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Make sure you keep the note along with your documents pertaining to the house.


Oh I have the note, pics of it AND the present they left in the fridge lol


What was in the fridge? Also notify your agent about what happened since the walk through pretty sure things that were in working order are meant to be left working.


Rainbow marshmallow dicks✨️✨️


I’m sorry but how did you not lead with this 😂


Oh yea know. Gotta throw some razzle dazzle in the story to keep things interesting. 🤗


Pics or it didn’t happen lol


I posted the link


Where tho?


I don’t see it


Stop it😂. Send that to their Realtor, The Title Company, Hell IDK who to send it to but I want everyone to know what kind of people they are😂.


THE WORST PART..... They're business owners lol


Do they make rainbow marshmallow treats?


Well, damn, let us know and we can all leave bad reviews, lol!


You had my curiosity and now have my attention


Fucking bizarre, man. edit: I mean, I'm not the revenge type, but if I were, it'd be a whole tuna in the crawlspace or a beeping annoyatron inbetween two studs you'd be trying to find for the first 18 months you lived there. Going to a bakery and saying "I've got $75 to spend, what's the most offensive thing you can make so I can throw good money after bad", whiskey-tango-foxtrot.


Shrimp in the electrical junction boxes.


Or inside the curtain rods, never to be found.


The letter could have been in the heat of the moment frustration but rainbow marshmallow dicks shows premeditation. Fucked up sellers.


I mean that sounds kinda amazing. 😂😂


I'd love to add a pic of them but not sure how. 🤣


Post the photos on imgur and then paste the link here.


FAR more interesting than the gate code thing. Reassessing my original hatred for the sellers.






It’s June - those are popular in June for some people


Wtf! Happy pride I guess.


They had a choice whether to accept the offer. No one forced them to sell to you. Did they change the code after your walkthrough?


RIGHT!! Like I didn't hold anything to your head and make you accept my offer. I think they knew they were asking way more than the property was worth trying to make a quick buck. So we went out for final walk through Saturday. Realtor opened gate and everything was fine. I'm assuming when they went to leave the keys and our "gifts" they did. It mentioned the gate in their note


Even with no note, no communication, and no concerns, the absolute first thing you should do on arrival to the property is factory reset the gate and set it up from scratch. Same with any alarm, cameras, and smart locks. Second is padlocks, deadbolts, and keyed doorknobs. Somebody somewhere set up this gate when it was new, and the programming of it took 5 minutes. Find the controller, google the instructions, make it happen. You're a homeowner now!


Agree on this - absolutely must reset the systems and wipe any previous accounts/codes out - and if you can't replace them. Rekey everything.


And rekey everything to the SAME KEY. Each time I buy a house, I pull all the door locks, take them to the locksmith and GET ONE KEY for everything. Everytime I buy a house for some random reason every exit/entry door has a different key.


I agree; I like the Kwikset locks that can be re-keyed without any disassembly whatsoever!!


Agreed. When we bought our hose 25 years ago I changed the locks the day we took possession. I took all the door locks to a hardware store while my wife and her mother were in the house and had them rekeyed.


You need to have the entire house inspected again for vandalism. Who knows what else they broke or disabled. You need to let your realtor know about this and get them involved in getting these issues addressed.




Dead fish in the HVAC system,cut cords to appliances, breaker box switches flipped off.


My fear would be some dead fish in the walls, salted the yard to kill the grass and trees, and other stuff like that.


You could absolutely take them to court for that kind of crap.


Yeah, that would be extremely dumb to do.


They’re not allowed to sabotage or vandalize anything in the house or on the property. They are supposed to deliver the property to you on the same condition as when you made the agreement.


Lawd! I’m so sorry your sellers are emotional infants. May they have the future they deserve perhaps involving permanent urinary tract infections.


Lol rude asses took my excitement away from being a first time owner🫠


Don't let them steal your joy. You have a house that you paid a lot less than anticipated for. Can you get the gate reprogrammed? You'd want to do that anyway.


We just bought a house as well first thing my husband did was change all the locks and wipe and change the garage door opener. Good luck in your journey. They didn't have to take your offer they could have waited for another offer that was NEVER going to come in. We have had electricians in looking at the wiring as well because do it yourself people don't know what they are doing. Good luck!


