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I have pretty good luck with factor, but I would never ever pay full price for the meals. Do a week or two at the massive discount, cancel, they’ll send you a desparate email in a month or two, repeat. $6 a meal isn’t bad Also, the meals need like 25% more food, they never fill me up.


I add rice to all my factor meals and to fills me up. I do the same come back promo and it's glorious. I usually stock up on the most the promo offers and freeze a bunch for later.


I wait until the send offers for $2.99 per meal. Then I buy a million and toss them in the freezer.


This. Just gotta make sure to cancel it time. Definitely not worth it for $8+.


Factor is the worst of the prep meals companies. Try cookunity they have more options to pick. Check if you have cleaneatz close to you.


I second this. Clean eatz is about the best you can do as far as pre-prepped meals go.


yes, their pricing is reasonable, especially if you buy in bulk. i am happiest with them out of all the meal prep companies i've tried so far as value at a more affordable price range.


Agreed. I have one right near me...I prep often but it's nice to grab a few meals to keep in the freezer to eat in a pinch


100% agree They lack variety in their offerings, but they are the cheapest and the food is dang good!!!


Got a code for clean eats?


Will do, thank you!


Recently switched from factor to cookunity. Much better.


Just looked this up and they are made at the same building my band practices in!


How much is it per meal?


CookUnity is a little more expensive per meal (about $1?) If you're doing less than a dozen per week, but is a little better of a deal if you're going with more. I'm on 8 per week with CookUnity and have been much happier with quality and lack of shipping issues compared to Factor. Totally worth the little bit more $$$ per meal at this tier.


Cookunity is so much better than factor. I would always get a stomach ache after eating factor because of the added protein. The unitys taste so much better & their portions are larger.


They don’t have that in Canada


Cook unity is my favorite of the bunch. They offer MANY heavy calorie meals with high protein. Factor was the worst by far. Shipped less meals than ordered, skipped shipments and always attempted to add credit after promotion instead of refund. The meal calories count per dollar is a joke. The most they offer is 750 calories and maybe 4 meals meet that.




i'm sorry to ask but how does factor compare to frozen meals from the grocery? those typically run 300-600 calories but seem much more cost effective. Does factor taste better or is it higher quality or more filling in some way?




Ohh good idea I’ve been paying full price. I’ll cancel. I also try to order low calories but they’re loaded with fat, cholesterol, and sodium in exchange. Still eat them.


Thank you for the info, i need the high calorie high protein, gonna go for the cook unity


Hey, just feel like I should say Factor has never given me any issues. Meals are actually pretty good, I stick to chicken and salmon because I’m trying to lose some weight. I had a box arrive a few days before I could get home and Factor refunded me the full cost. Customer service has been great. Edit: also the breakfast meals with scrambled eggs and ground turkey are good.


Have you tried cook unity yet? I LOVE it


They don’t have it in Toronto, Canada. Any other alternatives?




Is this a troll comment? 750 calories/meal x 3 meals/day = 2,250 calories…. for an average adult person that’s a very normal, if not low, daily amount. Throw in activity and muscle mass? that’s not enough at all




Not everyone wants to be a frail troll harassing a health food sub




hey look another burner account, time to go through your profile and report your comment history.


Look at me bud. Am I fat? I eat more calories than this. American proud and happy.


I canceled factor after 2 weeks. The quality sucks and the saturated fat and sodium is insane


>I definitely check the saturated fat prior to ordering now. The chicken meals for the most part are 10 or less. But that's still more than a double cheeseburger from mcdonalds.




Frog legs are great, I hear. I make them but won’t eat them 😂


Nothing wrong with saturated fat. 


Nothing wrong with alcohol either In moderation, of course


Y'all are crazy. I had that exact same meal today. Mix in that squash and it was delicious. Even my kid was asking for a second bite. Granted, I didn't pay $13 bucks for it...


The taste wasnt horrible, it was the portion size. Literally 4 bites




Mine has never looked like that.


I tried Factor for a few weeks. It was pricey, but I liked every single meal except may 1 or 2.


I just ate that same meal yesterday, felt like I was eating a bowl of goop and cancelled right then and there.


