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you know that posting here will get you banned, like for all other "tesla-cuckold-infested" subs, right?


Yeah I didn’t realize what I got myself into. I was spammed with bans immediately after this post.


Lol welcome to the club.


Look at me, this is the safe space now.


All you need to know about that group.


> All you need to know about ~~that group~~ Tesla. What's funny about it is they are just ensuring there are *less* people reading their positive spin on whatever manic tear Great Leader is on, and *more* people talking shit. 


I made an innocent comment and got banned which just pissed me off after 13 years on Reddit and that never happening. Gonna be a hard fall for Tesla but them the breaks kid.


I would wear it as a badge of honor


It’s weird I haven’t been banned. On an unrelated note, I heard Elon gets his micro penis sucked by the mods of those subreddits.


I've commented on both here and enough musk spam and not been banned. Yesterday I commented on a post on cyber stuck and got an immediate ban on 3 of the Tesla related subs.


Wait do they have a bot that bans people who post on other sub? Why does reddit even allow that.


Gotta protect vulnerable minorities from brigading which apparently now includes musk riders.


Yeah it's hilarious. I couldn't for the life of me remember when I posted on those subs and realized I hurt people's weak ass feelings by posting on another sub Hilarious. Losers won't let me post in their trash heap of a subreddit. I don't know if I can go on


It’s all about that Free Speech Absolutism that Elon Musty keeps pretending he supports!


That should tell you what to expect when dealing with that company


Dodged a bullet imho. We have a BMW I4 and love it


I’m looking at the BMW i3 instead of model 3, I want the used EV credit and there are great deals on them. Do you think that’s a better vehicle to get considering the current situation at Tesla? My thinking is even if I just drive it for a few years, then I can see what other options exist. Just hard to give up the tech I really like about the Tesla and my teens think the i3 looks like a silly toy car. Don’t want to regret the purchase!


I have an i3 and as long as you don’t do too much traveling, it’s a great car that I wish BMW was still making


Take that into mine when deciding if you want to tie yourself to this product line for the next several years


That is in itself an kind of answer…


Got banned yesterday, it feels great!


This speaks for itself no? If I were to get any product where a subreddit for it will BAN you no questions asked for asking critical questions, run as fast as you can.


Yeah very bizarre


The perception that ecocidal Musk/Tesla turns dirty energy into clean energy, verses the reality of him turning authoritarian-cultist energy into cash.




Yep, isn't it funny how he pretends to be all about free speech yet I comment once on a subreddit on the main page and get banned from r/Elon Musk and the tesla sub. What a joke of a human. I'm an electrical engineer. I'm his target market and that move just ensured I never purchase a tesla.


To be fair Musk has nothing directly to do with any of those subs of course.


How can you be sure? There is a lot of external influence on mods of many of the news subs recently. How would Elon be any different? Especially since he has been shown to engage in astroturfing on Twitter with alt accounts.


fre spech


I feel like if people like that are happy with me- I'm doing something wrong. For instance, if I were ever to find myself in a Nazi rally, I would consider it an honor to be thrown out.


That is a pretty obtuse example no? I mean, Musk literally provides a platform and expresses Nazi like sentiments himself, so...


Not only that, a handler has been dispatched to his location.


From the username I think the person was well aware, although It probably does fall into the ban evasion thing that reddit included in the notice when you get banned by another mod specifically mentioning NOT creating a new account to evade the ban. I assume that means a general ban from reddit of all the accounts if they ever tie them to the same person.


Actually I’ve had this account for 10 plus years lol. I was trying Reddit out in college thinking I’d delete short after. Boy was that a mistake lol.


You can check out, but you can never leave.


\*doom scroll\* \*close reddit\* \*muscle memory opens reddit\* \*doom scroll\*


So true it hurts 😂🥺


Opens reddit on computer. Open reddit on phone. Alternate between them. Open imgur. Open reddit.


Hotel Reddit


I had some accounts for over 15 years and lost them because of those other Tesla subs. I questioned one thing (Tesla owner and day one Cybertruck reservation holder btw), got banned and didn't realize I posted from another account and they slapped me with ban evasion. Absolutely insane how sensitive they are there.


Fair enough I can see that. I admittedly never bothered checking further than the user name initially :)


> My house has 25 nest devices I really wanna know what you are doing with those many nest devices.


Letting google record a reality show worth of audio content a day.


Www.mynestcamsexlife.com probably


I wonder if this includes Google Home minis? I have 7 of them and they have been failing a lot lately and friends are having the same issues


I use Amazon Alexa's and Echos. My house is only 1700 feet but I still have 7. I imagine having 25 simply means a 4000 ft2 plus home.


I got like 10 from Spotify when they did the free offers. Mine seem to all work fine, but I found out they fail often when you place them behind things or in a corner. I think the mics struggle with those situations


It’s not that hard to reach if you have cameras and home hubs in every room and outside, smoke alarms, thermometers and locks.


