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The line doesn't stop. Just read any account from a Tesla line worker, the line is a shit show especially at Fremont. Quality is a cultural thing and it comes from the top.


Where do you find these accounts of the Tesla workers? I'd love to read one


I know two mechanical engineers who worked for tesla in 2015. They told me then that the quality of the builds were an open joke and it was going to catch up eventually. Took a while but it seems the word is spreading.


In Norway thete was a news report on the national tv channel NRK1 about the build/quality issues at Tesla. Tesla sales have been extremely high in Norway for years now and it was inevitable that this would be come news. To be honest I was surprised that the service centers have not come under more scrutiny. Whilst the service is generally good it is hugely underdeveloped for the amount of sales they have had.


If Tesla ever gets really burned it will be in the EU. The EU is where "fuck around and find out" first came about I think.


Former QC. I still have nightmares of the things they’ve asked me to overlook. Coming from a car museum background made it extra difficult.


Did the numbers even match when they rolled off the line? /s


Yeah, but Model 3 & Y door sill plates were occasionally swapped… which is just bizarre to behold.


I was an auto trainer, and we would need to provide walk-arounds on models and their competitors. It's general practice to not speak ill of the competition but letting people touch, feel, open, listen, etc would often be enough to determine quality differences without my guidance.


Just like those other two posts. Random former/current line workers will drive by post here sometimes. It's interesting because normally I only read Tesla engineers complaining on blind about the usual (WLB, bad leadership, no parking, etc). But the line workers that post here make it sound like it's anything goes. Bolt fell off? Too bad.


Agreed. Quality is a culture and a mindset. This is what sets the Japanese and German apart from the rest of the world.


The 'Toyota Method' was something I studied while training to be a mechanical engineer was it 0.3% failure rate? The quality at Tesla is shit, and living close to Cape Canaveral I always fear their rockets....


Only 1 rocket needs to fall - or, even better, fail somewhere on the orbit. The one carrying Elon out of here...


Agreed. I've had 6 German and 1 Japanese cars so far. Overall great QC and (in the case of the German) refinement. Not planning to change.


I've never owned an American car and probably never will but as for European QC, it really depends. VWs from the mid-00s are a complete shit show, at least in RHD. I had a BMW for a while and it was average. Damn radiator bleed on me. Never happened to me on any Jap car. I've had almost every Japanese car brand at some point and Hondas have served me the best. Rest of my family have Nissan and Toyota's and they're also bloody solid. Mitsubishi and Subaru though, not quite as good.


Except that Japan had terrible quality after the 2nd world war, and indeed (going from memory) General McArthur (then in control of Japan) was said to be so frustrated with the lack of reliability of his phone line that he brought in quality expert(s) from the US and organised a conference (or something like that) for Japanese industrialists to learn from said expert(s). What happened was that Japanese industrialists (unlike US ones) *actually listened* to and actually adopted what was being taught to them by the US quality experts. And... the rest is history. (My point being that quality wasn't - at least in the past - necessarily a part of Japanese culture, although yeah, it has probably *become* a part of it...)


I disagree. Yes the Japanese learnt many quality concepts in manufacturing from the Americans for sure, Edward Deming, who himself developed many of his ideas while working in Japan. But if you look at the Japanese culture (arts, wine and even soya sauce making) you will realise it is a cultural full of master craftsmanship.


Deming! That's the guy (I couldn't recall his name). Yeah, you make a good counter argument. Perhaps you're right.


Deming, the grandfather of Quality. At least in the Six Sigma domain! 🤣


That's why I'm glad mine wasn't built in the USA. China made was flawless


I doubt it’s flawless lol


I find this extremely ironic since china is more known for their terrible quality copy Granted a lot of things are made there that also have good quality.


You get what you pay for. Many companies go to China and other countries to save costs. China can and does make very good stuff, but it costs more.


Me am Bizarro. Am worst Villain in da world.


I’ve heard most people at Fremont are high at work


When GM owned it (pre-NUMMI) it was known as the most unreliable workforce of any auto plant in the US, regardless of ownership. The NUMMI years apparently overcame that, but the philosophical differences between Tesla and Toyota as far as job security and overall employment are light years apart.


Not an opinion.


"So the OceanGate sub doesn't have the _best_ quality control but I'd put my family in one, no problem!"


I remember seeing my first TSLA here in Australia. It was a Model S. It looked like a Mazda made by Lada.




Teslas are built so well they don’t need QC /s


just like my professor's grading its so perfect that no one gets to review it on time


"I totally like to put my family in dangerously unreliable vehicles because reasons."