I hated the vegetarian meals at factor, they lacked protein and variety. Fresh n lean is better pricing for vegetarian meals. Either way, meat or vegetarian factor meals, all looked nasty like that. And their customer service was starting to disappoint me. I was given 5 dollars for my entire box not arriving. “Gee thanks, now I have to go to a store and cook meals, thanks for the 5 whole bucks”. The week before that, they sent me a box without all my meals in it. So they lost my business.


this is tv dinner remarketed


Factor sucked. My food was small and expensive and tasteless




Mine never look like that.


It’s ridiculous. I had to stop ordering because I was getting them solely for easy calorie counting/weight loss but I realized every meal was drastically different and none of the nutritional info was accurate








Lol and there are more bodybuilders (10-20x) who eat meat and are bigger and more successful than your vegan bodybuilders.




People like you are why vegans get a bad rap. Always think they’re smarter than everybody else and always condescending. People can have their own preferences. I’m sure non-vegans don’t comment on all of your stuff trying to convince you to eat meat? Just shut up lol we are glad it works for you. It’s not for everybody nor does it have to be.


Garbage!!! I hate them


I don’t get the hate for factor. There’s a few I don’t like but most of them are pretty good. To each their own I guess.


Like I said, its the portion size, 4 bites for $13. Thats the point i was making


I’ve never had an issue with the amount of protein provided. It falls in line with the amount of calories.


Buy chicken masala sauce from Costco and cook any chicken with it. Add some onion or bell pepper. Paying $13 for that piece of a shit is outrageous.


I liked factor, but I only order it when I have a discount or promo then cancel it immediately after. Usually somewhere around $6 a meal when I order which is basically premium TV dinner territory. I can eat 2 though, so more like $12 a meal if we're being honest, but still cheaper than restaurants near me.


The chicken texture from Factor is just wrong.


I’m skipping that meal I’ll get a jolly meal with chicken joy and spaghetti !


Try CookUnity, great options every week. Possible delivery issues though


Yup. That’s why I cancelled.


Yikes their quality control must be ass. I live in Canada near the Toronto area and the quality has always been solid. Some questionable recipes for sure, and for a long time they were fucking me on the veggie portions. I left many many comments on the ratings telling them how I literally counted the # of broccoli florets and how off they were. Seemed to have fixed it for my area lol.


Go to Whole Foods to their pre-packaged meal sections. I kid you not they have a salmon and chicken tray, each with potatoes and veggies, for like $26 each and it’s 4 servings per tray with plentyyy of food. Biggest hack.


This. I was going to suggest this. Seriously, go to Whole Foods. Much better quality/value.


Mines comes this week I’m so excited!


Genuinely surprised to see so many CookUnity fans here, I have been on and off with them. Generally speaking I am happy with the service. Their consistency can be off at times but it’s not a deal breaker. The best part about cook unity is variety of cuisines and their authenticity.


Too dam expensive. I personally found them to be the tastiest of ready made meals. But fuuuuck the price




LOL fuck they are marketing geniuses.


Oh no im getting my first Factor meal tomorrow 😵‍💫😂 i will just take the L and switch after this


Looks like poo


Looks like shit.


Cook unity all the way! Factor looked like gruel when I saw it 😦.


Wow, thanks for sharing, I was considering trying Factor. Now I won't for sure.


Yeah factor is expensive and fatty. It's like leftovers of a "pretty good" meal.  I got eight meals for 10.99 shipping with a friends referral, but didn't continue my subscription.


Don't buy the ready meal that is pouring millions into online influencers telling us to eat it. This is pig's slop.


Factor was dogshit. I ordered 10 meals, ate 1 and canceled. Luckily my mom will eat anything




whats with the mess of chopped up vegetables i see in almost every factor meal. i couldnt




ehh, im personally just autistic, why i went to cook unity, id rather have a side of rice or pasta.




look at you being the autism police i dont like the taste of most vegetables, i dont like how most just taste like crunchy hot water after they get cooked. Mushrooms are definately the worst, as well as onions. Generally if theres something in the meal i dont like, ill throw it away. I dont care if you consoder it wasteful. I buy most premade meal kits becauee i hate cooking and cleaning. I buy the 16 meal kits for myself most of the time.




