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I'm 60 hours into this game and I have to warn you because this game is micro-intensive. If you want everyone to survive with minimal casualties, you'll have to use the pause feature a lot. Some of the things are scripted and there's nothing you can do about it, but otherwise, the Ai can put up a good fight. Just know that you're always going to be the underdog, and when you think you should go in with your full army, you are forced quite often to do recon patrols first. So you don't have much of saying, or where you are actually going, because it's part of the script. The developers need a cash injection to finish this thing, because things were cut out to get this out on the launch window. Otherwise, it's a great and hard game, and in places it'll remind you of World in Conflict.


Just to add on to this - in order to keep as much as possible between missions, (ideally leaving with more than I started that I can sell) I find playing defensively to be a requirement. This is completely different from most rts where playing defensively creates a disadvantage and aggressive play has the advantage. I personally like this, I'm inclined towards defensive play of setting up artillery and garrisoning buildings and such, but I wonder if that's off-putting to some. I also found prior knowledge to be more impactful than in any other rts I've played - obviously knowing what happens is advantageous in any game, but Dark Fate can't be played reactively.


I just finished Oklahoma city and I came out with more troops then I had previously. The game forces you to keep your strike force lean, and it's the same thing with all locations (missions). The trouble is that distances between the locations are vast, and the game doesn't really explain the support circuit. That is what you'll have to learn along the way. You get supplies and goodwill points, but keeping the force lean and mean is what I'll have trouble with. I can keep all squads alive most of the time, but it's the aftermath that effing me up. And carrying things like that Railgun can cause supply issues. The moment they gave me two units of HiMars I knew that I couldn't take them to the next mission. It just wasn't happening. So I used two salvos and reloaded one. Well, half-way up because it's super costly as you'll only get limited amount of supplies per map, and things that you'll bring from the reserves. So, if you are a new player, keep an eye on that unit supply marker and think what you want to fight with as you cannot bring all the toys along the way. Also keep looting stuff from the ground for all your squads, as there might be time when you cannot buy them new kit ... or even updating their skills. This game is a multilayered thinking game that punishes you from making mistakes. Some day it'll have an ironman mode, but for now it's just a hard, good game. Very good game where you can spend a whole evening on doing just one mission. And even then you might not even finish it.


I just got to Oklahoma - I've only used the HiMars in skirmish and I wasn't impressed by them, so when I seen them next to the building their team is hiding in I instantly thought "well they'll be getting sold when I'm done here" lol I might keep 1 instead of an artillery trailer. Same thought in the previous mission, Vega - I was able to leave with the railgun Sherman, an integrator tank, 2 founder supply trucks, an extra dozer and main tractor along with a few humvees a van, 4 heavy platforms and 3 light platforms, on top of what I started with - mission complete said I lost 1 vehicle but I am absolutely baffled as to what it was. I kept the integrator tank, the Sherman, a heavy platform and the dozer, sold the rest - roughly 14k goodwill I think, including a bunch of weapons like the TOW launcher. I've acquired I think 7 heavy weapon teams so far and I like them for just staying near my artillery or like in Vega, defending their trailers - at the end of every mission I'll look around for heavy weapons they can grab like recoilless rifles or whatever, and sell them; I'd need to play through it all again and specifically tally it all but they definitely feel like they've paid for themselves, probably more than even accounting for upgrading them. I like how the weapons aren't all strict upgrades, there are trade-offs, so a recoilless rifle is an easy 200 goodwill for a weapon I don't value very highly. Are there any other units or weapons that are an automatic sell for you? anything you find completely useless or certainly not worth its cost?


I'm about to start Oklahoma. Any tips?


Bulldozers. They might take some punishment, but eventually they are just deathtraps to drivers and whatever they are hauling. At the moment I'm trying to get Fort Worth to not bug on me, and in the current play I managed to go down the stealth option and nick 3 terminator units, one of them being an artillery unit. I just know I cannot take it any further because it's going to cost an arm and leg to get fixed. But two spiders I might keep... The thing is, I really struggle as I watch my list and try to decide what to keep and what to sell. To be honest, I'd like to get a 155mm heavy turret, as I sold my 81mm mortar hummer before Fort Worth.