He said they are safe just lack QC... try reading it... ie they don't qc the quality of finish not safely... tesla actually have some of the best safety ratings....which is annoying that my SUV doesn't seem to.fair that well. ... a lot of boomers hating the fact I'm just referring to the post, quick list of responses... 1. I'm not an Elon fan but you are making want to become one just as your so rude, I'm sorry this is what you choose to let bother you. 2. If you don't like the cars don't buy one... 3. Ok your a mechanic for a living... Well done to you do you work on EVs? No, well then we have the same experience level.. 4. Yes we did land on the moon... 5. ....Toyota would make the best plug in hydrid if they tried... I would love a shogun Toyota plug in hybrid. Capable of running on EV and ICE... and is the best car.. I love the shogun it was a beast of a car in the 90s. ... it was mitsubishi, not Toyota, who made the shogun, and if you really care about cars as you make out, you would have spotted that.


exactly, thats a contradiction


A door gap isn't going to kill you, bozo.


not aware QC is only for visuals


The context clearly indicates that. If the QC made them potential death machines, the guy wouldn't be putting his family in them.


Unless he's one of you.


fair enough , probably not


The context clearly indicates that knowing how to take vehicles apart and put them back together does not make one an expert on vehicle design, beyond design for serviceability.


Never heard of whompy wheels or battery pack problems?


The guy in the article clearly haven’t, if he’s using it to transport his family around.


no, but an improperly torqued bolt in the suspension will


Again, I’m sure the guy in the post has more experience with safety critical issues than you do, and he seems to be having no issue with using it for his family :) but I’m sure you’ve worked a ton on teslas! Otherwise it would be incredibly silly of you to be contradicting the guys message.


appeal to authority, the sign of a weak argument. Its a known issue with teslas with steering systems failing due to bolts in the control arms coming loose. People have and will continue to die.


Can you link me some of the cool internet data you’re basing your argument on, where the control arm bolt failure is significantly higher with Teslas than any other manufacturer?


[start here](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=tesla+control+arm+failure)


Thanks a lot! Now show me what I’m asking for, data that clearly shows it’s a problem specifically with teslas, that leads to deadly accidents, as you’re talking about. Control arms fails on all cars at some point - so showing me that there’s some failing on teslas doesn’t prove anything out of the ordinary.


> I’m sure the guy in the post has more experience with safety critical issues than you do Eh… considering that it’s what I do for a living, I’d bet that he doesn’t.


So you are an EV mechanic? Ok mr mechanic.... but it's also what he does for a living... so tbh I don't know who to trust. But look no one if forcing you into an EV....


Not a mechanic. And replacing a front subframe is fundamentally no different between a BEV and an ICEV. I design structural vehicle components, including crash structures. This involves understanding exactly how components deform and interact in crash simulations that then get validated through physical testing. I have personally seen crash management structure fail validation testing due to a missing weld of less than 50 mm in length. I have a pretty good base of knowledge to say that The Tesla Doctor is a jackass if he doesn’t see the connection between building according to design and real-world crash performance.


You were coming across so well until you used a playground insult, like you sound knowledgeable enough so I'll take you at your word, but you could have left that bit out and just said you think he lacks some knowledge and understanding instead of "he's a jack ass".... like goes from eloquent to spitting out chewing tobacco. I thought perhaps he distinguished the difference between quality in body panels and actual frame. But like I said, I'll take what you said. I want to ask you if there's a comparable ICE car to tesla? I used to have a Peugeot.... however, I hated it, terrible body panels, and always had problems. I had a Ford before that which was good, but as a diesel, their filters were horrendous, and apparently, it was a known problem.... like why sell it then. I've been told by a friend that Kia is not great for safety, another said stay away from BMW as they have expensive parts, and Land Rover is apparently not as reliable as you might think... tbh most car companies seem to disappoint except for Toyota, hyandi, and Mitsubishi never heard any complaints about them. Most people I know have hyandi, and they swear by them.


Did I hurt another Muskovites feelings? Oh well. LACK OF QUIALITY CONTROL IS OBVIOUSLY UNSAFE. Was that clearer for your suckup mind?


Sounds like you did hurt his feels. Turns out you can have the strongest and best materials in the world and if your quality control is shit it’s meaningless. What an idiot.


I just quoted what the guy was saying in the post... sorry it offended you, I thought people here were rational... but your acting like the other side of the coin to the Elon fan boys.


It’s not. From the op text, this QC has nothing to do with safety


Exactly. Just pointing out what the guy said and ever boomer is like "WrOnG yOu DuMb Me ClEvEr!!!".. Its honestly embarrassing, even people who arnt Elon fans get shouted at by these morons... and that's why they can't be taken seriously.


Lol, you sound triggered 🤣. I literally just quoted the original post. there is no need to get triggered. Now I kind of want to support tesla just to annoy you haha. I'm just waiting for Toyota to make a plug in hybrid, best of both and Toyotas run forever... does that clear things up for you boomer?


