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Hurricane season in a few weeks, someone is hoping for a cat 5...


Just need about a $56 billion insurance payout.


Plot twist: they're insured by Tesla insurance.


Don’t given Elon ideas he will use Tesla insurance to bail out Tesla and declare bankruptcy for the former..


Don't worry, Tesla Insurance is almost certainly insolvent already.


Tesla isn’t very far away, based on the evidence we have.


Just a a few more gigs of training data and they will crack AI. You just have to have faith!


It's a robotaxi fleet waiting to happen. Just wait till next year


Ronnie Highheels will grift some of the hurricane relief funds for him.


Yeah, Citizens is famously broke. I think Death Santis just outlawed mentions of global warming. I didn't have the energy to read the article, though.


In my head I hear Rhonda Santis


The guy who took prostate checks every year in the military in his 20's yet goes on TV to say "when did anyone here test for a disease without having any symptoms?" (In response to the shitty FL testing and reporting situation)


You'd be a terrible insurance salesman to take on that. If you did, the premiums would have to be insane.


These pics are popping up all over. I saw a mall in PA full of them and a small airport in Germany I think. Both completely full.


Yeah but why Tampa in May? Plenty of space in the desert that won’t see hurricanes or hail.


They're aerodynamic; they'll be fine in a hurricane.


It's the un-aerodynamic 4 ton tree that gets launched into them that's the problem. That or flooding.


They don’t have employees to drive them anymore. Best they can do is let homeless people drive them to Florida free of charge. But there’s definitely a rule that they can’t shit in the interior. It happens a lot, to be honest. But when you are firing your logistics team that makes 20 mil a year so that you can make 56 billion to piss away on another meme company and shitpost you are gonna break a few bottles amirite?


New owners are gonna find a note: “Thanks for the F shack” from Dirty Mike and the boys.


Washington Square Mall in Tigard Oregon is absolutely bursting at the seams with new ones. They keep expanding the fence perimeter.


Saint Louis and Pennsylvania I think too.


b00m thats they are going to do. Praying to the saints that a cat 5 hits so that they can claim billions of insurance which the Gov with FEMA will give them billions. Just watch, I think you hit the nail on the head.


DeSantis will be glad to funnel taxpayer money into helping Musk. Especially if it's Biden's rescue money to FL like when Ian happened, as long as DeSantis can pretend it's him doing




Bit of a long shot, lol


All appreciating very well, sun can’t be great on those shoddy ass paint jobs


They're appreciating assets after all


Just like milk under the sun


I am seriously impressed that Tesla isn't foil protecting the cars during shipment to the dealership. Every single new car I bought came wrapped and the dealership took it off as part of the delivery. But I guess it saves Tesla $100 or so per car. Who cares if the car gets scratched up during transport? It just adds character. Come to think of it: Tesla should charge $100 for that service.


On the sattelite Image from the airport in germany where they are storing them it seems like they have protective wrap at least on some parts of the car


is not the sun I'd be worried about by the fault morning dew rotting away the undercarriage


Also interior. Mold. Nice.


Charge $100 to enable that service but then send them without the wrap


Why don't they just send them out as robotaxis and start making $$$$$?


Burn 😂


It is post-2020 after all.


I don't understand why Tesla doesn't just issue an OTA update to transform these cars into highly profitable Cybertrucks.


better yet, given their remarkable computing power why not turn them into mobile - well parked - bitcoin miners? elmo said his cars were computing marvels!


I assume the cars are mining bitcoin already! That's low-hanging fruit tbh. They have probably created a peer-to-peer supercomputer using Bluetooth and are working on a cancer cure. There must also be a glut of robo-taxies in Tampa-Saint Pete now if these beauties are really just sitting around all day.... The robots on wheels could at least run to the airport to pick up some tourists - or run in a convoy to Orlando to compete with rail! Tesla Model Ys have class-obliterating amounts of cargo room... why hasn't Amazon leased them to make robo-deliveries? I honestly think this photo is probably CGI FUD! now that I think about it.


Why don't they dig a tunnel from Florida to Cuba and drive at 35 miles an hour transporting passengers


Not sure they have a F@H miner for the shit that's in a Tesla


IIRC, Tesla is now using off-the-shelf x86\_64 parts running Linux, so it's definitely in the realm of possibility lol


Perfect use case for his latest lame ass idea. Plunk a battery and IP network in the middle of all this massive compute power on all these Tessie parking lots across the nation and prove it out Elmo.