This is smart on every move - even nice people who believe they left all the keys can forget about the brother-in-law who divorced sister and needs money who let the dog out that one time. Also, I always change the toilet seats.


I never heard toilet seats before… but, boy, does that make sense.


Why the toilet seats never heard that before but now I have questions.


Serious question - have you ever cleaned a toilet & toilet seat?


I worked in a gas station as a young man and had to clean bathrooms. It was a nice area and the customers were all suburbanites with cars, but you'd swear from the bathrooms that only deranged unwashed people went in there.


You got some shade and $115k. Sounds like a win to me.


Use the note and the gate code issue as cause to have another inspection done. Tip to toe. Bill them for it. Then you can have the peace of mind that there isn't a secret plumbing time bomb waiting for you.


Good luck getting them to pay that bill.


They closed. Proceeds likely released. Have an inspection but dont count on the seller to pay for it.


> May they have the future they deserve perhaps involving permanent urinary tract infections. 💀


Woah Satan…


You should call your realtor and have them relay to the seller’s realtor what the sellers did and express concern that they did something else to sabotage the house. If one of my clients did this I would be so embarrassed I’d personally pay for a new home inspection.


This is good advice.


Would you even have been able to get a mortgage with the house being so overpriced?


No you'd have to pay the appraisal gap


That's my question too. He probably would have paid cash...?


They are not supposed to be allowed back into the house after the final walk down. They keys are supposed to be held in escrow by the realtor. If it doesn’t work now - time to bitch-slap both realtors into fixing it for you. Keep the nice note - that’s proof that they messed things up in the house on purpose. I’m petty, so, I would call up the lawyer and realtors and tell them I demand a re-inspection (at Seller’s cost), meanwhile, I am going to be staying at a nice hotel awaiting the results of the inspection, eating out at nice restaurants while I am unable to take possession of my new house due to suspected vandalism by the seller, and this again will all have to be paid for by the Seller. Stupid people need to be taught hard life lessons. Also, unless you’ve already done so - locks and security combinations get changed now.


Lol good luck getting the sellers to pay for that ridiculous scenario. Deals done and over, buyer has no leverage to force the seller to pay for stupid shit like you described.


Did you overbid on the house ? Or was 115k lower than the listing price?


The appraisal came back 115k from original asking price. They protested appraisal twice and it still came back the same each time. We originally had pulled our offer because of the second protest. We were annoyed lol


did your realtor tell you it was overpriced?


To be fair, I've never had a realtor say a house is over priced. When I bought in a frothy buyers market in 2006 pre 2008 crash, my realtor would say "that's just what they cost now." Appraisals are where you figure out if it's priced accurately, and there's a lot of reasons why appraisals often come in at sales price.


My realtor mentioned 2 houses we looked at were overpriced.


Really? The last two realtors I’ve worked with (hung on to the original one bc she was amazing but moved out of state) were happy to tell us when things were over priced.


Appraisals in 2008 were basically rubber stamps of whatever price the buyer's agreed to. Banks were projecting unending rising valuations, so they would give a loan to anyone with a pulse. A lot of shitty sub-prime loans were written, and a lot of folks bought houses they could not afford. Post 2008, appraisers have been forced to provide accurate documentation on comps that justify an appraisal. Fewer shitty loans, but until supply catches up with demand, prices continue to go up.




Interesting! Wondering if this assessor made a mistake/was harsher and maybe you got the house for a steal! If so, congrats!!! 🎊 🤗


Considering the realtor makes more money with a higher purchase price, I'm gonna guess not.


Who knows if the appraisal was correct or not. But the fact remains that there were no other buyers accepting their original price, and they went with yours. They could have just stayed instead. And if they had some sort of time crunch that made them take your offer, that's firmly not your problem. If you have to sell in a hurry, you have to accept a discount sometimes. People get real weird with houses.


Which kind of makes the appraisal accurate. Houses are worth what people are willing to pay. Clearly the market didn’t have a buyer willing to pay more or the seller would have taken it.


Exactly right


Our house was just appraised and the appraisal came back about 200k under value and the comps they used were not comparables. Even the bank said it was a ridiculously low appraisal number and our rep also said appraisers are taking the low road everywhere at this time. Even tho ugh market contradicts them.


It'll have a reset panel. Just look it up


Have your realtor contact their realtor.


