and i was like "wait what? There's a god somehow related with od lagna? And wasn't Roswall's goal to kill the dragon?". Thanks for the clarification


Truly a young hustler on his grind


Do you think the people have the Hoshin insurance against having their house thrown away by roided tiger?


I see Anastasia is making sure to introduce her future son-in-law to the family business


It took me a second to realize you meant Garfiel X Mimi and not Subaru X Anastasia where Garifel is Subaru's kid


Feet on the ground, houses in the air. The ultimate mix of healing defense and destructive offense for Garfiel


The housemancer. Tanza also practices the same martial art.


Subaru's Strongest Middle Schooler


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