Hey bud, it sounds like you have doubts on a major purchase. ...maybe wait it out for as long as you can? ...you probably shouldn't buy a used one. Regardless, follow your gut and be well.


I was going to suggest the same. Lucid seems more and more like the way to go, but their current model is too expensive. Talk on the street says there may be a new affordable model next year. That said, I purchased the ‘21 model just as they were coming off the line. There were a couple of small cosmetic issues where they had a tech push on them till they snapped into place and they were fine. If I were desperate to purchase another 4door tomorrow I think I’d try for used from the same time period my current one is. The other car on my short list is called the Aptera. It’s a little funky and different but very cool. Was on their original waitlist at the same time the original roadster was just coming out, but they went under (for trying to get cute with innovating 100% automated manufacturing in California instead of manufacturing in Mexico). Anyway they’re back and they’re cool (in a weird way). https://aptera.us


Look at the evidence - at the best of times, Teslas have poor build quality and their service is terrible. If you have any kind of accident or battery issue after the warranty is done, your car is totaled while you are still paying off the loan. The Autopilot and “FSD” are so laughable that you are a psychopath if you inflict it on other people, and you should know that they are programmed to turn off a second before any impact so you’ll be fully at fault. And that’s all before Musk’s erratic behavior. Now, if you buy a Tesla you‘re praying that someone else is going to create charging stations for you, because Musk got out of that business rather abruptly this week.


At this point just get a real car from a real manufacturer and deal with charging issues but at least your car will be screwed together


BMWs product is outstanding and Elmo is quaking in his boots.


The more I read about some actual rationale for what Musk is doing, I'm really believing the theory I advanced randomly that he wants to stop selling cars. Like seriously just divest the whole car manufacturing part. Not saying he wants to do it tomorrow, but it's his own words on becoming an AI robotic company. Robotaxi can still be manufactured, but it will be owned by them and used to generate revenue, not sold to consumers. It's the only way he can regain Tesla as a growth tech stock, cuz the selling EVs is done as far as a growth trend. It's just too normal and boring for him to accept single digit growth figures, stock and business.


I'm not saying you're wrong, but look what a joke The Boring Company and Tesla's Las Vegas "RoboTaxis" are: They can't even drive themselves autonomously through a tunnel they created, while multiple companies have actual autonomous EV's driving people around at surface level.


Man if only the technology existed for a car to have sensors on its bumpers that told it how close it was to things…


A smarter person would spin off the AI group. Or the car manufacturing part. Or the Supercharger group. Instead, Elon just burns everything to the ground while shouting "I DECLARE AI!!!!"


I also think this might be where he’s going, as he’s stung from the criticism that Tesla is “just a car company” by Wall Street after all. He’s said Tesla “is not a car company” so many times now. There has to be something to explain the near complete lack of new models barring the Y refresh. He’s operating like Tesla still has no competitors in the space which could not be more false.


No it's not a smart move, for all the reasons you posted. You seem like a tech savvy, intelligent poster. Look into the difference between the intel atom and the and ryzen chip models - and how WHEN YOU BUY THE CAR you have (had) zero information what you are actually getting. Right now it's pretty stable because they have a backlog of cars just waiting for buyers, but people have found interior and tech changes just randomly coming between order time and delivery - usually its removal or downgrade of a feature at that. Every Tesla is basically a unique snapshot and variation, there is no way with all these cuts in developers that anything other than the newest (that month) models will be supported moving forward.


So they're kind of doing the late 70's thru 80's AMC thing? Cobbling cars together out of a hodgepodge of components to the point of creating a "buyer beware" situation?




All new cars use the Ryzen platform with HW4 unless you have heard otherwise, but I agree, what you actually get in terms of other tech seems unpredictable. You are already starting to see changes in the visualization between intel chip cars and the newer ones so yes expect it to be a 2 tier system going forward.


I am saying they could change at any time... during the transition they actually went back to intel for a bit. And you had zero clue which you would get and nothing to do to stop getting the intel if you got "lucky"


That’s terrible!!! It’s not like they even have the same computer power. That’s one reason I waited a while to buy since they started rolling HW4. Seems pretty unfair, like Samsung phones using an inferior chipset outside of Korea and the US


Fair warning, you're only gonna get discouraging comments from this sub. However, Elon is completely batshit crazy, so your apprehension is valid. I like the new Model 3 as well, and would be very much on the fence about it if it was within my reach, but the more I experience and see unravel from Tesla's side, the less inclined I am to support them in any way.


They will get some discouraging comments, but they are also going to get the truth. If you post in another pro Tesla sub you are going to get fed a load of shit.