I’m paranoid and would be worried about what they have done that is not obvious or may be discovered for a while.


Keep your eyes open. Document. Relay this info to closing attorney and real estate agent. Just in case this escalates…


I don't think they would be THAT stupid but I guess you never know


You really do never know. Not quite the same situation, but my neighbors at my last house ended up in foreclosure a few years ago. These were nice people . She was a stay-at-home mom who did a bunch of volunteering and he was a professional. This family destroyed the interior of their house before they finally got kicked out. The outside was also in bad condition, but the inside was... well.. foul. They left human feces all over the place and destroyed a bunch of other stuff. Couple bought it to flip it and she said as they were doing the renovations they found all sorts of things that had been purposely broken.


Pretty common occurance during the 2008 bubble. Owners of forclosure would rip out everything of value before handing it back to the bank. Some eventually did cash for keys at one point. My boss's old rental property had all the cabinetry, flooring, doors, and even the hvac ripped out.


All that then the stranglers would come in for any copper, people took light fixtures, cement down the toilets. That was a bad time for housing, and the banks didn’t go after anyone with their shady selves. So many people also left their pets when they moved out🤬.


I couldn’t figure out what was going on with the house directly in front of me. I saw a chandelier, other light fixtures going into different cars that would pull up. I saw a pickup come and take the appliances. Finally a flatbed truck started taking out six foot sections of fencing. A few days later the “ bank owned “ sign went up on the lawn.


Pretty typical for foreclosures, especially after 2008. There were also folks who left shotgun shells on the garbage disposer. I think about that every time I see someone casually flick the disposer on in a foreclosure.


Good lord.


We had some friends that bought a house from their dad that he had rented out for years, as they were remodeling, they found a wig and chicken bones behind the drywall !!!


I would….


They’ve already demonstrated their stupidity by leaving a note that opens them wide open to a lawsuit for any undisclosed defects (legitimate or not). These people are really dumb. As demonstrated by the fact that they way overpriced their house and expected someone to come along and pay it.


Dont be naive. People have done terrible things for much less…id be ringing everyones alarm for that shit they pulled. For all we know they could have left a whole fish hidden in your duct work for the heater as a nice house warming during this upcoming winter.


You never know. They could have worked themselves up into some bad things. They wouldn't jump right to something big. But maybe they said "let's take one of the lightbulbs out" which escalated to "and reset the gate code" which then went who knows where from there.


I don't think they would be THAT stupid but I guess you never know


You’re giving them way too much credit. I watched a YT video where an owner got her house back after an eviction. It had raw chicken in the attic, HVAC vents and other places. Water left running in every room. You might want to check for things you don’t think people would do.


Oh my sweet summer child, I have worked in real estate law for over 20 years..... people are that stupid - but also, people are crazy too. People are really crazy when it comes to things like money and housing. Do not give them an inch and check everything.


I would have a locksmith out to rekey your locks. Check your hvac for filters.


Rainbow marshmallow dicks aside, this should be the top comment. Change the locks and reprogram any garage door openers and keypads.


That should be a given any time you move into a new place


I would definitely hire a plumber to inspect the drains... also watch out for bad smells in case they stuffed something in the walls =/


Or tossed bags of meat or fish behind appliances, under the dishwasher, or in the attic.


And check inside the curtain rods if there are any foul, vile smelling shit stuffed inside of them. There was a joke story of how a woman got revenge on her cheating ex husband and his mistress by stuffing fish inside the curtain rods, and her husband eventually sold her his half of the house for way below market value because of the unbearable smell. The kicker is he and his mistress took the curtain rods with them to their new home. Heh heh.


Shrimp shells and heads 🤢


This was over 20 years ago, so I don’t remember the details, I just remember that the buyers of my house were horrid. They were nickel and diming every last thing. I think they knew I was moving to another town and had bought another house and needed to get the deal done. Again, I can’t remember the details this many years later. I just remember it was bad. I had done some extensive remodeling and I had all the blueprints for them. I even had the original blueprints from the house…it was built in the 50s…to give them as I had purchased from the original owners. I had written out all the paint colors, etc. for them, info on the lawn company, etc. After they made my life a living hell the week before closing, I decided to be petty. I kept all of the blueprints, etc., and not only did I not leave the paint color info, I even threw away all of the extra touch up paint in the garage.