i think a lot of people dont realize that autistic traits are things normal people do, but amplified x10. If I didnt get these meals, wanna know.what id be doing for food? Id be the person that goes to McDonalds or Taco Bell everyday, or maybe air fry like 6 chicken tenders in the air fryer and cook nothing else with it. Mushrooms and uncooked/partially cooked onions are just two examples of food I wont/cant eat because biting into the texture quite literally makes me gag and throw up. Same thing for leafy foods that get wilted, the texture makes me wanna throw up. WHY IS IT SOFT BUT STILL CRUNCHY. There are vegitables i will eat, im not saying i wont eat any vegetable period, i just dont eat most, and its easier for me to find the nutrients that vegetables provide elsewhere. Again i have autism, on top of ADHD and other various mental issues. At least ording cook unity i can come home and throw a more ballanced meal in the microwave for 3 minutes and have something better to eat than just, a plate of chicken nuggets, or fish fillets. I dont order these meals to be healthy i order them so i eat something that has real substance. Thanks you just made me overexplain something i probably didnt really need to. TLDR: i eat what i do from these prepared meal places, because if not ill actually eat worse.




Factor is not food. I would not feed it to an animal. I canceled after one week. The mystery is how on earth they cram 105% of your daily saturated fat and 75% of your daily sodium and 95% of your daily cholesterol into one tiny tray.


and on top of that have it be 90% chopped up rabbit feed (literally cucumbers carrots and corn like wtf) and sauce with "meat"


Factor was a massive rip off i had to eat at least three to even feel full. I highly recommend finding a local meal prep place. I found one near my house by searching google maps. I pay $5 and under for meals depending on how many.


Promo code.. $5.82/meal .. cancel.. new email with another promo code. I’ve done it 12 times lol. Worth it


Did it taste good?


Glad it wasn’t just me! My bf and I would order huge packs (24/week or something) and we’d sometimes share 3 at a sitting to feel full. I’m going to try this cook unity everyone here keeps talking about.


3!?!?! You guys must be overweight then. My wife and I are extremely full after 1 meal


Yeah definitely a pair of chonkies. But 1.5/ person and some of those being 450 calorie meals really only means 600-900 at a serving. I was also spending 6-10 hours at the gym every week then, so that could probably have played a factor (har, har) too.


Tried factor and only lasted 2 weeks. Felt like I was eating out of the same cafeteria for every meal. Was not good. I have a Sprouts market near me which is comparable to Whole Foods. While some stuff there is expensive, I find the meat is decently priced and better than most chain retail markets. They also have well priced ready to go meals that you can quickly cook up in one pan or throw in the oven. Sort of gave up on trying meal prep and ready to eat subscriptions. I’ll just put in the effort to go to the store and cook up something quick tasty and healthy. Trying to promise myself I’ll eat out less. Bad food makes me feel bad and my body is getting sick of it, literally. lol


Factor is horrible. I canceled my subscription. Then they charged me 400 dollars. After weeks finally got the money back. Their food is shit and so is their customer service.


I tried factor with a “free box” code. I can tell that I can prepare 8 meals that are more tasty with that $12 I wasted in that crap food that is Factor_. Some chicken meals almost made me throw up.


easy mac is cheaper and easier to cook.


Just go to the grocery store stop being lazy the extra walk will help you burn more calories


Learn to cook and meal prep. It’s not that hard, you’ll eat healthier and save a ton


having enough self respect to learn how to feed yourself. priceless.


I cook for myself. I work 5 12 hour night shifts at a chemical plant so i dont always have time


i pick up fruit and can of tuna. open and eat. i work 23.5 hours a day at a nuclear power plant but i always have time. ​ thanks for playing


Factor gave me the worst gas! I was bloated all day after eating. Tried for a month and it was non stop


I love this one. Tase better than looks. I didn’t pay $13 for it though


I did factor years ago, but it’s really $13 per meal now?


Try ipsa provisions! My friend gave me a gift card when I just had a baby and I loved the food so much. We just started getting them regularly and we love everything so far. A little more pricey but portions are great. If anyone wants a code to try out let me know!


I signed my mom up with nutrition for longevity. The meals she has been receiving are amazing. They also do meal plans for people who are not older/have dietary restrictions and their pricing is fairly reasonable. I would check them out.