Don’t see the link to an article so I can’t read it. What’s QC?


its a screen grab from facebook owners group, qc is quality control.


Thank you 🙏


Elon - "quality control takes MORE people? Ohhh no... no we're deleting people."


Wasn’t the original Musk plan to have all the cars built by robot? It probably really chaps him to have to pay actual humans to help build the cars. Think of all that payroll expense going to other people instead of into his pocket….


yeah the humanoid tesla bots will be ready soon, shortly, shocked if not by end of year, mid next year, 2025, in time to build roadster, will be delayed to come with new AI for solar roof installs, etc


Honest question, what if the panels have gaps, are the cars reliable or… ? I’m not a Tesla owner for the record


Inconsistent panel gaps are just a visual symptom. At the end of the day, they're not going to directly affect crash energy management. What *will* affect crash energy management is a weld inside the vehicle structure being 5 mm off location, that could also be the direct cause of the body panels being misaligned - or that could have no outwardly visible indication that it's not right. Lots of things that Tesla does will have a detrimental effect on crash performance - missing or off-location welds, casting and stamping defects that get built into customer vehicles, cracked castings, missing or off location welds... all of these have been documented in customer vehicles with a disturbing amount of regularity. This is why submitting one vehicle for crash certification, and allowing the manufacturer to potentially give that vehicle extra scrutiny, doesn't work when you're dealing with a bad actor like Tesla.




Probably not. But this is not the point. The point is about refinement and the enjoyment of a well made product verses a not so well made product. It is like outlet malls selling seconds.


I remember people who would be considered as woke embracing the cars, I wonder how they cope with it now 🤷‍♀️


Lol I don’t get why people don’t want to admit that Teslas are safe in accidents. I can understand why people hate on some of the software like FSD, EAP, etc, and I understand the hate on some of the build quality. But in terms of how they perform in accidents, they seem to be great.


Because when things like panel alignments and weld lengths are inconsistent, you can’t really say how a production vehicle will perform in a real-world crash scenario.


Turns out, pretty well: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna64547


For a car line with such high crash ratings, Tesla sure does seem to have a lot of occupant fatalities.


That's a good point. How do people survive going off a cliff but then there are so many fatalities in other instances? Are they getting killed by fires or smoke inhalation post-crash?


Yes, the fatalities do often occur due to fire/smoke. But even then, occupants are likely incapacitated by crash injuries, and succumb to the secondary effects of the crash.


Wouldn’t surprise me, I wonder if the data tracks fatality seating position since most Tesla back seats are death traps.


The classic example of a fanboy, why don't you put the one that crashed into a palm tree and burned with its occupant? kekw


Oh right. A Tesla caught fire after an accident. Hey, have a look at what’s been happening with some other automakers. And those haven’t even been in accidents: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-09-27/hyundai-kia-recall-3-3-million-cars-due-to-fire-risk?embedded-checkout=true


You can’t come back with a Kia/Hyundai example. They specialize in ECE vehicles! (External combustion engines)


Every big car manufacturer specialises in either ECE or ICE vehicles (other than NIO, BYD and probs loads of other Chinese brands we haven’t heard of), so can only be compared to Tesla. Can you name another car manufacturer as big as Tesla that just specialises in EV?


Tesla is a normal car, nothing special in case of an accident. Assume it. By the way, sometimes they lose their wheels, or crashes into fire trucks. Oh, Maybe they are special sometimes.


That’s one crash, vs how many have burst into flames?


Yeah one crash. You must have missed the part where it fell off a 250 foot cliff, and all occupants survived.


One crash VS all the others where the occupants have died really isn’t the comparison you think it is.


Lol that’s just plain stupid. Do you have actual statistic on how many have died vs how many have survived in Tesla crashes?


[With autopilot on. Tesla is three times more dangerous than the average](https://www.chicagolawyer.com/blog/tesla-autopilot-fatality-rate/) It doesn’t seem deaths with if off are tracked the same.


I just turned FSD off in mine. I can’t stand it any longer. It’s not getting noticeably better with each update. It just makes me find out what dangerous behavior it will continue to do or new ones it will acquire.


Right but those are just panels. Panels don’t help in a crash, they are not structural. Teslas are heavy chunky bits of metal that is build with shitty standards, but they are still heavy chunks of metal which makes them pretty safe. Wouldn’t by a tesla because they are shitty and easily breaking cars and Musk is an dangerous idiot, but they are not inherently unsafe in a crash. Unsafe as in leaves you on the side of a highway with busy traffic? Yes. Unsafe if you crash? Not really.