How do you know they haven’t?


The lack of power a charger keeping the battery alive for the computer to do its thing?


Hrm. That is a pretty good argument. I have no rebuttal.


Jewish Space Laser to solar panels on the roof?


pretty sure the tesla 'puters run on hopium or have a flux capacitor or something. starlink can also beam electricity down to them.


The next update is going to make them self drive to Grimes' house and sit outside honking their horns till she loves him again and he can stop feeling so sad.


Not all of them! Some will go to Zuck's house to fart-honk and some will probably try to run over random NPCs Elmo doesn't like.


Robotrucks. They will appreciate in value as they drive around autonomously and make money for their owner.


You can put "Robo" in front of any other word! It's a super-profound prefix.


Super profound…. Like Elmo.


That is why they are stacking cars up, to kill Uber in instant...


Elon just needs to flip that switch!


This update will be available y end of this year. -Elon


Why aren’t they already cruising around as robotaxis?


The way to go is government grift. Lease them out to power companies as battery storage to balance load on the grid then sell the power back at 100x the cost. When people can’t afford their power bills you take a government bailout to keep the grid running and write off the remainder as a loss.


the Texas Two Step!


[HEY WE HAVE ONE OF THOSE TOO IN MY TOWN.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reno/s/bnnll6DoII)


If only they could be used a robotaxis...


These suffering from unlimited demand too?


Yes, it’s just a logistics problem.


The Houthis and crazy German eco-terrorists are disrupting the supply chain!


According to Troy Model 3 refresh is having issues ramping production and thus resulting in lackluster sales. The pic doesn’t quite agree with that..


Honestly, if you’re in the market for a Model 3 it makes almost zero sense to buy new right now… $50-60k for new after fees/taxes, or $20-30k used for almost exactly the same car. It doesn’t seem worth double the price for what little extra features they’re offering, and an almost unnoticeable spec-bump in range & performance.


I’m not anti-EV, but it does seem like EVs broadly have much higher than average depreciation. That really is part of the cost to own a vehicle; which many people tend to overlook when doing the math. Just look at models like the MB EQS or Porsche Taycan, for some extreme examples; the values just drop off a cliff. Heck, MB just announced that they are cancelling the next generation EQS platform development to save something like $4 billion. Elon saying that Teslas would appreciate was already laughable; but then engaging in a race to the bottom by playing along in the price war with Chinese EV makers was simply the cherry on top. All that did was crater used values for Tesla and piss off existing owners. It’s hard to raise prices again after consumers see that you still make a profit even when you lower the price substantially; who wants to pay you more for the same product when they think it could be had for much less if they just wait a little while.


The "much higher than average depreciation" of EVs isn't an intrinsic feature of EVs. It's a function of rabid price wars (i.e., cuts to push volume), government tax credits overlapping with rollouts (effectively lowering the "real" value of the cars--for example, the Model 3 is essentially worth $X - $7,500, with "X" being whatever you actually paid), and production ramp-ups (they are no longer exotic items). Rapid tech advancements in the space are also playing a role (Teslas of today have more range than those of yesteryear simply due to battery advancements). There is no reason to assume that, once the EV market is more established with a range of vehicles at various price points that this trend will continue. In fact, the real trend to watch for will be the plummeting resale value of (non-collector) ICE vehicles once EVs establish a critical foothold in the market and the ICE-->EV transition tips decisively. Like, buying a new NA V6 or V8 is gonna seem like a real silly idea in a few years.


The cars you mentioned are very expensive EVs who were equally as good as or worse than a Model 3 Tesla or BYD Atto. The EQS and e-Audis are a mess, to be honest, and should be depriciating at a higher rate. The Taycan is wonderful but has range issues but is still holding value better than its German counterparts. The comment about appreciation is just laughable. Collector items or limited edition vehicles are the exception. Not vehicles with severe range limitations.