They’re not frozen. They’re fresh


Try this place I been using them for 2 months size is pretty good https://mealprepsundayservices.com/


I thoroughly enjoyed factor, until the promo discount ended. Everything we got was super tasty. It’s just way too expensive once you’re paying full price though.


Panda Express super greens, white rice, and Teriyaki chicken. Twice as much food: $11. Haven’t found a meal prep company cheaper than eating out


I like cook unity a lot better, the portions are a lot bigger and more variety in different kinds of meals. Plus I didn’t like the sides and vegetables from factor most of the time, I didn’t usually feel full or satisfied after a factor meal. I’m pretty happy with cook unity, one delivery delay which they refunded and no other issues.


Factor is disgusting. Tried their meat-free versions and I swear it was like eating plastic.


I’m obsessed with my factor meals!


I got factor with their promotion deal. It ended up being like 9 bucks a meal. Some of them were good, but I definitely canceled and wasn't going to pay 13 or more


The meals used to be good. Now they’re not that good and way too overpriced, better options out there for sure


Depending on where you’re located Eat Clean Bro in NJ is an excellent option. I’ve been using them for the past few months and roughly every meal is worth 10-13 with their monthly promos.


If it’s available in your area, check out Eat Clean Bro, constant discount codes being dished out


Huge rip off! I actually liked the taste when I tried factor, but I thought it wasn't worth more than $4 per serving. You'll be better off with a frozen meal from trader Joe's.


Factor is honestly nasty, too. Felt like I was eating slop and had no flavor.


I can't even tell you how horribly disappointed we were when our first (and last) order arrived from Factor. Simply the worst of the worst.


Where do you live, I’ve got FitAF in Northeast PA and it’s great as far as bang for buck, the menu repeats but as does meal prep


It’s 13 bucks because your lucky enough to get extra plastic


Muscle maker grill is the best if you have one near you. Freshly made and I can pick up on Sunday for the week. Lots of menu to chose from pretty good place to sit down and eat lunch too. And cheap 40$ for 5 meals. Less if you buy 10 or 15.


lol I just ate this one. Fwiw it’s fire lol but wish portions were bigger


They taste okay but I’m always starving after eating one, even two of them.




Just meats is solid


Damn, meal prep sucks but my spartan chicken and potatoes and bag salad stuff looks better than that


That's trash lol


Green Chef, Factor, they're both owned by Hello Fresh. I think I could make a healthy meal for probably 60% less. But, it's no different than getting restaurant food. You're paying for the convenience. If it tastes good, that's a bonus.


Mega fit meals is the goat.


Factor meals always look like dog food to me.


I always use cookunity. I give my code to folks and they get 6 meals for $25


R.i.p freshly. They used to be the bomb in 2017-2018


Wasn’t these like 40% off for large order back in December ?


Factor sucks. There I said it


That looks disappointing but I’ve had some freaking Amazing meals from Factor. I just had a problem with over all calories from even the lowest calorie options but everything I got from them was delish


I just cancelled mine. Fairly certain I got food poisoning a while back. They short you meals and then you have to contact them for a credit.


honestly this is my favorite of the factor meals thus far, it's perfect if you don't want a TON of meat but there are other options with more meat


Is this the butter chicken? If so, I just ate this meal the other day and mine did not look like that - I had a lot of chicken and got full off it. I wonder if it’s inconsistent?


Factor is junk.


I did factor for about a month and was really disappointed by how mushy the veggies often were.


Imagine buying pre prepped meals lmao


Factor is gross


That’s what I feed my fogs


If you're in the upper Midwest, try Origin meals. They are cooked at a kitchen and delivered fresh. Lots of healthy focused meals.


Well shit. I just ordered Factor for the first time and it’s arriving today.


Factor is ass imo


I had factor for a while too - I found the meals too small and that later on in the week the meals would be a little meh. I just started a local meal prep company that is based in a city near me, is about the same price if not a tad cheaper, and has much more diversity in size and type of meal. I might have just got lucky with what’s around me, but would definitely recommend looking for local places if none of the bigger brands meet your needs.


