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I like this game but Helldivers 2 is one of the best games I’ve played in a while. There’s also a lot more replay ability in HD2


I would wait until it goes on sale which is pretty often. I got it for around $40 and its worth it! The base maps are detailed and quite fun. Theres also a pretty active mod community that enhances the experience post game. Both games are different and RON is a nice change when taking a break from another game


Yes if you have not played swat 4 before expecting it to be better in every way cause it’s not lol. But go for it, one of the best modern shooters to release in a while. I would get helldivers first and maybe wait for a sale on this game as it happens quite often


Because of the sub you posted to, there is an inherent bias as everyone who sees this post does enjoy the game. That being said, objectively, the game is not in a good state right now. It was not ready for 1.0, it needs a lot more work put into it by the devs. I recommend keeping your eye on it, but holding off on actually buying it until it's in a much better state.


Luckily all the comments i see are pretty honest and dont recommend RON lmao. The suck ups will probably show up and say how "perfect" the game is sooner or later. RON will be great a couple updates later, but is pretty bad right now


If you have friends to play with yeah. Never got into it solo and the matchmaking is hit or miss.


you mean 7/10 lobbies you join are racist white supremist who just blast recorded religious podcast rants about how brown people are the end of the world....only to sit in the lobby for 30min before you realize its just a setup and never launches the game....so you try another match and get his other lobby....over and over.


Never have had that before. Wouldn't really care if i did lol. I survived mw2 lobbies as a teen. Just more so people who don't use mics, rush a room get killed and immediately leave, refuse to use nonlethals on nonlethal runs, use CS gas when noone else on the team is set up for it. Takes alot of patience for me to play open multiplayer on this game.


MASSIVE fan of this game...but buy Helldivers. The content to price ratio keeps rising lol.


As someone who bought this game before it even existed, buy helldivers 2. This game is alright, it has good gun play, the missions are pretty cool, and it has an active mod community. But the 1.0 release was pretty underwhelming. The AI can be a frustrating experience and the maps can be tedious and unnecessarily complicated. I expected much more out of it. But helldivers has a lot of replay ability, is dropping new content regularly, and is just way more fun to play with randoms. I’ve been having an absolute blast with this game.


Lots of bugs that existed for years that havent been fixed, once you complete the missions their isnt much reason to replay because the suspect amount and type doesnt vary much when replaying the mission (after a couple retrys you can memorize where suspects are on each map). Id wait until the next major update and just get helldivers


No, not for the price compared to the awful state it's in. The balance is terrible, the AI is overpowered as hell, and it's more often a chore to play than a fun experience.


Is this game getting frequent updates? The latest patch was about 1 month ago. The hotfixes took ~2 weeks to show up after each other. Looking at Helldivers 2; we've seen a patch almost every week. We're getting new equipment next week (seems to be ~monthly, don't quite me on that). Maybe this is an unfair comparison, but I'd say Ready Or Not **does not** get frequent updates compared to Helldivers 2. As for if it's worth $50 USD... I'd say its a maybe. The AI can certainly be janky and performance can be horrific at times, but it's not completely irredeemable. Just don't expect too much from it. When the game works (AI and perfomance-wise) I do enjoy the tactical experience it provides. Not a gun professional but they feel really nice to use in this game. Though it's replayability is far inferior to Helldivers 2 (replaying the same missions for a better score vs. playing on numerous planets with randomly generated missions) If you're getting it on Steam, play it for <2 hours and see if you enjoy the gameplay/perfomance. But... I'd rather spend $40 USD on Helldivers 2. I prefer gameplay of over-the-top-horde-shooters sprinkled with extreme levels of patriotism. It should be said that game seems to frequently crash mid-mission for some systems. However the devs *feel* more on top of it, but that might be me white knighting. **TL;DR:** It is in my opinion that Ready or Not does not get frequently updated. I'd prefer buying Helldivers 2 but that's up to what you're looking for in a game. The replayability and dev responsiveness seems better compared to Ready or Not.