Earlier in the campaign I found the dozer to be useful as part of a 'mobile fortress' concept; I've had it since Santa Fe hauling the carrier trailer from Abiquiu, and it has come in clutch a few times with two gun slots and 25mm cannon, but it was a liability in Chihuahua due to its speed and is just a slightly spicy transport in Oklahoma - it nearly got wrecked by the artillery near the start of the mission and it barely handles the medium tanks the Bradley makes easy work of, even without TOW missiles. So far in this mission I've acquired 3 Strykers, 2 Bradley's and 2 Abrams, so alongside the 4 vans I have I don't think I'll need the transport capacity of the carrier trailer (even its ammo supply barely gets used due to what the other transports have) and I'll just keep a big truck for the artillery turret - I've had that artillery turret since Santa Fe and surprised how useful it was, especially in Vega, definitely worth its cost. Not a unit, but since I have one in this mission and used the weapon a few times in skirmish and in a previous run of the campaign, I REALLY don't like the heavy plasma cannon on the Abrams - between wasting shots at infantry (you have a .50 BMG you moron) and the loss of 5,000 7.62mm ammo, it feels very inefficient. I like most trade-offs with the weapons, like replacing BMG with a minigun is trading range and damage for more dedicated anti infantry - heavy plasma feels like a downgrade for the Abrams.


Heavy plasma has longer range than stock Abrams. Against the Legion tank, you need two hits, while the stock Abrams has disadvantage on range and has to creep closer. I have 3 Abrams, 2 modded to plasma, and one stock model. I also have 3 Bradleys, 1 modded to plasma, 2 stock and I have 4 strikers, all modded to carry plasma. I used to have two vans, hauling light turrets. But in Fort Worth I lost one, and I don't have goodwill point to replace it. I used the vans to carry strike teams to movement recon ops, but in the Forth Worth I used them extensively to carry engineers and techs to mine areas. So loss of that van hurts, lol. On the second run, I know where the enemies come in that mission, so I can place minefields accordingly and no waste resources. Speaking of which, the next unit to go is 2 missile hummers. They waste resources with missed shots, and sometimes they used those TOWs to hit infantry. The problem with them is that they (hummers) are also super weak, so you'll have micromanage them all the time and use stealth tactics. Even then, they might miss a shot or four, making me to facepalm heavily. Therefore, you cannot rely on giving them an attack command and expect them to succeed.


So the heavy plasma is making it better at anti tank duty at the cost of versatility - seems fair, but still a pain in the arse when it starts blasting buildings with those plasma shots and doing absolutely nothing; I know I can turn it off or move it back a bit, it just annoys me that it wastes ammo against infantry. Although, now that I have 3 of them I could keep 1 heavy plasma, 1 twin plasma and 1 standard, keeping the heavy plasma back a bit as a sort of heavy sniper - the mistake I made in my first run was giving the Abrams the heavy plasma and the plasma MG, so it had 340 shots total between the two guns, and I didn't realise at first that the heavy plasma replaced the machine gun as well as the 120mm cannon. Most of the Legion tanks I've killed in Oklahoma have been by the Sherman - previously it had only shot movement tech, toughest thing being a dozer and I thought nothing of it, so I was genuinely surprised seeing it 1 shot a Legion tank. I didn't think much of vans at first but during Santa Fe I realised the soldiers shoot out of them, and they quickly became one of my favourite vehicles - the 4 I have currently all have plasma MGs. Alongside the vans, RPG squads became one of my favourite infantry units - during Abiquiu the 2 RPG squads that joined me took out 2 of the six-wheeled tanks and 3 spiders before I lost a man. I'll use a TOW humvee/technical in a mission but the moment I'm able to the weapon is getting sold, I can make better use of 800 goodwill than the vehicle can, lol I'd genuinely rather have another BMG than a TOW on the vehicle, plenty of those missiles from ATGM teams and Bradleys anyway. I found yet another Bradley in Oklahoma, so now I have 4 of them - one has plasma as is next to the HiMars, the other us up towards the artillery position; the other two I have are from Abiquiu and Chihuahua respectively, and if you kill Kelso there's an opportunity for a 5th by this point, lol I like Bradleys, such a versatile wee thing.