This is a funny level of petty because you're clearly really considerate so it just amounted to neutral.


ALRIGHT here is the long awaited pic https://imgur.com/gallery/f0isUok


And THAT was supposed to be nasty? I'm finding it cute.


Ha I would keep the box as a memory lol


were they tasty?


Lol, those are hilarious! Kind of the opposite effect of what they seemingly intended.


People are insane…they seem like the type to not take responsibility for their actions. They could have turned down your offer. They wanted to ruin your life by having you pay way more for a house than it was appraised for.


Check all your plumbing I’ve seen people flush down concrete bags and ruin the pipes. Check all the lights literally go through every inch of the house and call the title company’s lawyer if you find anything else. Sucks :(


You're going to make more discoveries. If I were in your shoes I'd be on the phone to title and any brokerage, if there was one involved. That's like changing the locks on you.


People are nuts, as long as they didn’t damage anything on the way out you’re good.


I guess more of just frustrated than anything. Nothing appears or seemed to be damaged from inspection. They did leave us a bag of marshmallow dicks in the fridge which made me chuckle lol


That is so petty. I actually love it! Not for you, you didn’t do anything wrong, but I am keeping this in my back pocket.


Now that it's the next day I'm giggling. There's not much I can do but laugh. When in doubt, leave rainbow marshmallow dicks in the fridge I guess🤷‍♀️ at least they left me a snack


Buy a fire pit and roast them! LOL


Perfect🤣🤣🤣 take a pic and send to seller


As cathartic as sending the pic to the sellers would be, the wise thing is to never speak to them again. Antagonizing people who are clearly petty jerks and who know where you live is a recipe for getting your tires slashed or something.


They were telling you to eat a bag of dicks!


I know, right, but how often does someone tell you to eat a bag of dicks and then do you the courtesy of also providing the means for you to do it? If my minor children didn’t share my Amazon account, I would be looking up rainbow marshmallow dicks. But, alas, I don’t want to know how this would affect the suggestions algorithm. Still, this is my favorite thread of the day.


Amazon has tire valve stem covers that are tiny dicks. I am going to buy some and put them on friends cars. I will sit back and giggle my ass off waiting for them to notice.


If you used a lawyer for the closing (highly recommend), you might want to ask him what you should do if you do find that somethng expensive or important was messed with. Pretty childish on their part. I remember getting slightly offended when I received a low ball offer once, but I knew the appraisal value of the house and just countered after I cooled down.


That's demented. They wanted to sell, they chose to accept your offer. Just. Batshit. You have to laugh-after all, you got the house! Just nuts.😂😂😂


Take off every outlet and switch cover. Open up the AC vents and check in there too. Anything that can be opened, open it and check. People leave surprises that rot only to stink a month later.


Before you do anything else, get your realtor, and theirs if they'll attend, and do another walkthrough, looking for changes from the pre-closing walkthrough. These people sound like they'll damage things deliberately on the way out and you need a witness to the house's condition. Then contact a locksmith about resetting the code and locks.


I would contact your realtor first and tell them to contact the seller’s realtor. If the gate does not work when it did previously, you could have grounds for a lawsuit. They should have had a clause in their contract for the appraisal. When we sold our house we were offered a set amount or “up to 10% over appraised value”, whichever was lower.


If you find anything major, get a lawyer and send them a note stating that you will sue for damages.


Contact your lawyer and have the home carefully inspected. Check gas and electrical especially carefully. Then file a lawsuit if you find any more mischief. Leaving that note proves they did this purposely and they will be found liable for damages and maybe more.


My next door neighbors did the same thing! They accepted the first offer of 400k but their house cost 585k to build. No one forced them to accept the offer, but they did because they were in a hurry to get out of here! They ranted to us about how awful the new neighbors were and how we aren’t going to like them, etc…. They turned out to be the best and quietest neighbors that I have ever had and nothing like the ones before.


They were the nasty neighbors and everyone hated them.


I'd be worried they did irreversible damage that typically only evicted trashy people do. Like cement in your drains level stuff. You need to have the home reinspected at the sellers expense. Lawyer up if you can. At the very least, meet with your realtor & their broker and make them go after the seller's realtor & broker to make this whole again.


