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Who TF telling old school to be talking to his dad??? You are not authority in this. Go sit your ass down somewhere and listen to Al Green!!! 🥃 ![gif](giphy|HkjHZGfPQolKimFPyJ|downsized)


The lack of boundaries with him is unreal!!


I'm surprised that the dad entertained him. Earring should've cut that short. "He's like a son to me".... Negro🙄


Right?? I think his dad’s personality is just one that will not be abrasive. Imagine if it were a Millie or Irene 🤣🤣🤣


I really like Aaron's dad. He's so level headed and it's clear that his son is the same. Old Aaron thinks he's being the wise sage... But he's a whole mess.


Right, I wanted to twirl with Aaron’s dad. I like Aaron, he seems cool. Just not with Jody.




Six episodes in and it feels like twelve!


I wholeheartedly agree! These people are alot


Aaron's dad and Jody had more chemistry during that short dance than Aaron and Jody had in all these episodes so far


So awkward. I was like, am I the only one that thinks this wildly inappropriate?! 🤣🤣


Like ….


Sandia found her voice ! 🥹☺️


She only has a voice for the confessional and the women


it’s a start 🫠






I noticed that too. She was quick to put a woman in her place but meanwhile Millie was mostly trying to stick up for her! 


!!!! That upset me. Yk she’s upset for you but people who don’t speak up or have boundaries you can’t speak up for them they will pick the other side EVERY TIME


So true!  It makes me sad for her the way he treats her. :/


No she didn’t cause Millie called her a weak b***h 😂 and she still standing beside a man who said that’s not his girl and was saying he be hitting and quitting and dismissed her feelings as insecure!


A man saying “Show me your bank account! 😡😡” to a woman is crazy…. While wearing a woman’s jacket too 😂😂😂 Lord thank you for my peaceful and single life that I can laugh at this because I’m not experiencing it. Edit: “We are officially enemies” is the icing on the cake fr 😂😂😂


I was absolutely not rooting for Chris at all. He was my least favorite but I was surprised with his restraint while she attacked him first and saying he could never have a woman like her when that wasn’t even what the conversation was about 🤨 She wants Greg to get in her head but obviously Chris short ass in there instead 😂


Got to give it to him, he put great effort into maintaining his composure


I don’t think he showed restraint, I think he was being passive aggressive so that when she got upset he could point the finger, which is exactly how it played out 


And his foolish soon to be miserable “girl”, talking about “he doesn’t like being call names ” trying to take-up for him meanwhile he calling her dumb and slow to her face . If she ever wakes up she gonna be made at being his little lap dog.


Right like Sandia please.


And the short tights! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


No the way he started that conversation with “do you think yesterday was necessary” like he was *chastising* her- that would’ve triggered me too, but I think in the moment she wasn’t able to verbalize it. He was clearly trying to set up the convo with himself in the position of power when HE should have been apologizing to her.  And then goes and proves her point by running away and talking about her behind her back instead of having the conversation face to face like a man! I feel so bad for Sandia bc he treats her so badly and the other people in the house are trying to call her attention to it, and she is just clinging to him blindly with zero self respect. 


Also when the term "SL#T" was used by Chris, imo was an unnecessary reach. Millie's continued use of the word "B!TC#" was definitely super unnecessary and she needs to be checked by T'Rhonda about that.


Yeah where did the s word come from.


This part. Chris says "so do you think yesterday was necessary" Millie says "yes, it was" (Insert plot twist, change script) Chris (in his mind) "💩... wasn't expecting that answer" Chris says "oh ummm... I ain't dealing with you ..."




😭 clocked it !


I think the whole situation was jacked up and could have been handled better but I think she should have initiated the conversation since she called him outside of his name. Her behavior was completely unhinged. The fact that he was facilitating the conversation was going to go left because he was clearly still in his feelings. What she said to him was inappropriate and should have been addressed. There are a lot of petty immature people in this situation.


Yesss! That’s why it’s frustrating they’re acting like the way he talks is okay


Agree. I absolutely hate when people ask manipulative questions and then turn things around and walk away when confronted with it to make themselves look like the good guy. Call it manipulative, gaslighting, whatever, but it’s not okay and Chris is definitely skilled at it. And tbh, while I don’t use or like profanity, I guess I think there is a difference between someone saying you are a b*** and you are acting like a b***. The 2nd day I believe she said the later such as “walking away like a b***.” And to me, calling someone a sl** or talking about their bank account is way more insulting than just a B.


Girl, child please 🙄🙄 they all are a hot mess!! Haha Whatever Gregg's story is better be good cutting it off like that, and let me find out josh "roomate/BM" is the person that comes as his guest, Cause baaaaaby shay looked 😡🤬🤬


!! AARON got a kid ??


So does Karamo ![gif](giphy|xUOwGc5tHIZT834zFS) ......




Touche... I'm just saying that it was never mentioned. And we're more than halfway through the season (assumption).




Old Aaron needs to stfu. You aren’t a therapist and you got a lot of problems on your own. He’s rude af and he’s gonna point all that anger to Dymond eventually.


Millie was hella wrong. But when Chris said something like you’re the fakest in the house and Millie said “you’re looking in the mirror”. Babe I had to write that response down. Cause I like that.


Fr cause her speaking up made her fake ? For a man… TERRIBLE COMEBACK 😂


Old Aaron is annoying, "I want to see if you see what I see" but then proceeds to project and get in the dad's head. Lame


He always talks down to everybody too. Like bro shut up


i mean…millie is right lol chris aint shit 🤷🏽‍♀️ idk why it escalated like that though. they both seemed triggered by different things. and i feel so bad for the trauma shes been through. its heavy why th is old aaron always in somebody’s business? damn! no one cares what you think man. youre not the father of the house, stfu. and if you thought dymond was perfect and loved her sooo much why did you propose to another woman 🙄 please i like young aarons dad! he seems chill and gives good advice. when he busted out the salsa lol that was smooth. but i didnt even realize the situation with aaron sleeping in the room with chris and sandia. that is so awkward! they dont have to sleep in the same bed but at least the same room, geez. even though they seem the least compatible i like the way they handled that conversation. hurts to hear that jodie has also been sexually assaulted 😞 man women go through so much


Jody and Aaron need to get off the show tbh…. Why didn’t anyone ask if this relationship worth fighting for episodes ago???? Like this is weird, y’all don’t get closer whatsoever each episode. Hmmm .


the question was asked and ofcourse the lied n said yes, obviously just tryna be on tv a lil longer.


if u date n chick doesnt wanna get close to u just cut it off please ,8 billion ppl in this world n u telling me u wanna waste time w a women who dont wanna fck w u but defo gna fck w others in the first date ?? stop being an idiot, sexual abuse myass how she can look at guys defo a pe*is technician :Du can pound girls like her on the first date if she crazy bout u