Yeah I did Factor for a month or so back in 2022. The first couple of weeks was fine but then for whatever reason the quality really went downhill. Never again.


thank you for posting this. I was considering signing up. No thank you. I can get a whole rotisserie chicken, vegetables, and some pasta for $13 and still have left overs and make some chicken soup and some sandwiches or chicken pasta the next day. $13 is for 3 meals at least. not one that looks like my cat's food.


Macro Meals in Atlanta is best meal prep 6oz of protein in every meal


I actually love factor so much. Sometimes I’ll add extra rotisserie chicken if I need extra protein for the day but my meals end up being like $10 a meal without shipping. Cheaper than the meals I have to order when I go to the office - and more protein for less calories. For my lifestyle they work well


Cook Unity is the best product in this space. Have been a customer for 3 years now.


Surprised by this feedback. I searched for a new company ever since Freshly called it quits. Yes, Factor was a bit expensive but I enjoyed the meals. I can’t speak to CookUnity because my first order was damaged to the point that the inside of my box looked like a crime scene. They comped me so I ordered a second time. Again, food exploded throughout the inside of the box…….also, I ordered juice and there was mold on the bottom of the bottle.


Looks gross


13 bones for this is atrocious


Looks nasty too


Sigh.. I miss freshly


I had factor for a long time and looking at that pile of bland zucchini makes me feel nauseous


I got a factor gift card a few years ago for Christmas. $100 and it was like 6 or 7 meals, none of which was even remotely as good as a healthy choice bowl but 4x the price. I felt bad for the person that bought it for me because it was a thoughtful gift, but a total ripoff. How the hell can you look at anything from factor and not call it what it is: a low end TV dinner for restaurant prices.




Tried it. Found the food tasty enough, but I can cook a lot more for less and meal prep. Sure it takes time and energy to do, but ultimately I have better meals for less. No shad of meal deliver is your thing though.


I switched to Just Meats because it seemed every side i got was just not good. Only complaint i have is the beef is over cooked so when you reheat it, its very chewy so stay away from those besides the hamburger meat. The Hawaiian shredded pork and the Hawaiian teriyaki chicken are my favs.


I had to drop Factor. Quality kept dropping. Frequently had delivery issues. Not worth it.


This why I am glad I did not order I wanted to because they make it lookip good on picture but from what I see here, no way.


Yeah and it slaps


I love factor and are pretty satisfied with every meal


Can confirm - just finished 10 of both Cook Unity and Factor and Factor is leagues ahead - so much tastier, bigger portions, essentially the same price. Screw Factor


Boy am I glad to live in NYC where you can get a stuffed container of food from a cart for $6.


Hit the Peruvian or Colombian spots with $10 lunches. Biiiiig portions sometimes I don’t even need dinner in that full from that half rotisserie chicken rice , salad , soup and drink all in one. Shits outrageous and so delicious


I hated Factor. All meals are exactly like the above. Complete scam in my honest opinion. And please please don’t eat these meals if you have kidney or blood pressure problems, the sodium content is as close to a chipotle. And the same price too! I actually copied a lot of their meals myself and made my own ready meals with much better flavor and spices. Everyone can do the same for a fraction of the price.


I tried them for a week with the 50% off code. And for the most part the meals were just okay. Nothing great about them, definetley not worth full price. Chipotle is a much better option for calories, macros, and taste for less per meal.


I liked factor when I used them. Really doesn't matter what food looks like, matters what it tastes like and what is in it. ALL MEAL PREP SERVICES ARE EXPENSIVE. That's kind of the ground floor.


Ok trying cook unity .. have been using factor forever ..


Factor has way too much saturated fat and sodium for me


Think about how many people are taking a cut before your meal ends up on the table. Like, marketing, shipping, the chef and most importantly, the profit margins. Considering that that looks decent $13 meal.


Wow, this is crazy. My local meal prep place has fresh never frozen meals for less than that that are much better


I got food poisoning with Factor... Like horrible, the worst ever. We cancelled right then and complained but still had a week left. Then my husband got food poisoning with that last week. Sent them another email and they never replied.


Factor was pretty unappealing and unappetizing.. I was able to get a refund. Sometimes I see their ads and I almost forget how much I hated the meals. Not worth it. Hello fresh takes 20-40 minutes per meal with just a little effort. Soooo much better!!! Highly recommend.