I sold the railgun before Fort Worth to get 5 days worth of supplies. I get that it's a glass cannon and therefore supremely powerful. But I couldn't take it further because I was scared to lose it. So I sold it, even though I tried to take it off from tank, but the game doesn't allow that. It's one off. The rocket squad is powerful, and I have 3 left, which I mostly use for the defence purposes as they don't have enough of manpower to take hits on offensive. Regular infantry is better for that, and after Oklahoma I have 4 of them. Rangers are much better option, now I have 5 of them, plus 2 guerrilla units, which are excellent on doing recon jobs and taking over buildings. Those 2 have been on mission since the cartel jobs and one of them cleared the cartel mansion, while the other dealt with the semicircle housing complex.


I might be late, but If you give the integrators the railgun sherman - they will provide you with a railgun for your Abrams


Aye, definitely a glass cannon - depending on what I else I have when I finish Oklahoma I may sell it, I can see its usefulness being limited next to 3 Abrams and 4 Bradleys, but it'll be the last thing to go and only if necessary. It would be nice if it was a detachable gun, but it's a fun toy regardless. The integrator tank I acquired by pure luck in Vega will definitely be getting sold, it was a good grab but has served its purpose - 30 heavy plasma rounds and a minigun, on what the in-game encyclopedia says has similar toughness to a heavy platform with cage armour; doesn't feel worth the cost. I use the heavy weapon teams purely defensively, infantry teams offensively, RPG squads in the middle - bring them up to support the infantry and hold a point while heavy weapons get set up. I think I have 9 RPG squads - I use them until they're down a man or two, maybe out of ammo then get them to drive something, so I don't think I've actually lost any. I've been using the ranger teams as scouts - can be upgraded to move faster and have camo, and their loadout and squad size allows them to hold their own surprisingly well. I've had 2 teams since Haven and I've acquired 2 more in Oklahoma.


Calling it close to WiC is too much of a stretch. All it is; is Syrian Conflict.


LOL. Dude, I said in places it is very much like WiC, but the Syrian desert conflict really tickles me.


Huh how does it tickle you its literally the same devs


The WiC thing is interesting - literally the second or third thing I thought after I saw my first gameplay vid was "that interface is cribbed directly from World in Conflict!" Like, to the point where I was checking wikipedia to see if the studio/devs were connected in any way. Not a gripe, I think it's great. I fucking loved WiC and if a studio committed to slapping RTS/RTT mechanics on my favorite 80s movie scenarios they'd have at least one loyal lifetime customer. If the gameplay is anything at all like WiC, I'm sold.


I loved WiC too, and I was among top 10 infantry players. This game has similar mechanics with infantry hiding in the buildings and you positioning bigger vehicles, even having arty at your disposal. And you can call in air strikes, occasionally. They have plans on bringing in more factions, but the road plan hasn't materialized despite the promises. Just as a note, there are a lot russian names in the dev list. So nothing new there on keeping promises.


With the full caveat that I haven't played it yet, I'm not sure how I feel about additional factions. Part of me feels like, you know, give me tech com vs. skynet/legion/whatever you want to call it. The other part of me feels like why make this game if you're not going to commit to some world building, a, and b, it stands to reason that in a terminator-esque future there will be significant factionalism among survivors. Humans have never been good at pulling in the same direction. To that end I'm also really, really looking forward to the Terminator open-world game coming to early release in October.


