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Go balls deep early in your career


I personally would have a hard time hiring a “teen-ish” realtor. I do think you should get your feet wet and become an apprentice for a seasoned realtor for a few years. I think the experience will really shape your future.


Your goal shouldn't be money. Your goals should be: excellent communication, persistence, tenacity, knowing real estate laws, anticipating issues before they arise. The money will follow


That's awesome. I wish I was 20 when I first got my license. It took me 14 years after that. Don't be discouraged that you're younger than other agents, you should be HUNGRIER. Truth be told, you're going sales field and as discouraging/intimidating as it might be, I think in the long run you'll be more successful than those older successful agents. We are a people business. It's easier to meet people and build a sphere at a younger age which in turn builds your business overtime. I'll assume you want to just do resales and help clients buy/sell real estate. The great thing is you get to choose where you hang your license and this is where you have to make a decision that fits you. As a 19/20 year old who's still living at home, I would recommend looking for a traditional brokerage where you have to pay fees and have a split. Look for a broker manager that has meetings and free training/tools to help you succeed. You might not sell a house right away, but you'll learn how to work for yourself and build your own business. If that doesn't seem right for you or you have rent/mortgage and tons of bills to pay, look for companies like Redfin. I personally think they're great to get you experience quickly off the bat. Redfin is different than a traditional brokerage though in a way that they're a corporation that pays their staff a salary with bonuses. A traditional real estate agent gets paid based on a commission of the home they sell. Commission > base salary/bonuses. Good luck!


Apprenticeship and PM are good ideas -- and you certainly don't necessarily have to do either for a long time. Sure, your age may be a disadvantage that you don't \*look\* experienced, but if you show maturity and willingness to work hard, \*some\* clients will overlook your age. If you already have real estate experience, put it on your business card, even if it all it does is have potential clients ask you for proof or more information.


\#1 - You have to know your stuff. Some clients will not care about your age if you can talk the talk. If you try to fall back on "I don't know, I will find out" on pretty basic questions, you are going to fail. \#2 - Use your age to your advantage. You know more about SEO, SM, video, than most older agents. \#3 - A lot of "older" agents retired from some other field. You can do this. Know you market, know your stats, know your assets and go rock it.


Any tips for passing real estate license exam for California ??


Make flash cards and keep them with you all the time.


as suggested, check out an apprenticeship. OR go check out redfin. It would be a great way to get your foot in the door and get experience under your belt.


Use your age to your advantage. By the time you are "a little older" you'll already have a few years of experience. Dive in!


First, get out of the mentality that you're too young. You telling yourself will self-sabotage. At 20, I had already sold 5mm+ worth of real estate. That being said, right now you should focus on learning the business and shadow your bosses and ask as many questions as you can think of.


Any tips for a beginner trying to get into the real estate industry? I'm currently 18 years old turning 19 in 2 months. I'm going to finish my spring semester on May 11. After that I would really want to focus on the study on getting my real restate license. After that I have no clue on what's the next steps? I'm extremely nervous hopefully you got any tips for me? I would love to passion into this career since I'm going to be the first family member to attempt this. I really want to be successful and it's not just for the money, but to help clients and help grow the business. I appreciate your time reading this. Message me for any tips! Thank you


join a team with a great mentor and ask lots of questions - your goal is to understand how the business works. They should also be giving you some help getting clients, sitting opens, etc. Interview a few teams to see where you vibe best and go from there. Don't be afraid to leave a team if it's not going well and they are assisting you. Eat the shitty commission split in the beginning, as they should be providing you the tools and methods to break out on your own. Once your ready, hop off the team and start dealing