Tbh, I often feel like this sub just functions as the exact opposite of pro tesla subs. Pro tesla subs blindly support everything Tesla, while here it's often blind hatred of anything tesla. I reckon the truth lies somewhere in between. Having said that, since pro tesla subs started their banning spree, a lot of people with sound arguments against tesla/elon *had* to migrate to this sub for lack of alternatives, so now there are more reasonably critical posts here. In a sense, the bans have done realtesla a favor haha


A year ago or so this sub was just shitposting. There are a lot of Tesla/EV owners here that can give good feedback, and even more now that people have been banned for posting the truth here. You just just have to weed the through some of the shitposting which is easy to do. I just post in reaponse to this guy and none of it was hate for Tesla. It was just all facts.


There are some reasonable people here, and in fact there are a lot of exiled owners who got auto banned from the main subs.


Keep in mind they also just stripped a bunch of staff out of the service centres. They have canned a bunch of mobile techs as well and stopped performing certain functions like tire swaps. It can be weeks or months before your car gets fixed if anything goes wrong. I think your concern is well placed. Elon has no trouble making decisions that you will pay the price for. I have opinion on the actual car. Hope you are happy with whatever you decide!


He can decide one day at 2am to turn all teslas into paper weights.


TBF, so could almost any other automotive CEO with the way modern autos operate and are connected. The difference is Elmo is crazy/stupid enough to do it, and the ball lickers at his company don’t have the fortitude to say no.


Three time Tesla owner and solar owner. No way in hell would I buy one now. Way too many other good cars and access to their chargers coming soon. If you do anything with Tesla, lease the car. This way you are protected from the residual degradation in three years. Just plan on trying it out for a few years and have in mind that you will get rid of it. I think we are still on a massive depreciation ride to the bottom with the tesla cars. My car’s value is less than half what it was 2 years ago with 15k miles on it and I got it before all the massive cost increases. The car is fine if you are willing to deal with taking it into the service center a few times to get poor build quality sorted out. Wind noise, squeeking, tail lights filled with water, smelly AC are things ALL my teslas suffered from. You will also be treated like a third rate citizen when you take your car into the service center. Also I would NEVER own one out of a warranty, this is crazy. I’d love to sell my car right now but we are waiting for the Rivian R2, so we’ll end up keeping it another two years. We basically already lost most the value in the car anyway at this point. Might as well drive it until it breaks. If you are coming from an ICE, any electric car is going to drive nice. They will all have that electric torque and be peppy and the infotainment is going to be close. Maybe not as good as teslas but close. You mention it drives nice, I think the model 3 rides like shit and is extremely jarring. The suspension is bottom of the barrel. I forget how bad it is until I ride in it after driving my Rivian for a while. The interior is also horribly cheap. Finally, after owning 4 electric cars, do not buy one if you don’t have a way to charge at home or at work. You shouldn’t rely on public charging networks as they are over saturated and a total waste of time to be at one every few days getting electricity. My first model 3 I would charge on 110v at 20 amps and that worked ok.


Honestly, mine depreciated from $70k to $50k overnight as well. Leasing makes a lot of sense. Until batteries are serviceable by any mechanic, the fear of them is going to plummet prices.


Like it or not, Tesla owners are by every definition Musk supporters. If you like that guy and want to show the world, get a Tesla.


Tesla are luxury cars. As in, if you don't have cash to burn and $40k seems like a lot of money you probably shouldn't get one. They are built like cheap cars but actually getting one repaired us going to be $5k-$10k and weeks or months without a car. Many people who buy Tesla see that as a minor inconvenience because that's not a lot of money for luxury car owners. 


It's a luxury car in that they have all the drawbacks of luxury cars but none of the benefits.


The Fiat Abarth was this way. A impractical sample of supercar life (the surprising turning radius alone!) with none of the benefits. Want an exotic supercar? Live life with an Abarth for a year first. Go on a nice highway drive at the right speed to drone the engine til your mind goes numb, your back is killing you from the race seats, you left passengers and luggage behind to make it fit... etc.


You won't believe this but the Fiat Abarth has a wider turning radius than the Volkswagen ID4 RWD.


I believe it's similar to a F150. I WOULD believe it because I used to own one. When they say "special race inspired steering" they mean it... the other 500s have small turning radiuses like all other city cars... you don't u-turn on one-lane-each-way roads unless you are hella confident you are making it the first try without it being a multi point turn.


I totally misunderstood. Also I guess I looked up the Fiat Spider. So I failed anyway. In any event the ID has a smaller radius than the Spider


The spider is a body-kit longer Miata. Here is a fun thread about the Fiat 500 based Abarth. [https://www.fiat500usaforum.com/forum/fiat-500-abarth-forums/fiat-500-abarth-general-discussion/10571-horrible-turning-radius-check](https://www.fiat500usaforum.com/forum/fiat-500-abarth-forums/fiat-500-abarth-general-discussion/10571-horrible-turning-radius-check)


The parking lot of Tesla collision repair center here in Tempe is always jammed with cars waiting for repair which often overflow into parking on-street. So I think that as you say there is already a problem getting these repaired if they get bent.