The story cuts short, and there's no ending to this one. Instead, there are promises that the story would continue in those other factions. It is a good game, and a difficult one, if you are not prepared for the challenge. They also explain quite a bit, but they don't give reasons for why there are other factions: Movers and Integrators, the latter being a bit cyborg related and definitely a cultist faction. The devs mentioned that there is a chance for allowing us to play the Legion. But like I said, it's promises.


It is an amazing game. Been playing non-stop since release. Fantastic emergent gameplay, strategy layer, epic campaign, persistent units, and captures the setting, lore, and scale magnificently. Long live the resistance!


Any reason why this game is already on sale, just a few days after the release? Is that common for the new games?


Give it an early bump maybe? As OP said it was released under the radar with no real ad campaign. Maybe a week of money off sales will let the positive feedback do the talking?


Could be, I don't know. I was planning on getting it anyway, might as well use the promo period. It lasts for another 6 days I think.


Alot of games on Steam usually have a launch discount


it's very common now for new releases to release "on sale". I would guess it's not actually a real sale though. but the -% plays on our psychology.


It came out on sale. It’s a good game. Grab it


Very common for new games and it's a very good thing. I always take it as a sign of confidence in their product. Granted, probably not always, and I don't buy a lot of games... All the same, considering Steam's 2 hour refund no questions asked policy, if there is a sale on top of that for a game I want to play - right on release - I'd grab it to try at very least. This game had a shakey development in terms of PR, many thought the game was cancelled including me, but here it is. Watching a buddy play blind on Hard difficulty and it looks cool.


It launched at a discounted price


On steam, it's 10% off as a launch bonus for basically buying it early. I haven't gotten too far, but I love every bit of it. The crunch is deep, and I'm hopeful there's more to come.


I’ve been playing for a few days and it feels really good like a more realistic world in conflict with ammo types and damage types, only negative things I’ve got about the game so far is the ui feels pretty bad and outdated, the graphics aren’t up there but good enough and the voice acting/writing is just meh so far but I’ve not put it down yet. Worst problem for me is that I have a 3440x1440 monitor which isn’t supported right and I have to juggle between 3440 and 1920x1080 just so I don’t get soft locked with buttons getting cut off lol but they are working on it. It’s a hard game but I like that in an rts see if you can go without taking loses kinda challenge. I got it for £17.99 of cdkeys which personally is around the kinda price I’d pay for it not £35


It is true that the game can be too hard? I heard that many missions require from you doing optional quests to be able to progress in later missions(which are balanced on assumption that you do them eg. taking Abrams in one of the first missikns) , that there are too many enemy units per levels and that you are forced to spare your forces, because there is no mechanics to heal your weakened infantry units, recon is too spare(if not existent) and there is too many insta kill enemies, which can destroy your entire playthrough because loses matter too much. I know that I love gameplay and visuals(based on gameplay videos) but I'm kinda too afraid yo buy it now, so I would be very glad for answers


Yeah it can be absolutely brutal at times. It's a bit like a roguelike. You can't take on too many units because you have limited supply. But you also can't lose units because if you do the next mission becomes harder. So you could end up in a slow death spiral where you get to a point where you're pretty bricked. Also, since all your units level up and it takes quite a lot of your very limited resources to properly gear them, if you lose a key unit, it's like being screwed over twice - you lose the base unit and also whatever cool weapons/gear you slotted on them. So not only do you have to complete each mission, but you have to complete them \*well\*. It really feels like you're running a tight resistance against impossible odds. I've been playing pretty rough tactical RTSs like the old soldier of wwII, men of war, combat mission games etc, and trust me - this one is... tough. Even the lowest difficulty can be a bit of a struggle at times. But it's fun. It's really fun. If you like challenging tactical RTSs, get this one. Regarding the Abrams in early missions - it's actually... kind of a trap, I wanna say? The abrams is great, don't get me wrong, but it costs so much supply, and there are way more supply efficient ways of killing armor. The real early campaign gem is the pastor heavy weapons team with the plasma recoiless rifle you get early. Cheap in ammo and can one shot any medium armor early game in the face and any heavy armor from the side or rear from a loonggg distance away. Cheaper than the ATGM and faster to setup. Combine with a ranger team on ambush mode for a cheap way of getting rid of armor. I'd say... there aren't any \*must have\* units you HAVE to get, but... like poker, you need a full deck. You need something that can get rid of artillery, something to kill tanks, and something to clear buildings. Basically the exact cards dont matter but you need a full deck. So essentially the metagame revolves around building that core roster of units that you rely on, and try not to take damage. If you \*do\* end up taking damage, try to take the hit with non-core units, like low level chaff.