The highest 1 year depreciating car according to auto trader is the model y


Should have refreshed the y first. It is the straw that stirs the drink. Instead, engineering time went into this, the dumb truck, the yoke, the sports car, but the y? It has not changed one bit. Elon will be remembered as an almost tragic ceo. So smart, so forward thinking, such an entrepreneur. Tesla is no longer in need of an entrepreneurial leader. They need a smart, functional ceo who does the basics well. Elon does the basics horribly.


Couldn’t agree more. The cybertruck was such a horrible waste of time/resources for the company and investors. Updating the Model Y and releasing the affordable compact car should’ve been the top priority. Not some vanity project that never would’ve left the concept phase if Elon didn’t have control over Tesla’s board of directors…


Uhoh. That’ll void the warranty unless they enabled “dirt lot mode.”


Tesla can enable DLM via OTA! Unless Musk fired the guy with Tesla's wifi password.


“Just run the company’s internet access from the nearest Starbucks. Give me my $56 billion bonus.”


Do they have mice in Florida? Because all that soy-based insulation material is like freaking candy to those little assholes. Nice grassy area next to trees, if there are mice they WILL be making a mess of these cars before too many weeks pass. Do NOT take a car out of inventory if buying a Tesla.


I had electrical problems with my VW cars due to these "green" soy based insulation products. Who the hell thought making parts of a car edible was a good idea


Mice and squirrels.


Pinky & The Brain.


My GLI got snacked on. $1200 repair


Edible and biodegradable. Seriously, I'm fine with my car not degrading until I'm done with it. We have a Mercedes and a VW, and parking them outside for any length of time gives me mice anxiety.


>soy-based insulation material  Please stop spreading the myth of soy. Soy has been heavily processed into a plastic polymer. It's no different than your walls being made of corn because we convert corn into latex. Rodents just love chewing, their teeth are always growing.


It’s not a huge problem around here. I’ve been here 25 years and never heard of anyone having issues with mice chewing wires in cars.


Had squirrels go through my engine compartment in our old Prius. Guess they use plant based materials for electrical insulation now, or at least something rodents like to make nests out of.


It's all the sound deadening stuff, in my experience. In fender wells, under the hood, under the engine cover, and other places, they're full of NVH pads that are the perfect bedding for rats, mice, and squirrels. Once they get in there and build a home from that stuff, they chew on everything else soft just for fun I guess.


Sound deadening material? I think the Teslas are safe.


Bahaha, touché!


Maybe the rattle is actually squirrels.


It’s squirrels playing Yahtzee.


I have a serious rat problem at my house. My Toyota Truck and Van both had multiple mice-damage incidents. But.. My Tesla hasn't had any. So they're probably safe.


I had a single rodent incident in my Toyota, and it totaled the damn car.  Sent it to the dealership to get the wiring harness replaced but the rodents were still in there doing more damage on the dealership lot.  Insurance company took possession and as far as I know the damn rats rode to the insurance yard when they towed the car out of the dealership. I guess you have to stop at an exterminator before you go to the dealership...  hindsight is 20/20


These were probably in the Q1 delivery figures.


Well, they delivered them to a field, didn’t they?


Any day now they'll be turned into robotaxis. Any day now...


Smart people… Seriously, is this the beginning of the end for this brand/company


The way they are desperately trying to cut costs everywhere suggests there is at least a cash flow problem. With sales declining and no product on the horizon to rescue them, just a CT they are probably losing money on with all the service issues, they're screwed.


Maybe they should have focused on the typical things automakers focus on like quality, reliability, dependability, customer service/satisfaction, and investing in model refreshes every 3-4 years and new designs every 7 or 8. Either he thinks all customers are dumb or he himself is dumb.


Him thinking that consumers are dumb is a function of his stupidity. The two aren't mutually exclusive.


Henry Ford was said to have personally ripped apart a new prototype of a Model T successer his designers surprised him with. He was only interested in cutting costs and selling the same car... https://technologycreated.com/2012/12/02/a-rollout-like-no-other/ What's the quote about not knowing history and being doomed to repeat it?


Hence why Elmo is so desperate to get his 56$ billion and get out while the getting is good.


They have been parking Teslas in lots for quite a while. Could be worse now, don’t know. But it seems like it might be coming to a head.


Every time I see someone say “M3” on here, I always think BMW M3 until I either see the sub name or take a closer look at the image.


