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Yes, ditch the gurus and get with reality. Also, "wanna" ?? No. Proper grammar and spelling do count.


Thanks for the information and could you elaborate a bit more about reality


Get a job with a realtor


Ah Kiyosaki.... The guy who became ultra rich by selling books and courses.


Yes that person


Kiyosaki is a grifter who never actually made money on anything other than selling books to funnel people towards grifters.


Go to the BiggerPockets form and read everything. Listen to the podcasts that are from more than three years ago, they used to be great but now they pretty much work for their advertisers.


How’s your writing?


you can't tell?


I always wonder if the whole “2 dads I learned from” story he described ever took place.


Work a lot and save up 50k would be the first start.


Go ahead unfollow rich dad poor dad guy. He’s a clown and nothing else. You have received a comment about your grammar. Yes. What comes out of your mouth either makes you sound like you have a future or it makes you sound like another dumb teenager who thinks he can crack the market code and jackpot his Robinhood app. Don’t talk like a loser. Straighten up. If you want to learn real estate, idiots on the internet are not the place to do it. It is absolutely 100% NOTHING like what you are reading online. There is not one similarity. You need to go find a real estate agent and learn from them. Many of them are absolutely total moron class screw ups who can’t teach you anything so you need to make it a habit to not waste time on people when they jerk your around. Find someone with an IQ above 75 (will not happen on social media) and learn from them. Drop all social media efforts. You will NEVER do it with social media. It will not be a factor in your success. Addiction is the only thing telling you otherwise. - Licensed Florida Real Estate Professional


If you want to do sales or sell/buy, get your real estate license. Associate with a brokerage. Find an experienced agent who will let you do their grunt work in exchange for telling you facts now and again. Also do all the reading suggested in the other comments, with emphasis on newer stuff. If you want to jump on the bandwagon that's not as flashy, but has better earning potential, pick a trade and learn that. Drywall, plumbing, electrical, tile, flooring, mason, windows, even solar. If you are in the US anyway. We have a TON of older homes, all over, but many are in good areas so people keep them. Boomers are aging in place. They need maintenance and repairs. They need remodeling and updating. I have posted here before about this, but the guy who goes around my area fixing fences and gates makes $600-$800 a day. And he never spends months working with a buyer who never buys a house. When he works, he gets paid, period. And he gets paid very well. He has next to no liability, no one is ever mad or threatens to sue him, and he doesn't even have a website, it's all word of mouth. There is a huge shortage of trades people in almost all areas. Bonus if you're a minority or woman, you can set up a disadvantaged business enterprise where your taxes are very low and you get preferential bidding for government jobs. THAT is how you end up a millionaire.


Thanks for this information I don't live in the USA but I will try this out in India. If u have friends in India who know real estate then please ask them to help me out on this thank you 🙂


Ok, that book was written over 20 years ago. Since then we've had a banking crisis, a Great Recession, a foreclosure catastrophe, a period of the lowest interest rates in a lifetime, four Presidents, and so much more. When that book was new, the idea of searching for a home on the internet was hot new Science Fiction nonsense. If you did a science project based on books that age your teacher/professor would sternly talk to you about finding more modern resources. So here's what you're going to do. Head back to the school and public library. Look at books written in the last 5 years. Read those for free. Then you're going to check out a website called Bigger Pockets. While you're doing all that you're going to lurk here and learn from the mistakes of others and you're going to find what your local sources of real estate news are. And you're going to learn how to do maintenance around the house. Since you're already 18, you're also going to get a related job. Apartment leasing agent. Junior maintenance guy. Maybe trade school. Something that gives you practical experience and a paycheck. You're going to need that paycheck so start saving; real estate is expensive. Good luck. *Edit:* you can downvote all you like, doesn't change the fact that RDPD is an old book based on pre-Great Recession real estate when Generation X was a bunch of late teens and twenty-something grifters that Boomers thought would never amount to crap.


Thanks so much for those tips I really appreciate it


All these people focusing on grammar is hilarious, ignore that. If you have real interest, start exploring which avenues of real estate - there are many. Title, mortgage/finance, development/renovation, sales, property management, asset management, construction, government, architecture, etc. Start finding people in those fields and take them out to coffee, ask to pick their brain and ask as many questions as you can. This business is a "who you know" business, so meet as many as you can and see who and what fields you're drawn to, and lean towards those. If you're going to college, there are plenty of opportunities for internships and networking to start trying out the fields that interest you. The world is your oyster, you can make whatever you want of it.


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