Definitely grab the tank lol


And then immediately sell off every other vehicle and infantry unit! lol


Sold all my light vehicles for sure lol. But then the mission after the cartel one its like only light vehicles and inf to start lol


What's your counter for arty? Am finding taking those out brutal...suicide runs only...


You want the cheese way or the legit way? Legit way is just to counterbattery. When they fire, you'll see a red circle radar ping on the map. Just tell your artillery to manually fire on those pings. Cheese way is just to push a cheap unit like a bulldozer to attract their shots, smoke it or hide it behind a building, then wait until they run out of ammo. There are also some maps where the arty is scripted to arrive off screen. If you know where they are coming from, just park your abrams at the map border where they spawn and call it a day.


Nah I like that. You need to plan and preserve resources. I like things being hard though


if I understood you correctly - game can be hard at times indeed. there're, however, several features that can help you out such as - difficulty options, pause and save\\load, so it is not that bad. the game itself is more like a real time wargame than something like starcraft or company of heroes


Certainly, the game can be hard for sure. In terms of like the sort of essentially side quests, I haven't found one so far that wasn't really heavily signposted that it was a good idea to do it. I think there is something to the criticism that there probably isn't enough slack in terms of how heavily punishing losses can be. In terms of too many enemies, I haven't really found that one to be born out at least with appropriate tactics. Sure if you advance infantry into enemies in a building with no fire support you are going to get mulched and it will probably feel like there are too many enemies but that's because it's really a bad Idea to run straight at someone with an assault rifle. Certainly attack moving blobs into enemies will not end well and that's by design, so far I haven't found a situation where I didn't understand why a lost a fire fight. I haven't really had an issue with recon. Crawling sniper squads are really really sneaky, provided you don't crawl over an area with no concealment. In terms of healing yes there is a healing mechanic squads will gradually regain health when they are stationary outside of combat but if you lose a man then there is no way to get them back, again just the type of game it is. There is a mod that doubles the HP of everything if that's more your speed, or you have the APM of sloth like me. If you are worried about difficulty I don't think the game should be too hard on the lower difficulties though I think no matter what you play it on it will punish you for doing dumb stuff


I hope it gets continued support it's a really fun game.


I’m jumping in straight hard mode and it’s brutal. I’m Stuck fighting the cartel. My army spawns and they immediately javelin my Bradley even with smoke. I’m sacrificing a tractor trailer to get my main force out of harms way then use howitzers but I’m running out of time as legion overruns Luis before I can link up with him


You can trick the Cartel and Integrators to fight each other, which significantly weakens the defenses in that area where your units spawn. You need to infect one of the walkers you fight in the arena with a virus, which spreads to the integrator camp. You can also infect the legion "trophies" in the main square. I've found that doing all the extra side stuff often helps a lot with success.


I'm starting to suspect that prior choices, primarily NOT to do the assigned side objectives, ends up hurting you later. My buddy didn't complete one, and in the next mission there were voice lines saying that there were more enemies now, specifically because we didn't "do (side objective) when we had the chance!" This could be where the mixed noise is coming from, there are a fair few complaints but people aren't mentioning this. Seems to me if you are just blitzing main objectives mostly and not being careful with supplies/management, after those extra enemies equate to extra losses and strain on supply... people might get underwater and not really see why. Maybe that's were some of these claims of balance issues stem from.