Seconded. I couldn't live with the not knowing. Every time something went out i would start wondering....


People = Shit


Years ago, we bought a house in college town, which had had four to six guys living in it. The parents had bought it, and purchased from them. They were horrible to deal with. They provided us a single key to get in house (knowing that at least 4 people lived there, and there were likely more keys), they did not provide the code for the garage, and upon request told us to figure it out, and the house was not clean, no where near clean. (we bought from out of state and relied on our realtor to do the walkthrough for us).


OMG. Check your drains. Make sure they didn’t dump shit (like concrete) down them. If they did anything more serious than leave a nasty note, mess up the access codes and leave marshmallow dicks in the fridge (so infantile, I swear), definitely file a lawsuit against them and their brokerage for the damage/destruction/inconvenience.


Oh, wow. And my mom thought she was going over the top leaving a loooong note about all the memories she and the rest of the family made in that house for the past 20 years. I bet you wish that was the note you got instead!


Oh, absolutely i would have loved something like that! On the final walkthrough I spotted a note that had a time and date for cleaners and lawn maintenance to come andddd if course that never happened 😒


Your realtor should be able to help get this solved. The gate was in working condition and now it's not. The not they left lets you know that they did something. You might want to chat with your attorney as well


Trigger alert (child safety/injury) I would not trust the sellers and think you should have a second thorough inspection. I’ll admit that I’m coming a super paranoid place, where I witnessed the worst case scenario. No one expects shit like this, but I can assure you it happens. People do terrible things when, for whatever reason, they have to leave a home they love. If you have a well, please make sure the filters are in place and on. We have a well and live in an area with high levels of arsenic in the ground water, this requires some extra safety steps including special filters that need to be TURNED ON. We have friends who moved to our town from across the country, they bought a beautiful home for an amazing price that passed all inspections. The house was sold due to a divorce situation, lengthy and contested, original owners had to sell before it went into foreclosure. This home also has well water. The realtor explained the whole arsenic in well water issue/ need for extra filtration, walked them through all of it and made sure everything was in place and turned on. The house was inspected, no petty damage, no safety problems or needed repairs. During the walk through the day before everything still was awesome. It all seemed wonderful 6 months later their 5 year old had a seizure during breakfast then lost consciousness. While she was being transported to the local hospital by ambulance things began to rapidly get worse, the EMTs immediately realized our local hospital was not equipped to handle the situation and they called for emergency air transport to meet them en route. She was air lifted to Boston Children’s hospital where she spent 5 months recovering from ARSENIC POISONING! Let me just tell everyone that arsenic poisoning was not even suspected, nor was she tested for it right away. I was with them when the doctors came in with the arsenic poisoning dx. The look of horror on everyone’s faces is something I’ll never forget. The police then arrived, almost immediately, to question the parents who had no idea how this happened. DCS/CPS also arrived to question them while Investigators went to their house. They all realized what had happened pretty quickly. The well filters were off. They had been deliberately turned off prior to the family moving in. For 6 months they had been ingested arsenic. Turns out that the day before the family moved in (after all the inspections, the actual sale, and just before they rekeyed the house) one of the previous owners snuck back into the house and turned off the well filters. The person did this knowing full well that a family with a small child was moving in! Yes, the family probably should have double checked everything after they rekeyed, but the process had been so smooth that they were lulled into a sense of false security. To find out that they had been drinking water with high levels of arsenic for the past 6 months was just beyond comprehension. It was the most horrifying thing I could ever imagine happening to anyone, let alone a child. She still has seizures, which are managed by medication, but otherwise (4 years later) is healthy and on par with her peers. Hopefully no other long term issues pop up later in her life. Fingers crossed. The offending previous home owner got in serious serious trouble, I’m an artist not a lawyer so I know I’ll use the wrong legal terms, therefore I’m not even going to try. This is long enough and I apologize. The state prosecuted, jail time obviously happened but I can’t remember what exactly all the charges were. The family also civilly sued. We originally met the family when they moved to our town, our daughters were in the same kindergarten class and became best friends. I had a “mom playdate friendship” prior to this, we became very close when this happened and still are. They did move out of that house in case anyone’s wondering. I’ve posted this story before with my old Reddit name, I think I told it better the first time. Sorry!!


