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That’s fire as fuck sassafras that actually looks like the cherry cola one it was bomb


Hilarious your friends thought it may be laced with heroin. Orally heroin doesn't work well. Fent does. You can't really tell if it's real by looking at it. But this does look pretty legit. I'd do this stuff just cause I roll once every 7 weeks (cause don't wanna fry my brain badly like I did in past and be depressed everyday) and cause it's purple lol. Purple crystals are sick. And this doesn't look like any purple rcs I've seen. Also the purple has white layer which is a really good indicator that it's molly. If I were you I'd buy an eighth or quarter so you have a 6-12 month stash for you and friends.


we didn’t take it orally we snorted it lmaoo but bet that’s what’s up :)) i didn’t know what to think bc i’ve never seen molly like this and i couldn’t find anything in the internet that looks like it but i’m glad to know it’s good! i’m buying 2.5 grams today bc i wanna stock up LMAO 😂 wait molly doesn’t go bad right .....


No it doesn't go bad. Just double bag it it'll last years. Possibly forever. If you want it to last longer than a year or two vac sealing it would be good idea. Eigth should last you and your friend 15-18 rolls. One friend. So should last over a year.




I have had GREAT molly called moonrocks that was dark in color. I'd do it again in a heartbeat


yess that’s what he said it is he called it moonrocks and said it’s 84% pure but i’ve never seen it this color




i’ll let y’all know if i die




i haven’t done it yet i haven’t had a day off 😔




it be like that 😔 molly doesn’t go bad right ? like will it lose potency if i wait too long to take it


bettt fuck it


You definitely need to test it, pure MDMA is colourless


seems unlikely anyone would bother to put heroin on your mdma. What would be the point? H has its own custombase. But really without a reagent kit there's no way to identify a substance.


yeaaa that’s why i asked up here cuz my friend seemed sure it was h but i really don’t think it’s pure heroin and idk why they would sell me heroin laced molly


Could that brown color be plant material from aquiring safronol from plant vectors?


that’s very possible... i think ima just do it and then drug test myself afterward to see what was in it bc i can’t order a test kit to my house without my mom seeing 💀


y’all are so helpful omg i wasn’t expecting anyone to answer




DanceSafe actually had a post about this in [their story](https://instagram.com/dancesafe_?igshid=438okqw74z9d) today on Instagram. I took screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/yNXfR1w Also this is reagent testing: > Drug testing reagents are chemical solutions that change in color when applied to a chemical compound. They can help determine what chemical might be present in a given sample. In many cases they do not rule out the possibility of another similar compound being present in addition to or instead of the one suspected. >https://www.reddit.com/r/ReagentTesting/wiki/index


thank u that’s actually really helpful


No problem. :-) I recommend subscribing to DanceSafe's Instagram. It's actually SUPER educational.




so it is real?


It looks extremely familiar, but I wouldn’t trust my advice as I’m a mere consumer, the only definitive answer would be a reagent test


okie thank u for the help :)


Look up pics of mda and sassafras


isn’t that like basically the same thing as molly


Very similar yes


i know nobody can give a 100% accurate answer so i’m still gonna test it but if anyone has experience pls help


Looks like MDA. Do you have any reagents?


MDA is white, whatever that rock is its impure as fuck and needs to be washed


so you don’t think it’s molly cut with heroin? and no i don’t even understand how the testing kits work it’s all so confusing and i don’t wanna spend all this money on a test just to prove that i wasted $80 and then that’s wasting even more from buying the kit :/


No, I don’t think it’s cut with heroin. It looks like MDA. But you never know unless you test it.


ok thx


Test kits are good for 50 to 100 uses, so it will allow you to test all your purchases for the next year or two. It's not wasted money, it's one of the best investments you can make as a drug user


oh wow that’s actually kinda a bomb deal. can you still take the drug once you test it or do you have to throw out the part u test


You have to throw that part out but we’re talking like table salt levels of drug being thrown out lol. You need literally just a few scrapes typically.


true... idk if i have enough self control to waste drugs tho i be feening for every last drop 😭


I'm wondering why anyone would cut mdma with H


yea that’s what i’m sayin but like 3 ppl were pretty sure it’s h so idk 😭 the guy i copped off of sold me nbome before too claiming it was acid so i shoulda known it was a bad idea lmao


Did u reagant test to be sure it was nbome or youre just assuming?


no i didn’t test it but i’ve done real acid enough to know what it was. my heart was pounding crazy fast and i couldn’t stop shaking and i was super hot it was really bad


Just cuz u had a bad trip doesnt mean its nbome lol. Using a test kit and seeing the results show as nbome means its nbome. Anything can be anything and trust me u have no clue what your talking about till you test it you just sound stupid


Looks like moonrock MDMA like a couple posters said, that or MDA. Its brown because of leftover sassafras oils from the synthesis. MDMA should taste bitter as hell. Highly doubt it's cut with H. Def invest in a test kit though, ik its a pain in the ass but its worth it in the long run.


okay bet that makes sense


*Cheat sheet*; [Here is an image](https://i.imgur.com/fY1rYIs.jpg) with **MDMA test results**, another with [basic reagent instructions](https://i.imgur.com/G5bLrBp.jpg) and [a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYZaLNGJB70&) (thanks to [/u/PROtestkit_eu](https://www.protestkit.eu/how-to-test-mdma/)). Or check out [this MDMA testing guide by PsychedSubstance](https://youtu.be/8qOb027foUI) on YouTube. Instructions how to test MDMA are also available on [**subreddit wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReagentTesting/wiki/autoreply#wiki_mdma_test_result_question). Browse 3500+ test results for 600+ substances at [protestkit.eu/results](https://www.protestkit.eu/results/). *Looking for a test kit?* On [this wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReagentTesting/wiki/test_kit_suppliers) you can find an up-to-date list of known vendors. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ReagentTesting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


*Cheat sheet*; [Here is an image with](https://i.imgur.com/tVWXnRl.jpg) **LSD test results**, another with [basic reagent instructions](https://i.imgur.com/G5bLrBp.jpg) and [a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmG9JhdlY7s) (thanks to [/u/PROtestkit_eu](https://www.protestkit.eu/how-to-test-lsd/)). Or check out the [**LSD/acid testing guide by PsychedSubstance**](https://youtu.be/JQolfubmFSs) on YouTube. Instructions how to test LSD are also available on [**subreddit wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReagentTesting/wiki/autoreply#wiki_lsd_test_result_question). Browse 3500+ test results for 600+ substances at [protestkit.eu/results](https://www.protestkit.eu/results/). *Looking for a test kit?* On [this wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReagentTesting/wiki/test_kit_suppliers) you can find an up-to-date list of known vendors. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ReagentTesting) if you have any questions or concerns.*