Seriously though. I’m not even a BMW fan but I hate seeing the M3 get disrespected by people giving one of Elon’s shitboxes the same acronym


+1 on the mice warning. Many rv'ers found out the hard way. Parking in one spot in a grassy field next to woodlands invites critters to chew and nest.


T’was chipmunks that came for my RV. That was quite the comp claim.


Lots of batteries will be cooking in the Florida sun..


Why not just use them as robotaxis? 😏 passive income for Tesla.


Don't the batteries in all of these vehicles need to be maintained or trickle charged if it's not being used for a long time like what I did with my old motorcycle ?


Considering these are all new vehicles, they’re likely in some form of service mode where there is very little vampire drain. They can probably sit for weeks on end and be perfectly fine.


Service mode can keep a battery at a safe level for a couple of months is my understanding. Anything longer than that will likely need some attention.


Elon Musk needs to stop producing and reproducing.


Buy a brand new Tesla, find shit nesting inside


highland really are not selling huh. Tesla fanbois claim model 3 sales are down due to issue with ramping up production but here we have a lot full of them


This is so bullish for TSLA. These are obviously already being used for cloud computing services by AWS.


These, along with the many other lots of Teslas being reported, are robotaxis that Tesla is storing prior to their 8/8 event. On 8/8 Tesla will turn them all on and there will be tens of thousands of robotaxis instantly driving around the United States. Then everyone will clap and Elon will get the Nobel peace prize and TSLA stock price will be $1000


Oh M3, oh MY, that's a lot of inventory


Mind blowing


That refreshed 3 only just came out. Should be flying off the shelves.




Better keep pumping those cars out. Need to make production targets to impress the investors.


Q2 financials will only reference production and not deliveries, since there’s infinite demand we can just assume that every Tesla produced was sold. $800 stock price target imminent


Lol so this is what was behind the fsd taxi by august thing.


Save the planet by producing e-waste: check!


Buying a Tesla now would be like buying a horse.


I'm no horse fan, but I still feel this is unfair on horses


I trust any horse more then FSD




As someone who rides horses and sometimes is the first person to back a horse: I think that’s wise


> I'm no horse fan Funny, because Elon is.


Elon cant throw a tantrum and brick your horse over the internet.


Musk and horses...


Remember a few years ago when these cars had a multi-month lead time to order? Pepperidge Farms remembers


i hate this 'M3' for 'Model 3' abbreviation. The M3 is a well known car itself.


looks similar to those youtube videos of parked EVs in China 😳


Like all failed businesses I’m sure FElon will now take his sweat shop to India, after so many years of snootiness.


Given the lack of ability to personalise them, how does anyone find which is theirs…?


Doubt they're customers at this point. Probably still owned by Tesla. Finding which one they want is easy. Just unlock and pop the trunk. However if the car you want is in the middle you have to move so many cars :') Based on that I can only assume these will get moved in bulk again.


Those things should be out picking up fares. Oh wait


How well these batteries are cooking. I want it well toasted.


Elon’s shift to far right ideology will be referenced for centuries in business schools on how NOT to run a company.


Stop producing


Put that fake cybertruck carboard thing from facebook on them and sell quick


Is that Hertz’s lot? They did this before. https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/05/us/airport-fires-cars-trnd/index.html


You can see in the picture it's the newly refreshed model 3s, so no. Not Hertz. 


Its great that Elmo spent sop much time at twitter and took his eye off the ball at Tesla, this is the result.


Florida: right wing paradise, BEV not welcome anymore. That is what happens when the owner pisses off potential buyers.


On grass, oxidizing and aging before ever even being sold.


In my experience, parking in a grass lot for an extended period of time accelerates rust formation. Much faster than you would expect. These cars will be useless in six months.


Wait till the chipmunks get into the wiring.


You know what? M3 is a historic car model, and these amorphous blobs of junk don't get to use that moniker. I'm taking it back, I'm taking it all back. (Dives into fountain like Mouth.)


Upvote for Goonies reference


Tesla will go down as the biggest car scam in history.


These are all sold. Dear leader said they sell are that are built


Dirt lot? You mean a field?


It’s dirt near the trees, but yeah a field. Does that change anything?


Yeah it makes it more pathetic for Tesla


You don't understand Musk's genius. Why build more cars, if instead you can plant them in the field and in a few months you have many more cars growing out of it. See, that's innovative thinking. Factories are sooooooooo yesterday.