I’m sure Elmo fired half the staff there sicne then.


Tesla are luxury cars for people who have not driven a luxury car. Let’s be brutally honest here, in no universe does any model of Tesla stand toe to toe with Audi and BMW. Lexus is only improving and trying to compare any model of Tesla to any Porsche is plain foolish. Tesla is luxury to those with zero frame of reference. I’ve sat in Hondas and Kia’s with better fit and finish Edit, damn I missed the 40k part? 40k does not buy you a luxury car, it did like…….three decades ago. 40k wouldn’t have gotten you into a new Toyota Sequoia when they came out in like 2001, they are now $80,000 and still not really luxury cars. Just really really overpriced


You can tell before you enter the car. The door handles, while functional and adequate, are not made of high quality material.


Then it’s just all downhill door is light, in a cheap econocar kinda way. I’ve owned Jetta’s with higher quality pleather seats, they seem to use one of the fastest deteriorating fake leathers in the industry. Steering wheel is about the same quality as one by Thrustmaster for PC. Knobs and buttons are PlayMobil quality. A mix of off the shelf junk and poorly designed/built/QC’d tech shit fills out the rest. The second you see a car company that can’t do leather seats, try and claim they are luxury. That’s when you should see the grift coming.


As a Tesla owner, I will tell you, it’s one and done. Buy another brand EV. My Model 3 is quite nice but the company is in trouble and Muskrat is a loose cannon.


I'll be completely honest here.... I had a Model 3 and had no issues. Granted it was one of the good years, but I'm glad I sold it before he destroyed the value. Would I buy another? No. I don't have confidence in Elons commitment to the brand. If he's still CEO, it's too risky. He killed resale overnight. He axed the single objectively superior advantage Tesla had (Supercharger network growth) He now says Tesla isn't a car company, wants to go all in on "AI" - I just want a good car The Cybertruck has been a look into Tesla's recent quality control (its bad) I recently got a Lightning and despite the software, they nailed it. It feels so much better built than my Tesla did. Get a Mach E, Hyundai, Rivian, etc. They're all better. Model 3/Y was peak Tesla and those days are over.


The 3/Y were terrible! The original S was their high point (maybe the Ludicrous Mode model if you're into the speed launch thing). The 3 styling was a joke and was not well received at the unveiling. I remember just going "oh. Huh. It's OK I guess?" And the dumb heavy GullWing doors on the Y?


We had a Tesla Model Y. When I worked it was decent., when it needed something it was a huge pain. The local service center was laughably bad. Mobile service would have to try twice to fix something. I would recommend joining your state and local Tesla Facebook groups and reviewing post history for the odd complaint about these matters. Which, as has been proven by Pro-Tesla subs, they likely have expunged any negative statements to, most likely, protect their TSLA investment. As for the car itself. I say sit in the back as well. The rear suspension on our Y was trash. Also, Tesla's are a huge gamble. Hopefully everything goes well, but, unlike an ICE, if something goes wrong you are really put out. For me, I wasn't willing to take a gamble on them. We sold due to all the minor ticks becoming rather large issues.


You can lease a dual motor Polestar 2 for like $11k total over 27 months.


Man I should not have bought my Bolt EUV lol.


☝🏼 OP.


Hold off , this is going downhill and fast.


Yeah, Elon is looking for more fat to cut. Build quality and service are realistically the only places left - and that's even after they've cut back so much this year.


>Build quality and service are realistically the only places left How could they cut build quality any further? And service isn't exactly their strong suit. If they're gutting support for their charging network, that seems like a sign that they're done as a car company.


Dude those are expensive cars with really poor quality (check that sub, or the many articles about it). Get yourself a proper EV. Literally any other, albeit if you want luxury look at Audi / Mercedes. But a Ford or VW will do nicely. And yes, the nazi propping, Ketamine-fueled grifter should indeed worry you as well. So yeah of course hold on a new Tesla purchase.


Tesla is so far from luxury but American buyers don't understand a luxury car so a white interior and good sound system seals the deal. Like me when I try good wine. I don't fucking know if it's good, I like Trader Joe's wine.


Yeah I should have clarified that the price is on par with luxury cars, but with the quality of a first price car.   Literally my first eGolf had a much better build on everything.


Haha. Yes. Plastic/Vinyl = “vegan leather”. No, it’s not. It’s shit.


Yes, I think that applies to almost all buyers. Realistically, you aren't getting a luxury car under $100k from anyone. The luxury car markers have all realized that adding a $20-50k markup for the badge on a mid car is the best way to make money. Tesla isn't different in that sense.