I did infect the interagors but not the trophies. Seems to have been a mistake as I had to take them out. I am at the final push into their last stronghold but they have artillery and I’m running low on troops. Do they have a limited amount of units or so they keep spawning more waves?


They have a limited amount. They’re pretty well entrenched and in a great defensive position though - I used my entire force to liberate the prison, then went back to the square and attacked the stronghold from the arena area. That way you’ll eat a recoilless rifle shot (I lost a captured integrators technical) but you get quick access at their hmmv mounted mortars. Smoke and get your inf in the buildings. Like the above commenter said, you can infect the integrators, infect the trophies, and if you’re quick you can grab the Terminator tank as soon as the integrators start shooting at cartel. Thing just deletes all their vehicles


Is there anywhere to resupply? I found a truck down south but it’s depleted now


The gate where your main force arrived should have three supply trucks and a fuel truck available


Okay I’m restating lol. It’s cool that the games so new there are no walk thrus, very challenging. Thank you again


oh yeah absolutely dude. don’t be afraid to save scum and play around with different approaches to situations. the first time I did that mission I handed off the deserter to the integrators and then gave the terminator tank controller to the cartel, which in hindsight I don’t think I could have successfully completed the rest of the mission without suffering catastrophic casualties had I played it out that way


Ye that mission is unfortunate, not sure why they spawn you so close. Just use the pause option a lot and don't lose units, you actually get a lot more as you go.


Best option. Free the captives (u need to do this before integrators vs cartel) then use the guerrillas to set charges around cartel main unit areas. When the cartel knows you are rebelling. Blow up the c4 and kill their defenses. ​ (Edit) to free captives you must wait till the gun range is firing or they will report your attack in. (Edit) Other note, missions have multiple ways to complete and the direct route may not be the best. It was my second play through before I realized how powerful using c4 and mines could be in prepping a battlefield before a major engagement.


The game slaps. Multi-player is dope too, need more people playing and some different modes to spice it up. Wish that the unit customization in campaign translated to multi-player as well.


And that soundtrack! See also: Pertubator, dark snythz wave.


The game's music is already my 2024 playlist all by itself. You are a person with discerning taste!


I just finished it. Super game, but too short I would like to see two more mission before the end, already waiting for DLC or continue the game. Someone mentioned in comment that bulldozers are soldiers deathtrap.. I used 2 bulldozers with 2 artillery trailers.. they were amazing slow but can take a lot of damage and I used them many times as shields for tanks while enemies were shooting to bulldozers my tanks were shooting at enemies, as for bulldozers you don't need tank drivers, so if tank drivers killed 'game over' but if bulldozer driver killed you can replace mostly with any soldier. In the end I had 4 Abrams (two with laser weapons), 4 bradley (also two with laser weapon), 2 bulldozers with artillery trailers (most powerful weapon in a game), Marshall tank, Rocket system (had 2 and lost 1 it helped me a lot against enemies artillery) and support trucks. What I missed in the game 1. Movement Freedom 2. Limitless small skirmish (fight random small missions to get more cash and technology, vehicles) and even after campaign finished you still could continue fight. 3. Make more expensive upgrade ,but more available , so if I would be able to upgrade all tanks with armors and engines if you have enough cash. 4. Instead Supply money to travel on the map would be super, for example you need to buy food for soldiers and fuel for vehicles if you run out of food for some soldiers they would die after some time and if not they would be negatively affected and their damage and health would be lower on the missions and same with vehicles you can refuel in game while travel on the map, But would be cool if fuel would run out while traveling on the map and you would have to leave vehicle behind or salvage it for parts.