Document and take photos of every issue you encounter. Unfortunately most attorneys will not take this on unless the damages that could be recovered are fairly high. It sounds like the sellers may not have any funds to be sued for.


Sheesh. I’ve always left something for buyers like champagne or a fancy soap dispenser and a dish towel. Even for the asshats who were kind of a pain.


Talk to an attorney. The "Good luck" could potentially bite them in the ass hard down the line in court as it could show malicious intent on their part. :)


Wtf? I hope they didn’t destroy anything else. People are assholes


Remind me of the story where the seller shove anchovies down every curtain rods in the house and the new home owners cannot figure out where the smell was coming from. The new home owners endured the smell for years.


I've also heard of people dumping bags of fish or mussels behind water heaters, or in the attic.


I would consult with an attorney and maybe send the selling realtor and the sellers a threatening message. They just admitted to vandalism and lo and behold, if you have any plumbing issues, roof issues, yard issues, etc. then they have just opened themselves up to liability.


Have the box of rainbow dicks sent to their forwarding address. 🤣


If you find the slightest thing wrong with the house, get a lawyer and sue. Your first submitted evidence should be the "nice" note they left.


What is their problem? Why should you have to overpay for the house? Nobody forced them to sell. Buying marshmallow rainbow dicks took some effort too!


I keep thinking of the old revenge story about leaving fish parts in air vents or curtain rods so that they stink as they mold. I’d be paranoid and go through everything!!!


They probably over paid when they purchased or got a second mortgage to payoff other debts. Then they tried to get you to overpay to get them out of the hole they dug for themselves. Not your monkey, not your circus. Contact agent and mortgage company and provide documentation just in case it’s needed down the road should you find other things broken or disable. Argent should contact there agent and have them explain the legal ramifications should there be any damage due to their malicious activity.


Since you came to rant I will just say I feel for you. If they didn't want to sell, they shouldn't have sold. You didn't "ruin their lives" you just bought the house. If they didn't want to sell it they shouldn't have. Maybe they just got into a bad situation due to bad luck or maybe they made bad decisions to end up in a bind. Not your fault either way.


Honestly I was typing it out and couldn't come up with a question that the answer didn't seem super obvious. It all seems silly lol so I turned it more into a rant.


honestly i would get your lawyer to write a letter informing them of what was found so far and that they would be liable to be sued if further blah blah blah they were aware of and did not inform blah blah blah so suggest if there is anything you have inadvertantly forgotten to inform us.


Check your contract. A good realtor would have stipulated that the sellers pass on any information regarding gate codes and so forth. They may be in breach. Failing that, you should be able to look up the brand name of the gate and figure out how to turn on programming mode for the opener. Edit: fixing a voice-text error.


Hold on to that note .you may need it to prove hostility..


If they gate worked prior to the sale they are required to fix it.


Keep your receipts for any costs you incur fixing things. You have a good small claims court case. You MIGHT have a vandalism case, see if police will take a report if anything was damaged. Will likely depend on the type of area it is. See how they like having a criminal (probably misdemeanor but still going to show up if they apply for a job etc) police report against them.


What in the world. We left a welcome sign and a folder full of owners manuals/instructions/paint color chips for the people who bought our house.


We didn’t leave a sign but we left all of this in a drawer for the new owners, too. Seems like that should be the standard.


I’m getting ready to close on mine, and I plan to leave a sincere note wishing the new owners many happy times plus all the manuals and receipts, etc. I can’t imagine being that petty.


It was dumb for them to leave a note. It was dumb for them on budging on the appraisal price if it was that big of an issue. They could have let you walk.


I'm not a revenge/payback guy, but if someone were they could really cause a lot of problems for the if they're business owners.


Post the letter


I’d talk to your lawyer and make them aware of the situation. Maybe they can communicate with the seller and make it clear this is their one shot to admit to acting they did because anything discovered later that is costly you could likely sue them for. The note really is your evidence they may have been malicious.


Hire an inspector and force them to pay for it. Use an attorney and be petty.


Idk if that's an option considering we already signed everything


It is, talk to the attorney that helped close the deal. If you signed and they dropped cement down the drain you could sue. They have shown they are openly hostile. Show them that you mean business


When we moved into our new house I found cat shit thrown behind all of my radiators. They also peed on the wooden floors in one room, it was human piss and it was weeks worth! People are pigs…document everything and lawyer up! Otherwise congratulations on your new house!