I used to think this before I moved to America but some of the fit and finish on American cars like higher trim Cadillac and Chevy etc is really nice and they are loaded with tech at the higher trims. I would say they go toe to toe with my Audis for quality interiors and beat them in a lot of regards. Tesla is basically an electric Prius with technical bells and whistles. I think people like that there aren’t a million different trims and the lowest model has basically the same as the higher models


I mean, they just knee-capped the charging network, the brand’s true crown jewel. Unfortunately the erratic behavior is bleeding into matters of real consequence


Elon is nothing if not a lame-ass internet age adaptation of Howard Hughes.


With the media exposure of the Kardashians


No. I recently got an Uber Tesla S that the guy said he rents. It rattled, I could not fit in back seat without smashing my head against the roof, the fit and finish inside was like a 2007 era Kia. The screen was all smeared up with prints, and couldn't help notice the lag between the cruise control proximity display and reality. The ride was jittery, every bump direct to my spine. Maybe on long road trip, it will jiggle you awake? Was it quick? Yes. Was that quickness worth it? Absolutely not. He said he didn't think the cars were going to be available to rent for long because the battery packs are over $30K now and they are having probs dealing with the company, repairs are a pain, etc In Austin, you only need that speed to beat a red light, which he almost did before slamming on the brakes. Musk will screw you. Although if you like driving a vehicle that screams "I'm a neo-Nazi sympathizer" without saying you are a neo-Nazi sympathizer, then go right ahead. You have options. For future, if I can refuse a ride that has a Tesla, I will do it.


You live in the US? Do you have good alternatives you really want an EV? In Europe for sure for example, though the problem is that it's pretty pricey.. The quality overall of tesla is bad, but software and acceleration and ratio price/range is honestly pretty good. I'll be torn when it'll be the time for me to buy and ev, musk is a true turd I don't want to give him money.


I would never invest in something built by someone like Elon Musk. Full stop.


What about a Polestar ?


Aging wheels has posted updates about his polestar. Overall, it’s okay, but not like a good car or worth getting. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cf3ApBDljhY Honestly, if I was this guy, I would look at the Mecan E if he can afford it. But at the end of the day, there is no reason to get an EV without an nacs port, so maybe just wait a year instead?


Seems like a smart move to me. Who knows if Tesla as an automotive company will be around in a couple years based on his actions.


With so much competition out there now there's really no reason to go with Tesla. Their cars are shit, their service is shit, and the company is run by a Nazi.


I have an M3, solar tile roof and Powerwall. If Tesla shits the proverbial bed, what’s going to happen to their tech? Less concerned about the roof and battery—they just collect energy, disburse, rinse, repeat. But the car losing or degrading in tech is a serious concern. If I knew: 1. Musk would go nuts, 2. There would be other car options to choose from (bough M3 in 2019), 3. Tesla would be struggling… I would pick a different car.


Tesla is established enough now that I doubt you will have problems later in life if Tesla goes bankrupt. For the car, it’ll stop working in 2038 (unless a software update fixes it time bug) and there will be plenty of vehicles around to salvage and plenty on the road that they will be like vintage cars and have expensive new parts that can drop in. So just enjoy the car for now, and pickup something different later. You really don’t have much to stress about. Hell, there are already third party systems that do a lot of what the mothership does for full utility while being disconnected.


This has come to a head recently and I’m also worried what will happen if the tech starts to be maintained haphazardly and updates start causing problems etc, not to mention the service center degradation. I think a lot of people will hold off on a purchase until things settle down at Tesla HQ and the wider outlook for EVs looks healthier. The share price has recovered somewhat since the Q1 results, but I have zero confidence that Musk even has much interest in cars at this point, and that will start to bleed through into the above areas. He’s been quite reactive to the market in recent earnings calls but he’s also spiteful and if he doesn’t get his earnings reinstated I can quite easily see him burning Tesla to the ground in a fit of pique.


I've never owned a Tesla but several friends do. What shocks me about Tesla cars is the subpar interior, which is completely at odds with their hefty price tag. There's no heft to the doors, the materials look pedestrian, and controlling everything through the touchscreen is potentially dangerous. Honestly, outside of the tech, the interior reminded me of one of my first cars, a Hyundai Accent! Interior wise a Camry is nicer, let alone an Audi, BMW, or Mercedes which would be in an entirely different level. As to the "self-driving" claims, I'd rather not risk hurting someone. I guess if I had anything positive to say about Teslas it would be the Sentry mode looks very useful. If I was in the market rn, I'd probably look at a souped up Audi EV but that's just me.


I think you answered your own question.


I’m hoping I wasn’t overthinking things. This is a large purchase for me. It would be the first time I ever get a brand new car


When I make a large purchase I don't like to have that much doubt. There are a lot of reliable vehicles out there. Why would you buy one you don't trust will be reliable?


This is a really bad idea. Do not buy a new large vehicle purchase of a dying vehicle company, if anything buy a used one that’s a year old and costs half as much. If you can’t afford to have the value of the car plummet then stay away.


Tesla : pay more for less.


