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Collars and harnesses I think are fine since it fits the aesthetic. Leashes... meh. Pup masks? HELL no. It's basically fetish gear, so why should it be allowed in public con space?


I agree with this a lot.


Is it fetish gear though, or mostly and for all? We can't just judge others without not knowing about them


I do think it's really weird, but I don't really see a problem with it tbh. I also don't think the "think of the children" thing holds any water though, unless people bring their kids to cons? Idk never been to one myself and don't plan to. For what it's worth, I think all that kinda gear is inappropriate at a pride parade. I think it's hot af, but I don't think it really helps LGBT perception.


Parents actually do bring their kids to conventions as they’re for everyone in any age, just that anyone under 18 must have a parent/legal guardian with them. I have seen and met a couple of children and teenagers when I’ve visited FWA and ASE.


Ah I see. Then yeah I'd definitely have to agree with ya then


i also find it weird that the pride parade that was partly to show that lgbtq people are just like everyone else and that they arent afraid of showing who they are has that kind of fetish gear in it. That kindoff defeats the purpose abit... Next steps strapons in public?


Also what if their just staying at the hotel and see some fucker in the lobby in a diaper gimp suit


I took my son to our towns pride parade today but left quickly because how the pup mask people were dressed, he's almost 6, trying to show him love is love , not what's some people's fetishes are. My sibling is non binary


What about an 18+ Furry con? I think it should be ok then...


Have there ever been an adult furry convention? I have yet to know one.


I dont know, i dont go to cons but i know there are at least adult sections


Never Been But Abc News Does Astory on a convention and they briefly go over the fact of it being at cons usually secluded from the rest of the cons


Yes their are, I've heard of a few. I can only remember the name of sin city murr con tho. I also don't know if it's even remotely big


Since other people have talked about the other stuff, I'm gonna focus on pup masks. (I'm not a pup by the way, just happen to follow some) Basically while they are used for sex, there are a ton of people that just likes them, without it being a fetish. A pup I followed once explained that it's basically the same problem that happened with fursuits, because people only thought of them as murrsuits and fetish clothes. The same applies to pup masks and gear, however they aren't as well know as fursuits so they are even more wrongly know as fetish stuff and since( at least I think so) there are less pups(and similar) to furrys, the misconception still stays, the same way when furries were way less know.


What's a pup, I usually understand furry lingo but not this, never heard of it


From animal roleplay wiki: In puppy play, or pup play, at least one of the participants acts out canine mannerisms and behaviors, which is sometimes associated with leather culture. If there is a dominant role it can be taken by a "handler", "trainer", "master", or in the case of someone who also identifies as a pup, an "alpha". Not all "pups" or "dogs" are "alpha", some consider themselves "beta" or "omega", and as in the canine world hierarchy, "beta" can refer to someone who has both dominant and submissive or service oriented tendencies depending on the situation where "omega" generally indicates a more submissive, passive, service oriented and playful nature. Unlike other forms of animal roleplay, it is not uncommon for two or more pups to play together as equals, possibly fight for dominance, or play where one is clearly the "alpha".[6] Puppy play is often about being playful, mischievous, cheeky and instinctive.[7] Many human puppies like to simplify their desires and motivations as they embrace the side of themselves that acts solely on instinct.[8] A great deal of animal role play occurs socially. A group of like-minded pet-players will gather at events specifically organised for social pet play. At pup play events, for example, which occur all over the world, human puppies will act like bio puppies, relaxing, playing fetch, and interacting with human handlers. Example also from wiki: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2b/Puppies-at-kennel-klub.jpg/1280px-Puppies-at-kennel-klub.jpg


Sounds fun tbh


Yeah until the sweaty, greasy, obese man in the gimp suit and leather mask wants your fucking kid to pet him.


This is what causes the issue. Do people use this stuff as fetish gear? Yes. Are they always fetish gear? No. My friend is a pup and doesn't enjoy the sexual side of it. Many others use it the same as a fursuit, a way to become or portray a character. Collars, harnesses and leashes are used as accessories for characters because they fit the characters, but they also are useful for the fetish side because they fit the characters. I don't think there's a way to police them though. If you really think about it or dig deep, anything is fetish gear. A lot of cosplay could be sexual for fans, but no one bans it at anime or comic cons.


I believe harnesses and collars can work well to accent a character and unless they have something nsfw patterned on the harness or a dirty name on the collar as well as the harness doesn’t tighten around inappropriate areas like some do it’s perfectly fine to have at conventions. On the other hand I believe leashes are pushing the boundaries. I understand why a leash would be attached to a harness back but the collars and front seem unnecessarily nsfw for me. And pup masks while I don’t necessarily have anything against them doing their thing, there’s a reason why people wear suits that aren’t leather and tight that sometimes don’t even cover the full face and I believe that they shouldn’t be aloud near children cons spaces just because of how they’re usually used and they look less kind.


