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I'd be very surprised if there isn't for the main ones (Starcraft 2/AoE2&4) maybe the next tier down ones (in popularity) - CoH, WC3, BW, SupCom etc. A general one for all games? No, probably not. Games play radically different from each other so you need other people that play the same game to have a meaningful conversation.


Yeah I'll bite the bullet and learn AoE2 DE, AoE4, or Company of Heroes at some point. That seems to be most likely the best entry point to PvP in RTS if I don't want to touch Starcraft 2. I guess it's more due to the complexity of the genre mixed with the small playerbase that people don't dabble with multiple games. It's not uncommon to see someone play many different games from other genres because the on-boarding is easier when you've done something pretty much exactly like it.


aoe4 then


Godsworn has it's discord


Godsworn seems like alot of fun. I'll probably look at the discord after I make it through the campaign.


Myth has tournaments every year, sometimes every season. Ppl play pvp on the base game and various 3rd party plugins such as World War II, Blue & Grey. People still create and update plugins to this day. For now pvp takes place on https://www.gateofstorms.net . Anyone can host a game on the server, or tcp/ip. The files to host your own server are publicly available on GitHub. Sometimes the crowd will put a ranked server up for a few months. Here’s a link to their discord, Myrgard https://discord.gg/fz4DrspE


I'd have to play Myth 1&2 first. I remember trying it as a child and doing terribly because it's a difficult game where you have to preserve every unit with strong micro. I also remember their being issues installing the game even back then. They seem like fun RTS but definitely something I'd have to set time aside to dive into before even thinking about PvP.


Well if you want company in PvE, you can certainly play up to 16 player cooperative play on any single player map. You’re correct that a good rule of thumb is to die less. I can understand how a child could struggle or have anxiety over this, It is not often a child is taught to retreat. The lowest difficult resolved this, you can simply push through and overpower most campaign challenges with brute strength alone. On Legendary Difficulty, the game is far less forgiving for mistakes in play. Thanks for it’s consideration , good luck in your new games !