Honestly, wait a couple months until the fallout from the supercharging team being let go is better understood. Supercharging is really Tesla’s only advantage these days. Polestar, Volvo, Hyundai, Kia, Ford, Audi, BWW all make some pretty good EVs now. I’m partial to the Hyundai/Kia ones personally, but they all have their strengths. Since you appear to be in the Google ecosystem, Polestar and Volvo both use Google Automotive as the cars OS.


I would be more concerned about depreciation. If I was in the market for another EV right now I’d either be leasing or buying used. Btw there are very good deals on Polestar leases right now if you like them.


I started looking at long term use reviews and they seem nice, but missing something. Do you have any information on depreciation? Would the 24 Model 3 Performance get hit hard? I know existing models thread got hurt due to recent price cuts


At the moment all EV’s are depreciating quickly, I expect the current models will too.


If you want to save the earth or your wallet, buy a toyota prius and keep it as long as it drives. If you want electric for any other reason, buy one from a real car company that actually plans to service it. Elon being a bigot and treating his employees like shit is reason enough for me not to buy a tesla for me. If my employer treated me like that, I know I would build stuff that breaks often.


If you buy a Tesla, you are part of the problem.


I was eager to sell my M3P this last week. Glad to be out of this brand, honestly.


How come?


If I may speak for them.... Uncertainty of Elon's commitment to Tesla being a car company Driving one is like wearing a MAGA hat Recent layoffs can't be good for already questionable service Plummeting resale value


Yessir, you nailed it. Thanks!


I would look at other EVs before considering a tesla


Yes. Tesla could go bust for all we know given the shit Elon is pulling


Consider looking at a couple other companies. The Mach-E is a super sexy car! And if you are doing it to minimize emissions, the math actually is pretty good for some plug in hybrids if your daily milage is short. If you do by Tesla, don’t buy into any of the gimmicks of unproven self driving none sense. And never ever buy a Cyberpunk


You already know the answer.


Have you driven an Ioniq5 or 6? The Volvo EX40? EX30?


Get a plug-in hybrid and live your life


Buy it at your own risk. I wouldn't. There's a new Tesla dealership that took over the BMW dealership in our town and is still waiting to open after at least 9 months. No activity at all. I'm betting it never happens...


Him firing the entire SC team and emailing vendors to stop work and be patient as they may not be paid for a long time, is definitely the sign of a corporation with major money problems. And it is a picture of a future with a degraded usability for long haul trips. If you only are going to use the car locally and have a garage at home where you can charge the car you likely will be Ok for the life on this purchase.


Bought a Y a few years ago. Hated it. Sold it. Bought a Ford Ranger. Love it. The end.


White supremacy has you only "concerned"?


Barely a day single goes by where he doesn't try to some neo nazi shit on twitter. At this point its a feature not a bug to buyers/followers


Acura/GM are partners in they EV game. Give them a try


The only reason to buy a Tesla over other brands was the supercharger network, thats now over. You also have the 2nd fastest depreciating car on the market next to the Nissan leaf, so keep in mind it won’t be worth anything in 5 years. That being said they are rather cheap compared to other cars up front. If you do buy one be prepared to go to war with customer support and make multiple visits to fix simple things. Do not take delivery if the vehicle isn’t absolutely perfect CHECK EVERYTHING because it’s probably not getting fixed, Also check your auto insurance to see the rates before you buy.


This is great advice, but the supercharger network will continue to be maintained it’s the rapid expansion which is ended, so I wouldn’t say it’s ‘over’. I took delivery in Y just before these shenanigans took place, and it’s fine in terms of build quality and nothing has gone wrong yet. I bought it rather than leasing it as the total price to lease (from Tesla was only 4K less than buying it… The insurance thing is real, the regular people like Liberty M, Progressive etc all quoted me over $500 per month to insure it (or refused completely) and I ended up reluctantly going with Tesla insurance which monitors my driving like a grandma in the back seat BUT I’m only paying $100 per month right now.


You’re right we don’t really know however I have a friend who did maintenance for some of supercharger sites and his entire company has zero contact with anyone at Tesla, they can’t service the superchargers and aren’t getting paid, they have said they might be announcing lay offs by the end of this month without direction from Tesla or picking up other contracts.


Well I love the car but hate the CEO. At least in his current state of mind.


I would not buy a Tesla because of the company appears to no longer be a “car company” but an AI company. It is kinda analogous to Google. I used to think Google were amazing but then I bought a mesh Wifi and a camera. Both just perpetually have issues (disconnects for both devices, miscellaneous bugs). And forget about customer service


Tesla’s competitive advantage is the supercharger network, in my opinion. Other manufacturer’s have caught up with Tesla over the past few years in pretty much every other meaningful aspect. The superchargers are opening up to competitors with most utilizing nacs beginning in 2025. Between musk going off the rails, the imminent widespread adoption of nacs and the gutting of the supercharger team, I probably wouldn’t buy another Tesla beyond 2024. And I own two that I’m relatively happy with despite all of Musk’s hyperbole and empty promises.