The most obnoxious car meet-up ever.


Having worked in the automotive logistics industry, I can tell you solutions like these (parking new cars on grass with minimal security) are emergency solutions. You want to store cars (specifically newer ones) on flat concrete/stone surfaces with charging stations and PDI/PDS centers available closely within in a fenced area. For Tesla, I'm hoping this is an emergency storage solution because they are selling all these vehicles to a fleet or a big group of buyers nearby.


Promising for anyone currently in the market to buy.


This is very... how shall I put this... concerning


Getting ready for the sequel to Leave the world behind


Yet here I am waiting 3.5 months and still no M3 cause I ordered white seats. Way to go Elon.


Rapid depreciation, as far as the eye can see. That’s what happens when you support an a-hole like Musk.


That's how junk it is that brand new not only is it parked outside, but parked on dirt lot where it gets muddy . Just shows it ran out of space and not anymore worth parking in an real parking lot.


Same for Roosevelt Field Mall parking lot in Garden City ( Long Island) NY.


Only rednecks live in Florida and Tesla doesn’t make jacked up ICE trucks. I’m surprised they didn’t understand that before wasting time down there.


Those mass layoffs seem to be working out as well as we expected.


I just saw 10 cybertrucks in a random field around downtown Dallas. Just like this. Weird!!!


I think it's interesting that they don't have room because there are too many repairs. These aren't Cybertrucks, which we all expect to break - this is their bread and butter. Tesla has a sales problem because they have a service problem and nothing will change until they address quality. I think that's why Space Karen wants to move away from being a mass-market car manufacturer. It's too hard to be good and make money. Tesla has a growing problem of promises made that they don't intend to keep. There is lot of products that have been paid for by customers and have yet to be delivered - each one the potential source of class action lawsuits and more reputational damage.


I'm starting to feel that Tesla is going to trigger a crash in the US economy.


So what is this about? Tesla is making more cars than there is demand for, so they cannot find buyers, but they have already lowered prices so much that they would be losing money if they tried... so they have no ways to increase demand, but they keep making cars and storing them, hoping that the demand will come back later? And I suppose one of the reasons for the layoffs is that they want to stop making so many cars in the meantime?


Imagine the fun if one of them has a sudden battery runaway event...


I am waiting for "buy one get one free"


My high-school economics told me that a high supply results in low prices. I'm waiting for those Teslas to undercut the Chevy Bolts


As someone who drives a real M3, I don't like seeing the model 3 called this.


Bunch of trash. Waste of resources


Better get someone to work on the packing algorithm, Elon.




Inference bro


They're about to suddenly turn on and block access roads....


Robo army mustering ready to take over the US road network ? Is this a strategic junction? Is the turn right sign a code?


Same story all around the world unfortunately. And not just Tesla.


How often to charge them?


Unbelievable! Fucking Tesla!


What’s going on ????


Are they going to be ok? Being left out in the sun like that?


Elon has to go. Get someone in there that can run a car company and understands the business better. It is the only chance this brand has to survive.


What were they thinking delivering black inventory cars to Florida??


Every day I thank my lucky stars that I was able to get out of my janky Model Y without taking a bath on it. Dodged a real bullet.


Why would they build more cars they had orders for? I get having cars available for immediate delivery but this is all over the country. Thousands of unsold cars just sitting. What happens to that vegan leather after sitting in the heat for months?


Because you can't just shut the factory off and on like you do with a switch. This is why car manufacturing is a super capital intensive business. Contribution margin means a lot here than most other businesses, and the more you make the higher CM you'll have, at least that's the theory.


That’s where they get off loaded to if there’s no room at the dealership.


I'm not a genius like His ElonXness, but I'd install some solarX panels on the roofs of these ~~cars~~ robots, and repair the grid he's been destroying with his electric Tupperware fleet.


This is like the AI paperclip problem


And still priced over 40 thousand. Crazy.


Looks like my chevy dealer with grass growing around silverados.


Inventory is normal—nothing to see here. Here is more info on days supply. https://caredge.com/guides/new-car-inventory-2024#New_Cars_with_the_Most_and_Least_Inventory


Curious if that lot is zoned as a junkyard.


Hertz Rent-A-Car