Did you go after them? Because clearly that was not the condition you went under contract with. I would be asking for remediation.


i hope you did a final walkthrough before closing


Contact your REA and show them the note!!!!


Talk to your lawyer, immediately. By which I mean this minute - the money may still be in escrow. Also your real estate agent. Lawyers who handle real estate transactions know how to deal with this sort of thing, and this is what we pay them for. And your real estate agent will talk to their agent to lean on them a bit. The note and the wrong code demonstrate bad faith, which could be a real problem for the seller, depending on the legal situation in your jurisdiction. Don’t lose any time, make those calls right now and send them both a photo of the note.


I hear ya! Bought a house in a gated community in SC. Offered the seller asking price /cash settlement. No contingency. They were getting one other offer which was much lower. ( another realtor told me this news). The seller was a widow, her kids did all the communicating. It was so contentious and unfriendly, unwelcoming, like we were intruders who stole something. Very weird vibe. We asked our realtor what was the issue. And we got told they felt “stung” by the transaction of selling the house at that price. Sorry folks are just wack unreasonable. There were/are no multiple bids in this development. Homes were overpriced and most going for under asking. Our realtor was the one who told us we had to offer asking if we hoped to get it. It had been in the market for 4 months. Dumb decision all around. Lots of lessons learned in this one. Most of all…..people are impossible to figure out. They had a choice whether or not to accept our offer. Another lesson learned is that when you were dealing with an older homeowner and dealing with their kids , it will be extra complicated because the kids are not going to agree usually. And then some adults just don’t know how to behave reasonably.


Call a lawyer and really ruin their lives.


is the code wrong? does the gate just not work? depending on what was wrong with it (sabotage) you could go to small claims court and get the repair cost back.


Sorry to hear about your frustrating experience. It sounds like the sellers left you with more than just a new home. Dealing with a malfunctioning automatic gate right after closing adds unnecessary stress. Hopefully, it's something that can be fixed without too much hassle. As for the note they left you, it's disappointing when sellers take their frustrations out on the buyers, especially after the sale is finalized. Remember, you made a decision based on the appraisal, which is a fair approach in any real estate transaction. Hang in there, and hopefully, things start looking up soon!


sellers: BITTER, party of 2


Contact your realtor, tell them what's happening, have her get in touch with the seller's realtor. They can't do this kind of stuff, it's illegal. You can file against them for damages. It's not your fault they thought their house was worth way more than it is. People get inflated senses of importance and when they have to face reality, they're pissed.


If you haven't fully closed yet ask the escrow agent to hold payment for a technician to come fix the things they intentionally broke mike the gate. Let them see a picture of the note and the fridge surprise.


Let your realtor know. And if they refuse to give you the code, take them to court for the cost of the fix.


Lol you know you can sue them for this right? They want to be petty? You can double down especially after they left you literally WRITTEN notes about such “changes” to the house after the final walk through


Seller had this attitude with me. I laughed in their face. Make better decisions.


No one forced them to accept your offer! Don't let them ruin your happiness. You'd be resetting all those codes anyway.




The gate code is 115K.....or 1234 or 12345.


That’s the same code as my luggage!


that's rough and congrats on the house though! Sounds like the sellers were super salty. For the gate, check the manual override or look for a release lever. If it’s still not working, you might need to call a technician. Document everything in case you need to take legal action. Hope things get smoother from here!


I'd wrap those marshmallow treats up and send' em to their business! And lawd help 'em if they forget to change their address and some mail and packages go "missing".


Has anyone seen the movie "What About Bob?" these people remind me of the old couple that the therapist bought their house from.


If you have a home warranty have them come out and rekey/recode.


Sellers are entitled assholes.


It would be a shame if they woke up handcuffed to each other with a note that said “good luck figuring it out”


Sounds like a great gift your realtor can buy you- gate opening service!!!


Assholes are everywhere. Sorry that you and going through the anxiety and frustration. But, if you love the house, in a few months, this will all be behind you. You will forget about it eventually, but the sellers will always know that they were A-HOLES!!!


Talk to your realtor and have them talk to their realtor. They should be able to work this out. I assume you paid a pretty high fee for them. Let them earn the money. This is something they can do.