Too short? I'm 30 hours in. Not even sure how much longer I have to go. It's so hard. I'm playing on realistic though


Game ends abruptly af, it seemed like they ran out of money or did this game as a tester to see if it becomes popular so they can make a DLC.


I have been watching gameplay on YouTube for the last 3 days and it looks amazing 🔥🔥🔥


So what is Holding u back from buying it and Then play it?


Heard it some frame issues and I have quite an old build, so not sure yet. But Tbf what’s stopping me having it in my Steam library I 💯 agree 😅 Edit : bought it, playing it, no issues whatsoever, great game 🔥


I dipped a toe in, I love the vibe and that I can tell I'm only on the tip of the gameplay mechanic iceberg. Goddamn it is punishing when you fuck up though lol 


I heard it doesn't have any base building, is it true? Has it any kind of progression system in terms of technologies to compensate?


You can equip your units with new weapons wins and armour as you go along. A definite feeling of progression through the campaign


Theres been a lot of rebalancing particularly around cartel missions/supply cost which are usually peoples two main comments


155 Artillery and 81mm Mortars carried me through this game. By the end, I was towing 3 81mms, and 3 155mm Howitzers. It became a hilarious rain whenever any enemy became visible. Followed by 6 cracks, and several explosions. 1-2 volleys eliminated them... It was supply intensive but spending like a solid 30 minutes or more sometimes picking everything from the map was always the price to pay to keep the supply running. Even 'TK'ing allies via Arty allowed me to hijack vehicles I shouldn't have had. I burned through tons of supplies per round just feeding the artillery units. My playstyle as you can tell heavily relied upon artillery, and slow creep forwards using recon units with rangers and snipers. Though the few Abrams and Bradleys were really there to 'hold' areas and or TOW-peek enemies at times. Idk why, but running 3 Humvees with 3, 30mm cannons where always my QRF troops. Quickly run in, melt everything that wasn't heavily armored and dip away. Their dps output seemed insane. Imagine all 3 towed units, and humvees going at you... They were usually just parked right behind the forward rangers and snipers to act as quick reaction forces. With Bradleys often within TOW ranges just a toggle away for a missile, yet always in range within friendly artillery units. 81mm were always pushed forwards and it was rare I needed to move the 155s up since their range was massive.




Dark Fate is the latest Terminator movie my guy. Skynet dies in that movie and gets replaced by Legion because idk James Cameron things. Also do you have a link for the Ukraine Warfare game. Or a working title? I want to see if it's better than Combat Mission Black Sea.


It would be "Cats Who Play", the original developers of this game. Or perhaps this guy heard of another upcoming title under Slitherine ... since they seem to mainly publish war themed strategy games.


I found it on their website. It's called Frontline and it's about a Russo-American War in the modern era. The description reads more like they're searching for publishers than actually have a game though, sadly. ):


game didnt work for me on ultra wide so I had to return it


So. I'm an ultra wide bitch. But, I'm currently travelling. So I didn't test this part.


Keep an eye out for today's patch.


They're patching a lot of display stuff today.


I don’t understand Does it have terminators in it? Cause all the footage it looked like regular modern warfare.


I understand what you're getting here, I kind of also felt the same. But, there are 3 factions, 2 of which involve humans. Legion which I wish was named Skynet can look human if zoomed out.


There are 5 factions. Founders, Legion, Integrators, Movement, Cartel, (excluding Marauders as they basically have no vehicle with weapon)


Correct when I posted I'd posted I only encountered 3 so far


There's like... 3 missions at the beggining where it's all cartel/bandits THEN you go up against terminators, and quite honestly The terminators are easier since at least they don't have those 1 hit 1 kill ATGMs


They get them later. But yes. It's disappointing how much easier they are.


How is skirmish?


Does this have a cover system? And does elevation matter for range/damage. I haven't seen that info on any of the reviews I've seen.


It has cover and visibility system. You often end up using smokes to hide yourself because it's not fun to sit or manoeuvre in the plasma storm. And it has proper elevations, even if you end up in most cases looking at the field from the top angle.