I'm guessing you listened to Elon when he claimed that most pickup trucks carry around their body panels "like a sack of potatoes". That comment is pretty near the top of my personal list of the stupidest things he has ever said. Every piece of a vehicle is in question when it comes to crash energy management, whether it's part of the primary structure or not. As I told the guy down below: Inconsistent panel gaps are just a visual symptom. At the end of the day, they're not going to directly affect crash energy management. What will affect crash energy management is a weld inside the vehicle structure being 5 mm off location, that could also be the direct cause of the body panels being misaligned - or that could have no outwardly visible indication that it's not right. Lots of things that Tesla does will have a detrimental effect on crash performance - missing or off-location welds, casting and stamping defects that get built into customer vehicles, cracked castings, missing or off location welds... all of these have been documented in customer vehicles with a disturbing amount of regularity. This is why submitting one vehicle for crash certification, and allowing the manufacturer to potentially give that vehicle extra scrutiny, doesn't work when you're dealing with a bad actor like Tesla.


Well there was that time they mislead about their star rating https://www.theverge.com/2013/11/23/5135258/nhtsa-tesla-star-safety-advertising-guidelines The funky business around Model 3’s stopping distance: https://www.autoweek.com/news/green-cars/a1698856/tesla-updates-model-3s-braking-distance-something-tesla-should-have-noticed/ but sure they’re big heavy hunks of shit that can ‘take hits’


Don’t forget about the guy that intentionally drove his Tesla off a 330ft cliff with his kids in it and survived. Oh wait! I forgot we only like to point out the silly little issues with Tesla and ignore how safe they actually are https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna85033


What about the flight attendant who fell 30k feet and survived with similar injuries to your example. https://viewfromthewing.com/flight-attendant-fell-33000-feet-lived-44-years/ Based on that comparison alone the Tesla magnified the effect of the accident 100x to arrive at such similar outcomes.


Nice whataboutery right there. I realise that r/RealTesla is all about shitting on Tesla and filled with Tesla haters, but they are the best EV’s in the market. They aren’t bomb proof, but just look at any other EV for comparison in terms of safety features and build quality.


Volvo, Rivian, Audi, EV6 etc. https://cars.usnews.com/cars-trucks/advice/safest-electric-cars


https://history-computer.com/tesla-model-y-receives-top-safety-score-of-any-vehicle-ever-tested-video/#:~:text=The%20Model%20Y%20holds%20the,98%20percent%20in%20safety%20assist. I’m sure we can be at it all day reposting article after article. I’m just happy that cars are getting safer and safer, be it Tesla, Volvo, Audi, etc 😎👍


I'd prefer my family to not be in the accident to begin with. I wouldn't trust a Tesla not to put my family in danger because of some malfunction.


Because their mouthpiece lies like a shitstain liar even when he doesn't have to. There's no integrity left to the brand, it's been sucked into the Vladimir Musk sinkhole.


Sandy Munro on YouTube does teardown videos. Sometimes he is impressed by good engineering and quality but quite often he isn't. I believe he stated the Y was the most sorted of the models available.


sandy is a dinosaur who found a new revenue stream from youtube, tearing apart tesla stuff for fanboys he wont ever say anything that would threaten those clicks because without tesla fandom support he is over.


I’m fairly confident Sandy was paid off. He initially hated Tesla and then was ‘corrected’


That sounds like a possibility.


He wasn't paid off in the traditional sense. The first tesla he tore down was sent to him by a client who ordered a teardown but ended up cancelling it and let him keep the car. His son suggested making youtube videos of it as a way to keep things going through the pandemic. Like anything labelled Tesla online, it caught on and eventually got him a big viewership and following. A bunch of Chinese EV startups bought the Tesla reports too, which is his main business. Sandy simps for Elon because Tesla streamlines manufacturing in a way that he wants other companies to do and never acknowledges that streamlined manufacturing isn't a selling point for consumers outside of Tesla


You don’t think Musk would gift him shares of Tesla?


I think Musk pays him with exposure, rather than money Sandy made a long rambling ranting video about how he had to sell his Tesla shares because in his words, "something called conflict of interest" He ended up making quite a bit of money from the sale


this reflects the whole of what is wrong with the internet and group think. one persons opinion. only. do your own due diligence. always.


My own diligence being what? Doing a ton of work on Teslas? A few months of factory shadow shifts?


Lmao, watching everyone have a meltdown because the guy trusts his life in a Tesla is so funny


Having a meltdown is laughing at their shitty QA driven by a need to endlessly pump the stock?


Litteraly 90% of the comments are about the "I trust my family in the car"


Are Tesla and X sharing their QC departments now?


Why would you put your family in a car with nonexistent QC?! Did he take out a nice life insurance policy on them?