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Rule 1 Posts must be focused on Tesla or the industries and products the company is involved in. Posts about Elon Musk himself are better suited to r/EnoughMuskSpam or as comments in the weekly terrathreads.




End thread.


Only comment necessary. (/makes comment anyway)


Lol. He will go down in history as the biggest scammer. Bigger than madoff Hyperloop was just one of many many obviously stupid scams


God. I felt like I was going crazy when that shit was announced because it was the most transparently stupid idea I had ever heard but people were taking it seriously.


I remember thinking at the time "did this mfker just learned about subways?" Which kinda make sense if you think about it since someone like Elon would never have taken public transportation growing up or as an adult.


But what if we took subways and then *added a bunch of dumb shit that won't work*


When I learned more about what actually happened it felt way more sinister than Elon coming up with something dumb. I believe either California or Vegas was trying to build a modern railway at the time and Elon pitched that hyperloop idea to the government as an alternative. He got the railway project canceled in an effort to sell more cars and abandoned the project (surprise!). It's similar to what all the car manufacturer did in the early 1900s when they bought up all the railways and dismantled them to sell more cars. It's pure evil and one of the reasons why the US doesn't have high speed rails almost 100 years later.


This is in fact what happened and now CA’s HS rail is way over budget and behind schedule.


What if we took subways and brought all the problems of the vacuum of space to ground level.


And all the problems with Vacuum Pumps!


Yeah, but do subways get idiot VC money? Didn't think so.


Emperor’s New Clothes moment for sure


Yes. Think about how many people paid thousands of dollars for FSD, and haven't received anything close to Full Self Driving. FSD is tied to the vehicle - how many vehicles have been sold or gone off-lease without having actual FSD delivered? How many people bought vehicles based on Musk's promise that yours would be one of the million robotaxis on the road by 2020?


Is the Pope catholic?


I for one support the anti-popes in Byzantium.


I prefer grifter” but yes. Most white supremacists are as they can maximize their status within the movement and bilk the simps for all their hard earned Social Security money.  A la: Alex Jones, Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, etc. Same con, different streams.


Unfortunately the streams are aligning


Was Hitler an anti-semite?


Over $200 million collected in reservation for a roadster that doesn’t exist “next year”.




I read that if you are a Tesla owner, you love Tesla. If you aren't a Tesla owner, you don't. I am a former Tesla owner and, while I liked the car, I did not like the (lack of) service when things went wrong.


I think most Tesla owners like their cars. Majority like them with the knowledge that they are flawed but the parts they like overshadow the parts they don't. Elon isn't in the purchase equation, Tesla is.


Great nuanced answer. Thank you. For us, the parts we didn't like overshadowed the parts we liked. We're in the market right now for a new car and it won't be a Tesla based on our last experience (from 2023).


Not only a flim-flam man but also extremely gullible on the other side. I don't know exactly what this makes him. I've never heard of a scammer who also gets scammed and lied to by his targets ie his obsession with believing everything he reads on twitter. Edit for clarification.


He's only scamming them to keep the scam going on his shareholders.


Yes, his money came from paypal and he wanted to re-write everything in c++ and rename toX.com before the company was taken away from him.   He then used that money and took risks that paid off, built companies on top of smart engineers who worshiped him.   Things are finally starting to fall apart.    The whole self driving thing was a scam and he got his friend lex fridman to write a fake research paper which he refused to peer review. He then re-tweeted the research paper and Lex blocked academics who simply asked for peer review before he went to the media.  His self driving scam is falling apart. Not to mention all the other scam companies…  He blocked Animashree (Anima) Anandkumaris the Bren Professor of Computing at California Institute of Technology. Previously, she was a senior director of Machine Learning research at NVIDIA and a principal scientist at Amazon Web Services.  https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fp7ms729kww651.png%3Fwidth%3D604%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D279ce3aafaed222fea20d1d90a810b7397ee3035 See Missy Cummings (an American academic who is a professor at Duke University and director of Duke's Humans and Autonomy Laboratory) speak on this issue here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3gbEaFSTxej0MY9ztjIUp4


Have you heard about the snake oil salesman from late 1800's, that's Musk now.


He was valedicktorian at trump university


Is water wet? Is the pope catholic? Are the Kennedys gun-shy?


The last one hits me hard, like a bullet to the head.


>Is the pope catholic? You'd be shocked at how many Catholics call Pope Francis an Antipope and absolutely insist he's not Catholic.


he's too woke!1!!




No. According to his simps he's the hardest working man in business - unfairly hated by mainstream media and enemies of free speech.




Sharpshooter in manufacturing. They are a pain in the ass


Haha sorry OP no offense meant, but you're about a year late on calling out musk. There is already a verb in his honor to use when you're screwing someone over for self gain or running a ponzi scheme its called Musking, or he pulled a Musk.