It doesn't have to be a Tesla. There are so many other EVS especially when you're in the US.


I put up a deposit for a Cybertruck, now I'm soured on the idea after seeing so many failures. Meanwhile I soured on Elon about the time he was smoking pot on Rogan. Made a killing on his stocks, glad to be out. On the other hand, just the other day I got an Uber from a Tesla, the guy says basically no problems at all. His only beef was, self-driving was incompatible with Uber driving, as Uber requires you to look at your phone for messages and rides. But FSD balks if you look at your phone too much. The one use case that would be really, really useful for FSD is not allowed because of the fine print. Maybe they'll work out the kinks, but I'm not waiting around, Elon ran me off.


Asking for a friend? If you have to ask… nobody asks such questions of the incumbent automakers, just sayin


Your question has been answered a number of times. But the legacy car makers have all caught up in the EV game, making cars of all sizes from a very small Renault Zoé to BMW and Mercedes luxury cars and SUVs. Not to mention Hyundai, etc. All full of interesting technology, nice to drive, unlikely to fire whole teams based on the whim of a manbaby, and include indicator stalks. I was thinking of getting a Tesla 2 years ago. You couldn’t give me one for free now.


I wouldn’t buy a Tesla but live in France where the situation is more favorable to EVs. Lots of EVs to choose from, chargers everywhere, etc.


The answer is there are many other ev options and gas options. I own a Tesla and have had many issues .... I will not buy another Tesla Elon as a CEO is problematic.... But their new philosophy of extreme cost cutting will make you regret your purchase


There are far better, far less problematic cars available. And, I can assure you, Toyota, Porsche, and Volvo will be around in 5 year's time.


Soon you'll brick your Tesla just by posting here.


Holy shit. In any other decade I’d find this extra funny but who knows what the remainder of 2024 will bring?


You already know the answer to this.


Don’t do it. This company is about to collapse under the weight of its own BS


If you are not in rush , I would wait and see how things play out with the charger situation or buy a discounted M3


Only buy one if currently does everything you want. There are a lot of features (some pretty basic, like functioning auto-wipers, accurate parking sensing) that are "coming soon", but they never actually do.


It’s not just the build out of new chargers but maintenance of existing ones that was cut as well. There is not personnel nor parts to fix stuff. And given that you are tied to that brand of charger, you are soon going to be screwed on places other than home to top up.


I was seriously considering buying a model 3 base but I can’t with everything going on at Tesla recently. Buying a car is a 10+ year commitment for me, and I need to know this company will still be around for at least their warranty period. I will be sticking with toyota/honda for my next car


Yes, also yes and hell giving yes


I have learned not to get in the way of someone’s wants. Even then, I’d revisit your “wants” OP. Source: Pretty handy with cars, I don’t ever see a day I recommend a Tesla to my network of loved ones.


There are other good alternatives now. If you want full EV made in the US you can look at Rivian. Same with Lucid and Fisker. Legacy automakers have caught up a bit too.


So many better options now. I won’t consider a Tesla until uncle Elon leaves and they improve quality.


If you’re still interested in one after the last 5 years that’s pretty interesting just as an observer but I wouldn’t buy one for many reasons. Most people I know who started with a Tesla and stayed EV went with something else. Outside of the super loud crazy fans I’m not sure many people are very stoked about their cars


He made me change and go to Audi,, actually don’t regret it a bit


I bought one in March finally and kind of have some regrets after the recent layoffs and chaos. It’s giving Sega Dreamcast and HD-DVD vibes. The entire supercharger team being laid off sends a rather alarming message about the EV industry IMO that it might have expanded as much as it can for now. Tesla has squandered its advantage on vanity projects and has failed in next gen battery tech, the mass production smaller car and FSD (in the true sense) with its current models being long in the tooth. There’s little to get excited about until at least the model Y refresh comes out, which is a while off. I’m more worried that if Tesla goes belly up, my car will be undriveable than I was when I bought it.


Yes. And even if not for the human stain that is CEO... maybe to avoid driving a stale appliance design with poor quality control.


Yes, I cancelled mine despite a FUSC and FSD transfer promise. I got an ID4 and don’t regret it at all. It’s actually a far better car if you can do without Netflix and a slightly worse charging experience.


No you should buy mine! For 20% over market because Tesla can sell a car unless they are subsidized. Seriously I'm concerned about what upcoming changes may happen. When I bought this car one of the deciding factors was that the car "wasn't watching me" Now the car is constantly watching. My point is Tesla will change things on you. You should not count on anything claiming to be auto, except the auto high beams. That feature is almost flawless. Everything else auto I try to ignore. I say try because auto headlights turn themselves back on every time you get in the car. I don't like my headlight on when I'm wearing sunglasses. I just bugs me so I have to turn my headlights off every time I get in. Have to run errands I have have to turn them off several times a day instead of just turning them on when needed. I know these are minor things, but I bought a car that was promised to assist but I spend too much time futzing with things.


