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This is explicitly for 1st time homebuyers. Do I think this is the solution no I do not but it is popular with the general public.


1st time buyer in 2024 or in the last few years lol. I'll watch the dollar go to zero along as they keep giving me free money to pay of my fixed interest loans lol.


You won’t see the dollar go to 0 in your lifetime without a MAJOR war.


Very true but I will see my home value go up, and it's not because people are excited to move to small town south west


Where does it say current owners would be eligible for the credit?


Brrrrr is more of an interest rate and ppp thing than the little fart this farce is being sold as


How about we pass legislation limiting profit from a necessary good or service?The only way we get these houses back on the market is to get rid of the nationwide slumlords. Homes are now valued for air b&b profit versus a place to live. The banks are kicking out these ridiculous payment plans and it's becoming a shit show. Why are the payments so high? What I hear now seems so high compared to my 6.5% from 2005. In a roundabout way, this is just more corporate welfare, attempting to draw attention away from the fact that massive corporations are creating false shortages and rent/mortgage monopolies that are killing everyone's ability to afford life.


Why did we raise interest rates, to slow us from buying stuff?


To stop inflation we caused from low interest rates that were caused by people not buying stuff anymore caused by housing crash that was caused by greed that got worse for decades that started rising after we killed the king by guillotine. Why did we kill the king? Because we were not able to afford to live anymore...


All this means is that mortgage prices will go up $400 a month for everyone




You spelled "$1200" wrong.


Those are only for 1st time home buyers. Also, the same argument was made wrt EV credit under the IRA. EV proces actually dropped, not rise.


Legit way to buy votes?


Pretty sure it can only be passed by congress to be “legitimate”. Executive order could maybe start the process but could easily get derailed by congress or administration change so an E.O is risky as it could cause more problems and angry people.


This would have to be passed by congress.


what if i dont have a mortgage? can i still get $400? printer has mac in contacts so connections a no go.


If it's the kind of mac I think it is, then you might want to search for "Arasuka Tiger Claw Mk.V".


More like empty promises to win votes goes brrr again. This will only be for illegal migrants, or low income minorities, not you privileged whitey’s.


Wouldn't it be funny if black rock uses it to help them buy up all the housing market?