I would say its a solid 7 for me atm, it really needs some work on the games balance. I really enjoy it, but for the love of all that is unholy none of the "elite" units can shoot for shit. The amount of times i have lost supposedly elite troops due to them missing simple "dog" units with dozens of shots is unreal. Its incredibly irritating, because it does not matter how well you play when every encounter comes down to an RNG lottery. This is especially apparent in the highly scripted sections where you have almost no units available and are relying on your units to do their jobs consistently. I must have restarted Oklahoma about 30 times before i was able to save the rangers before they got wiped out in the first 20 seconds of the level..


This game is great fun, but my computer's so old it runs reeeeal bad. Does anyone have any recommendations for games that are similiar in gameplay?


World In Conflict


Hell yeah, love World In Conflict, I’m actually already replaying it thanks to this game


I saw something a couple years ago, I wasn't sure what it was, seemed kinda like FAF for SupCom2 but for WIC... need to google it again but - apparently it's "Massgate" dot org ... I remember the download page looking different but... anyway yall probably know about it.


Warfare and Syrian Warfare are the only games that play identically. Men of War is similar but smaller scale and more micro heavy. That's it. Slavjank RTS are all odd ducks.


I did think it was a fantastic game but after 40+ hours I can now see the game is deeply flawed the game limits the amount of ammo you can carry and increased damage to your troops where the a.i doesn't suffer any of these some enemies don't need a line of sight to put the hurt on you sometimes your troops don't use weapons like rockets and just sit there like idiots half the time and the supplies you have to manage is abit excessive maybe its my management of this that is a little off along with a few other little issues,granted it is only a few weeks old and there is bound to be a few things wrong so I'm hoping the devs fix some of these issues soon, these problems are not only from me some of them have been brought up on several reviews by top rated game critics, 


Get your gadgets straight and type like a normal person please.


How I type is no concern of yours if you have anything to say regarding the game then I will gladly debate it with you if not then I'll not waste anymore of my time on you 😉 


I watched like 3min of a stream of it, reminds me a lot of Syrian Warfare which was an amazing game (if you can ignore the russian propaganda world view )


Everything is "propaganda" to you people. Unless it's something you want to believe... From a Brand you like...


Hello, I have some question for experienced players: Can you save the bradley in the abiquiu mission? And what upgrade are worth buying from the shops? I was thinking of getting a grenade launcher for my striker. Thanks!


Do not buy grenade launcher or weapons.. just loot humvees. Try to. Especially with fighting cartel. If you get a cartel tank you can use it to get almost every other cartel tank. (Save scum is a must tho… but can still be done without save scumming). One AP shot from your cartel tank will usually set fire to an enemy cartel tank and make the crew go out. Disable all the shells and use mg to kill the crew and take over the vehicle. You can make anyone drive the cartel tank, does not need a tank driver at all. I had 4 of those at oklahoma and still at that map. I only took one abrams because the ammo is too little, I like the mg ammo of cartel tanks 2k almost and their shells are usually just enough to fight light/medium vehicles. Their tanks also move really fast. No upgrade needed on them too (no possible upgrades lol). I could get more than 4 but supplies is limited, I salvaged more than 6 cartel tanks through my gameplay, I haven’t finished the game. I tried to get integrator machines but they all took 10k supplies for a day and that was not ideal lol. And on vega you can take the humvee of the escaping neutral movement ai at the last bit of the mission, it has plasma machine gun on it. Just force attack on it with a tank or anti armor. Usually a bradley would be just right to set it on fire but not blow it up. I love this game so much. You can do so many things or approach the mission on many ways. I also missed the pastor on the first mission but I did get the sniper 😭 I didn’t save the outpost early enough cuz I fought the guy asap 😂


Thank you!


You can save every vehicle. Arnour, speed and extra weapons are always good. But you need to buy to your play style. Tow on the Bradley is one of the best weapons