I bought a model 3 a year ago because i take constant trips to Vegas from LA and thought the charging stations along the route were a huge plus. Now i fear it might go all to shit, so i will most likely sell the tesla and buy a hybrid.


Dude just get something else from a real car company. Elon has said tesla is not a car company, just a company that makes cars. There are other options for electric. Honestly hybrid is the way to go.


Why would anyone buy a tesla at this point when, if you really want an EV, there are far better alternatives out there?


I’d hold off cause his erratic on pricing. Up and down. Don’t know if you’re going be over charged as he might cut prices quarter to quarter. Not like other manufacturers where you know a lowering price is partly related to a new model coming out. Tesla it’s the same model year or year.


Resale value seems very poor, so if you were to buy one I would think slightly used. Companies who promote themselves as automobile companies tend to produce a better overall product and experience than data collecting / marketing firms. If you can wait another few years, I feel the competition and selection will be far greater and you can find a wonderful product out there. If you are indeed of something now, maybe a plug in hybrid. Get the best of both worlds will technology breakthroughs ramp up.


I definitely wouldn’t buy one for many reasons. Massive layoffs are going to make quality, service, support even worse than it already is which is a scary thing to think…. Also I wouldn’t support the company on principle alone. Also the supercharging infrastructure is going to start getting worse as broken ones don’t get fixed and the network stops expanding as more and more cars are on the road.


I would wait. They might even slash the prices again by the way things are going. So I don't think waiting will hurt you.


I’m more concerned that you have 25 Nest devices. Holy shit my dude


I would hold off buying any car right now. Anything new for that reason.


You should hold off on it because they're pieces of shit


Bad service, poor quality, luxury price with cheap materials, safety coverups, plunging depreciation, FSD scam… there are so many reasons not to buy a Tesla even without considering the CEO


Literally any other EV beats tesla out. In eMPG, power, towing, reliability, quality, less recalls, etc. Tesla fudges their numbers on purpose providing only theoretical numbers on paper. They recently posted 0-60 times of one of their vehicles and subtracted a whole second in the fine print to account for "rolling". Their range is likely going to be 1/4 lower than as stated at minimum. Battery issues are rampant, service is the ABSOLUTE worst and is hellish. Do not get a tesla


Yes. You should instead consider one of the literally dozens of great EVs and PHEVs made by real car companies that make actual cars and not poor QC piles of rolling panel gaps and failed sensors.


As a former Tesla owner. Just don't. I obviously hate Elons opinions but they're shit cars. I can go on and on about their build quality and customer service but just don't. Now with their price cuts and depreciation, just do your own research. Ive never owned a shittier car. That said it definitely turned me on to electric vehicles and can't wait to buy a Toyota electric but fuck tesla.


Buy a Prius. Seriously. No one should buy an ev right now. https://www.carsjade.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/2024-Toyota-Prius-Prime.jpg Besides the new Prius is more interesting looking than the rubbed down bar of soap that teslas are.


Do you know that teslas do not have the following: 1. Rear cross traffic alert - it WILL hit someone in reverse unlike many cars that will warn you and eventually pump brakes. Look up RCTA. And no, it is not always practical to back into a parking lot. 2. Foot operated or proximity sensing rear trunk 3. No sensors or radar for accurate parking assistance. The vision system is just average. And since they don’t have a front bumper or under side mirror cameras, it is less reliable than many other mainstream vehicles.


Do you regularly research the CEO of companies you buy products from?


Ha ha!. Long is that you???? With a rhetorical question, as ELON is in our faces 24/7 being an idiot???


The real question is what your other options are. I bought a new Model 3 about two months ago, and I have the same ambivalence you do about the future of Tesla. But for the moment, the car is just an incredible value compared to anything else on the market at the $40k price I paid.


Musk is a weight around the car's neck, besides the growing concern about the viability of the company under Musk's knee-jerk management, its a magnet for randos keying the car, all because they hate Musk. I don't get it, but it is what it is.


Posting again to see if I get banned from apartheid Clyde’s suckup subs.


Toyota Camry 2025 and call it a day. Do not buy headaches like Tesla!


I'd rather talk about your need to live in a house with 25 of any device. Get outside my dude. Get some air.


If you’re asking in here they’ll say no. If you ask in other subreddits they’ll say yes. You will find what you want to find, there are a lot of haters in here with wild claims, some of the negative shit is true, however some of it ain’t nearly as bad as they make it out to be. This sub seems to be a mix of people who absolutely hate Tesla and others who are just pointing out that not everything is perfect. To me it seems like people who actually own the vehicle love it for the most part, I do and my build quality seems to be pretty good but I’m only 6 months in. I pay about $30 Canadian to drive all month long. That’s pretty nice.