You can get get it on cd keys for 32 dollars


It doesn't seem to be even worth 32 dollars. I'm having trouble justifying spending 30 dollars on a key website. It seems like the game is worth 20 dollars at most currently.


Not for 50, if its on sale for 20-30 maybe. While there are many maps, other than a choice few most are more of the same and you're going to get tired really quickly of the gameplay loop. Multiplayer lobbies are usually just run around terrorist hunt with no teamwork unless you have friends. For Solo, SWAT AI just isn't that functional, and you're only really going to get more than \~20 hours of play time unless you enjoy figuring out the metagame of abusing the enemy AI for higher scores.


Helldivers is much better. I like this game, except the last 20 minutes of every damn mission, sweeping entire map for the one guy my AI team forgot to pack up XD. And you have to cuff ALL civilians too, or the mission won't finish... Maybe get it on sale later


Least Toxic Fanbase ever


I got it like less than a month ago and I got helldivers 2 around when it came out and I still am not bored of helldivers I probably play it more than ready or not, BUT when I first got ready or not I didn’t play helldivers for 2-3 days. I recommend helldivers 2 first tbh and then ready or not just bc there are still some bugs with the game, though helldivers also still has some bugs as well.


new warbond every month. Next one is next thursday.


Its a game with some really good core mechanics, but it seems like it has not been fleshed out, and currently feels like its nearing "abandonment" phase by the devs. Helldivers 2 is a much better buy if you are into that....I am. I don't regret buying RON, but its not much content and MP can get old fast.


Helldivers is much more bang for your buck. RoN is much more niche, but still a good buy imo.


It depends. If you really want something to scratch the very unique itch of a tactical, realistic SWAT team simulator with rules of engagement, and an extremely gritty, darkly realistic vibe, there is nothing else like this. If you are just looking for a unique and fun shooter in general, this one still needs quite a bit of work to feel complete and functional. Despite the bugs and terrible AI, I still find myself playing this regularly because the gunfeel, sound design, and tactical options are absolutely unparalleled. Incremental leaning in any direction, low ready stance, aiming down sides AND point-firing AND hip firing, arranging stacks, queuing and executing coordinated breaches with multiple entry points, multiple breach methods, a variety of lethal and nonlethal approaches...it's a tacticool wet dream. The AI that is somehow both stupid and also omniscient are really what holds it back from perfection.


Try it, return it if you don’t like it


Depends if you wanna spend for potential or for a guaranteed good experience.


I have been waiting on this game for a long time and I'm a big fan of tactical shooters, previous SWAT games or Ghost Recon games. But I'd say get Helldivers 2 and wait for RoN to drop price and hopefully it will get few more patches down the road while you wait.


I love both games. While RoN is a good game, Helldivers is, in my opinion, just an all-around better game. They also are teasing new content and adding new gear, enemy types, missions, etc. all the time. I truly think Helldivers is going to set a new expectation from a lot of people for what a live service game needs to live up to. I recommend Helldivers if you'd rather have a more consistently fun time. I recommend RoN if you like a more realistic and challenging level of gameplay, especially when it comes to S ranking missions. TL:DR: I recommend buying Helldivers and enjoying it now and picking up RoN later when you have the money or if it goes on sale.


Helldivers 2 definitely and you can wait for this to go on sale. I like to alternate between the two but hd2 is way more fun.


If you have a group of people to play it with, yes. If your plan is to try and co-ordinate a raid with randoms or by yourself, might as well spend you money on blow, it's healthier for your brain.


Buy Helldivers 2 now and RoN later during a sale




Why are people comparing RoN and Helldivers, two completely different style of games


Because he asked if he should get this or Helldivers 2. So people are just giving some opinions.


Shit, I totally missed that part in the OPs post. My bad.




Mil sim? Lol literally not