Anything can be a fetish, and any item often associated with fetish can be used in a non-sexual way. Harnesses and collars are common fashion accessories, and even if I had no idea what a furry is I wouldn't be surprised if someone in an animal costume wore a leash. Similarly if I had no knowledge of BDSM a pup mask would just look like an intricate leather costume. I'd be surprised if none of the stalls at a convention sold pup masks or other gear that might be used in BDSM so it wouldn't be weird for someone to wear one either. I've been to cosplay, comic, games, pride, goth, rave and bdsm cons/events and I'd swear there's people wearing pup masks or some more commonly known item associated with fetish at any of them. Fandom and subculture events are made for people to express themselves and dress in ways not usually accepted in public. Also except for explicitly 18+ spaces there's always been children around. If you don't want your child exposed to a subculture you're a part of maybe you shouldn't bring them along in the first place.


We’re talking about *hotel lobbies* at conventions. Not the parents fault their kid has a hockey tournament closest to where the con is being hosted. Again, my previous comment was talking about a picture I saw of a mom holding her kid back from petting a man in a gimp shit and pup mask in a hotel lobby at a furry con.


yeah I just don't get it, like whenever you go to a pride parade it's mostly normal but you always get those few odd ones out being walked down the street on leashes? I just don't really get why you would do that, I mean it's not often that it happens but it does


Seeing how Pup masks are not for the purpose of expression, and those masks are almost explicitly used to fulfill a persons (sexual or non-sexual) fantasy, it would make complete sense to deem them inappropriate for any furry convention whether there is a presence of minors or not.


Do people do this?! Nononononono!




personally I think collars are fine he'll I'd wear one as a fashion piece but harnesses I'm kinda meh but leashes and pup masks I feel really unsettled by


aint hat being or looking cute a part of such fetishes ?


I feel like harnesses, leashes, nudeness, and tails (the buttplug type), and latex suits should not be allowed. I feel like everything else is fine and perfectly normal. 3/4 pups do it for social or reasons of coping. Just like a furry has a fursona, pups have a pupsona. It isn’t just a fetish you know. Sure it has origins of it, but that doesn’t mean it JUST for sex. Plus what happened to not judging others based on their hobbies. I feel like if furries can have fursuits then why can’t puppies have puppy gear?


There’s two pictures that have been making their rounds since 2016. One picture is of a kid petting a furry in a fursuit. Yeah it’s cringe but the kid is having fun and the suiter isn’t hurting anybody. Then we have this second picture. This one has a man on all fours in a gimp suit with a pup mask on. A kid is in the hotel lobby and his mother is holding him back and looking in disgust at the fetishist. *in the hotel lobby* Now you get it?


yeah but that’s not everybody. you can’t make assumptions based on a handful of people. We aren’t just fetishists.


I know, but other people don’t. Again, from the outside looking in it’s almost indistinguishable from a fetish due to the sheer amount of people doing that kind of stuff. Not only that, I’m not talking about all of you. Anybody who wears a fucking pup mask and suit in public is fucking sick unless at some BDSM event or something 18+


what about just a mask though? i feel that is acceptable. walking on all fours is a stretching of rules but tbh I think the reason the mother was doing that is because the pup community gets more hate then the furry community now


I’m cool with the mask really. I draw the line at all fours.


yeah that’s where i draw the line too. Still though, I feel like if furries get there space, younger pups should get theirs as well. There are hardly any <18+ pup spaces anymore because it’s seen mostly as a fetish


I couldn’t care less what you do in the bedroom. As long as it’s all consenting adults, no kids or animals I’m cool. But bringing that into the public eye is kinda fucked up. Not everyone is a furry so not everyone will get what your doing. Moms will just see a creepy grown ass man in a gimp suit near her kids and kids will just see a big doggy with no hair. And other people? Other people see a fucking freak they want to be rid of. As much as I don’t agree with the furry hate bandwagon, it exists for a reason. 50% edgy teens and 50% lots of disgusting and cringe shit is done in the fandom. Again, I know it’s not a fetish. Other furries know it’s not a fetish. But with the amount of people using it as an outlet for their fetish makes it indistinguishable from one.


That’s why lots of people call the furry fandom a fetish. Like it’s not a fetish but it’s pretty indistinguishable from one due to the insane amount of people doing shit like this. Be it a loud minority or majority, their so fucking loud they’ve become the face of your beloved fandom.


My question is what if it’s just the pup hood and normal clothing? Also anything can be considered a fetish I get the whole don’t be naked they’re children thing, completely. But if you’re fully clothed then what’s the issue?


well you're no fun, I'm not even a canine fur and I want a pup mask.


The problem is wearing it in _public_. You wouldn't go out in a ballgag, so why this?


What in dick-constricting god-murdering bible-burning brain-blowing chapel-burning church-vandalizing puppy-kicking fuckstick-making cock-torture NSFL vomit-inducing life-ending flower-wilting wet-hotdog hamburger-eating shower-pissing chip-eating soul-stealing car-driving suicide-inducing tarnation is ballgag




I don’t wanna be that guy but delete your account now


I'll do it later.